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Rate yourself from 1-10 in Microsoft office?

Should we use infographic in a single slide?
What are you aspirations as you?
Why Management programme after engineering?
Marketing activities carried out by the competitors of Maggi.
IF given a chance by EY to switch what would you do?
Why not join NGO right away?
Some scenario based questions?
Why MBA after B.Com.?
What are your life aspirations?
Why entrepreneurship?
Would you join EY one year from today if they offers you 40% move?
Why did you leave McKinsey?
What is your future vision?
What are your aspirations from life?
Why did not you took Technical job rather than a management job?
Who are you and what are your achievements?
What is TED?
You want to be marketing Manager, What you need to do?
What project did you do in Adani Wilmer?
How much will you rate yourself on command excel. Out of 10?
Why are you low on marks?
Negotiation Question from our end.
Basic Terminology- EBITDA vs. Net income, Direct/indirect cost, operating income

vs. EBITDA valuation.

Enterprise value
Financial Ratings- required for analysis & difference.
CAMP model
Buy side/Sell side
What does WACC, KE, KD stands for?
M & A How to invest (a) acquire Parameters.
Excel, Micross & VBA
What do you mean by learning?
Difference between Internal Audit & SOX.
Why Risk Consultancy?
Why internship in insurance if interested in Auditing?
Why Low CGPA?
Tell something about SOX & Internal auditing.
About banking & Finance Industry?
What do you learn in BIMTECH?
How would a company decide which audit to conduct?
How would you, as a consultant, sitting in India conduct an audit for a client in

Role of Internal Audit?

What do you know about firm specific risk?
Question related to academic project, certification.
How to use FCFF?
Case based questions?
What are your career objectives?
Walk us through your CV.
Tell me about option trading?
How does. EBITDA affect ROI.
What you are passionate about?
If urgency come in project what would you choose project or passion?
Relation between Balance sheet, income statement & Cash?
Ratio analysis?
Valuation Techniques? Relative Valuation? DCF?
Why we use FCFF? Difference between FCFF & FCFE?
Working capital? What is the impact of increase in cash on working capital?
Prior work experience? Why left organization?
What is Beta? What is CAPN?
What is Nopat is? Why calculate Nopat?
How to calculate Beta? What Beta signifies?
What is risk premium? How to calculate it?
What if Global markets go up, what would happen to risk premium & will it

increase or decrease?
Do you know for what profile you are here?
Any question for us?
Revenue Bifurcation, Revenue Analysis.
Deferred Income.
Analysis of Retail companies.
What is EBITDA?
Explains cash flow statement.
Elements of P & L A/c.
Gross profit.
Where is the end cash flow?
Why working capital is added in the cash flow?
Take us through cash flow statements.
How is it difference from cash flow from operating activities?

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