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O3-NOV-2016 THU 14:00 P.007 ; $8 POLICE CRIMINAL COMPLAINT Docket Number: Date Filed: ‘OTN/LiveScan Number ‘Complaint/Incident Number 41/270016 'UAT20160700028 Fist Ti Ta Defendant ame Gin In Sahiecor AFFIDAVIT of PROBABLE CAUSE ‘On Monday, July 25, 2016 | was in ull uniform oporating marked Upper Allen Township Police patrol vehicle #2310 during a 2 PM untl 10 PM shit. (On same dete et 1630 hours, Charles Fields, the owner of Flelds Family Dentisty LLC located at 2101 Aspen DR In Upper Allen ‘Township, came to the police department to report a non-active thefVforgery incident. Fields had discovered that a veteran employee of 19 years, Gina Statiinecker had been stealing company scrap metals since alleast 2007. Stahlnecker wes ‘terminated by Fields on Friday, July 22, 2016 at 1730 hours. She was employed as an AFTA dental assistant. “tls Important to understand the company scrap procedure to fully understand this incident: Fields advised that when they remove fillings, caps, bridges, etc from patients’ mouths (made of gold/silver) they ask the patients if they want to Keep same and mosi refuse. Fields says that they then place the precious metals in a container keptin the back of the office. Flelds has a contract with a company called Garfeld Refnary cut of Philadelphia, PA who the metal is sent to. Garfield then melts the metals down and sends @ check back to Fields dlrectly and Garfield keeps a small percentage fof same. The account was set up by Charlas Fields through the company, Fiekis Family Dentistry, that he owns, No one other than Fields has authorization to conduct any matters of business fhrough same aocount.”* Floids informed me that on the evening of Tuesday, July 12, 2016 around 1730 hours, he was in his office and was approached bey Stahinacker and she stated she hed @ confossion to make to Fiolds. Stahinacker went on to tell Fialds that several years ‘ago she took the office scrap and cashed same in, She then stated that che distributed the oash from tho proceads to the office staff members but never ‘eld them where the money came from. The staff members all assumed same came from Fields os he Usually would take the money earned from the scrap ard buy gifts for the staff or use the money to purchase them all a dinner. Flelds sald he asked Stafinecker why she was just now confessing to this incident and she stated that she is going through a difficut divorce to her husband, Paul Stahinecker, who was aware of her wrongdoing and was threatening to expose her. ‘Stahinecker only reported this one srrall incident that allegedly took place saveral years ago. Having no evidence of same, Fields advised he would take what she stated into consideration and concluded their meeting at approximately 1800 hours. Flelds advised that he felt suspicious about his encounter with Stahinecker. Fields then had his business administratar, Gilbert Morlock, contact the Garfield Refinery to further investigate the suspicious circumstances of this Iseue. Morlock made contact with Garfield Refinery who advised that they had not sent Fields any checks for precious metals since the year 2007 (later determined to be 2005). Flelds never terminated the account or authorized same to be changed as he was the only account holder. Afier receiving this information, Fields provided Moriock wlth Stahlnecker's name and home address and had him ask Garfield Refinery i they had been sending checks to Stahlnecker and they said yes. Fialds reiterated that all checks from Gerfleld Refinery were to go to his business ai 2101 Aspen DR in Mechanicsburg. PA and wore only to be addressed to Chatlas R Fields or Fields Family Dentisty, LLC. In order for Stahinecker to receive payment from Gorfield doctly che had to eithor steal tha chocks andlor alter the account to reflect her information (On Tuesday, July 19, 2016 Fiolds directly contacted Garfield Refinery and spoke to tho Executive Vieo Prosident, Mark Cohen, about the issue. Cohen responded and confirmed that Stahinecker's address is the address Garfield Refinery had been sending checks fo since alleast 2007 and Itwes done numerous times over the fellowlng years. Flelés suspected that Stahinecker commillad the thefts because she was having financial difculiies and stressors at home. asked Moriock how it was never discovered that the checks were no ionger being delivered to Fields. Morlock stated that all of ‘the accounts are managad by assistants as they have always trusted their integrty. Morlock advised tnat per nis conversation ‘with Garfield, it appears that Stahlnecker cancelled the Fields account and made herself the account holder and changed the address to her ovn unbeknownst to anyone else and without authorization from Flelds. ‘On August 12, 2016 | was put into contact with a Lieutenant Joe Delgrippo, Detective Jeffrey McGee and Detective Anthony ‘Vega who are all with the Philadslohia Police Depariment and the FBI Violent Crimes Task Force. All three men assisted m ‘obtaining a valid search warrant for Garfield Refinery Records. “Tha following 's my anelysis of the search warrant results: ROPC 442A - Rov. 12/14 Page 7 of 9

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