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Notes from meeting on new advertising courses

(IF94 Graduate Certificate in Advertising, IF95 Graduate Diploma in

Advertising, IF96 Master of Advertising)
20 August 2003


Dr James Everett (FOB), Dr Terry Flew (FCI), Dr Christina Spurgeon (FCI),

Ms Natalie Chang (FOB), Mr Bryan Cranston (FOB), Ms Narelle Prior (FOB).

1. Postgraduate Prospectuses.

1.1. Overview
As suggested by Dr Everett, it was agreed that the “Overview” section be
refined. A general overview on each specialisation should be included
instead of an overview of each course.

• Dr Flew and Dr Spurgeon to refine the overview for the Creative
Advertising strand.
• Dr Everett and Ms Chang to re-write the overview for Strategic
Advertising strand.
• Overviews to be forwarded to Mr Cranston for inclusion in the FOB
Postgraduate Prospectus.

1.2. Course structures

Course structures for the IF94, IF95 and IF96 were discussed and some
minor changes need to be made to the existing document.

An issue arose from the discussions in relation to students articulating

from the Graduate Certificate to the Graduate Diploma in both strands.
Students in this cohort will not be able to complete the Graduate Diploma
in the one semester due to the current offering of AMN422 Media Strategy
(semester 1 only), AMN423 Strategies for Creative Advertising (semester
2 only), KCP362 Advertising Creative: Copywriting & Art Direction
(semester 1 only), and KVP100 Graphic Design (semester 2 only).

• Ms Prior to make changes to the course structures as agreed by all
• Mr Cranston to email a copy of the revised structures to all parties
for final checking.
• Dr Everett, Dr Flew, Dr Spurgeon and Ms Chang to explore the
possibility of students articulating from the Graduate Certificate to
complete the Graduate Diploma in one semester.

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2. Arrangements for processing international and domestic

2.1. IF94 Graduate Certificate in Advertising

All applications for the IF94 course, regardless of GPA, should be
forwarded to the Course Coordinator, FCI for assessment.

2.2. IF95 Graduate Diploma in Advertising and IF96 Master of


• All applications with an undergraduate GPA of below 5.0 regardless

of nominated specialisation should be forwarded to the FOB for

• All applications with an undergraduate GPA of 5.0 or higher and

have a nominated specialisation should be forwarded to the relevant
faculty for assessment - Creative Advertising to FCI, Strategic
Advertising to FOB.

• All applications with an undergraduate GPA of 5.0 or higher without

a nominated specialisation should be contacted by the admissions
offices (domestic and international). An information sheet on the
specialisations will be provided to the applicants – refer to 2.3 below.
Once applicants have nominated their preferred specialisation,
applications should be forwarded to the relevant faculty for assessment
- Creative Advertising to FCI, Strategic Advertising to FOB.

2.3. Information sheet for applicants without a nominated

It was agreed that a one page information sheet be developed to assist
applicants in choosing a specialisation when they have not nominated one
on their application. This information sheet will be forwarded to the
admission offices for sending out to applicants.

• Mr Cranston to develop a one-page information sheet (information
drawn from the prospectus) and circulate to all parties for
• Mr Cranston to advise the admissions offices (domestic and
international) of the agreed procedure.
• Mr Cranston to request the admissions offices forward details of
students who have been sent an information sheet to both faculties
for follow-up.

3. Review of procedures for processing applications.

It was agreed that the procedures for the processing of applications outlined
above will be reviewed by both faculties at the end of 2005.

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