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41 4.1 The velocity field of a flow is given by V= (Sz ~ 3) + (x +.4)) + dyke R/s, where x,y, Determine the fluid speed atthe origin (x = the x axis (y = z = 0), dz are in feet. 2 = 0) and on Ua 52-3 ,praxtd, yay Thus, at the origin U=-3, v=#, u=0 so that Va fattarrtw™ = f[(-3)?44* = 5 ft/s Similarly, on the X axis U=-3, "re Xt#, wr=0 so that V= ur tartiw® = [e3)* (4) = [x 8x 428 fe, where X~ ft #1 4.2 42 A flow can be visualized by plotting the velocity field as velocity vectors at representative locations in the flow as shown in Video V4.1 and Fig. E4.1. Consider the Velocity field given in polar coordinates b} and vp = 10/r. This flow approximates a flui a sink as shown in Fig. P4,2, Plot the veloc i 2, and 3 with @ = 0, With w=-l0/r and mg =10/r then V= yagi +7g? = flor + (ory = “elt The angle & between the radial direction and the velocity vector is given by Ne 10/r I tan a= 0, u>0. Thos the tid flows from the origin (x=y=0). Since the flow is steady, h. Plot the shape of the streamline that passes through FIGURE F412 the origin for values of w/t) = 0.5, 1, and 2. ee U=Uy ,v=V%(I-+) for 0 V=M(I-#) for o0. At any time,t, Ko for all £ Thus, Yi = V| = loft ‘m oo . ub Also, @ = coe Gy = oH uit wi Thus, Q - =loe* » so that a= | feoo 4-lT 4.20 4.20 The velocity of the water in the pipe shown in Fig. P4.20%s given by V, ~ 0.50¢ m/s and V, = 1.0¢ mis, where 1 in seconds, De- teine the local acceleration at points (1) and @) Is the average convective acceleration be- tween these two points negative, zero, oF post tive? Explain Moos m v= OS ay r Lot y- Y= 0.50 ieee a @ a FIGURE P4.20 Since V,>\V, if follows that 4¥>0, Also, V>0 so that the convective acceleration is positive. 4 Vix, HIE feet] 4.21 The fluid velocity along the x axis shown in Fig. P4.21 changes from 6 m/s at point A to 18 m/s at point B. Iti also known that the velocity is a linear function of distance along the 3 streamline. Determine the acceleration at points A. B, and C. a Assume steady flow. MFIGURE P421 18s __ a=4si-W this becomes FB H(24 4, ddyra_ a a (Ge tude = udp t Since ut is a linear function of X, U= 6x +C, where the constants ¢,,¢ are given ‘as + and With uU=ulx) , v=0, and w=0 a) by biG Ug = 180.16, +0, C= 120 6. Thus, U=(120x+6)2 with xem 2 From Eg.) a=uste =(/20x +6) 2 (120 fe) ¢ or for X,=0 os on » A= 720 2 for Xg and Ws yi dw yd ay = AE Uke yd ar Dh 4.22. Water flows in a garden hose with a velocity of 5 fUs, rav- els through a 2-in.-long nozzle, and exits the nozzle with a ve- locity of 40 fs. Estimate the average acceleration of the water as it flows through the nozzle. 1, ede Pin} y so tush t o +0 The average acceleration can thus be estimated by using ur Vite : S He sot = 22.58 and au Ver 4OHG-SHS _ Be aie 720% to obtainé a= Ud = 22.56 (210/s)= 4730 Note: This acceleration is equal to 47308 /32.2 = 147 times the acceleration of gravily (<:e., a, /g = 147). 4-20 [423 J 4.23 Asavalveisopened, water lows through the diffuser shown in Fig. P4.23 at an increasing flowrate so that the velocity along the centerline is given by V = ui — Va(1 — en*) (1 — x/t)i, Voth where u, c, and Care constants. Determine the — acceleration as a function of x and ¢. If Vy = ele 10 ft/s and C = 5 ft, what value of c (other than ¢ = 0) is needed to make the acceleration zero for any x at ¢ = 1s? Explain how the acceleration can be zero if the flowrate is increasing with time. oe FIGURE P4.23 a= aVyV With u=ulx,t) , y=0, and w=0 this becomes f rude cae , where u=(i-€*)U-F) Thus, ete % = %(I- Fc €° Pyle é or NI-P(-F) YU Fc e* ¥(1-e"] Tf a <0 for any x at t=15 we must have [cet-% ()-eety]-0 With 4=10 andh=5 ce -Bli-e~)=0 The solution (root) of this eqvation is C= 0,490 ¢ For the above conditions the /ocal acceleration ($# >0) is precisely balanced by the convective deceleration (43% <0), The flowrate increases with time, but the flvid flows to an area of lower velocity. 4-21 424 A fuid flows along the x axis with a velocity given by 'V = (x/nji, where x is in feet and in seconds. (a) Plot the speed for 0 =x 5 10 ft ands = 3 s. (b) Plot the speed for x = 7 ft and 2 1 = 4 s. (€) Determine the local and convective acceleration. (2) Show thatthe acceleration of any fuid particle in the flow is zero. (e) Explain physically how the velocity of a particle in this unsteady flow remains constant throughout it, motion d) For any fluid particle a=3e+V0¥ of which with v=0, w=0 becomes B-(H ude =(-At Be 20 (e) The particles flow into areas of higher velocity (see Fig-/), but at any given location the velocity is decreasing in time (see Fig2). For the given velocity field the local and convective accelerations are equal and opposite, giving zero acceleration through ovt. 4-22 $25 4.25 A hydraulic jump is a rather sudden change in depth of Hydraulic jump a liquid layer as it flows in an open channel as shown in fcaia eal Fig. P4.25 and Video V10.6. In a relatively short distance (thickness = €) the liquid depth changes from z, to zp, with a Corresponding change in velocity from V, to V;. If ¥, = 1.20 fi/s, V2 = 0.30 fi/s, and & = 0.02 ft, estimate the average deceleration of the liquid as it flows across the hydraulic jump. How many g's deceleration does this represent? @ FIGURE P4.25 a-¥ +V-0V so with V=ucat , teateupet Without knowing the actval velocity distribution , u =UCx), the acceleration can be approximated gs a, = 4 ee diy ey) (ee) = $(1.20 40,30) Lose-t20$ = -33,e-ft Thus, 14el 2 30H = 0s 1 BR saz H _ 4-23 $26 4.26 A fluid particle flowing _along a stagnation stream- line, as shown in Vide V4.5 and Fig. P4.26, slows down as it Stagnation pont, «= 0 approaches the stagnation point. Measurements of the dye flow — in the video indicate thatthe location of a particle staring on ae the stagnation streamline a distance s = 0.6 ft upstream of the Stagnation point at = Vis given approximately by s =0.6e"°™, where is in seconds a in ft. (a) Determine the speed of W FIGURE P4.26 8 fluid particle as a function of time, Vp). 28 it flows along the steamline. (b) Determine the speed of the fluid as a func- tion of position along the streamline, V = V{s). (c) Determine the fluid acceleration along the streamline as a function of po- sition, a, = as). -0.5t (a) With s=0.66 it follows that Vandicle = i Sof) = os gost fe (b) From part (a), Ve -0.5)]0.8 et] Where $= 0.6 est Thos, V-(-oslis] , on Y= SS fils where s~ ft (c) For steady flow, a= V qs Thus, with V=-055 and We -o5, 4, = (-0.5 s)(-0.5) = 0.255 f/s* where s~f Mote: For $0, a, is pasitive— the particles acceleration js fo the right. Since the particle is moving to the le#, a posrlive a, for this care implies that the particle is decelerating (as it must be for this stagnation point flow), 42h te Va in a linear fashion, That is, V = ax + b, where a and b are Constants. If the flow is constant with V, ='10 m/s atx, = 0 and V, = 25 m/s at x, = 1 m, determine the local acceleration, the convective acceleration, and the acceleration of the fluid at points (1) and (2) . Way With u=axth , v=0, and w=0 the acceleration @=% tV-V can be written as G=a,2 where a= ut, o Since U=V=!0-# at x=0 and u=Vz=25-2 af x=! we obtain l0= 04h 25=atb so that a=/5 and b=10 That is, u=(ISX+10)2 | where x~m , so that from Fy.) a = (15x40) 2 (15) = G2sx+iso) & Note: The local acceleration is zero, 3¥=0 , and the convective acceleration is uth? = (225x+150) 2 Atx=0, @=l500-& ; atk=/m, F=3750K H29 le 4.28 A company makes cars that are shipped to be sold throughout the country, At a dealership near the factory the cars Cost $20,000. At other dealerships the cost is higher because of shipping charges which are $0.50 per mile. Determine the price ‘of anew car ata location 800 miles from the factory and the rate ‘of increase (S per hour) in the car price as itis being transported. to that location on a truck traveling 55 mph on the highway. Ex- plain your answer in terms of the material derivative. X=distance from the factory, C=cest of the car, and y= Cost of the car at the factory. Thus, with r= rale per mile for shipping, C=0,trX =20000 +0.5x, where c~# and r~#/m. Hence, with x= 800m; Cyoy = 29 000 +0.5 (800) = $20 400 and Be = rate of increase of cost = te apd where de, =0 and He Ve SSmph Thus, 26 t0.5ini (SSB) = $27.5 /hn In terms of the material derivative, BE Maude = 0 + (55 iY hos Imi) = 4.275 /h0. 2b e 429 : 4.29 Repeat Problem 4.27 with the assumption that the flow is not steady, but at the time when V, = 10. m/s and V,= 25 m/s, it is known that aV,/at = 20 m/s? and aV,/at = 60 m/s?. vo With U=U(x,t) , v=0, and w=0 the acceleration @= 34 +V-¥V can be written as 7 G@=a,0 where q=ip tute , with u=alllx +bd), a Al the given time (tt) w= V,=102 at x=0 and u=Vy=252 atX-lm Thus, “10=0 +blb) 25 = alt) +b) so that alts) =/5 and bl) =10 Also at tb , $= 2h = 20% af xeo and 3 = 3b = 60% at X=/m Note: These are local _ accelerations at time «to The convective acceleration at X=0 (Ey,(1) is ude = (ax +h) (a) =(15 (0) #10) 2415 t)=150-% while at X=/ it is uit = (ISU) +W) (is ¢) = 3754 The fluid acceleration at t=to bs a= (3 +u4$¥)2 = (208150)0% = 1700 % at x<9 and. a @=(604975)¢B = 49502 at xelm 4-27 4.30 4.30 An incompressible fluid flows past a turbine blade as shown in Fig. P4.30a and Video V4.5. Far upstream and down- stream of the blade the velocity is Vi. Measurements show that the velocity of the fluid along streamline A-F near the blade is 48 indicated in Fig. P4.30b. Sketch the streamwise component of acceleration. a, asa function of distance, s, along the stream- line. Discuss the important characteristics of your result. 30 i. W@FIGURE P4 a= VEL where from the figure of V=VS) the function a has the following shape. The fluid decelerafes from A to C, accelerates trom C to 2, and the decelerates again from D toF. The net acceleration fram AtoF is zero (1.0, We h=Ve), 4-28 *FIT — 4.31* Air flows steadily through a variable x(n) _u(fls)_x (im) u(y area pipe with a velocity of V = u(x)i ft/s, where the approximate measured values of u(x) are given q ae A aT in the table. Plot the acceleration as a function : 8 ee of x for 0 = x = 12 in. Plot the acceleration if 3 20.1 10 io the flowrate is increased by a factor of N (ie., ‘ . 4 28.3 n 103 the values of w are increased by a factor of N), : on a a for N = 2,4, 10. : . . nt 6 258 B 10.0 Since w= Ue) , v=0, and w=0 it follows that A= +¥-99 simplifies to B= a,0 where q = ust o The values U are given in the table ; the corresponding valves of 4 can be obtained by an approximate numerical differentiation, The results are shown below for the given date (2, with N-1), Note that since a= u 3% jf follow that and increase in yelocihy from u to Nu increases the acceleration from % to Nay vin. uy fis dufdx, 1/5 u duldx it 0 10 24 24 1 10.2 18 184 2 13 59.4 772 3 20.1 91.8 © 1845 4 283° 498 = 1409 5 28.4 15 426 6 258 = 498 © -1285 7 20.1 50.4 © -1013, 8 174-396-689 9 135 -33 446 10 11.900 49.2 228 n 3 114117 12 10 18 18 13 10 0 0 The results are plotted on the next page. con't) 429 44,31 (con't) 4-30 4.32 4.32 Water flows steadily through a 30-ft-long pipe from a hhot water heater to a faucet in the bathroom, The velocity is 10 fils. At the outlet of the water heater the temperature is a constant 180°F. Because of heat transfer between the pipe and the cooler surroundings, the water temperature at the faucet outlet is a constant 150 °F. Determine the time rate of change of the temperature of the water as it flows through the pipe. Assume the temperature gradient along the length of the pipe is constant, or =H + ust where u=l04t and Bis = ay 2 HOE 180 Thus, $F = | °F/t so that with 4F <0 because the flow is Steady, Bee ud =108(1 FAA) © 028 4-31 $,33* 4.33" Asis indicated in Fig. P4.33, the speed ‘of exhaust in a car's exhaust pipe varies in time and distance because of the periodic nature of the engine's operation and the damping effect with | distance from the engine. Assume that the speed =a is given by V = Vi[1 + ae sin(wos)], where [= Voll + 26 inion) Vy = 8 fps. a 05, b = 0.2 ft"!, and w = 50. rad/s. Calculate and plot the fluid acceleration a FIGURE P4.33 x = 0,1, 2,3, 4, and'5 ft for 0 <1 < 2/25 s. Since u=Uix,t) , v=0, and w=0 it follows that A= HV-VV = a0, where ay= dt ude a Thus, with w= Yell +4 & *sin(wt)] £4.) gives Gy = Vg aw &™ cos (ut) + Vel 14a &”* sin(wt)] Vyaeb) & PX sin (wt) = ya ew cos Wut) -Kb sinlut)(Itae’*sin(wt))] With W=8 , a=0.05, b=0.2 +, and w= 50 Tat this becomes 2X a = 0.4 €°?*[ 50 cos(Sot) ~ 1.6 sin (S0t)(140.05 5°? *in (sot))] 4, where t~s and x~ ft Plot ay from £9. (2) fon O=b =F © with X=0,1,2,3,4, ands Ht An Excel Program was used fo calevlate ay trom £9. (2). The resus are shown on the next page. (con't) Ho 32 %33* | (con't) Acceleration at various x locations, fis*2 ts KeOR eT oxe2R SR sah KES 0.000 20.00 16.37 13.41 10.98 8.99 7.36 0.005 1922 15731288 «10854 707 0.010 17.24 14.11 11.56 9.46 7.75 6.34 0.016 1400 esr 779 638 5.22 0.020 10.24 8.39 6.87 5.63 461 3.77 0.025 5.67 465 3.81 3.12 2.55 2.09 0.030 0.74 0.61 0.51 0.42 0.34 0.28 0.035 4.23 3.46 2.83 2.31 1.89 “1.55 0.040 8.93 7.31 5.98 4.90 4.01 3.28 0.045 -13.08 710.71 8.76 a7 5.87 4.81 0.050 16.42 13.44 11,00 9.01 7.37 6.04 0.055 “1873 1534-1258 ©1028 gaz 889 0.060 -19,89 -16.29 13.33, -10.92 8.94 7.32 0.065 “981 1622 4328 © 4087 907 20 0.070 851 4515-1241 4018 = eae wat 0.075 -16.06 -13.14 10.76 8.81 721 5.90 0.080 12.61 -10,32 8.45 6.91 5.66 4.63 0.085 8.37 6.85 6.61 4.59 3.76 -3.07 0.090 -3.62 2.96 -2.42 1.98 “1.62 1.32 0.095 1.36 gard 0.92 0.75 0.62 0.51 0.100 6.26 5.13 4.20 3.44 2.82 231 0.105 wo77 882722, B92 4343.97 0.110 14.61 11.96 9.80 8.02 6.57 5.38 0.115 17.54 14.36 11.76 9.63 7.88 6.45 0.120 19.38 15.87 12.99 10.64 8.71 7.13 0.125 20.01 16.38 13.41 10,98 8.99 7.36 Acceleration, a,, vs Time, t 4-33 4.34 4.34 A bicyclist leaves from her home at 9 A.M. and rides to a ‘beach 40 mi away. Because of a breeze off the ocean, the tem- erature at the beach remains 60 °F throughout the day. At the Cyelist’s home the temperature increases linearly with time, go. ing from 60°F at 9 A.M. to 80°F by 1 pm. The temperature is ‘assumed t0 vary linearly as a function of position between the cyclist’ home and the beach. Determine the rate of change of temperature observed by the cyclist fur the following condi- tions: (a) as she pedals 10 mph through a town 10 mi from her hhome at 10 a.m. (b) as she eats lunch ata rest stop 30 mi from hher home at noon; (c) as she arrives enthusiastically atthe beach at 1PM. pedaling 20 mph. From the given data the temperature, T, varies as a fonction of location, x, and time, 4, as shoun in the figure. Thus, oT e a +udt (a) At X=/0mi and t= 10am, OT 2 (75% 60") _ ag op, a # Uigeris 2 - and 60°65") __ Loy. Hee SG? = 8 Mai Thus, with w=/omi/hr, ee BEE Yor + oF (-4 Mi) = 2.5 Yhe oe (6s°-60' * (0) AF noon wilh X= (resting) and 4 = SEES") = £ py Fr etF oust af 2 Yn = 1.25 Vie (6) Upon arival at the beach with u=20mph , 2F =o, and HE 2 150" 00)_ Fomi =-O.5 Ymi 434 4.35 435 The emperarure distribution in a uid is given by T= 10x + Sy, where x and y are the horizontal and vertical coor- dinates in meters and T is in degrees centigrade. Determine the time rate of change of temperature of a fluid particle traveling (@) horizontally with u = 20 m/s, v = 0 or (b) vertically with u= 0,0 = 20m/s. or Peuzeeve where $F =0 ' Thus, if U=202 and v0, then BF = USE = (20)(10 56) nd if 20 and v= 20%, ther BE « viE « (a0llek 4.38 4.36 Water flows over the crest of a dam with speed Vas shown in Fig, P4.36. Determine the speed if the magnitude of the normal acceleration at point (1) is to equal the acceleration of poy.e FIGURE P436 : =e or with q,= 9224 , V=la, R= lara om) 4-35, 437 4.37 As shown in Video V4.2 and Fig. P4.37, a flying airplane roduces swirling flow near the end of its wings. In certain cir- ‘cumstances this flow can be approximated by the velocity field = ~Ky/(x? + y?) and v = Ke/(x? + y?), where Kis a con- stant depending on various parameter associated with the air- Plane Gc. its weight, speed) and x and y are measured from the ‘center of the swirl (a) Show that for this flow the velocity is inversely proportional to the distance from the origin. That is, V = K/(x* + y2)"@,(b) Show that the streamlines are circles, 4 éky kot K (a) V= Yurear® = eS +o 5 xtty’ or V ££. where r= xy kx (0) Streamlines are given by fe =e OY) 2 _ x Thos, (+4) yay =-xdy which when integrated gives ty? =-4x7 40, where G is a constant, or X_+ "= Constant 4-36 4.38 Assume that the streamlines for the wingtip vortices from an airplane (see Fig. P4.37 and Video V4.2) can be ap- Droximated by circles of radius r and thatthe speed is V = K/r, where K is a constant. Determine the streamline acceleration, 4, and the normal acceleration, a,, for this flow. ™ FIGURE P4. 37 a, = v4l where since v= : Heo Thus, q, = 0 Also, . : wf OB 4-37 q 4.34 A fluid flows past a sphere with an upstream velocity of Vo = 40 m/s as shown in Fig. P4.39, From a more advanced a theoty itis found thatthe speed ofthe uid along the front part of the sphere is V = §V sin @. Determine the streamwise and . 40° normal components of acceleration a point A If the radius of oy the sphere is a = 020m, FIGURE v=3y sind = 3 (40) sind = 60 sino # oO tor ae (60 sin ¥0' sz nm. esSe = 7440 4% a 0.2m oes and | sing) 2 av 28 a, =V3¢ = (60 sing) 2 , where 2¢ = 24 38 From Eq), 44 = 60 coso Also $= 46 =0.20 m, where 8~rad, so that $2 = ole Thus, for 0= 40° a, = (60 sin ¥0°2)(60cos 40" ®) (s3m,) = 88604 4-38 $¢Ho* 4.40 For flow past a sphere as discussed in Problem 4.39, plot a graph of the streamwise ac- celeration, a,, the normal acceleration, a,, and the magnitude of the acceleration as a function of @ for 0 = 6 = 90° with Vy = 50 ft/s anda = 0.1, 1.0, and 10 ft. Repeat for Vy = 5 ft/s. At ‘what point is the acceleration a maximum; a min- imum? ” V,cos® and s=a@ 2 $V, sind)(2V, cos) P= fe sin8 cos@ (2) Hence the magnitude of the acceleration is A a 2 : lal =/a7+q2 = oe sin"6 + sin*® costo = ie Sin8Y sin*9 +c0s"6 or ae = = Z o (Val $8 sind Thus, Jpn =O at 8°, fal, = BE gf 0 =90 An &xcel Program was wed te calowlale a, Gn, and a trom Egns. (12) and (2). The results are shown below. The rests far other valves are similar if the taclor Vp*/a jis accounted far, The following data Is for YorS ths, a=/# 8. deg a,, fis? a, fs? a, fis? 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Acceleration vs Angular position © 04 4 ag 0 47 38 a8 Vo=Sit/s 18 38 141 146 ] a=lft 20 68 «181 192 2 100 «215 238 300141 244 284 35 185 264 323 40 2320 277 62 45 281 281 308 80-330 27.7 434 8 377 264 464 60 422 244 487 65 462215 51.0 70 497 481 529 | 75 525 141 543 oo ee oe) ae 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 8 558 «4.9 «560 6, deg 80 563 00 563 [aereecatig) — streamwise accel tus acceleration, ftis* 4-39 eT 4.41 A fluid flows past a circular cylinder of, radius a with an upstream speed of V, as shown y, in Fig. P4.41. A more advanced theory indicates that if viscous effects are negligible, the velocity of the fluid along the surface of the cylinder is ee ven by V = 2V sin 0. Determine the streamline and normal components of acceleration on the surface of the cylinder as a function of Vo, a, and a. FIGURE 4.41 fet 3 ane = Btesiney” 2 cinrg and : : a= Ve ava e , where 4g = 2%, cos® and s=a8 or oa Thos, 24 ‘aoe a, = (2% sin0)(2% cos0)4¢- = HE sino cose = | 4424 J 4.42* Use the results of Problem 4.41 to plot graphs of a, and @, for 0 = @ = 90° with Vy = 10 m/s and a = 0.01, 0.10, 1.0, and 10.0 m, 2 mas From Problem 441 , q,24® sin?® and a= 4 sin® coss. These results with Y,=102 and a= 0.01, 0.10, 1.0, and 100m are plotted below. a=0.01ma=010ma=1.0m a=10m a=0.10ma=010ma=1.0m a=t0m ®deg a, fis? tus? fs? a, fs? ap. fs? ay, fs? ay, fs? a, fs? ° ° 0 o 0.00 0 0 0 0.00 5 3473347 35 347 304 30 3 0.30 10 6840s 686.84 1208121 12 421 15 10000 1000» 100-——10.00 2679268 2 2.68 20 128561286 1291286, 4679468 474.68 2488211592183 15.32 144714 mn 7.14 30173211732, 173 17.32. 10000 © 1000 = 100 10.00 35 187941879 1881879 131601316 132, 13.16 40 19696 ©1970 197,149.70 16527 1653165 16.53 45 20000 2000» 200 20.00 20000 © 2000 = 200 20.00 80 19696. 1970197, 19.70 23473-2347 235 23.47 55 187941879188 18.79 26840-2684 268) (26.84 60173211782, 173S 17.32 30000 3000 = 300 30.00 65 153211832, 183 18.32 32886 «3286329 32.86 7O 128561286129 12.86 36321-3532, 383 38.32 75 40000 © 1000» 100. 10.00 37321-3732, 373 37.32 80 6840684 688.84 38794-3879 388 38.79 73 AT 35 347 39696 3970-397 39.70 80 ° ° 0 0.00 40000 © 4000-400 40.00 (con't) 4-40 442" (con't) avee 4H 4.43 Determine the x and y components of acceleration for the flow given in Problem 4.6. If, ¢ > 0, is the particle at point x = x, > 0 and y = 0 accelerating or decelerating? Explain. Repeat if xy < 0. Since = COX -y*) and v=-2cxy if follows that B= al taf , where = 9F + USg + V9y = CUX*Y*) 20x) +-2exy\-2ey) a = 207X(x*+y2) and 7 a= at udp tvay =C(x*-y*)(-2cy) +-2cxy)e-zex) G, = 2cty(x*+y2) For X=Xq and y=O we obtain* U=CXS , V=O and ; Qy= 207Xe , ay 0 Thus, with C>0 and x,>0 tt follows that u>0, ay 70; 4.8, the fluid is accelerating. With 070 and X,<0 if follows that u>0, G<0; 4.6, the fluid is decelerating. 442 AH$ 4.44 When flood gates in a channel are opened, water flows along the channel downstream of the gates with an increasing speed given by V = 4(1 + 0.11) f¥/s, tor = 1 = 20s, where r isin seconds. For 1 > 20 s the speed is a constant V = 12 fi/s. Consider a location in the curved channel where the radius of curvature of the streamlines is 50 ft. For t= 10 determine (a) the component of acceleration along the streamline, (b) the component of acceleration normal to the streamline, and (c) the net acceleration (magnitude and direction). Repeat for 1= 30s, V= #(I+014) H/s for 0sts205 and V= 12 ft/s fur 1 >208 a, = Vat +a where dt e0 Thus, : a, = ¥ and am -¥, where R=50ft (1) For ¢ = 2 (sth) (2H /r> = B00/r* # wherer~ H Mir= 0.544, a, = 800/6.5)' #. = 25 boot Mr=2t q, = 00/(2.0)° £ «258 447 449 4.49 Water flows through a duct of square cross section as shown in Fig. P4.49 with a constant, uniform velocity of V = 20 m/s. Consider fluid particles that lie along line A—B at time = 0, Determine the position of these panicles, denoted by line" 5 ‘A’~B", when 1 = 0.20 s. Use the volume of fluid in the region between lines A-B and A’—B" to determine the flowrate in the duct. Repeat the problem for fluid particles originally along line C-D; along line E~F. Compare your three answers, a pyr Area Chea ce FIGURE P4.49 BF Since V is constant in time and space, all particles on line AB move a distance L= Vat =(20-2) (0.25) =4m from £-0 fo pe 0.28 Thus, the volume of ABA‘R! is Yonge = (05m)*(4m) = 1.00 m* so that Yang! _ 1,00 m3 ne Qe Att = LOO mr 8 go Similarly from t=0 tot=0.25 the fluid along lines CD and EF move to CD’ and EF srespoctively Also, Yenc’! =Yere'e’ = Yaa’ so that we obtain Q= % = 5.02% regardless which line we consider. 450 4.50 Repeat Problem 4.49 if the velocity profile is linear from (0 10 20 m/s across the duct as shown in Fig. P4.50. FIGURE P4.50 Fram t=0 to 40.15 the particle initially at B travels a distance Iy= Wyat =(20%)(015)=2m as show, Particle A remain fixed since Y= 0. Since the velocity profile is linear, line AB remains straight, bot “hiks" as indicated. Thus, the volume of tid crossing the initral line AB is Yrogs = bg h =t(2m)(0.5m)*=0,25m° 50 that qty = 2350 cB" Since Yaar Vere Vygn’ if follows that the same value of @ is obtained regardless which volume is used. 448 [ay — 4.51 Inthe region just downstream of a sluice gate, the wa- ter may develop a reverse flow region as is indicated in Fig. P4.51 and Video V10.5. The velocity profile is assumed to 1 consist of two uniform regions, one with velucity V, = 10 tps 1 and the other with V, = 3 fps. Determine the net flowrate of {a ‘water across the portion of the control surface at section (2) if [ : s the channel is 20 ft wide. a a A Vz = 101s FIGURE P4.51 Q= KA - MA, = (10 BD (1.244020) (2 #)(L.8 (20) = /32 £ 4,52 |452 At times = 0 the valve on an initially asp = p.{l — e), where b is a constant, dev empty (perfect vacuum, p = 0) tank is opened termine the time rate of change of mass within and air rushes in. If the tank has a volume of ¥, the tank. and the density of air within the tank increases For £20, p=@,[1-é"] 50 that M= mass of air in tank : = eM =@% [Ie Thos, Me ob eM ev = ev [1] 4-4Q 4S ‘4.84 Water enters the bend of «river with the uniform veloc- y_ ity profile shown in Fig, P4.S4, Atthe end of the bend there is 4 region of separation or reverse flow. The fixed control vol- ume ABCD coincides with the system at time ¢ = 0. Make a sketch to indicate (a) the system at time r= $s and (b) the fluid that has entered and exited the control volume in that time period, 1 mv | FIGURE Pasa Since the distance the fluid travels in time ét=5s is Le Vat, the flud at A-B when t=0 has traveled L=(Im/s)(3)=5m when t=dt-Ss. This is shown in the figure below. Similarly, the flvid acres C-D at 4=0 has moved as indicated when t=5t<5s. Thus, the boundary of the system at £=5s are as show in the figure below. The flvid that entered and exited the control velome in that time period is also shown. control volume — — — control volme and system at t=0 -------- system at t*Ss 2° Fluid that has Elid thel aie control lvid the lyme entered control Volume 450 55 41.55 A layer of oil flows down a vertical plate as shown in Fig. P4.55 with a velocity of V = (Vo/h?) (2hx — x°)} where ‘Voand h are constants. (a) Show that the fluid sticks to the plate ‘and that the shear stress at the edge of the layer (x = i) is zero. (b) Determine the flowrate across surface AB. Assume the width of the plate is b. (Note: The velocity profile for laminar flow Plate in a pipe has a similar shape. See Video V6.6.) ave #£ (2hx-x?) Thos, a (0-0) =O and xz0 w FIGURE 4.55 zl =p Blanton -2x] <0 xh xeh X=h Hence, the tlvid sticke to the plate and there is no shear stress al the free surface. xeh h 8) Qi, = (ar dA = [arbdx = (Me, (2hx-x2) b dk i for Joo Si or j Qna = MAD hat-dxt] = Zuhb la 456 4.56 _ Water flows in the branching pipe shown in Fig. P4.56 with uniform velocity at each inlet and outlet. The fixed control volume indicated coincides with the system at time 1 = 20 s. ‘Make a sketch to indicate (a) the boundary of the system at time .2, (b) the fluid that left the control volume during that 0.2-s interval, and (c) the fluid that entered the control volume during that time interval BFIGURE P4.s6 Since Vis constant, the flvid travels a distance L= Vit in time at. Thus, 4=V, bt = (2-4) (20. -20)s = 0.4m A= Vp = (1 2) (20. -20)8 = 0.2m and fy= Vy 6t = (1.5%)(20, -20)s = 03 m The system at 1=20.2s and the fluid that has entered or exited the control volume are indicated in the fiqure below. ——— Control volume and system at t= 20s s+ system at t+20.28 4-52 457 4.57 Two liquids with different densities and viscosities fill the ‘gap between parallel plates as shown in Fig. P4.57. The top plate moves to the left with a speed of 5 fUs; the bottom plate ‘moves to the right with a speed of 2 fs. The velocity profile Consists of two linear segments as indicated. The fixed control volume ABCD coincides with the system at time 1 = 0. Make a sketch to indicate (a) the system at time ¢ = 0.1 s and (b) the fluid that has entered and exited the control volume in that time period, | FIGURE P4s7 From t=0 to t=0.1s the bottom plate (and the liquid that sticks to A) moves £=Vat =(2f/s)(01s) = 0.2 1 te the right. Similarly, the top plate moves to the lett a distance L- Vat «(5 tfc) (als) = 0.5 Hf. The flvid along lines A-D and B-C also mwe distances given by b= Vat. For example, the intertace between the 2 liquide moves a distance £= Vat = (2446) (01s)= 0.24. The flvid layer 0.5 t] above the bottom plate has V=0 and, therefore, dose not move. The corresponding displacement of the fluid originally along A-D and 8-C is shoun jn the figure below. Dp: GC loath oath — — — control volume and system at t=0 a system at t=0.1s Mr Fluid thal exited control volume YYY fluid thet enlered control volume 4-53 458 460 Water is squired from a syringe with a speed of V = 5 m/s by pushing in the plunger with a syeed uf V, = 0.03 m/s as shown in Fig. P4.58. The surface ofthe deforming Control volume consists ofthe sides and end ofthe cylinder and the end ofthe plunger. The system consists of the water in the Syringe at 1 = 0 when the plunger is at section (1) as shown, ‘Make a sketch to indicate the control surface and the system when = 0.5 s, FIGURE P4.5¢ During thet=0.5s time interval the plunger moves 4.= Vp bt =0.015m and the water in‘tially at the exit moves 4=Vit =2.5m. The corresponding control surtaces and systems at t=0 and t=0.55 shown in the fgure below. 454 4#SS 4.89 Water enters a 5-ft-wide, 1-ft-deep channel as shown in Fig. P4.59. Across the inlet the water velocity is 6 f/s in the center portion of the channel and I fi/s in the remainder of it. Farther downstream the water flows at a uniform 2 ft/s velocity across the entire channel. The fixed control volume ABCD coincides withthe system at time 1 = 0, Make asketch 616 to indicate (a) the system at time ¢ = 0.5 s and (b) the fluid that has entered and exited the control volume in that time period. During the €=0.5s time interval the tlvid thal was along line BC at time t=0 has moved to the right a distance BV t= 28 (oss) =/1. Simthrly, portions of the fluid along line AD have moved £=/# (0.55) = 0.5% and Le 6£ (0.55) = 31. This assumes the 14 and 62 fid streams do not imix or iatermingle during the ass time interval. See figure below. lite - ente fluid that conjrol ati cuted control ie oh ost [e) Yolume — — — fixed control volme Sa system af #=0.5s 4-55 4.60 4.60 Water flows through the 2-m-wide rectangular channel shown in Fig. P4.60 with a uniform velocity of 3 m/s. (a) Di- rectly integrate Eq. 4.16 with b = 1 to determine the mass flowrate (kg/s) across section CD of the control volume. (b) Repeat part (a) with b = 1/p, where p isthe density. Explain the physical interpretation of the answer to part (b). . a D ® By =f eb VA dA ie o Sout (yaad 3 ea With b=I and Vi =Veos0 this becmes (/ ~~» Bag = fev cos8 df =W oro (dA . Wend fy, whore Ay = bam) t-22%0\, «4 (See) om) = ft) 2 cos Thus, with V=3m/s, By = (3) c0s8 ('5)m*(999 4) = a0n0 b) With b= |/p £4.) becomes By =S VAD =(Veos0 d= Vous A, & a : =(32)cos0 (aalg)m? = 3.005 With b= Ye = 5 = th it follows thal B= yelme” amass (de, b= qa) 50 that [VAdA = By reprosents the volme flowrate (mY) from the control volume, 4-56 4.61 ‘The wind blows across a field with an approximate velocity profile as shown in Fig. P4.61. Use Eq, 4.16 with the parameter b equal to the velocity to determine the momentum flowrate across the vertical surface A~B, which is of unit depth into the paper. FIGURE P4.61 a a _ ye2oft ya“ [pbV-A da = (0 Verda = @ (vallivn-“amdy a AB veo: = et(V*dy c But, V= Sy # for oxy sloH(ce, V=0 at y=0; Ves # aty=/0) V=1s# for y>0 ft Thus, i . 8, = et] {(182) dy + fasi'dy] = ef bzs x | +225y ° 10 ° I “ a = 0.00238 =] 750 +2250 H']¢ = zie sli ft a ] ° 4-57 4.62 4.62 (See, “Follow those particles,” Section 4.1.) Two pho- | tographs of four particles ina flow past a sphere are superposed 4s shown in Fig, P4.62, The time interval between the photos is ay 0.128 ‘At = 0.002 s. The locations of the particles, as determined from . the photos, are shown in the table. (a) Determine the fluid ve- _4 locity for these particles. (b) Plot a graph to compare the results 7 Of part (a) with the theoretical velocity which is given by V = Vo(1 + a'x?), where a is the sphere radius and V, is the fluid speed far from the sphere. MH FIGURE Pace The tid velocity (which js assumed 40 be the same ac the particle velocity) can be estimated by V=ax fat Thus, for particle (0: Vj =[-0.480t1- (-0.500#) | /10.0025) « 10 ft/s During fo 0.0025 time interval the average location of the particle was X= [(-oweott) +(-0,s004t)] =-0.0¥90 ff By similar calcvlations the following experimental resvlls were obfaned: These experimental results and the theoretical results (VV, (J+ a*Ax3) where Vo=10M/s and a=0.1#) are plotted in the figure below. 4-58 4.63 4.63 (See, “Winds on Earth and Mars?’ Section 4.1.4.) A 10-f-diameter dust devil that rotates one revolution per second travels across the Martian surface (in the x-direction) with a speed of 5 fis, Plot the pathline etched on the surface by a fluid Particle 10 ft from the center of the dust devil for time 0 = 1 = 3s. The particle position is given by the sum ofthat for a stationary swirl (x = 10 cos(2m), y = 10 sin(2m1)] and that for a uniform velocity (x = St, y = constant), where x and y are in feet and ris in seconds. The path line is given by X= /0 cos (274) + St y- 10 sin (274), where Xn Ht, y~#t and t~s This path is plotted for O

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