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A Report on

CSR Activities of Tata Power

Submitted to:
Mr Biswanath Swain

Submitted by:
Antariksh Shahwal
IIM Sambalpur

Corporate social responsibility has become a buzzword for the organizations today.
The Ministry of Corporate Affairs has notified Section 135 and Schedule VII of
the Companies Act 2013 as well as the provisions of the Companies (Corporate Social
Responsibility Policy) Rules, 2014 to come into effect from April 1, 2014.With effect
from April 1, 2014, every company, private limited or public limited, which either has
a net worth of Rs 500 crore or a turnover of Rs 1,000 crore or net profit of Rs 5 crore,
needs to spend at least 2% of its average net profit for the immediately preceding
three financial years on corporate social responsibility activities. The CSR activities
should not be undertaken in the normal course of business and must be with respect to
any of the activities mentioned in Schedule VII of the 2013 Act. Contribution to any
political party is not considered to be a CSR activity and only activities in India would
be considered for computing CSR expenditure.
Corporate social responsibility is not a science subject to immutable rules. It
is a culture of relationships. This reports, attempts to study corporate social
responsibility with special reference to Tata Power. For the Tatas maintaining higher
standards of Corporate Social Responsibility in norm.

Tata power believes in

integrating its business values and operations to meet the expectations of its
stakeholders, communities, ranging from those villages around its plants to those
employed by its contractors and suppliers, are key stakeholders and Tata power is
committed to ensuring that they benefit from the companys presence in their
neighborhood, based on the guiding philosophy with which Tata Power approaches its
CSR, the CSR vision and mission has been outlined.

Corporate Social responsibility Policy of Tata Power: Tata Power has always
ensured the social wellbeing of the communities in the vicinity of its business
operations through corporate social responsibility initiatives in alignment with Tata
Group Focus initiatives.
Tata Power has engaged with the community by undertaking the following principles
and activities:

Consult pro-actively with the community and other key stakeholders for
understanding needs and designing initiatives for the social well-being of the

Undertook activities as per 5 major thrust areas, which include,

o Augmenting primary education system with emphasis on girl child
o Building and strengthening healthcare facilities including safe drinking
o Enhancing Programs on livelihood (SAMRIDDHI) and Employability
o Building social capital and infrastructure (SANRACHNA)
o Nurturing Sustainability for Inclusive growth (AKSHAY).
These thrust areas are mapped with the activities as suggested in the
schedule VII of the companies act.

Facilitate assistance during natural disasters, as appropriate.

Build and strengthen community institutions and stakeholder engagement.

Collaborate with Civil Society, Industry associations



institutions etc.

Encourage its employees for volunteering (ARPAN)

Undertake CSR activities with the aim, that over time these



Engage with disadvantaged section sections of the community as per

affirmative action policy.


o Environmental Management
1. Making Positive Environment Impact:
Over Rs.100 crores have been invested on pollution control equipment at the Trombay Thermal
Power Plant.
2. Environment Protection

Tata Power started off over thirty years ago with eco-restoration and eco-development
programs in its area of operation in the Western Ghats, particularly in the catchment areas of
the lakes in Mawal and Mulshi Talukas. Since then, over 70 lakh saplings of 60 tree species
have been planted in the area.
A green belt of about 1 lakh trees has been raised around the Trombay Thermal power plant
and nearby hillsides.

3. Pollution Control
Over Rs.100 crores have been invested on pollution control equipment at the Trombay Thermal
Power Plant.
4. Environment Education
Tata Power has taken a lead in this direction.

Tata Power conducts a non-formal School Comprehensive Environment Programme (SEEP)

with the help of Bharati Vidyapeeth Environment Education and Research Institute, Pune.
The Company has undertaken to set up an Environment Interpretation Centre to create
general awareness among people.
Construction of Primary schools in rural areas.
Constructing of one-room primary education centres in 38 remote villages in the catchment
areas to ensure that at least primary education is available. Tata Power is also committed to
assist in building 4 to 5 schools every year. Company also provide all necessary help in
running the schools at the power stations at Bhira and Bhivpuri.
Training imparted to more than 200 teachers under education awareness programme.
Improving the quality of water of village ponds.
Supplying drinking water from the Companys lakes to Panchayats and, on Government
request, to drought-prone villages by tankers and bullock carts.

o The other Focus Areas of Tata Powers CS Action Plan are in alignment with
the UNs Millennium Development Goals (MDG).
1. Education
Tata Power has built, repaired and renovated schools annually and created new
infrastructure for progressive education. Facilitated the girl child getting access to
primary education, which results in continuing secondary education, paving the path
for the girls empowerment in society.
Till date the Company has built over 65 primary schools, 4 high schools, 20 rooms for
teachers, repaired and renovated many schools. Tata Power also manages two schools
in the Mulshi and Maval Talukas up to Std VII and XI respectively.
Tata Power conducts Vocational Training in technical courses and other skills like
Horticulture, Bamboo Crafts, Paper Mashie, Tailoring, etc. that facilitate the youth
either to gain employment or be self-employed.
2. Healthcare
2.1 Medical Camps
Tata Power are the partners in the Polio Immunization Drives of the Government by
providing the necessary infrastructure to conduct the Drives.
In 2003, the Life Line Express medical camp spanned across 40 days and catered to
10,692 patients from the remotest villages in the Mulshi and Maval Talukas.
The total number of cataract surgeries to date is 3,229.
2.2 Improving Maternal Health
The first initiative taken by Tata Power in this area was distribution of oral
contraceptive pills. This project was started at the Bhivpuri Family Planning Centre in
1966 along with Pathfinders.
With the introduction of laparoscopic method of female sterilization, Tata Power
renewed its efforts and started 5 Government approved centres (3 rural and 2 urban)
for laparoscopic sterilization. 4103 sterilizations have been carried out to date.
2.3 HIV AIDS Awareness Programmes
HIV AIDS Awareness Programmes have been extensively held by a band of our
volunteers across Mumbai and hydro areas.

3. Income Generation Activities

3.1 Release of fish in village ponds
Release of fish in village ponds of the Mulshi and Maval talukas is a routine activity
carried out annually. In the years 2004 - 2007, 30.4 lakh fishes were released.
3.2 Mahsheer Breeding
In 2005, over 4.5 lakh eggs were fertilized and 2.70 lakhs fry / semi-fingerlings were
3.3 Distribution of Fruit Trees to Self-Help Groups
TPC distributes fruit trees to villagers in Mulshi and Maval Talukas. The total number
of trees distributed to date comes to 35,000.
3.4 Distribution of Paddy Seeds
Paddy seeds of Karjat - 3, a variety that yields higher quantities were distributed to 40
farmers in Bhivpuri in Raigad District. The farmers reported an increase of 1.5 times
over the yields reaped so far.
3.5 Horticulture Training Centre at Talegaon
Over 114 youths were trained in this center and many of them have started applying
this knowledge in farming. Some have been employed in some of the floriculture
projects in the area.
3.6 Training In Composite Fish Farming
3.7 Training of Gardeners (Malis)

o Evaluation Using Ethical Framework:

CSR Initiative





The other Focus Areas of

Tata Powers CS Action
Plan are in alignment
Millennium Development
Goals (MDG).


a. Economic: Projects of Tata Power in the environmental management are

economical in a sense that company is spending a well calculated amount
within its CSR policies, which is decided with concern of all stakeholders.
Being specific about the projects in environmental activities all of these have
long term spending plan, so they are economical in a sense.
Being specific about the projects in The other Focus Areas of Tata Powers
CS Action Plan are in alignment with the UNs Millennium Development
Goals (MDG) and Income Generation Activities all of these have long term
spending plan and also creating value for masses in term of monetary skill
development, so they are economical in a sense.
b. Ethical: CSR Projects of Tata Power are ethical in true sense as they are
fulfilling the larger cause for the society, which fits all frameworks of the
ethics, which is in accordance with the goals set by United Nations. Also at the
same time Tata Power is joining hand with government and other NGOs.
c. Legal: This initiative is legal as it is under taken according to schedule VIII of
Companys act.
d. Philanthropic: All CSR projects of the Tata Power fit the framework of
philanthropic they are doing it without seeking any benefits.

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