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Intervention Summary
Mallory Dixon
January 30, 2016
Trial Intervention #1

In this trial intervention we targeted BrynnLes goal to speak or sign 50 words by April.

The activity we participated in was reading a book titled Brown Bear, Brown Bear with

Cassie engaged BrynnLe by showing her the book and saying: Look! BrynnLe we are going
to read a book! Cassie had BrynnLe sit next to her and help turn the pages in the book.
Cassie used indirect and direct verbal prompts to support BrynnLe in saying or signing the
words in the book. When Cassie used direct verbal prompts BrynnLe responded by signing
the word and saying the word aloud. The words she signed and said include: me, dog, and
see. BrynnLe signed and said me three separate occasions from a direct verbal prompt
from Cassie. Megan arrived halfway through the book and BrynnLe looked over to her
several times. BrynnLe then crawled over to Megan.

Trial Intervention #2

In this trial intervention we targeted BrynnLes goal to walk 3-4 steps independently 3
times per toddler class.

The activity we participated in was following the musical piano. We began the activity by
one of us holding the piano and the other helping BrynnLe get to a stand and she would
then walk over to the piano. We then had BrynnLe walk to the piano that rested on a chair
that was on the other side of the living room.

We engaged BrynnLe with this activity by first pushing the buttons and playing the piano
ourselves. BrynnLe then pushed the buttons on the piano. After BrynnLe played with the
piano for a minute or two, I said: Okay BrynnLe we are going to hold the piano and you
are going to come walk to get it! Cassie and BrynnLe went to one side of the living room
and I the other. Cassie helped BrynnLe get into a standing position and take the first couple
steps. Then, BrynnLe walked independently 3-5 steps towards the piano that I was holding.
We then let BrynnLe play with the piano for a minute. We repeated this process of these
promptings and BrynnLe responded with smiles and by walking independently three
times. She stumbled and fell down two times. We also followed this routine by placing the
piano on the chair and had BrynnLe walk towards the piano independently. We repeated
this several times as if she were walking from center to center in the toddler room. When
we placed the piano on the chair, BrynnLe would attempt to crawl to get to the piano. I
said: Oh no, BrynnLe! We are going to use our feet and legs to walk to the piano. I would
then lift her up into a standing position and let go when she began walking to the piano. We
repeated this several times and BrynnLe responded consistently.

Trial Intervention #3

Trial Intervention Summary

Mallory Dixon
January 30, 2016
In this trial intervention we targeted BrynnLes goal to hold a utensil in her hand in the
writing position.

Cassie brought construction paper and chalk and engaged BrynnLe by saying: Look
BrynnLe! We have chalk and paper and we are going to draw! In the second part of this
trial intervention we sat BrynnLe in her high chair and gave her a spoon to eat her cereal.
We also had BrynnLe feed her doll with the spoon.

Cassie first scribbled on the paper to show BrynnLe what she was doing. This model
elicited BrynnLes response to grab some chalk and color on the paper. BrynnLe held the
chalk in a palmar grasp. I used a full physical assist to help her hold the chalk in the writing
position. BrynnLe responded by resisting and tightening her grip in a non-writing position.
I realized that this type of prompt would not be effective. And now, I realize that this
prompt is targeting a goal that is not developmentally appropriate. BrynnLe engaged in
scribbling for a few minutes and then crawled somewhere else. Later, BrynnLe signed to
Megan that she wanted chips. They had no chips, so Megan offered crackers or cereal.
BrynnLe signed for cereal. Megan sat her in her high chair and Cassie asked if there was a
baby spoon she could use to feed herself. BrynnLe was given the small spoon and grasped it
with and overhand. She also held it at the top of the stem of the spoon. We attempted to
prompt using a full physical assist and BrynnLe resisted and her hands became tense as
was the case with the chalk earlier. We brought out a baby doll and I said: BrynnLe we are
going to feed your baby! (Indirect verbal prompt.) I then modeled for BrynnLe how to feed
her baby with the spoon. I gave BrynnLe the spoon and she fed her baby. BrynnLe
responded by holding the spoon at the top of the stem.

Trial Intervention #4

In this trial intervention we targeted BrynnLes goal of sucking from a straw.

BrynnLe has a special straw the uses pressures to push out water inside of a cup. The straw
is put into a honey container with some water in it. When the bottle is squeezed, water
pushes up out of the straw.

Megan engaged BrynnLe by asking her if she would like some juice. We held the bottle for
BrynnLe and helped BrynnLe put the straw in her mouth. Then, we lightly squeezed the
bottle and water would come out of the straw into BrynnLes mouth. We repeated this
many times and BrynnLe continued to drink from the bottle and straw. Occasionally, the
water would fall out of her mouth and dribble down her chin.

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