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Working Effectively with Paraprofessional in the Classroom Reflection

One of the problems in the school can be staff members infectively using
Paraprofessionals or Instructional Assistants. These staff members are hired to help
reach the fullest potential of the students in the school. I went to an in-service on
how they can be used effectively in the classroom. This in-services covered correct
communication between teachers and paraprofessionals, expectations, meetings,
training, scheduling, feedback, and tips teachers can use.
Just like any relationship communication is keeps the success in the
classroom at a high percentage. This is critical for staff members to communicate
for all students to be successful and for the teaching relationship to be successful.
The communication needs to be at a couple of different times and a couple of
different ways. First communication needs to be daily; discuss priorities, plan,
changes, and new development with a child. This daily communication can happen
by post-it around the room or shared notebook. For high school setting a liked the
notebook idea, where teachers can communicated about daily objectives without
the students listening. Weekly or monthly needs to be a priority so that all
information is exchanged. Time is our worst enemy, if we put off communication
issues and other problems between staff will build up.
In a classroom there needs to be clear expectations between the staff
member and the paraprofessional. These expectations are for both adults. It could
be the use of cell phones, or the role of the paraprofessional while in the classroom.
It is important that the teacher teaches the paraprofessional how to act in their
classroom. Teachers need to think about it like a back to school for the staff
meeting. This will ensure that the classrooms are running smoothly.
Scheduling is completed by the administration and the head of department of
special education. As a teacher it is important to think about what type of
paraprofessional you would like to see in your classroom. As administration it is
important to consider what each paraprofessional strengths, hours, needs for
students, and smooths transitions. For the school it is important to try and put the
paraprofessionals in the correct room so the students and staff can both be
successful. For the administration they can also send the paraprofessional to
trainings to help with how to work in the classroom. Not all paraprofessionals get
trained on how to work in the classroom. Nor do staff get a course or training on
how to work with paraprofessionals correctly. It is important for all staff to use the
training to better the classroom environment.
Even though the paraprofessionals do not get observed by the administration
it is important for staff members to give feedback on what they are doing well and
what someone can improve on. This feedback can reach the department head to for
next years placement. Also if any issues arise, when going to the administration it
important to have this feedback as well.
After going to this training it is important to put a staff development training
with paraprofessionals and teachers together. Using my building I would find a
paraprofessional and teacher work well together. Id have a meeting with them with

what works and how they make it work. I would want them to put an hour and half
presentation. Id prefer if the staff would be hands-on with their own
paraprofessionals. This time would only be a start to training, and would need to be
done with new teachers and as a refresher.

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