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Interviewed by Wallace, McHenry admits being angry after discovering his girlfri
end's infidelity but denies that the blood on his clothing is hers. Montgomery t
ries to convince King to report her rape; King refuses, telling Montgomery that
she does not understand what it is like to be raped. Wilder uses alternative med
icine to help King deal with her pain. Psychiatrist Violet Turner (Amy Brenneman
) refuses to talk to King about the rape because of similarities to the fetal ab
duction she experienced a year earlier, and wonders if everyone in the practice
is cursed. Bennett wants to go home and rest, which angers Montgomery. King atte
mpts to compose a memorandum saying that she was attacked on the hospital ground
s, but Freedman suggests that another member of the staff do it for her; she sho
uts at Freedman when he calls her a victim. After the argument, Freedman goes to
King's office and weeps when he sees the aftermath of her assault. McHenry admi
ts raping a woman, assaulting Wallace before he is pulled away by the police. In
the ambulance bay, Bennett expresses his confusion about Montgomery's mood swin
gs and suspects that she is hiding something from him; Montgomery asks him to pr
omise never to leave her alone. After Freedman helps her dress, King says that s
he loves him and wants to go home. McHenry is held by the police for assaulting
a police officer during his arrest and Wallace during his interrogation, but det
ective Joe Price says that McHenry cannot be charged with rape until charges are
filed against him. The episode ends with King walking out of the hospital with
Freedman's help; flashbacks of the rape reveal that McHenry was the rapist.
have to revisit our mechanisms. We have a global war on terror that must be revi
sited," Abdali said. India's decision to not attend the SAARC summit also rule
s out PM Narendra Modi's visit to Islamabad in November for the same.
The MEA also said that India has conveyed to current SAARC chair Nepal that incr
easing cross-border terrorist attacks in the region and growing interference in
internal affairs of member states by one country have created an environment tha
t is not conducive to successful holding of summit in Islamabad.
India said that it is committed to regional cooperation, connectivity and contac
ts but these can only go forward in an atmosphere free of terror.
Afghanistan+ has already voiced its interest in boycotting the SAARC meet.
On September 20, Afghanistan ambassador to India Shaida Mohammad Abdali had said
: "I am sure most South Asian countries are in line with what we think. Therefor
e, the effort should be comprehensive and we should single out a country that sp
oils our unity and regional peace."
"We have to draw a line between a country that spW DELHI: Stepping up its diplom
atic offensive to isolate Pakistan+ globally following the Uri terror attack+ ,
India on Tuesday said that it would not take part in the upcoming South Asian As
sociation for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) summit in Islamabad in November.
"In the prevailing circumstances, the government of India is unable to participa
te in the proposed SAARC summit in Islamabad," ministry of external affairs(MEA)
said in a statement on Tuesday.
"We also understand that some other SAARC states have also conveyed their reserv
ation about attending the summit in November 2016," the MEA said.
hank you Afganisthan for initiating the diplomatic fight shouldering India.
david jeyaraj
We have to make sure that we bring the maximum number of countries and I am sure
most of the countries in South Asia are in line with what Afghanistan and India
think," Abdali said. He said the country spoiling regional stability should be
singled out.
"Definitely, we should single a country that spoils our unity and spoils regiona
l stability and peace and that stops integration and connectivity," he said. "Th
ere must be zero tolerance (towards terrorism). This is state-sponsored terroris
m. It is no more an issue of non-state actors.. Now, there is ample proof of thi
s as state-sponsored terrorism and, therefore, we

The episode opens with St. Ambrose Hospital chief of staff Charlotte King (KaDee
Strickland) hiding in a supply closet after being raped in her office. Alternat
ive-medicine specialist Dr. Pete Wilder (Tim Daly) finds and examines her, diagn
osing a broken wrist, eye socket and nose and a deep arm laceration, and admits
her to the hospital. King lies to Wilder, telling him that she was injured in a
mugging. Wilder calls the police; King attempts to contact her boyfriend, Dr. Co
oper Freedman (Paul Adelstein), but cannot reach him because he is out drinking
with Dr. Amelia Shepherd (Caterina Scorsone) and Dr. Sam Bennett (Taye Diggs). A
t the police station psychiatrist Sheldon Wallace (Brian Benben) interrogates Le
e McHenry (Nicholas Brendon), who was found with blood on his clothes. After nur
ses photograph King's injuries, Dr. Addison Montgomery (Kate Walsh) realizes tha
t King was raped and offers her a rape kit. During her pelvic examination, King
refuses the rape kit and tells Montgomery not to tell anyone else about the rape
. Freedman arrives with Shepherd and Bennett, and is surprised at the extent of
King's injuries. During the CT scan, King and Shepherd bond over their shared dr
ug addiction when King refuses pain medication. Shepherd admits drinking alcohol
again, and King offers to take her to Alcoholics Anonymous meetings. Shepherd s
utures King's wounds, which causes King great pain; Freedman feels powerless, un
able to protect her.
onsors terrorism and a country that is an ally in the war against terrorism. Thi
s difference must be made and should be made immediately," the Afghan envoy adde
NEW DELHI: India found support from Afghanistan in its diplomatic offensive agai
nst Pakistan on Tuesday. Afghan envoy to India Shaida Mohammad Abdali said that
countries in the region should come together to boycott the Saarc summit in Isla
mabad over the host nation's role in "destabilising" the neighbourhood.
In an interview to NDTV, Abdali said the terrorism being unleashed by Pakistan w
as lethal and systematic as also state-sponsored and called on neighbouring coun
tries to unite to end the violence. Asked if India, Afghanistan and Bangladesh s
hould join hands to boycott the Saarc summit in November, he said there should b
e a comprehensive effort to stamp out terror.
Top Comment
Thank you Afganisthan for initiating the diplomatic fight shouldering India.
david jeyaraj
We have to make sure that we bring the maximum number of countries and I am sure
most of the countries in South Asia are in line with what Afghanistan and India
think," Abdali said. He said the country spoiling regional stability should be
singled out.
"Definitely, we should single a country that spoils our unity and spoils regiona
l stability and peace and that stops integration and connectivity," he said. "Th
ere must be zero tolerance (towards terrorism). This is state-sponsored terroris
m. It is no more an issue of non-state actors.. Now, there is ample proof of thi
s as state-sponsored terrorism and, therefore, we
The episode opens with St. Ambrose Hospital chief of staff Charlotte King (KaDee
Strickland) hiding in a supply closet after being raped in her office. Alternat
ive-medicine specialist Dr. Pete Wilder (Tim Daly) finds and examines her, diagn
osing a broken wrist, eye socket and nose and a deep arm laceration, and admits
her to the hospital. King lies to Wilder, telling him that she was injured in a
mugging. Wilder calls the police; King attempts to contact her boyfriend, Dr. Co
oper Freedman (Paul Adelstein), but cannot reach him because he is out drinking
with Dr. Amelia Shepherd (Caterina Scorsone) and Dr. Sam Bennett (Taye Diggs). A
t the police station psychiatrist Sheldon Wallace (Brian Benben) interrogates Le
e McHenry (Nicholas Brendon), who was found with blood on his clothes. After nur
ses photograph King's injuries, Dr. Addison Montgomery (Kate Walsh) realizes tha
t King was raped and offers her a rape kit. During her pelvic examination, King
refuses the rape kit and tells Montgomery not to tell anyone else about the rape

. Freedman arrives with Shepherd and Bennett, and is surprised at the extent of
King's injuries. During the CT scan, King and Shepherd bond over their shared dr
ug addiction when King refuses pain medication. Shepherd admits drinking alcohol
again, and King offers to take her to Alcoholics Anonymous meetings. Shepherd s
utures King's wounds, which causes King great pain; Freedman feels powerless, un
able to protect her.
Interviewed by Wallace, McHenry admits being angry after discovering his girlfri
end's infidelity but denies that the blood on his clothing is hers. Montgomery t
ries to convince King to report her rape; King refuses, telling Montgomery that
she does not understand what it is like to be raped. Wilder uses alternative med
icine to help King deal with her pain. Psychiatrist Violet Turner (Amy Brenneman
) refuses to talk to King about the rape because of similarities to the fetal ab
duction she experienced a year earlier, and wonders if everyone in the practice
is cursed. Bennett wants to go home and rest, which angers Montgomery. King atte
mpts to compose a memorandum saying that she was attacked on the hospital ground
s, but Freedman suggests that another member of the staff do it for her; she sho
uts at Freedman when he calls her a victim. After the argument, Freedman goes to
King's office and weeps when he sees the aftermath of her assault. McHenry admi
ts raping a woman, assaulting Wallace before he is pulled away by the police. In
the ambulance bay, Bennett expresses his confusion about Montgomery's mood swin
gs and suspects that she is hiding something from him; Montgomery asks him to pr
omise never to leave her alone. After Freedman helps her dress, King says that s
he loves him and wants to go home. McHenry is held by the police for assaulting
a police officer during his arrest and Wallace during his interrogation, but det
ective Joe Price says that McHenry cannot be charged with rape until charges are
filed against him. The episode ends with King walking out of the hospital with
Freedman's help; flashbacks of the rape reveal that McHenry was the rapist.
have to revisit our mechanisms. We have a global war on terror that must be revi
sited," Abdali said.

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