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Emmanuel Baez

Mr. Davis
20 October 2016

NASA Fundings
Space exploration is a huge part of American history and has been a very interesting
mission over the years. Space exploration is seen as the investigation of objects in space and on
stars, planets, and their moons through the use of artificial satellites, space probes, and spacecraft
with human crews. From the space race with Russia to unmanned lunar probes, space exploration
inspires and enlightens every person that comes in contact with it that is why NASA is created
for, to inspire people to explore the unexplored and to make new discoveries and technology for
space or for our own planet. But in order to have the ability to explore or improve, we need to
have the right equipment and technology to do so, that is why we need NASA to be at its best
shape to do that for us,but in order to do that, we will need to increase the fundings for NASAs

By increasing the funds to NASA, they can have the ability to fix their technology by using
the money in order to have more materials or to improve their technology. In order to explore
other earths, we must first find them; and that must be done with telescopes. However, the
Kepler Telescope will be turned off mid-mission and the James Webb Space Telescopea next
generation telescope set for launch in 2018will not be completed because of lack of funding in
Obamas budget. (.deathan) This quote states that in order to explore space, NASA will need to
improve their technology in order to move forward with their explorations, but in order to do
that, they will need to have more fundings from the government so that they can complete their
projects like the Kepler Telescope. We currently lack the technology to get people to Mars and
back. An interplanetary mission of that scale would likely be one of the most expensive and
difficult engineering challenges of the 21st century.( .wired.c) This is another example why we
need to increase funds to NASA, their technology isn't advanced enough to go to outer space and

land to the red planet also known as Mars, furthermore this is why we need to increase the funds
so that NASA can improve their technology that will help us understand not just one planet but
many others in the future.

Another reason why we need to fund NASA is because they need to improve their safety for
missions or for our community. Space has always been a risky endeavor. But according to the
latest report from the Aerospace Safety Advisory Panel (ASAP), which makes safety
recommendations to NASA, the space agency is not being careful enough. The latest report
criticizes several aspects of the Orion capsule and the Space Launch System (SLS) that NASA is
designing to bring astronauts to Mars in the 2030s. The report blames the safety concerns on
budget pressures and a lack of accountability.( .popsci.) This quote can tell us that NASA is
struggling with safety, because of the lack of funding being sent to NASA, they can improve
their safety for space exploration and with the lack of money, they won't be able to buy more
material for the experiments in making their ships more stronger and safer. There have been
entirely too many incidents of failure, for every problem it requires an excessive amount of
money to fix. when the NASA administrators create their yearly budget, they should plan for
minor and major accidents, and if none happen, the excess money would be carried over to the
next year.(Book: NASA) In order to make sure that their experiments and tests are safe, NASA
will have to go through failures which means things will break or not be usable again so they will
need to stock up again which will require money to do so.

Another reason why it is required to give additional funds to NASA is that it wilhl benefit the
economy. The cost of NASA, as is true of almost any government agency, is worth it, because it
can benefit the economy directly through the purchase of goods and creation of jobs, and
indirectly by inspiring people in industries that spawn from invented technologies or materials.
(northeastern.ed)As the quote suggests, giving money to NASA will come with benefits like
opening additional jobs for people who want to work for NASA, also creating new inventions or
materials that the U.S and their people can use in their everyday lives. When businesses
leverage NASA technologies to develop new products, it not only benefits the regional economy,

but significantly strengthens the nation's competitiveness in the global marketplace. (
This quote shows that NASA helps out on businesses and strengthens it significantly because of
their technology and findings, so the economy is dependent to NASA, so if NASA does not have
the fundings to make technology and improve them, then they won't be able to help which will
then affect the economy.

Some people will say that giving NASA extra money would be a waste and that the money
should go to other companies to help other problems, but these people don't realize that giving
NASA a little extra money will actually be beneficial here's why. Americans spend more on pet
food than they do on space exploration; Americans spend more on cosmetics than on space;
Gillette Razor company spent more to develop and market their new shaver than it costs to fly
the space shuttle for a year, and on and on.(deathandtaxe) Although Americans will have to pay
a little more on taxes in order to pay NASA, this quote shows that Americans won't be paying so
much money as they think it will. NASA has pushed science to all new heights and new
frontiers for nearly 50 years the impact of cutting such an essential part of the science field
would be profound. NASA has created many new inventions that help people around the world
and should continue its endeavors to land a man on Mars and beyond.( This quote
shows why we need to keep funding NASA, in addition, if NASA was to be given even more
money than they would be able to do more and accomplish more goals like helping our planet
with global warming, prevent meteors from hitting Earth, or landing a man to Mars.

As you can see, the funding for NASA is an important agency that we need in order to reach
new heights and improve our planet. By increasing the funds for NASA, we improve their
technology, their safeties are improved, and it will aid the economy. All these are some benefits
that can aid our world to be better and more secured than ever before. NASA can improve
technology that will change and benefit our everyday lives, NASA will be able to make safer
trips to space resulting in less or zero deaths plus our lives can be much safer like improving
bullet proof vests or making technology that won't explode, and lastly NASA can improve the

economy by making more jobs and manufacture some goods that the economy might need. All
this can be accomplished by not cutting funds from NASA and instead, increasing it.





NASA: America's Voyage To The Stars by E. John and Nancy Dewaard

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