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Please rank each criteria 1 to 5, with 5 as the highest rating.

Name/number Quals Meritorious level of attainment in two Evidence of relevant Ability and experience to play a Demonstrated ability Demonstrated Overall
Relevant areas (for level C) or satisfactory in 4 discipline and industry leadership [SL only] role in the to work in capacity to build comment
doctoral (for level B) of the following (one in experience in the creative development, delivery and collaboration with effective industry & score
qualification or teaching performance and leadership or side of advertising management of flexible, other disciplines to networks
equivalent research and scholarship) authentic, work integrated develop and deliver
accreditation or learning environments for courses
standing postgraduate programs
Academic Copy writing, art direction and
leadership production management
Teaching across
Performanc • Print
e and • TV
leadership • radio
Professiona • web-based delivery
l leadership
Academic Copy writing, art direction and
leadership production management
Teaching across
Performanc • Print
e and • TV
leadership • radio
Professiona • web-based delivery
l leadership
Academic Copy writing, art direction and
leadership production management
Teaching across
Performanc • Print
e and • TV
leadership • radio
Professiona • web-based delivery
l leadership
Academic Copy writing, art direction and
leadership production management
Teaching across
Performanc • Print
e and • TV
leadership • radio
Professiona • web-based delivery
l leadership

Academic Copy writing, art direction and
leadership production management
Teaching across
Performanc • Print
e and • TV
leadership • radio
Professiona • web-based delivery
l leadership
Academic Copy writing, art direction and
leadership production management
Teaching across
Performanc • Print
e and • TV
leadership • radio
Professiona • web-based delivery
l leadership
Academic Copy writing, art direction and
leadership production management
Teaching across
Performanc • Print
e and • TV
leadership • radio
Professiona • web-based delivery
l leadership

Name/number Quals Meritorious level of attainment in two Evidence of relevant Ability and experience to play a Demonstrated ability Demonstrated Overall
Relevant areas (for level C) or satisfactory in 4 discipline and industry leadership [SL only] role in the to work in capacity to build comment
doctoral (for level B) of the following (one in experience in the creative development, delivery and collaboration with effective industry & score
qualification or teaching performance and leadership or side of advertising management of flexible, other disciplines to networks
equivalent research and scholarship) authentic, work integrated develop and deliver
accreditation or learning environments for courses
standing postgraduate programs
Academic Copy writing, art direction and
leadership production management
• Print
• TV
• radio
• web-based delivery
e and
l leadership
Academic Copy writing, art direction and
leadership production management
• Print
• TV
• radio
• web-based delivery
e and
l leadership
Academic Copy writing, art direction and
leadership production management
• Print
• TV
• radio
• web-based delivery
e and

l leadership
Academic Copy writing, art direction and
leadership production management
Teaching across
Performanc • Print
e and • TV
leadership • radio
Professiona • web-based delivery
l leadership
Academic Copy writing, art direction and
leadership production management
Teaching across
Performanc • Print
e and • TV
leadership • radio
Professiona • web-based delivery
l leadership
Academic Copy writing, art direction and
leadership production management
Teaching across
Performanc • Print
e and • TV
leadership • radio
Professiona • web-based delivery
l leadership
Academic Copy writing, art direction and
leadership production management
Teaching across
Performanc • Print
e and • TV
leadership • radio
Professiona • web-based delivery
l leadership

To assist with rating in the areas pertaining to each heading as well as to maintain consistency the
ratings refer to the following levels of achievement in relation to a Level B or C in Creative

5: Very high level of achievement and/or extensive experience

4: High level of achievement and/or high potential or good experience
3: Satisfactory achievement and some experience in the area
2: Minimal achievement and experience
1: No relevant experience for the position

To further assist with ratings below is a general description of the kind of activities expected under the
various headings for this position.

SC 1 - Qualifications

Relevant doctoral qualification or equivalent

SC 2

Meritorious level of attainment in two of the four areas of achievement and

satisfactory level of attainment in the two remaining areas of achievement (See
below for Levels of Attainment).

1. Academic leadership
2. Teaching performance and leadership (Meritorious for Level C or satisfactory if
meritorious for research)
3. Research and scholarship (Meritorious for Level C or satisfactory if meritorious for
4. Professional leadership


Satisfactory attainment is defined as:

• With respect to academic leadership satisfactory attainment means that applicants

must have participated regularly in administrative functions within a University.
• With respect to teaching performance and leadership satisfactory attainment means
that applicants must provide evidence that they have at least carried out the teaching duties
reasonably assigned to them by their Head of School with an acceptable level of competence,
and a record of at least `average' reports from formal student evaluations of teaching.
• With respect to research and scholarship satisfactory attainment means that
applicants must have established a record of research and scholarly activity normally
evidenced by continuing publications in refereed journals, books, conferences, or appropriate
non-print media.
• With respect to professional leadership satisfactory attainment means that applicants
have participated regularly in the affairs of relevant professional bodies and community groups
and/or in professional practice and/or in development of continuing education programs for the

Meritorious attainment is defined as:

• With respect to academic leadership meritorious attainment entails the conditions for
satisfactory attainment in this area, together with evidence of leadership and/or innovation on
more than a minor scale within a University.
• With respect to teaching performance and leadership meritorious attainment entails
the conditions for satisfactory achievement in this area, with the additional requirement that

independent evidence is provided to support a claim of notable achievement in regard to
leadership and instruction of University students or staff and innovations in and leadership of
teaching in a discipline. Such independent evidence may include formal evaluations
consistently at an `above average' standard by current or past course participants and senior
colleagues and evaluations of teaching materials for use in universities.
• With respect to research and scholarship meritorious attainment entails the
conditions of satisfactory achievement in this area, with the additional requirement that the
applicant is actively engaged in scholarly work of high order and has attained significant
external recognition, for example by publication, demonstrated where available by reference to
citation statistics.
• With respect to professional leadership meritorious attainment entails the conditions
for satisfactory attainment in this area, plus the expectation that applicants have taken, for
example, an active and influential role in relevant professional bodies and/or community
groups; such leadership could be demonstrated by regular presentations at conferences and by
the taking of a leadership role in relevant national and international organisations.

Academic leadership

Promotion to Level B Promotion to Level C

Achievements in a number of areas which may include, but will Evidence of achievement for promotion to Level B; and
not be limited to, the following examples:
Achievements in a number of areas which may include, but will
• Contribution to administration, policy development not be limited to, the following examples:
and/or membership of Faculty or University committees.
• Contribution to the development of the Faculty/area • Public or professional standing or recognition.
strategic/ operational plans including social justice • A range of administrative functions connected with units
objectives. and/or courses taught.
• A range of administrative functions connected with • Involvement in or responsibility for management or
units taught. administrative activities within a Faculty or area.
• Contributions to cross faculty and cross sectoral • Contribution to the development of the University’s
cooperation in pursuit of University objectives. strategic and top level plans and to Faculty or area
• Liaison and interdisciplinary relationships across operational plans
discipline areas, Faculties and institutions
• Experience in delivering and/or coordinating large
and complex units including locating and contacting guest
lecturers and briefing them.
• Ability to work proactively with staff that includes a
large and complex sessional staff component

Teaching performance and leadership

Level B Level C

Achievements in a number of areas which may include, but will Evidence of achievement for promotion to Level B; and
not be limited to, the following examples:
Achievements in a number of areas which may include, but will
• Preparation and delivery of a range of learning experiences. not be limited to, the following examples:
• Supervision of programs of study for final year
undergraduate students. • Supervision of programs of study for final year
• Associate supervision of project work of honours or post undergraduate or honours, or post graduate students engaged
graduate coursework students. in course work.
• Consultation with students. • Supervision of honours or post graduate research projects
• Conduct of both formative and summative assessment. and students.
• Contribution to improved teaching and learning, including • Teaching which can be regarded as innovative rather than
the introduction of new or improved teaching and learning just the application of techniques.
processes. • Innovative contribution to the methodology of teaching and
• Effective participation in teaching teams. learning.
• Contribution to the quality assurance and • Promoting student development and welfare, such as
improvement of academic programs. participating in a student mentoring scheme.
• Participation in the design and implementation of • Contribution to the substantial improvement of existing

Level B Level C
existing courses. award units and the introduction of new units.
• Effective participation in the implementation of the • Initiation and development of subject material.
Faculty Teaching and Learning Strategy. • Contribution to the design of new and existing courses,
• A record of at least 'average' reports from formal subject areas, majors, years or units.
student evaluations of teaching. • Mentoring for the purpose of developing teaching
• Progress toward appropriate tertiary qualifications in competence in others.
higher education teaching. • Formal evaluations consistently at an `above average'
• Scholarly teaching including: standard by current or past course participants and senior
 the implementation of novel approaches to integrating colleagues and evaluations of teaching materials for use in
scholarly development into teaching programs universities.
 contribution to the formation of productive cross • Evidence of quality outcomes in post graduate
disciplinary linkages. supervision such as SEPS, timely completions, etc.
• Level of experience/innovation in: • Appropriate tertiary qualifications in higher education
 Preparing and presenting materials for teaching, or significant progress towards such
lectures/tutorials, small group teaching and assessment qualifications.
 Contributing to improvement of teaching and learning • Scholarly teaching including:
– particularly online environments  the development of novel approaches to integrating
 Embedding international and indigenous perspectives scholarly development into teaching programs
• Appropriate level of qualifications and depth of  contribution to the formation of productive cross
knowledge of content area to the areas of work (ie units disciplinary linkages.
expected to teach/contribute to - see description of specific
content listed below)
• Assessment process experiences – eg. Student and
peer evaluations of teaching
• Innovation/experience in teaching delivery such as
online sites, approaches to flexible and self-directed
• Consultation and supporting students
• Strategies to improve the theory/practice nexus and
students’ interest and participation in the theory aspects of
their course
• Any other skills or area of expertise which could add
a new or alternative dimension to the teaching profile of the
discipline or faculty

Research and scholarship

Promotion to Level B Promotion to Level C

Achievements in a number of areas which may include, but will Evidence of achievement for promotion to Level B; and
not be limited to, the following examples:
Achievements in a number of areas which may include, but will
• Research in or related to the discipline area(s) of the not be limited to, the following examples:
• Publications (eg articles in refereed journals; professional • National recognition of the quality and impact of the
journals; edited books; patents - provisional and/or research and scholarship undertaken including:
innovative - etc), presentations which indicate a contribution  Major authorship of publications
to the area of expertise.  Thesis examination
• Publications, current and/or in train, involvement in  Invitations to address national conferences/ seminars
conferences  The award of prizes
• Contribution to departmental and university team research.  Member of editorial boards
• Collaborative research with other organisations/educational  Citations
institutions.  External research funding
• The practice and/or critique of creative works and design, • Publications (eg articles in refereed journals; professional
including their public exhibition. journals; edited books; patents - provisional and/or
• Successful grant applications including internal grants. innovative - etc), presentations which indicate a significant
• Research into tertiary education and/or continuing contribution to the area of expertise.
education from the perspective of the applicant’s discipline • Citation level
• Relevance of research and scholarship to QUT’s • Leadership in QUT’s research culture including
mission and goals.  involvement or inclusion of other QUT staff to
• Contribution to QUT’s research culture including research programs,
collaborative work with other QUT staff in research  research mentoring.

Promotion to Level B Promotion to Level C
• Applied research to serve a useful social or commercial
purpose (regardless of whether the work is publishable in
its own right or subject to commercial in confidence
• Supervisory outcomes (i.e. any successful RHD
• Any other skills or area of expertise which could add a new
or alternative dimension to the research profile of the
discipline or faculty
• Relevance to the areas of work (ie units expected to
teach/contribute to/ faculty/discipline research priorities)
• Level and relevance of academic qualifications and current
or planned further study as appropriate

Professional leadership
Promotion to Level B Promotion to Level C

Achievements in a number of areas which may include, but will Evidence of achievement for promotion to Level B; and
not be limited to, the following examples: Achievements in a number of areas which may include, but will
not be limited to, the following examples:
• Membership of relevant professional bodies or
community groups or participation in professional practice • Public or professional standing or recognition.
or in the development and delivery of continuing education • Developing and maintaining relevant links with the
programs for the profession (local, national or international community, industry and government.
industry and/or educational organisations) • Development and delivery of continuing education
programs for the profession.
• Development of continuing education/professional
• Participation in professional bodies and learned societies.
programs for the industry– and level of success
• Involvement in the wider community and contribution to
• Involvement in consulting work with the community,
external boards, committees, commissions or similar bodies
industry and government conducted through the University.
of relevance to the University.
• A range of administrative functions connected with • A range of administrative functions connected with units
units taught in the discipline. and/or courses taught.
• Involvement in or responsibility for management or
administrative activities within a Faculty, discipline(s) or
• Contribution to the development of the University’s
strategic and top level plans and to Faculty or discipline(s)
operational plans

SC 3

Evidence of relevant discipline and industry experience in the creative side of

advertising (including copy writing, art direction and production management
across various media including print, TV, radio and web-based delivery).

 Senior director/director or contributor to copy writing, art direction and production

management across various media including print, TV, radio and web-based delivery.
 Internal and external awards (and role in achieving them)
 Number and level of works (agency size, project size, success levels)

SC 3

Level C - Ability and experience to play a leadership role in the development,

delivery and management of flexible, authentic, work integrated learning
environments for postgraduate programs

 Leadership role in unit and course delivery (ie course coordinator, mentor, team size)
 Modes of delivery
 Student centre environments
 Online and flexible delivery experience
 Graduate capability building and workplace integration
 Improvement approach (whole of course)
 Interdisciplinary

Level B - Ability and experience to actively contribute to the development, delivery

and management of flexible, authentic, work integrated learning environments for
postgraduate programs.

 Role in unit and course delivery (ie coordinator, develop, tutor, team leader)
 Modes of delivery
 Student centre environments
 Online and flexible delivery experience
 Graduate capability building and workplace integration.
 Improvement approach (whole of unit/course)
 Interdisciplinary

SC 4

Demonstrated ability to work in collaboration with other disciplines to develop and

deliver courses

 Evidence of effective cooperation and meaningful partnering arrangements (lip service versus
 Number, frequency, level within secotr, single and multiple university/provider institutions.

SC 5

Demonstrated capacity to build effective industry networks

 Evidence of effective cooperation and meaningful partnering arrangements (lip service versus
 Membership of relevant professional bodies
 Leadership positions in relevant professional bodies
 Positions in related government or industry committees (eg. advisory, development, etc)
 Integrating industry into teaching activities
 Partnering with industry in research activities.

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