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Name: _____________________________ NO.

Class: ______ Date: ___________________________

Evaluation Test
6th grade

Teacher: _______________ Tutor: __________________

Part I - Listening
1 Listen to the hobbies and write numbers according to the order you listen to.


By: Teacher Ana Catarina Rocha

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Part II Reading Comprehension

Read the text carefully.
This is Joe Sullivan! He is thirteen years old and he is in the 8 th grade! He studies at
St. Johns School in London but he isnt an excellent student. Right now, he is at
home waiting for his best friend, Patrick, and thinking about his girlfriend, Nicole.
Patrick has just arrived and he is talking to Joe:
Patrick: Hi Joe! How are you?
Joe: Im fine, and you?
Patrick: Fine, too! What are you doing?
Joe: Im watching TV! I love The Simpsons!
Patrick: And your mother, whats she doing?
Joe: I dont know but I think shes cooking!
Patrick: Is your father at home?
Joe: Yes, he is! He is having a shower!
Patrick: What about Nicole? Is she out riding
her bike?
Joe: No, she isnt. She is studying English! My sister is with her.
Patrick: Where are they?
Joe: They are at the citys library. My sister is coming back home at five oclock.
Patrick: Look! Ive got a new DVD! Its an action film. Do you want to watch?
Joe: OK! And then we could listen to the new Black eyed peas CD.
Patrick: Sounds great!

1 Write True (T) or False (F) according to the text.

a) Joe is 13 years old.e) Joes mother is sleeping.b) He is an excellent student.f) Joes

father is having a shower.c) Joe doesnt have a girlfriend.g) Nicole is out riding her bike.d)
Patrick is Joes brother.h) Joes sister is studying with Nicole.

By: Teacher Ana Catarina Rocha

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1.1- Correct the false sentences.

By: Teacher Ana Catarina Rocha

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2 Answer the questions about the text.

By: Teacher Ana Catarina Rocha

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a) Where is Joe?
b) What is Joe watching?
c) Is Joes father riding his bike?
d) Whats Joes mother doing?
e) Whats Nicole doing?
f) Where is Joes sister?
g) What are Joe and Patrick going to watch?

Part III - Grammar

By: Teacher Ana Catarina Rocha

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1 Look at the chart and write sentences about what Richard can and cant do. Follow
the example.

eat a whole cake in 5 minutes

cook lasagne

swim for 30 minutes

fly a helicopter.

repair a car

1. Richard can eat a whole cake in 5 minutes.

2. Richard_________________________________________________________.
3. Richard_________________________________________________________.
4. Richard_________________________________________________________.
5. Richard_________________________________________________________.

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2 Look at the chart again. Complete the questions and/ or the answers like in
sentence number
1. Can he eat a cake in 5 minutes? Yes, he can.
2. Can he cook lasagne? ______________________________________________.
3. ________________________for 30 minutes?____________________________.
4. _________________________________________?_______________________.
5. _________________________________________?_______________________.

3 Write the verbs in brackets in the Present Continuous. Follow the example.

Its Saturday and the sun (1)

is shining



(shine). Patrick and Joe (2)






______________________ (take) orange juice, apples, bananas, and sandwiches.

They also have two towels because they (4) _______________________ (go) to
swim. Right now they (5) ___________________________(sit) under a tree. Patrick












__________________________(swim) in the river.

A dog (9) ______________________ (eat) their food but they cant see it because








_______________________ (go) away with some food in its mouth.

4 Build sentences in the Present Continuous.

E.g. She / cook / not / fish.

She is not cooking fish

1. He / to eat / an apple / . ____________________________________________.

2. They / to run / not / . _______________________________________________.
3. You / to sit / in the caf / ?___________________________________________.
4. We / to play / tennis /.________________________________________________.
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5. I / to sleep / not /.___________________________________________________.

Part IV - Writing

Imagine you are at a summer camp and you are learning a new sport. Write a
letter to a friend. Use the questions to help.
Where are you? Do you like it
What sport are you learning?
How many hours a day do you

Is the weather good?

Have you got any new friends?
What do you do in the evenings?


By: Teacher Ana Catarina Rocha

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