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Videotape Analysis and Reflection

Name: Brianna Beaupre
Date of Video(s): October 6, 2016
Brief Lesson Description: I taught warm-ups and
music for the Honor Band at...
Address the following items in detailed statements.
Use examples and illustrations from the video.

What were the goals/objectives for this lesson as

stated in your plan?
Instructional Objectives: Students will be able to
perform Ghost in the Attic with appropriate


Describe the overall degree to which you

accomplished your goals.
I believe that I was really able to accomplish my
goals. I felt as though they were much more detailed
and aware of their articulations in Ghost in the Attic
after my lesson. They would still need more work in
this area, but I feel as though they are much more
aware of what they are doing and can better reflect
on if they are performing the articulations well.
Execution of the Plan:


What are some of your personal idiosyncrasies? How

can you address them as you grow as a teacher?

This is still the same as my first lesson. I say you

guys a lot and instead I should use their names. I
also said okay way too much. I need to give more
direct feedback and cut down on saying okay in
general, although for this lesson I gave better

What did you do/not do to set the tone for learning?

Would you do anything differently? If so, what?
I think I did a good job of taking charge and having
good pacing while still being relaxed. They were
better aware that I was in charge and that we would
be moving quickly during this lesson. I think I would
maintain the tone more if I could redo this lesson. I
became a little too relaxed so by the end I was
having some classroom management problems.


Focus on your questioning. What did you notice in

terms of the quality of your questioning? Frequency?
Levels? Response/feedback to students? Cite
I think I did a much better job this time of limiting my
questions so they were more meaningful to the
students. I asked some general knowledge questions
as in who has the melody or plays certain parts.
Other questions required self-reflection of their
performances. Finally, some questions required
slightly higher level thinking such as rhythmic
dictation. Overall I am pleased with the different
levels of questions I asked. I also provided better
feedback to the students. I think I did a good job of
being clear and concise especially when I was talking
about how their staccatos sounded too much like

accents. I should have focused on providing feedback

about other aspects of their playing though, beyond
just focusing on the articulations.

How well did you engage ALL learners in this lesson?

Would you change anything about the participation?
If so, what would you do differently?
I did not engage all learners in this lesson. I think a
majority was engaged though, especially at the
beginning. As the lesson went on I lost more students
because I did isolation without providing engagement
for the other students and started talking too much.


What are your greatest strengths in the delivery of

this lesson?
My greatest strength was that I did a better job of
providing feedback and keeping my pacing up.


What areas in this lesson need attention and

I need to work on keeping more students engaged,
especially when isolating certain groups. This would
help quite a but with classroom management since I
had problems in this area.


On a scale of 1 (weakest) to 10 (strongest), rate your

overall effectiveness as a teacher in this experience.
Defend your rating with examples.
I would say my overall effectiveness was a 7 or 8.
The students did a great job of performing the
articulations how I wanted them too and with a little

more work they would really have it nailed down. I

did struggle a little bit with classroom management
though and could have engaged the students more.

For Videos 2, 3, and 4: Discuss your growth over time

in the areas listed above.
I improved greatly from my last video to this video in
pretty much all areas. I was more professional in my
tone and my overall execution was way better. I
asked higher quality questions at better times and
therefore achieved much better answers. The
students were also much more engaged in this
lesson since I had a better grasp of what I was doing
and was able to provide clearer and more consistent

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