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Amaya Holliday

Unit 1 Portfolio

I am a master at interpreting slope and changes in slope, positive and negative. I learned
how to do this in 8th and 9th grade so I have a strong understanding about this.

This is problem 6 on Practice 3. I easily graphed this equation. I started out by finding the yintercept which is 1. I started my line there. Then I went over 4 units to the right and 1 unit up
the graph the slope of the line. This problem is dealing with a positive slope.

I created my own example. I can recognize that this is a positive slope. I can see this because x
and y values are both increasing.

I created my own example for this. I know that this is a negative slope because as x increases y
I am a master at determining a linear equations to fit points. I can do this well. I
demonstrate this in my second POW, Transforming Functions Workshop, and Practice 3.

This is my POW 2. In this POW I used my knowledge of linear equations. I used point slope
form to find a y=mx+b equation from the point I got on my graph. Point slope form is

. That is how I found the slope. Then I plugged in the y and x into the y and x in the
y=mx+b equation. Then I got the y-intercept.

This is my Transforming Functions Workshop. I used the linear equation

f ( x) = to fit a

graph. (My the correct line is the more acute lines.) I plugged in my x values into that equation
and solved.

This is problem 5 on Practice 3. I used point slope form to solve this problem. I started by using
plugging my points into the


equation. I got a slope of

x. I then found the y1

intercept by plugging in one set of coordinates into the

y+mx+b equation. I ended up getting

y= x+4.
I am a master at writing and solving algebraic expressions for contextual linear
situations. I practice this a lot when I work on Exploration 6, Transforming Functions
Workshop, and Exploration 3 .

This is problem 2 on Exploration 6. I solved the inequality I knew the ideal number was 7 and 3
is the tolerance, the number between the middle and the maximum or minimum. I subtracted 3
from 7. I got four which would be the smallest amount thus inequalities would allow. I then
graphed the equation.

This is Part II on the Transforming Functions Workshop. I graphed both d( x) and f ( x) . I

graphed d( x) by first finding the x intercept. I knew it was 4 because I looked at the table I
found the x column and then looked at the d( x) column. When d( x) was 0 x was -4.
Therefore -4 is the x-intercept. I graphed

f ( x) by using the equation

f ( x) = .

This is problem 4 on Exploration 3. I used this variables in the word problem and made it into an
equation. I first wanted to find the rate the tires are being pumped at so I divided the psi into the

pumps. After I got the quotient of those questions I subtract them 0.630.58=0.05 . Next
multiplied 0.0530=1.5 . The tire pressure started at 1.5 psi. After that I made an equation
to represent the problem. My equation was 1.5+0.05 x=tire pressure because 1.5 is
the starting psi and 0.05 x is the tire pressure times the total pumps.
I am a master at identifying transformations of a graph from an equation and vice versa. I
have lots of experience with this from Algebra 1 and in 8th grade. I am very confident in
this skill.

This is problem 3 on Exploration 5. I used the equation f ( x) =|x5| to make the graph and
table above. I knew the x intercept would be 5 to the right. I then went up by a slope of one. I did
this going both ways because this function is in the absolute family.

I created my own problem for this evidence. I started out with the equation

y= x2 . First

I found the y-intercept. I put a point at ( 0, 2) and went up negative 1 over negative two. I
did this for all the points and created the graph above.

I created my own example again. This time I made a graph and then found the equation from it.
First, I found the y-intercept which is 2. I then found the slope. The line was rising by 1 and
going over by 3. The slope was . I then put it in the slope-intercept form.
I am proficient at using strategies of algebra to solve linear, reciprocal, and absolute
value equations. I can do this most of the time, I sometimes still need help from my
teacher or peers.

This is problem problem 1 on Exploration 4. I solved this problem like any other algebraic
equation. I added 5y to both sides so it would equal 3 x=2+5 y . Then I solved it. After I
found y I plugged it into the equation and I found x.

This is problem 4 on Exploration 6. This is a linear equation I solved this by using point slope
form and plugging in

( 4,3)


y 2y1
. My answer was
x 2x1

4 5
y= x+
3 3

I am a master at using inequalities to represent intervals, domains and ranges. I

displayed my knowledge on my POW 3, POW 2 and Exploration 6.

This is my POW 3. I used the tolerance and ideal numbers to solve this POW. The ideal number
is the middle number between your two numbers. The tolerance is the distance of the ideal
number and the maximum and minimum.

This picture is problem 3 and 4 on Exploration 5. I used the domain and range of my graph the
equations 2x8 and 0y 3 I got these equations because I got the highest x and y
values and created an inequality equations. Both these equations are saying x and y have to be
between the domain and range.

I also used my understanding of inequalities on the POW to make the 5 lines fit together to one
line. I used my knowledge of inequalities to use the domain and range to set constraints for
each equations, so all the equations to fit together.


I believe one of my strengths in Advanced Algebra is reflecting and synthesizing. For example, I
have completed all the journal entries Dan has assigned. All my journal entries are very
thorough. When I described my math, I always simplify steps and my thinking to make it easier
for readers to understand. Also, I always want to be able to justify my work. For example, when I
am working I always think why does that work in my mind to make sure I am fully
understanding content.
My second Habit of a Mathematician I am good at recognizing and resolving errors. After I
complete an exploration and we go over it in class I always try my best to understand I was
wrong instead of just copying the right answer.
I struggle with generating ideas. When I am look at word problems my brain just shuts down. I
have to reread the questions many times before I can fully understand it. I struggle with
generating ideas on how to solve these problems. Additionally, I struggle with applying the right
content to the right word problems.
I believe I would deserve an A- because I come to class everyday prepared and ready to learn.
I also, participate in all discussions with my table group and class. This shows I have great
participation. I have A-worthy math habits because I only settle for knowing why the answer
makes sense. For example, I always ask why when I am confused. I could easily copy my
friends answers. Instead, I work hard inside and outside of class to make sure I understand why
the content so I can do the problems without out stealing the answers from my friends. Lastly, I
deserve an A- because I am knowledgeable with the content we learned. I am a master in more
than three quarter of these units. Lastly, the reason I should get an A- is because even though I
work very hard in class math has never fully clicked in my brain. Applying knowledge to word
problems is one of my biggest weaknesses and unfortunately this is a huge part of math.

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