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Escola Secundria Dr Manuel Gomes de Almeida Espinho

Teste de Ingls 8 ano




A. Listen to someone talk about teenage leisure in the UK.

As you listen, say if these statements are true or false.
1. .. Not many teenagers play in the street with their friends.
2. .. About 90% of British teenagers like playing computer games.
3. .. Girls are more interested than boys in computers.
4. .. British teenagers watch less TV than teenagers in other European countries.
5. .. They prefer watching TV only after classes.
6. .. More than 50% have a TV set in the bedroom.
7. .. Now there are more teenagers playing team sports than 40 years ago.
8. .. They criticize the government for not providing cheap gyms for them.
B. Read the following text about Meg Scott, a teen boxer.
Boxing is popular in our family. My mum used to box, and even my three-year-old brother, Liam,
cant wait for a pair of gloves! But it was my Aunt Marian, who runs a boxing club, who introduced me to
it when I was 12. The first time I went to one of her classes, I absolutely loved it. We started with
stretches* to warm up and circuit training, before putting on gloves and practising punches on pads.
Afterwards, I was full of energy. Boxing became my number one hobby.
I was bored doing traditional girls sports like netball - boxing is much more exciting! It's always
really good to get your frustrations out on the pads or punch bag. When I have a bad day at school, I
always feel much better after boxing! It doesn't make me feel aggressive, just really relaxed. I'm not a
violent person and I certainly don't have fights outside the ring.
Boxing's definitely a sport for girls. It's excellent self defence, and it keeps you fit. It's good for
keeping your body in shape. My step-dad thinks my boxing hobby is great. He and my mum are really
I haven't had a real boxing match yet, but I've been in the ring with a couple of girls. We have to
wear headgear* and chest pads*, so it's not like I can get really hurt. The only time I've been hurt is
when I got hit in the neck once.
My friends were surprised when I first got into boxing, but they are really supportive. Some boys
I know don't agree with girls boxing. "Look out for her," they joke when they see me. They're always
telling me that boxing is a man's sport, but that's not true girls can do any sport boys can! Anyone
who says they can't is just being ridiculous and selfish.
in Sugar Magazine (abridged and adapted), quoted in Cool Zone Texto Editores 2007, pp 56-57
ES Dr Manuel Gomes de Almeida - Espinho
OLima, Dezembro 2010




*Glossary: stretches: alongamentos; headgear: espcie de capacete para proteger a cabea; chest pads:
almofadas para proteger o peito

1. Match the words/expressions on the Ieft with their meaning on the right.
a. popular
b. run
c. hobby
d. pads
e. the ring
f. keep you fit

.. be responsible for
.. keep you in shape
.. square platform where boxers fight
.. activity done in spare time for pleasure or relaxation
.. very liked and appreciated
.. soft protections

2. Find evidence in the text for the following sentences.

a. Boxing runs in the family.
b. In her opinion the so-called girls' sports aren't exciting.
c. Boxing doesn't make her violent.
d. Boxing equipment protects her.
e. Boys and girls can do the same sports.
3. Answer these questions on the text.
a. Meg has an unusual hobby. How important were her mum and aunt in her choice?
b. What do her parents think of this hobby?
c. What equipment does she need to do boxing?
d. Is it possible to get hurt?
e. What opinion do some boys have about her?
f. In your opinion can girls do boxing? Explain.
ES Dr Manuel Gomes de Almeida - Espinho
OLima, Dezembro 2010




C. Fill in the gaps with reflexive pronouns.

1. We amused ...................... by playing cards yesterday evening.
2. She put the plates on the table and told them to help ...................... to the food.
3. Tom hurt ...................... when he was playing football.
4. Be careful, Jane! That plate is very hot. Don't burn ......................
5. I'm not angry with you. I'm angry with ......................
6. They never think about other people. They only think about ......................
7. When people are alone, they often talk to ......................
8. 8he police say that the woman shot ...................... with a gun.
9. Don't pay for me. I want to pay for ......................
10. He fell off the ladder but he didn't hurt ......................
11. I'd like to know more about you, Sally. Tell me about ...................... .
12. Goodbye Joe and Maggy! Have a good holiday and look after ...................... !
D. Complete the sentences below with the gerund of these verbs:
be / do / get up / go / have / listen / make / watch
1. I can't stand ..................................... early in the morning.
2. Steve and Ann love ..................................... to football matches.
3. Jack doesn't like ..................................... his bed.
4. David hates ..................................... to music when he is driving.
5. I don't really like ..................................... alone in the house at night.
6. Do you like ..................................... parties?
7. Jane can't stand ..................................... the ironing.
8. Jim likes ..................................... television in the kitchen.
E. Fill in with the correct forms of the verbs in brackets, the Present Simple or the Present Continuous.
On Saturday afternoons my friends and I usually ..................................... (1. meet) at one of our
homes and we ..................................... (2. play) cards or ..................................... (3. watch) TV. We
..................................... (4. not hang out) in the street because it ..................................... (5. not be)
safe. Today is Saturday but we ..................................... (6. not have) fun at home. It ..........................
(7. be) Susan's birthday and we ..................................... (8. enjoy) ourselves at the bowling alley.
Look! Right now Susan ..................................... (9. throw) a ball.
At weekends my friends sometimes ..................................... (10. sleep) over. We usually
..................................... (11. talk) and ..................................... (12. Iaugh) till Iate. On Sundays we
..................................... (13. not get up) early to go to school so we always ..................................... (14.
sleep) till late. But now we ..................................... (15. talk) because we ..................................... (16.
feel) very tired and at the moment we ..................................... (17. get) ready to go to bed.
ES Dr Manuel Gomes de Almeida - Espinho
OLima, Dezembro 2010




F. What do you like doing on your free time? List some things you like doing and give your reasons.


ES Dr Manuel Gomes de Almeida - Espinho

OLima, Dezembro 2010

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