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To Courses Working Party

From Professor Stephen Towers, Director Academic Programs, Creative Industries

Faculty & Associate Professor Jennifer Radbourne, Assistant Dean//Director, Graduate
Studies, Faculty of Business

Date 13 June, 2010

Subject Rsponse to Courses Working Party Meeting Report on Master of Advertising

The Creative Industries Faculty and Faculty of Business have worked through the
feedback from the Courses Working Party meeting on 16 December 2002. We
believe we have addressed the issues that can be dealt with at this time. As
identified by the Courses Working Party some of the detailed work will be undertaken
following appointment of the new staff member.

1. Course Details and cover page

Action: The cover sheet and course details page show the course details as requested.

1.1 Title of awards

Master of Advertising (Study Area)
Graduate Diploma in Advertising (Study Area)
Graduate Certificate in Advertising

1.3 Study Areas

Study Area A Creative Advertising
Study Area B Strategic Advertising.

2. Broader contextualisation
Action taken:
(a) Modification to objectives and content to indicate how social, legal, and ethical issues are
dealt with throughout the course; and
(b) Relevant units added with reference to possible electives from other faculties including law,
politics, and the social sciences.

3. Industry interaction
Action taken: The inclusion of a statement in the documentation regarding managing the relationship
with industry.

4. Internships
Action taken: Statement in the documentation regarding the management of the internship program
and details will be finalised after the Creative Industries staff member is appointed. This activity will
also be linked to the Creative Industries Project on workplace learning.

5. Collaborative Projects
Action taken: Inclusion of a statement in the documentation providing an explanation of collaborative
projects. It is expected that collaborative opportunities could arise in most units in the course as a
result of client or agency needs. Unit Coordinators will encourage collaboration and manage the
nature of collaboration and evaluate student performance within the context of the project. ANM 421, a
jointly taught unit, will be included within all the programs and offered earlier in the Unit sequence.

6. Course aims
Action taken: The last paragraph of Section 6.1 has been rewritten and refined to comply with the
CWP requirement.

7. Objectives
Action taken: The Objective has been rewritten to “Expertise to plan, manage and evaluate
advertising of the sub-discipline of advertising in which the student is interested (Study Area A or B)”
including an example for Creative Advertising.

8. Graduate Capabilities
Action taken: Objectives have been rewritten to include reference to specific Graduate Capabilities
aligned with the University’s statements. Graduate Capabilities will be further developed and
contextualised within each Unit once the staff member has been appointed.

9. Entry standards
Action taken: Removed statement under 7.2 Advanced Standing.

10. Teaching and Learning strategies

Action taken:
(a) Section 1.6 has been rewritten to reflect the modes available in the course.
(b) “examples of best practice” has been replaced with “Case studies of advertising industry practice”

11. Unit outlines

Action taken: As stated by the CWP, the suggestions regarding the unit outlines (including the work
associated with the Graduate Attributes) will be passed to the new Creative Industries lecturer with the
request that revised unit outlines should be provided to the Academic Policy and Programs Unit within
six weeks of the appointment of the new staff member.

12. Interaction with ETV

Action taken: Lecturing staff will liaise with ETV regarding student support.

13. Market Research

Action taken: The course will be reviewed two years after the first enrolments.

14. Course Structure

Action taken: ANM 421, a jointly taught unit, will be included within all courses and offered earlier in
the Unit sequence. The Unit has been refined to facilitate interfaculty collaboration. The revised course
structure will also provide alternative pathways from the Graduate Certificate level.

15. Postgraduate Units

No Action required (as per the report).

We trust the above modifications resolve the issues raised by the Courses Working
Party. The Creative Industries Faculty will forward the revised Unit Outlines to the
Academic Policies and Programs Unit within the timeframe requested.
Professor Stephen Towers Associate Professor Jennifer Radbourne
Director Academic Programs Assistant Dean//Director, Graduate Studies
Creative Industries Faculty Faculty of Business

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