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Using Oracle GoldenGate Director Web

After completing this lesson, you should be able to:

Describe the features of Oracle GoldenGate Director Web
Navigate the Oracle GoldenGate Director Web user
View detailed process and monitoring information by using
Oracle GoldenGate Director Web
Describe two ways to create watch lists
In Oracle GoldenGate Director
In Oracle GoldenGate Monitor

Control Oracle GoldenGate components by using Oracle

GoldenGate Director Web

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You would like to be able to view Oracle GoldenGate instances from a computer web browser
without installing any software. Zero-footprint function is attractive.

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Oracle GoldenGate Director Web:

Is a web-based control and monitoring console for Oracle
GoldenGate environments
Provides an alternative interface to the Oracle GoldenGate
Director Client
Is a thin-client version that requires only a web browser to
access Oracle GoldenGate instances
Provides a vertical view of all Oracle GoldenGate
Requires no installation because it is part of Oracle
GoldenGate Director Server

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Oracle GoldenGate Director Web is a web-based control and monitoring console for networks
running Oracle GoldenGate data extraction and replication software. Using Oracle
GoldenGate Director Web, system administrators can:
View and control the network from any workstation that is running a current version of
the web browser
Configure, start, manage, and stop Oracle GoldenGate processes
Obtain process run history
Retrieve process startup parameters
Communicate with running processes
Review reports
Review process events
Launch parameter editing
Send Alert Notifications (though this is better accomplished by Oracle GoldenGate

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Oracle GoldenGate Director Web: Overview

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Oracle GoldenGate Director Web is used with Oracle GoldenGate Director Server, which
comprises a Java application server. The Java EE architecture of such an application server
has the following components:
Monitor Database: The Monitor Database forms the repository for consolidating event
logs and performance statistics from the various hosts on the network. It also decouples
the various processes performing the actual monitoring work (Monitor Agent) from those
providing data display and control to the user (Monitor GUI). The Monitor Database can
be implemented on any of a number of RDBMS platforms for which JDBC drivers exist.
Monitor Agent: The Monitor Agent is a multithreaded Java server that performs the
actual data gathering. When initialized, the Monitor Agent starts a monitoring thread for
each configured host on the network and, optionally, starts threads for cleaning up the
database and receiving remote commands. As these threads change data in the
database, the Monitor Agent sends a message to the application context of the Monitor
GUI, informing any GUI sessions that a redisplay of data is needed. This message
exchange eliminates unnecessary polling and querying of the database by the GUI.
Director Web GUI: Oracle GoldenGate Director Web GUI is a Java servletbased or
JSP-based application that requires an application server or web server that is Javacapable to run. The Web GUI is accessible via any current version of the browser. All
processing logic is performed on the server, delivering only HTML and JavaScript to the
requesting browser. The GUI is able to update its display in near-real time by using a
polling mechanism that queries only for messages submitted by the Monitor Agent, thus
eliminating unnecessary round trips to the database.






Director Server
Web Server



Director repository
(JDBC Database)
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Oracle GoldenGate Director Web is GUI-driven by the Monitor Agent running on a web server
that uses a database that is JDBC compliant.
The Monitor Agent communicates to the Oracle GoldenGate Manager instance in order to
communicate to the GGSCI interface on the host. The Monitor Agent then sends an ALLSTAT
command directly to GGSCI to collect statistics of all Oracle GoldenGate processes on that
host. GGSCI responds via XML containing the statistics, which are then stored in the JDBC
The web server sends these details via HTML to the web browser that runs Oracle
GoldenGate Director Web.

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Oracle GoldenGate Director Web: Architecture

The interface has three main panes:

Network tree

Processes and
Tasks lists

Event Log

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To start Oracle GoldenGate Director Web interface, go to http://host:port/acon and log in with
the same user names as Oracle GoldenGate Director Client (those created and maintained by
Oracle GoldenGate Director Administrator). In the practice, that will be and userid/password admin/oracle_4U.
The Oracle GoldenGate Director Web interface is divided into three main panes (shown in
Network tree
Processes and Tasks lists (separate tabs)
Event Log

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Oracle GoldenGate Director Web Interface

The Network tree shows the entire network of Oracle

GoldenGate instances.
The Color icon indicates the status of a
Manager instance.

Nodes can be expanded or collapsed.

Each capture/delivery process is
The Color icon (green, yellow, red)
indicates the status of a process.

Watch lists enable you to concentrate

on particular nodes and groups.
Turn Live Monitoring on or off.

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Network: The first items displayed in the tree view are the Oracle GoldenGate Manager
instances and the respective data extraction/replication processes that exist on the
network. To view (or hide) the processes, expand (or collapse) the instance nodes by
clicking the icon next to the name of the manager. Clicking a manager instance name or
process name in the tree view creates and applies a temporary watch list for that
instance and/or process so that you can filter the view for just the processes and events
that you are most interested in.
Watch lists: A watch list is simply a special view of the network. Using watch lists, you
can highlight specific areas of the network for special attention. A watch list consists of
one or more manager instance names, linked with an optional list of process names to
be monitored. In addition, a watch list contains an event log filter, which establishes a
default event log filter, when the watch list is displayed.
Live Monitoring toggle: Use the Live Monitoring toggle to turn live monitoring on or off.
When live monitoring is on, the data displayed in the various panes of the Oracle
GoldenGate Director Web interface will be updated in near real time.
Log out: Log out of and exit Oracle GoldenGate Director Web.

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Network Tree

In the Processes and Tasks lists, processes are listed as

services and tasks. Color indicates the status of a process.
You can:

Access detailed status information

Edit Parameter files
View Reports, Lag History, Info Details, and Discards
Stop, start, or kill one or more processes
Launch the web-GGSCI command interface for full access

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A process is listed as either a service or a task. The Processes list (shown in the slide) is a
detailed view of all the data capture/delivery processes on your network. Using the process
list, you can access detailed status information for each process, edit parameter files, view
reports, stop and start one or more processes, or even use web-GGSCI to gain full access to
a remote host. The Tasks list is a detailed view of all batch tasks on your network and
provides the same functionality as the Processes list.

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Using the Processes and Tasks Lists

You can pick one or more processes to:


Check the
process(es) you
want to control

then select the

action you want
to perform.

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From the Processes and Tasks lists, you can stop, start, or kill one or more processes. Select
the check box next to each desired process, and then click Stop, Start, or Kill at the top of the
process list.
Note: The selected processes do not have to be associated with the same Oracle
GoldenGate Manager instance.

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Controlling Oracle GoldenGate Processes

The Show details check box enables the display of the

Last Record and Last Status timestamps.

Deselect Show details to

hide the detail record.

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The amount of information displayed in the process list can be reduced for easier viewing. To
show or hide the detail record, select or deselect the Show details check box in the right
corner of the process list's caption bar. Look at the previous slide to see the timestamp detail
line that is suppressed.

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Controlling Display Details

Make desired
changes and
click Save

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Clicking the process name in the process list displays the Process Configuration page. You
can use this page to edit the process parameters of the selected process on the host system.
Enter the changes in the editor window and click the Save button. If the changes were made
successfully, you will see a confirmation message stating that the parameter file has been
saved. Click OK to acknowledge this message.

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Editing Process Parameters

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The report viewer consolidates the results of several informational GGSCI commands,
INFO commands
LAG commands (shown in graphical format representing the Lag over the past 48
A tab listing the contents of the discard file is also provided.
Note: Not all of this information is available for all process types.

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Viewing Reports

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A link to the GGSCI interface is provided below each data source in the Processes list. Click
this link to open a GGSCI session for that data source. The Oracle GoldenGate Director Web
GGSCI interface supports the same set of commands as the Oracle GoldenGate Director
Client GGSCI interface.

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GGSCI Interface

The Event Log shows events generated by processes,

categorized as Warning, Information, or Error.
Features include the ability to sort, filter, and acknowledge
event messages.
Sort by columns.

Filter by severity.

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The Event Log (shown in the slide) is a view of the messages generated by all the processes
on the network. Events are categorized as Warning, Information, or Error (as indicated by the
icon displayed in each event record). The Event Log can be sorted by any column displayed.
A filter can be applied to display messages based on the following:
Display only messages in the selected categories.
Display only messages that have not yet been acknowledged.
Display a maximum number of events per page, based on the size entered.
A message can be acknowledged by selecting the check box for the chosen message and
then clicking Acknowledge.

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Using the Event Log

This might be
better done using
OGG Monitor.

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An email alert is a filter that you set up on an event type and/or text or checkpoint lag for a
particular process or group of processes.
If the established criteria in the alert match, then an audible warning can be triggered or an
email can be sent to one or more recipients.
While Oracle GoldenGate Director can make email alerts, Oracle GoldenGate Monitor is the
recommended tool for creating and monitoring alerts (sending both email and SNMP). Oracle
GoldenGate Monitor is covered later in this course in the lesson titled Installing Oracle
GoldenGate Monitor.

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Configuring Email Alerts

This might be
better done using
OGG Monitor.

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Watch Lists
A watch list is a named view of the network, enabling you to highlight specific areas of the
network for special attention. A watch list consists of one or more manager instance names
linked with an optional list of process names to be monitored. In addition, a watch list contains
an event log filter, which establishes a default event log filter when the watch list is displayed.
A watch list can be shared or private.
This function might be better accomplished using Oracle GoldenGate Monitor, covered later in
this course in the lesson titled Installing Oracle GoldenGate Monitor. In Oracle GoldenGate
Monitor, this is known as a View.

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Director Web: Watch Lists

The main panes of Oracle GoldenGate Director Web interface

a. Network tree
b. Web Process tree
c. Processes and Tasks lists
d. Event Log

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Answer: a, c, d

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In this lesson, you should have learned how to:

Describe the features of Oracle GoldenGate Director Web
Navigate the Oracle GoldenGate Director Web user
View detailed process and monitoring information by using
Oracle GoldenGate Director Web
Recommend the proper tool to create watch lists and email
Control Oracle GoldenGate components by using Oracle
GoldenGate Director Web

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This practice covers viewing your Oracle GoldenGate

configuration in Oracle GoldenGate Director Web:
Accessing the Network tree
Viewing the Processes and Tasks lists
Viewing reports

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Practice 6 Overview:
Using Oracle GoldenGate Director Web

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