Poynting's Theorem Explaines Cell's "Buzz" !

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Cells buzz explained - copyright Fabio Mosca

Where goes all the energy radiated from the antenna? Not sure in equations!
Is necessary to read old books for understand this noise. What wrote the discoverers of
electromagnetism .
After the Maxwells death his scholar Poynting completed his work about the electromagnetic energy in
free space..
Starting from the principle of conservation of energy Poynting hypothezed that the energy is transferred
to the MEDIUM in changing some parameter. (so wrote Heaviside in his Electromagnetic Theory).
Maxwell described the wave in free space as formed of two vectors E and H, oscillating orthogonally.
They are two orthogonal sinusoids in phase traveling in a direction orthogonal to the plane.
The electric and magnetic forces E and H contributes both to form the energy in free space.
As in steady state the alternate voltage and the current develops energy multiplying them ,
In free space they multiplies again , but vectorially.
But in free space, witch is a dielectric, the current is only supposed , is hypothetic , as a displacement
current generating the magnetic field H.
The vectorial product E X H is the energy . A third vector P oriented in the direction of propagation. This
is the Poyntings vector.

It is studied only in universitarian courses for electronic engeneers. Till now was unusefull , only a
mathematical exercise. Nobody today seem interested.

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Instead i is foundamental for understanding the fenomenon.
In universitarian courses professors spikes much of mathematical aspect of this unusefull vector forgetting
the precipuous property of Poynting: it is positive!
The Poynting vector, being a square, is always a positive pulse. Althougt it isnt detectable , not
electrically nor magnetically.
As wrote Heaviside (genius!) it acts parametrically.
It means that it acts on permeability and permittance of components. Acts on inductances and capacitors,
adding instantaneusly some inductance or capacitor.
Then isnt possible to represent P in the above figure ; but in this later:

The three vectors as sinusoids: noticeable the positive pulses of Poynting

Red= electric field |E|sin t,

blue = the magnetic field |H|sin t,
green = the positive Poynting, |E| *|H|


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----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Its evident that the Poyntig isnt necessary to demodulate.

Being positive pulses the RF signals acts directly on components, modifying their parameters.
This is easy to verify.
For example the cellular buzz. All amplifiers invested by the cellulars amplitude modulated RF carrier
during the calling, are disturbed . Tubes, transistors and integrated circuits, no matter, as known.
In this graph a chart record of the call signal of a cellular near a condenser amplified.

A 24 hours of chart recording of a condenser show the total electromagnetic energy acting on it.

Notice that all signals are positives. All carriers, of all the world , produce a cumulative Poynting as shown.
In these links

you can see experiments about what I wrote.

1- Permeability : https://youtu.be/6wR4H5lVP5c <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

2- Permittance : https://youtu.be/BeP8_mphZ8Q <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
3- Mediums density: https://youtu.be/0gSBPypmgao <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< <<<<

Trieste, 2 december 2016

Fabio Mosca

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