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Descriptive Statistics

To create quantitative summaries of a dataset

Informs us about average measurements


Used to determine whether there is a relationship between two sets of

Used to measure the strength of relationship between two sets of variables

Pearson R- interval/ratio
Spearman- ordinal

Pearson correlation test - tests the degree of linear correlation

Spearman rank correlation test - (non-parametric, and will even work on
ordinal-level measurements) - tests the degree of (not necessarily linear) correlation

Pearson's chi-square test - can be used to test the frequencies of two or more
categorical values
Point Biserial- nominal dichotomous
Chi-Square- categorical variables/qualitative
The chi-squared test compares expected frequencies, assuming the null is
true, with the observed frequencies from the study.

Inferential Statistics
ANOVA- whether the means of more than two groups are significantly
different or not
Regression Analysis

Used to make predictions

statistical process for estimating the relationships among variables. It includes many
techniques for modeling and analyzing several variables, when the focus is on the
relationship between a dependent variable and one or more independent variables (or

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