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Volume 3: Beyond Ritual -- Part 10: Additional Topics --- Chapter 8: Time, the Shepherd of Reality
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Yael Dragwyla First North American rights

email: polaris93@aol.com 700 words


Volume III: Beyond Ritual: Historical, Philosophical, and Scientific
-- Essays on the Cutting Edge of Esoteric Science

Part 10: Additional Topics

Chapter 8: Time, the Shepherd of Reality

The defining characteristic of our mortal lives and of human society is our attitude toward time,
coupled with our culturally conditioned ideas of how to use it and what experience of it means.
On the one hand, on the neurological level, this is manifest by processes taking place in one or both
temporal lobes of the brain. The temporal lobes are also the sites of memory of experience of rewards
and punishments received as sanctions of socially significant behavior from those who raised them; oral
and written language; music as a form of language; etc. On the other hand, time is one of the great
preoccupations of the Magickian and the astrologer. How we use time, for better or worse, is the
dominant exigency of our human lives and cultures.
Psychologists and neurologists have learned that the human sense of time is different for those who
suffer from such pathologies as chronic endogenous depression, sociopathology, and other superego-
related conditions, all of which are associated with damage to the temporal lobes or their functions. In
the case of depressive personalities, a deranged sense of the passing of time in which bad experiences are
expanded and good ones are contracted in such a way that pain and anguish becomes the greatest
part of life and memory, becomes so acute that the sufferer is at serious risk for suicide. On the other
hand, lack of awareness that there is a future, that actions do indeed have consequences, especially social
ones, can lead the psychopath to do murder. So just in terms of sociopsychological and psychospiritual
impact alone, this is no small matter.
Beyond that, both the Magickian/ astrologer and the physicist seek understanding and transcendence
of time as the key to an ultimate understanding and mastery of reality at all levels. Given that the way in
which we learn language and how to behave socially is inextricably bound up with our perception and
use of time at the most basic levels of our existence, this implies that anything that damages the delicate
physiological, neurological, and psychological mechanisms that facilitate all these functions will damage
our ability to use time in a healthy and biologically useful way. Since in so many human cultures social
and biological success is contingent upon winning viciously competitive interactions, it isnt surprising
that the thrust of such competitive struggle is so often aimed at crippling the time-sense of competitors
and their ability to use time in any productive, effective way. Thus clearly a great deal of the most
vicious abuses of children and other powerless individuals by predators of whatever stripe is almost
certainly aimed at the victims use of language, their socially relevant behavioral patterns, and their very
sexuality the most powerful and socially important aspect of their lives. By doing horrendous damage
to as much as possible of what the victims ability to use time effectively is bound up with and is
necessary for the successful operation of that ability, their victimizers render them competitively
ineffective and cripples their ability to defend themselves against predation. In this way, the abuser
assures him/herself of a clear field of operation and, at the same time, plenty of fresh meat for his or
her pleasures.
This may explain, at least in part, the frequently hysterical hostility aimed at astrology a study of
the most effective ways for use to use our sense of time in the pursuit of happiness and biological success
Volume 3: Beyond Ritual -- Part 10: Additional Topics --- Chapter 8: Time, the Shepherd of Reality
Page 2

by established social authority. Those who teach astrology and make it available to others thereby
threaten the power of those who are able to maintain their power over others only by crippling the time-
sense of the majority of their subjects. Just ask Adolph Hitler and his henchmen, who, after they came to
power, began a pogrom against every occultist and astrologer outside the Nazi Party that did not stop
until their own final defeat at the end of World War II!

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