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Course unit: IF96

Unit title: Advertising Creative: Major Project
Unit Code: KKN600
Discipline Code:
Credit Points: 24
Semester(s) of Offer: Semesters 1 and 2
Year(s) of Offer: 2005
Prerequisite(s): KCP361 Advertising Creative: Electronic Media
KCP360 Advertising Creative: Introduction
KCP362 Advertising Creative: Copywriting and Art Direction
KVP100 Graphic Design
Coordinator: Ms. Sandra Contreras

1. Rationale

This unit will give students the opportunity to take a creative director role in the production of a pitch
for a transnational brand. The major project includes the development of three fundamental outcomes:
a creative strategy for a major advertising campaign, an advertising campaign, and a rationale.
Students will be required to publish, exhibit or perform a formal presentation to relevant industry

2. Aims

The unit aims to provide you with:

1. Skills for creative project coordination and advertising campaign management relevant to
industry practice;
2. Application of skills in the creative direction of advertising to simulated real world situations;
3. An understanding of the importance of research for the formulation of long-term creative
4. The capacity to communications messages that are coherent to formal investment and
marketing strategies in the corporate sector;
5. Advanced presentation skills (visual, written and verbal), project leadership skills, and skills in
the management of creativity;
6. A deep understanding of the technical aspects of advertising campaigns, and time and project
management skills.

3. Objectives

On completion of this unit, you will have:

Unit Outline prepared by: (enter name of unit coordinator) Last updated:
Unit Outline reviewed by: (enter name/s of review team) Approved:
1. An understanding of the importance of research for the formulation of long-term creative
2. Skills in creating major advertising campaigns. Advanced skills in resolving assertive
communication messages coherent to formal strategies.
3. Capabilities to create versatile and powerful overall concepts that may provoke significant
investment by large corporations.
4. Knowledge of key aspects of, and skills in, the creative direction of advertising.
5. Advanced presentation skills (visual written and verbal), managing creativity skills, and
leadership abilities.
6. Profound understanding of the technical aspects for producing massive campaigns.

4. Content

Topics to be covered in this unit will include:

• Creative management: encouraging, detecting and assessing creative ideas within creative
• Ethics and aesthetics of contemporary advertising. Responsible creativity.
• Retrospective analysis of international and local advertising awards.
• Project management.
• Fields of academic research applicable to creative advertising.
• Audience’s perception of creative persuasion.

5. Teaching and Learning Approaches

This unit will be conducted as a laboratory of project support.

• Seminar
• Guest lectures
• Major project
• Brainstorming sessions
• Private consultations

The delivery of lecturers and seminars will inform and challenge student’s opinion on contemporary
local and global Advertising.

6. Assessment

Students will work on a pitch project that will include the advertising strategy and the advertising
campaign to be published in the period of a semester.

1. Research and creative strategy presentation

This assessment activity will involve a mid-semester review where students will present the strategic
document and a concept board. They will receive feedback from fellow students and the lecturer in
class, as a basis for revising concepts and strategy.

Length: n/a
Weighting: 30%
Due date: Mid- semester
Type of assessment: Formative and summative
Refers to unit objectives: 1, 2, 3.

2. Pitch presentation

Unit Outline prepared by: (enter name of unit coordinator) Last updated:
Unit Outline reviewed by: (enter name/s of review team) Approved:
Students will undertake a final presentation of the project including a revised strategy and up to twenty
ads for strategic media. This presentation will be appraised and critiqued by representatives of the
advertising industry, as well as by fellow students and teaching.

Length: n/a
Weighting: 70%
Due date: End of semester
Type of assessment: Formative and summative
Refers to unit objectives: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.

7. Resource Materials

There is no required text for this unit. Students will have a Unit Reader that will provide relevant course
materials, and materials will also be available from the unit Web site.

8. Risk Management

There are no out of the ordinary risks associated with this unit
No responsibility will be taken for absence incurred in other QUT course units as a result of this

9. Academic Integrity

Students are expected to display complete integrity in all their academic work. In particular, activities
such as plagiarism and cheating or any activity designed to defeat the purposes of assessment are
breaches of academic integrity. QUT's policy on academic dishonesty is at Student Rule 29
( Details of University definitions of
cheating and plagiarism and range of penalties will be provided in the documentation students receive
in week 1.

Unit Outline prepared by: (enter name of unit coordinator) Last updated:
Unit Outline reviewed by: (enter name/s of review team) Approved:

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