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CAMBRIDGE ENGLISH Workbook One for_schools Contents 1 Welcome to English! 4 queme 2 EXTENSION Around the world again 7 A 3 r0PIc Around our schoot uw 4 vanauace Fools “4 5 MAKING EXERCISES 7 6 HELP YOURSELF WITH SPELLING (1) 19 7 rest YouRSELF a 8 FLUENCY PRACTICE A Parcel of English. u PICTURE DICTIONARY (1) 26 B 9 roric tn the wild 27 10 Lancuace Focus 30 41 FLUENCY PRACTICE Animal world 33 412 HELP YOURSELF WITH GRAMMAR 38 43 Test YOURSELF a7 [APICTURE DICTIONARY (2) 9 © 14 topic Food matters 40 15 LaNouace Focus. “6 16 FLUENCY PRACTICE What do they think? 46 17 HELP YOURSELF WITH VOCABULARY 48 18 REVISION Life on Earth ‘ 9 [APICTURE DICTIONARY (3) 51 D 19 toric Into space. 32 20 Lanauace Focus 55 21 FLUENCY PRACTICE More poems from the Earth and space 38 22 HELP YOURSELF WITH SPELLING (2) 39 23 REVISION The continents are moving! 6t ‘A PICTURE DICTIONARY (4) 63 E24 topic The weather. 64 25 Lanauace Focus “7 26 FLUENCY PRACTICE It's windy, sunny, rainy, foggy, chilly and cloudy in Australia! 0 27 HELP YOURSELF WITH PRONUNCIATION n 28 Test YOURSELF m4 [APICTURE DICTIONARY (5) 16 F 29 toric The cavepeople ” 30 Lanouace Focus 80 31 FLUENCY PRACTICE Family trees. oe 83, 32 HELP YOURSELF WITH FLUENCY. 4 33 REVISION Dinosaurs 86 ‘A PICTURE DICTIONARY (6). 88 ‘Language summaries Acknowledgements 89 96 4 Vocabulary; talking about people; useful phrases: introductions; numbers; pronunciation: /i:wand fi 1 Word puzzles s oy TAAEWG 1.1 Find the words OK QDNHMK TLWIDRP There are 10 words in the puzzle. : They go down (Land across(). BY ROW Z 0 8 ve . RI1orITAT LTENCANG LW) LHXOH MUS TCIET 4.2 Your puzzle Make a puzzle for your class. You can make: © & 3) oS a letter square (see Exercise 1.1) oD? or aword puzzle Find a long English word. For example: TELEPHONE Put a word through each letter. Put a number on each word, Write the word in your language or draw a picture. For example: 2 Misfits Introductions Join the head, body and legs of the children. 1 Helio! My name's. 2 Hello! My name's: 3 Hello! My name's: [# Hetiot my name's 5 Hello! My name's Danie. 'meieven| Fiona. 'mten years, James. 'm twelve ‘Susan. I'm thirteen ‘Sam. 'mnine years years old. ‘ld, can pay tho years old. can sim years ol. ivein od. | ve in Long 1ive in Greon Stroot piano very well. very well Park Road. \canride | | Street. can play the ean play footbat | | _ bicycle guitar very well very well N W very well VES 4 Unit Welcome to English! 3 Describe your friend Writing Draw a picture or stick in a photograph. eae Write about your friend like this: This is my friend His ramets Martin He is 13-year ob: He lives in Hill Roca. He con phy the guitar very well @ = Talk to David Introductions: writing and speaking ‘Write your answers to David's questions. Davin: Hi, my name’s David. What’ your name? You: Davip: Oh. How do you spell that? You: Davi: That’ a nice name. How old are you? I'm 12 You: . Davip:_ Which school do you go to? You: Davin. Do you? I go to Central Secondary School. Where do you live? You: Davip: Really? I live in Ireland: What language do you speak? You: Davin: Your English is very good! (=) Now talk to David on the cassette. Unit Welcome to Englisht 5 5 What are they Fill che gaps. [Listen to the cassette to check your answers 6 Say it clearly! Pronunciation: and /i/ 1 ‘een’ and -y* Don't forget the ‘n’ with these numbers: : 1Sthirteen 14fourteen 16fifteen 16sixteen 17seventeen 18eighteen 19 nineteen ‘These numbers haven't got an ‘n’: r 30thirty 40 forty SOfifty G60sixty 70seventy 80eighty 9O0ninety [= Listen to the cassette and say the numbers. 1330 1440 1550 1660 1770 1880 1990 2 A maths puzzle Listen. Tick (/) the number you hear. 1303001) 040) t6KeoL) t8KeoL) 17Li7oL) 1sLisoLI 19/90 Now add (+) the numbers with a tick, and divide the total by two (/2). What's your answer? Your teacher has the correct answer. 6.3 Make a puzzle Make a number puzzle for some friends. Read the numbers to them. See if they are right 7 Sing a song! I’m so happy See page 154 in your Student's Book for the words to ‘I’m so happy’ 6 Unit Welcome to English! nsion Around the world again Choose the parts of these optional revision exercises that you need to do. Optional revision exercises Look at the Test and Extension exercises on pages 14-21 in your Student's Book. 4 You’re in England. Get ready to go! 1.1, Where are they? Look at the pictures. ‘Where are Roger and Maria? “What have they got? Fill in the gaps. ona submarine. ahat. onatrain. [= Listen to the cassette and check your answers 1.2 Talk to Linda Write your answers to Linda’ questions. Linpa: Hello. You: LinpA: My name's Linda Collier. What's your name? You: Linpa: I'm English. Are you English? You: Linpa: I'm thirteen years old, How old are you? You: LinpA: I live in Manchester, Where do you live? You: [J Now talk to Linda on the cassette. a lot of books. She She He He “To be’; ‘have/has g on a plane. lemonade. ina helicopter. abig suitcase. in ahot air balloon. ‘two cameras. inacar. sunglasses. Unit2 Extension 7 2 Stopover in America! Personal details; social language 2.1 At the airport (©) Talk to the man at San Francisco airport. Man: You: Man: You: Man: You: Man: ‘2.2 A suitcase label Write on your suitcase label. Welcome to San Francisco. Can you tell me your name please? {And your telephone number? OK. Thanks. Your address? ‘And your first language is .. How old are you? Thanks. Bye. 3 Stopover in Australia! “There is/‘There are’; adjectives 3.4 Where are Darwin and Alice Springs? Read about some places in Australia. Where are Darwin and Alice Springs on the map — A or B? 3.2 Your town ‘Write about your town on another piece of paper. Write about the buildings, the people, and the weather. ‘You can hear the texts on the cassette. Alice Springs is in Australia. There are 23,000 people in Alice Springs. There are big farms near this town with cows and sheep. Some people look for gold here. Itis very dry here in the winter and the summer. There are mountains and rivers near Alice Springs, Its not near the sea. Darwin js in Australia. There are 75,000 people in Darwin. It is a big port. Many ships come to this town. There are a lot of tourists in the winter and the summer, They go to the big National Parks near Darwin. There are a lot of trees near the town. 8 ~unit2 Extension 4 Stopover in Indial Negatives 4.1 True or false? ™ Koy os Desert Look at the map of India. Are these sentences true or false? PAKISTAN True ‘False 1 India isn'ta very big country. 2 India has got a lot of deserts. oO 3. There isn'ta railway in India 4. There are alot of big towns in India. 5 Indiaisn'tnear Pakistan. (2 True/False sentences about your country rite some true/false sentences about your country. them to your class next lesson. Si LANKA Stopover in Pakistan! Adjectives; ‘have/has got’ j-1 On the telephone Talk to Ahmed on the telephone in Pakistan. i AvMED: Hi, How are you? ‘You: —e AHMED: What do you look like? I've got brown eyes. What colour are your eyes? YOU! . AHMED: Have you got long hair? You: . AHMED: I’ve got straight hair. Have you got curly hair or straight hair? You: oe AHMED: Can you send me a picture? YOUE seccacomucsam AHMED: I’ve gota lot of homework tonight. Talk to you soon. Bye! You: ae 5.2 A description of Ahmed Write a description of Ahmed. Abed has got block hair and Unit2 Extension 8 6 Welcome back to London! “have /has gor” 6.4 What are the places? Join the description of the cities to the correct place on the map. 2D. This is Lisbon. Itis the capital of... ‘They speak Portuguese there. One and a half million people lve in Lisbon. Lisbon has got a big ‘statue on the mountain. ] Ths isRome. tis the capital of Healy ‘They speak Italian there. Three million people live in Rome. Rome has got many beautiful buildings. | This is Washington DC. It is the capital of ‘This is Mexico City It is the capital of . . They speak English there, About one ‘They speak Spanish there, Twenty million peopl live in Mexico City. Mexico City has got an important museum. rrllion people lve in Washington, Washington has got many important offices. [3] Listen to the cassette to check your answers. 6.2 Write about London and Tokyo London (England); 7 million; English; Buckingham Palace ‘Tokyo (Japan); 11 million; Japanese; The Meiiishrine 10 Unit2 Extension Places in towns and Around our school schools; therelsare' negatives: prepositions 1 What's the word? laces in the town and country Put the words under the pictures Three words are missing eat Sa What are they? aS 3 offices flats river houses airport bus station RR 2 Places in a town Read the sentences and look at the map. Write the correct number in boxes ag, 1 There is a train station in the north west next to the school 2 There is a swimming pool in the south west next to the train station. 3 There are factories in the south east next to the market. 4 The bus station is in the north east next to the shops. 5 There are a lot of offices in the south west next to the school. 6 The old castle is in the north east next to the park. 7 There is a new hospital in the south east next to the factories. @ gag TA es N nw A nel w E sw | se train station Units Topic " Reading and writing Deurewry, EH Here js a map of my schoal. Its nat vary ag sche it has got about 400 si My classroom is next te the headteacher's office! Near my classroom there is a-big library and the cantoon A tet of stiidents have lunch in the canteen. | don't have tunch at schor. | go--home at 12.30. The computer rooms upstairs neat to the science tak: We dort have our lessons inthe Science tab but we go to the Computer room on Tueede computer ‘eben for 3 Read the letter from Alice Read the letter from Alice. ‘You can listen to the letter on the cassette. Draw a plan of your school. Write to Alice ell her about your school. ; Dear Alice Here fs a pln of my school The headteacher's office. is The school library is Best wishes fiw 4 Say it clearly! @ There are two ways to say ‘I am’ in English. Listen, Say these eset ) Yes, !am. No, I'm not. Zeem/ (am) /aim/ (rm) Answer David’s questions. Davin: Hi, are you on holiday today? You: Davip: Oh! I'm on holiday today. I’m on holiday for eight weeks in the summer. Are you on holiday in July and August? You: Davip: Really? I’m.on holiday in February too. Are you at school then? You: - Davip: Your English is very good. Are you learning English at school? You: Davip: Excellent! Talk to you soon. Bye! 2 Units Topic 5 Apuzzle ae. Vocabulary Read the clues and fill in the puzzle with the words, Clues 1 I've got eight s on my timetable. 2 Myf lesson is History. 3 347x284? Easy! | like M : 4 My mother works in an o- in the centre of town. 5 I've got long hair but my friend has got s. hair. 6 | don't like Tuesday b. we've got Chemistry. | } S iddonyh nn eatoa | 8 Ihave six every day. | 9 Inthe morning we have two lessons and then at b we have a drink. What word is in the middle? ; In the bags ‘ead the letter. Write the days next to the bags. Dear Everyone, Thanks for the fas Can | fell You tout my week on Saturday mar (Bley eto wih Mg brother and on Sunday | Play the trumpet with my sister. The weekend is great/ Monday is school ! | have Geggrapny and English on Monday. Thats OK. The next- lay | have History andl Biobgy. | ike Wednesday because we have two lessons of Maths and Chemistry. Vm good at Science. Thursday is OK because we have. Maths and Physics. | like Maths. On rad ie ha nu and three lessons sports: lot friends fi Sports but | don’t / "e ie Please write and tell me about Your week. Love Maric. [3] See page 154 in your Student's Book for the words to ‘In my town, in the countryside’. Maps: Prosont simple juage focus negative; parte o grammar stoping 1 North, south, east or west? Maps; twriting 1.4.A map of Australia Look at the map of Australia and complete the sentences. 4 Perthis in the sovth west 2 Darwin 3 Broome 4 Alice Springs: 5 Brisbane 6 Townsville 7 Melbourne 8 Sydney 4.2.A map of your country Draw a map of your country. Write about the cities. 41.3 A map of Cheltenham Look at the map. What is in these squares? Square Square an a.tiver a3 A2,B4 and C1 c2 a3 C8and D3 A4 ne C4 Bi and D1 os D2 B2 ™ Da Cheltenham area gy Scale 10 N Key ¥en { Pienicarea 2 Lake Motorway Hospital §=@ — Museum Main road Thoave Woods 48 = Information Hf Caste FB Horseracing it contre Arpon @ 14 BEREENN Unt Language focus 2 An adjective puzzle Find the adjective in each sentence. Write it in the puzzle What word is in the middle? ‘There are many beautiful pictures in this museum. Live in a small house. This is an expensive cassette. Liverpool! has got an important football team. Sophie has got curly hair. Her father is a rich man, Alihas got straight hair. | It's a very hot day today. Ve got a new bicycle. Caranson 3 Steve’s letter Read this letter from Steve. Read these sentences about Steve. Are the sentences possible or impossible? After school Steve plays in the garden of his house. Impossible! Steve doesn’t live in a hove 1 At the weekend Steve goes to piano lessons. 2 In the morning Steve's brother goes to school by car. 8 After school Steve meets his friends at the swimming pool. 4 There is a big farm next to where Steve lives, 5 Steve's mother drives the car to work. 6 Steve plays football with his friends every Saturday afternoon. Adjectives ‘don't’ / ‘doesn't Thank you very much for your letter It is great to have Some pictures of you and school. there is « pidlure of me in my Flat. Our flat is un the city cantre. My family doesnt have a car. I go to school om the bus. I have a sister and two brothers. They go to my school too. Ihave lunch at schaol. I don't. Uke it very much After school, Igo swimming. I am in the sdrool swxmming team. My friends like football but: I dawnt: Uke it. I don't have time to play a musical instrument but I Like to buy cassettes of pop music. Here is 0. cassette of my favourite. band. Unit 4 Language focus 8 4 Say it clearly! There are many words with ‘th’ in English. Can you write four here? Can you say them? | Listen. Say the sentences. Put your tongue between your teeth! This isthe Brown family ‘They have three children. Thisis ~| the father This is Elizabeth. 0/ (this) /0/ (think) Trisis 1e mother. Yat ‘This is Matthew. 5 Inthe shop Talk to the shop assistant. Look at the pictures and buy two things Excuse me, how much are these 2 You: SHOP ASSISTANT: "250. You: Shop AssisTANT: They're very good. You: SHop AssistaNT: They're £15. You: SHOP ASSISTANT: That's £4.50. You: Stop assistant: That's £15 You: SHop assisTANT: Thank you. 16 itd Language tocus on Haag Ena is a) Va id £4.50. That's £19.50 please. Going shopping Can | pay forthe jeans and the bag please? ing exercises Make your own exercises 4 Look at these exercises What do these exercises practise? Match the exercise with the word, Reading[_] Vocabulary[] Speliing|_] Grammar |_t Types of exercises A\| Putthe words in the right order. B | Read the letter and choose one of the words for ~ 1 letter for Thanks your each space. 2 are pictures of Here two me here tell letter friends 3 the we got green In have summer a dress C| Putthe letters in the right order. They are names of places in a town. facroyt_meumsu staonitpakr scloho Dear Sara, “Thanks for your... T can you Obout my schoo! clothes. All my... nave Got jeans. Th the summer we can wear aT=shirt one in the winter we can wear a jumper 's a picture of mE in my School clothes Love Ali IL D_ Read the letter from Sara. Pan Sa ¥ eke ce Se . summer 2 There are two uniforms. areas % vs ‘ hres - ee \ icbaves of me tn 3 Sara’s uniform is white. True |Not true |We don't | schovt uniform. It's green! I rit ike it very much, Tew get a green skit and green Jumper for the winter. In ‘the summer we have got a green dress Love Sava Compare your answers with other students in your class Unit Making exercises " 2 Write some exercises Make your own exercises Read the letter and make two exercises. You can make: areading exercise or a vocabulary exercise or aspelling exercise or agrammarexercise Look at the examples in Exercise 1 and the Ideas list on pages 150-151 of the Student's Book central asd See ai uverpoo! Don't forget to write the answers on the back of your paper! Put your exercises in your class Exercise Box. 18 Unit § Making exercises: Ways tohelp yourself with yourself with spelling (1) English speling 1 Look, cover, write, check look at the word cover itup write it down, check it Practise with these words: restaurant library favourite different break Now find five more words in the Language Record in Unit 3. Then look at the word, cover it up, write it down and check it. 2 Play a game: Word pairs 2 Find ten difficult words to spell Write each word on two pieces of paper. A CEL 1 Take 20 pieces of paper. 4 Test your memory. Find a pair of words. Unit 8 Help yourseit 1 3 Spelling groups ee? and ‘ca 3.1 Sounds and spelling In English one sound can have different spellings. { Look at these three spellings of the sound /i/: ‘Write these words in the right circle. \ green me tea three \ read she teacher a \ -ea-:east \ 3.2 The missing sound These words are from Units 1-5. The /iy sound is missing, ‘Write ‘e’ ‘ee’ or ‘ea’ in each word, fr pl se tr s i ns 8 b h Check in your Student's Book Hordlist/Index (pages 156-159), Write the words in the circles in Exercise 3.1 3.3 A spelling book Make a spelling book. Write the words in spelling groups. Like this: 20 Unit Help yoursett Ateston Units 3-6 st yourself i | verywell | OK | allitte Here are some things from Units 3-6, describe your town How well do you think you can do them? Puta tick (/) in the box. say negative sentences talk about what you like at school use new words go shopping, Now do this test and see if you are right! grammar words 41 A town in Scotland Read this text about a town in Scotland. Live in Perth, a small town in the east of Scotland. Its, 50 kilometres from Edinburgh. My schools in the north west of the town near the river and the train station. Perth has got a population of 43,000 people. Theres a big castle in the town centre. A lot of people come to visit the castle in the summer. Near the castle there is a big park. On Saturday there is a market in the park. Now write about your town. See Units 3 and 4 in the Student's Book for help. 2 Write about picture B Look at pictures A and B. Write five sentences about picture B. For example: Pictwre B hasn't got o block of flat There: isn't a car“in pictwre B. SSA tb eeee! BR Post EUG. BOB Er Unit? Test yourset a 3 Linda’s questions Write your answers to Linda's questions. LINDA: Hi, My favourite schoolday is Monday. What's your favourite schoolday? You: Linpa: | Why? You: e LINDA: Oh, My favourite subject is Maths. Do you like Maths? You: - Linpa: [have Mathsevery day. When do you have Maths? You: Linpa: What's your favourite day at the weekend? You: .- Lina: Why? You: LinpA: | Really? I like weekends. Fcan listen to music all day! ==) Talk to Linda on the cassette. 4 After school Reading and 1 using new words 4.4 Linda’s letter Read Linda’ letter. Write the itt hand fh, information in Mnaay, ae Aoilock the family diary. gustan (eSon. fo had fae othe school fatball laws weal ts ob the ais we play football wath my pants OP sehawl nth Bk a sep at Tidant Ue Oe | oe ene Oe ene teacher FE waonesony — Supermarket with me! Wedlnesclay [. 5 THURSDAY 4.2 A reply to Linda Write a reply to Linda and say what you do after school. 2 Unit7 Test yourselt 5 Going shopping Shopping: asking for information Write the phrases in the speech bubbles. Bye. Thanks. Can! have that mask please? That's expensive! How much is that mask, please? Let's try another shop. Can | have that cloak, please? ‘Good moming, sir. Cant help you?) A That's £6.40 please sir. f == Listen and check your answers, (6 Granimar words Grammar words Put these words in the correct columns, rich trumpet years sing small NOUN VERB ADJECTIVE live chair big know straight country speak. blue town important address blue country speak Now look back at the chart at the beginning, Were you right? Unit Test yourso 2 England USE Le 1 nae the letter. Find jy, anne ; Enea Ben, Tom, Sax : hima in the Ph Wy : Photog their names beside ae Write m. Deaw Everyone, in Class 1. The name icture of our class. We are Cl ee shoal is Bewsey Road Secondary School. os English teadhers name ( rs Taner: Can you se er ji jcture ? eee ‘pre Sara, Emma, Tam and Ben. Can spss us in the picture? Sam gt tg a Shecan well, Emma Pla te ae pant very wal Tom bas ot long, carly hair and he plays football in the school team. Ber’ has got short. black hair and he can speek French very well H's got a Franch mother: Send us a picture of your class and tell us about : =r com nl 2 Cn You SI dou. Purzziese °° How many places 9 What are the missing ? Words Comake a @ canyoufind? = or @ Sentence ? VFGTHYURJKEJN (picture, 2? A code! What does this say? e 23-18-9-20-5/ /21-19/ /1/ /12-5—20-20-5-18 a=1,b=2,c=3,d=4,e=5,f= 6, etc! Ey Unit Fluency practice ‘AParcel of English from a eed $2 Monin oat Yd | 5 Gaming Drive | i enayone T goto schoo by can, Dear Friends, Bf shy cat My mothe 1 40 to schoo! on the bus. The bus | anit the lbray ner our hus stops near the Past Office. The Post | ont te works the ce Office (5 near my home. Lget up | Mun an office. I at Bo'dock., Sometimes I'run tor | 745. We ae in the cor the bus. Do you 900 school on the bus ? Here is.rmy bus ticket. | sa oye go Love Sara as : Best wishes Bor 9et wet B-isana | |\ coshes HEE X2 School in 10 minutes 4 | STREET \y hers Seer Saas | Gee mma | omer a= SS CO CaS YT XE SQ SS —// 21 fin Mette \ tpg Clogs ‘ << monn ti AN es ne OA Dear Everyone, Here is a map of cur school. The headmaster’: {5 near the tront door. The school library is near the headmaster’s office. There are four classrooms next to the library. Upstairs there 5 a Stéence laboratory. Our classroom is next | fo the Science laboratory. Next to the there are two canteens: one for the teachers and one tor the stuclents. Opposite the canteens | there isa big gymnasium. Outside there is a ground and a big playing field for football. There isn't a Surmming pool at my BS re | school. Howe You got a swimming poot ? pee — ~ Send usa map of your schoct a Be a Yours Sawa ancl Emma ian [Lunch _ French . n Science Maths Sports : \ 4_ | Religion he ee ce 5 [Maths [History | a Unit Fiuency practice Apicture dictionary (1) Label the picture. geography Write the names ——___ of the ‘What's the noun? subjects. big What's the adjective? t What's the verb? Gury yer OO) r Animals and how they In the wild the: ands 1 Word puzzles Vocabulary 1. This animal eats meat: t 5 This animal eats meat and 4 Find the m lives for 15 years and kt fish, tives for 13 years and 1.1 Find the names sleeps for 13 hours at it sleeps for 13 hours at right and during the day. ‘What animal is it? Join the clues to the correct names in the square. They go down (J) and across (—). (See page 48 in the Student’s Book.) o 3. This animai eats grass. t lives tor 20 years and it sleeps for six hours at 7 This animal eats fut, night leaves and grass. tives, for 60 years and it sleeps for four hours at night. P EOP xX EMO ZHOR wecRO JKPR BNCA EMEF EHSX OWEL >Zdeon-OKHG mma Zqvacg Meo R Od Am = PRN Tt Zvveonrddam Aeonwe mtd 41.2 Make a puzzle ‘Make a square like the one above for a friend Write the words across (2) and down (J). 2 Animal groups these animals mammals, reptiles, fish, birds or insects? ut the name in the correct circle. flying fish flies cats whales ostriches horses mosquitoes salmon dolphins tigers bats crocodiles lions goldfish sharks fying fish Parrots monkeys cows bees penguins rhinoceroses Units Topic a 3° Say it clearly! s/, /a/ and Az in English. ae A(X 25 Bs There are three ways to sa ‘cats’ has an's’ sound ‘bees’ has a'z' sound ‘horses’ has an ‘iz’ sound 5 Listen and say the words. ‘s'sound ‘z’ sound ‘iz’ sound cats cows tigers horses bats lions penguins ostriches sharks dolphins bees rhinoceroses parrots whales [=] Put these words in the correct column. Check your answers with the cassette, maps boxes BOOKS «5s sound Waound ‘iz’ sound leaves glasses shops rivers farms hours towns buses 4 Talk to David Write your answers to David's questions. [= Then talk to David on the cassette. Davin: Hello, My name’s David. What's your name? You: Davin: Have you got any pets at home? You: Davin: I’ve gota snake! A long, black snake. Ita python. Do you like snakes? You: Davip: Well, I think snakes are beautiful. I've also got a cat. His name's Izzy. He sleeps all day. Do you like cats? You: Davin: What about horses? I can ride a horse, Can you? You: Davip: What’ your favourite animal? You: Davip: That's my favourite animal, too! 28 Unit 9 Topic 5 Animal reports Reading and writing 5.1 Read and draw an animal Read the Animal Report about a new al — (ame of animal Draw a picture of the anim i Carocefstf Tat does it }ook ke? is get the head of # | st the legs of an ostrich ts got the | ing 2 lt lng eggs Gia does it eat: tt eats bananas and fish. any haute does fseeP?: Flow many [irre does tive? Ht Ties, trees TT ow ong does RIve?: erocedile. HS 5.2 Write and draw a picture Draw a picture of a strange new animal. Write about it i What does it ook ike? —__ What does it eat? brite | Ww many hours does i sleep?- Where does itive? How long does i ive?: Te 6 Sing asong! Wimoweh =] See page 154 in the Student's Book for the words to ‘Wimoweh’. UUnit9 Topic 23 focus possesslve adjectives: i a1 and ts inwiting Humming birds are very (? opines t Reading S°* t Theyl ~~ Nerth Americal 1 Find the missing piece C4 rf ~ ' et Read about humming birds. America They move thei” very t Put in the missing pieces. fast They can stoy in the same place Co c oe ing? fort They drink. , 1 9) a Listen and check your answers. from flowers. They\ obo eat swall 2 Questions simple subd questions 2.1 What's the question? 7/ Tigerslivein Asia. ____ Where dbo tigers live? Write the full i Theylive for 15-20 years. How long questions. Ui" Tigers sleep during the day and hunt at night. When 2° Tigers eat meat, including “| monkeys, deer and buffalo. __ What An adult tiger can eat over ‘50kgs of meat in one night. How mich Tigers normally have two to four cubs or babies. __ How mony They live with their mother until they are three years old. How long 2.2 Write some questions A new student comes to your school. What can you ask? Write some questions. You can use these words: Where do you live? Can you play the. pono? Do you like: ..? — Have you cot ..? dog cat swim chosolate live play the guitar dance piano sing walk to schoo! paint 20 Unit10 Language focus Possessive adjectives 3 ‘my, his, her, your, their’ and ‘our’ 3.4 Fill the gap 6 Wsnotacat! Ws hatl 3.2 Check that you understand Write the conversation in your language. Girt: When can you come to our house? Boy: I don't know. What can we play there? Girt: We can play with my brother's cat Boy: What's its name? Gin: Tiger Boy: Have you got an animal? Girt: Yes. I've gota crocodile. His name is Fang. Boy: Oh! Girt: My sister likes Fang a lot. He sleeps in her bed. Boy: Ugh! Gi: Can you come to our house after school? Boy: No, I can’t! = Talk to the gil. Unit 10 Language focus a 4 Say it clearly! Isl, fal and Nad Remember the three ways to say's’ in English: /s/ in ‘it! /2/ in ‘is’ /12/ asin “box =) Listen. Write /s/, /2/ or /tz/. { Well, whose horse is this? Now you s: 5 Talk to David it, Listen to the cassette again (© Look at the pictures and talk to David. Davip: Hello, What's your name? You: Davin: My name’s David. Yo Davip: No, thanks. I don't like chocolate. You: Davip: I live in Hill Road. You: be Davi: don't know. | can ask my mum. é yD You: ad Davin: Ics 675432 tryout tp You: [can ring you later Davin: Numbers 6 Join the dots Join the dots. What animal is it? 2 Unit 10 Language focus a practice Animal world srtneipenlng ensloon 1 The missing piece Find the missing piece for texts 1-4, This is a blue shark. It is a type of fish. They can swim very fast. People can This is a giraffe. It is a mammal. Itis a ‘swim about 6 km an hour but blue sharks 3 very tall animal. Itis over five metres tall This is a crocodile. Crocodiles are reptiles. Many of them are very big — over seven metres. They are the biggest reptiles in. the world. ‘This isa firefly. tis an insect. Itis a fantastic animal. There are over 2,000 types of fireflies but they all do the same thing. ‘They live 18 sivers is many, parts of the It lives in Africa. It has very long legs. 1 world. They have short strong legs and is iually ee dad Beason lees. avery strong mouth.A mother crocodile carries its babies in its mouth : At night, they give light-They have a small part of their body that shines.They ‘They live in many parts of the world. sleep during the day and move at night. ‘Many of them are over three metres long. ‘They eat other small insects. Unit 11 Fluency practice 3 2 The Monarch butterfly 2.1 Read about the Monarch butterfly Complete the inform: — The ———— Fantastic Life Monarch Butterfly non the map. very year, mill Monarch butterflies fly 4,000 km from Canada to Mexico and then 4,000 km back ag fly 45 km every day for three months. They go to Mexico because it is cold in Canada. ‘They are in Mexico for six months, from October to April. In Mexico, they lay their eggs and then they die. In and millions of April, the new butterflies start to fly back to Canada. There, they lay the eggs and then they die, The new bu t then fly to Mexico. Monarch butterflies always go to the places in Mexico and to the sa trees. How do they know the way? Why do they go to the Only the Monarch butterfly knows. Listen to the text on the cassette, A problem to solve: How long are the butterflies in Canada? 2.2 Talk to a butterfly Imagine you can talk to a Monarch butterfly, What can you ask? 1 How many buttertlies 2 How many kilometres 3 When 4 Unit 11 Fluency practice Me Monarch, why do you go to Mexico? +? with grammar youkemgene 1) Cut and mix Ss [elephants eat?) 4 Copy some questions on to apiece of paper. 2 Cutup the cob] yee ts how" How many lege 4 Make some new questions. seat! 3 Mix them up. =m — aa ep? lHowmany less do | elephants eat?| What do: insects aed] do = Vier do cots sleep Now you try it. Use these questions, 7 ae lo! gicafFes live. How long do cats sleep? How many legs do insects have? How long do: gical | What do elephants eat? What do monkeys look like? Where do giraffes live? How many new questions can you make? Write them here. Find five more questions. Make some new questions. Write them here. Unit12 Help yoursolt 35 2 Write your own sentences Take a sentence from your Student's Book: Humming birds are very beautiful, , oy 4 noun |+ [verb | + [/ adjective | Describe Write five more: 1 Giraffes are very tall. 2 Elephants... 3 Mysschool... 4 5 Now you try it with this sentence: When do giratfes sleep? Describe it: [ Gvestion ] + “do! 5 + > word Write five more: Find another sentence. Describe it: + Write five more: 1 2 3 4 5 Well done! 3 > Use the techniques Practise the grammar from Units 1-11 in the Student’s Book. Use the two techniques. 26 Unit 2 Help yourstt ‘Atest on Units 12 ty elf Lean doit: | very well | OK alittle Talk about animals and how they live Here are some things from Units 9-12. How well do you know them? 2 Ask for information and invite conti [yh steele 3 ‘my “her’/‘their’, ete Now do this test and see if you are right! | 4 Asking questions 1 How they live Writing about {Elephants live in Africa and India. They are mammals ‘and thay are very big. “They ive for about 60 years, They don't eat “meat. They only eat rut, eaves and grass, They sleep for about four animals Read about elephants. Now write about dolphins See Unit 9 in your Student’s Book for some information. 2 Come to my party! =| There is a new student at your school. Write your answers and then talk to him. Invite him to your birthday party! Perer: Hello. My name's Peter. Perer: Oh yes. You: You: (invite him to your birthday party) PereR: Do you want a sweet? You: PETER: Yes please! At what time? PETER: I've got wo more friends with your You: name. They live near the town centre. ‘Where do you live? Peter: Great. What's your telephone number? You: You: PETER: Oh. I don’t know that area. My number is 232675. See you at the Where is it near? party! Bye, You: You: “ . Unit 13 Test yoursett sr 3 Meet the family! This Fill che gaps. 1 Hello! Let me show you house. You can also meet. ‘amily 6 We have two dogs. They sleep here in the garden in little house. A 2 I sleep in here with, '5 We also havea cat. Itsleeps in ‘bed! iny This Ther their’, ete v 4 My parents sleep in here. Thisis bedroom. ‘Shhhhh! We have a new baby. Look! He sleeps in —| bed in parents’ bedroom, 4 What is it? Here is a very strange animal ‘What questions can you ask about it? Write down six questions. What 2 Where 2 How < Why 2 When 2 How long 2 ‘Ask your teacher next lesson. He/She has the answers! Look back at the chart at the beginning. Were you right 2 Unit 18 Test yoursat Asking questions Apicture dictionary (2) Label the animals. What's the noun? Soe [mie ¢é Le am, 1P 2 ia o Food vocabulary; i d matters elements in 900d food calodas 1 What's the word? Vocabulary 4.1 Find the words Can you find the names of the foods in the puzzle? There are 12 words. FISHTGCGSRFRHN ERGAFTHVRISMEA BUTTEREAWCQVNM IDORJUEUILEOPLM CEREALSSUQZEGG BERDFGEJSWQZXD REMPFHKVPOTATOE ERITIGFRUITLIP AYLTEDTUILOPLMD DWKRVEGETABLES 4.2 Label the food This is what Peter eats on Saturdays. Label the food. Say what is in each one. (See page 68 in your Student's Book.) carbohydrate fats fibre water protein minerals vitamins coreak fibre ond minerals; uzunwor Does Peter eat well? Complete one of the sentences. Yes, because, 40 Unit 14 Topic mnilk: protein, minerals ond water 2 Talk to Linda ‘Speaking Write your answers to Linda's questions. Tell her about your lunch or dinner. LINDA: Hello, how are you? You: Linpa: I’m fine. Ie’ nearly time for lunch. Do you know what I have for lunch? You LinDa: I have vegetable soup and fresh bread. Ies delicious! What do you have? You: LINDA: Mmmmim, | like that too. How many meals do you eat every day? You: LinpA: [usually have three meals a day. Do you eat between meals? You: Linc It’ time to eat! Bye! You: [= Talk to Linda on the cassette. Sometimes I have an apple or a biscuit. Oh, look at the time! 3 Read about food and energy maa =FOOD GIVES YOU ENERGY food has itis important that your Carbohydrates, fat fibre, water, PFEMEID: minerals and vitamins. But itis also important that you don’t eat too much of t00 ile: ‘Food gives you enerey’ We talk about energy in calories Look at the table. How many calories do you need? If Peter eats 45 g of cornflakes and 200 ml of milk, 75g of bread, 50 g of cheese, and a 150g orange for breakfast, how many calories is that? Find out how many calories you eat for breakfast, lunch and dinner in one day. Reading Calories per day Girls 2,200 | 911 2,200 2,650 | 12-14 2,150 2,900 | 15-17 2,150 Different foods have different numbers of calories. Cornflakes (30g) 100 | Chips (100g) Cheese(100g) 300 | Rice (100g) Chocolate (50g) 250 | Potato (100g) Fish (100g) 100 | Orange (100) Bread (509) 150 | Cola(100m)) Doughnut (100g) 350 | Milk (100ml) “1 4 Complete the table Reading Every day, you use energy when you work, sleep, eat and play. Look at the clocks. MORNING nen 75 EVENING studying 75eealhr playing games 400 caViv eyaling to dancing ing homewo sanesl 278 cal Sera torent getting up ‘60 cal Think about your day. How many calories do you use? For example: Complete the table. lati _ Time __|_cal/hr | | Aarivity Tome eal/he otal Sleeping 8 hours 65 ~~ Getting up 30 mins. 160 80 In class, at school | 5 hours 5 315 I r 5 Say it clearly! Smile and say: [= ‘Cheese’ has a long fir/ sound. ‘These words have the same sound. Listen. Puta line under the long sound. chegse meat sweet eat meal week beans clean [= Listen again. Now you say the words. Say these sentences [like meat and cheese in my evening meal. Hike to eat sweets. I like to clean my teeth. Listen to the sentences on the cassette. 6 Sing a song! | love chocolate [© Look at page 155 in your Student's Book for the words to ‘I love chocolate’. a2 Unit 14 Topic "Some’ and pronouns; possessive adjectives; talking about likes and dislikes W's object jage focus 1 Choose the right sentence Reading Put sentences A-E in the correct place. )y (ee page 72 in your Student’s Book.) What does Anne say? Pat and Anne want to make shortbread biscuits. Pat: OK. Have we got everything we n Anne: [ ] [A] Well, we've got about half kilo. Par: First, we need some sugar. Anne: [ } [B] Butter. Er... Oh no! We haven't got any butter! Pat: Good. And flour? Anse: [ ] [c] I don't know. What do we need? Pat: That's fine! Anne: [ ] 4 [D] We've got some milk and eggs. Do we need Par: No, we don't. Butter. Is there any butter? them? ANNE: [ | IE] Yes. Yes, We've got lots of sugar. Pat: Not again! I know, we can make .. | Listen and check your answers. Can they make shortbread? What can they make? 2 What have we got? 2.1 Write some sentences ‘What's on the table? Look at the picture and write some sentences, 1 eggs—water There are some eags and there. is some wetter 2 potatoes-meat There are. some. potatoes byt there. isn't any mec. 3 sweets ~ bananas 4 milk—sugar a 5 cheese fruit...» - ss 6 butter—bread 7 tice—flour Unit 15 Language focus 2.2 Find the right bag Write the correct levter A-D by each bag, A Inthis bag, there are | | B inthis bag, there is some potatoes, some | some rice, some sugar, eggs, some meat and "| | some butter and some somerice. Thereisalso | | bread. There is also some | ‘some sugar, some flour | | meat, some fish and endsome rik. There | | some cheese. There isnt isn't any cheese. any water and there | | aren'tany eggs Inthisbag, there are i D inthis bag, there are some eggs, some some eggs, some | Potatoes, some bananas, | | potatoes, and some and some sweets. There | | bread. There is also some is also some water, some | | rice, some butter, and milk and some sugar. some juice. There aren't ‘Thereisn’t any butter and | | any bananas and there there isn't any bread. | lgn'tany meat. 3 Helen's dog Object pronouns and possessive adjectives ‘Write the conversation in your language. Girt: Hello. = Boy: Hello. This is Helen’s dog. Do you know where she is? Girt: No, I don't Boy: Do you know her telephone number? Girt: No, I don’t. Boy: Well, do you know where her brother is?... “ Girt: No, I don't! Boy: Do you know their house? : Girt: No, I don't! 6 BIBT uni 15 Language toous Boy: Well, [have their dog. Can you give them my telephone number? Girt: No, I can't! Boy: Why not? Giri: Because I don’t know Helen and I don’t know you! (=) Talk to the girl on the cassette. 4 Say it clearly! ves [= All these words have the same sound. Listen and say the words. any many pen when ten get let west leg egg Say these sentences. Have you got any eggs? Gan you get ten pens? An insect has six legs. 5 Talk to Linda . Talking about likes and dislikes 3] Read Linda's questions. Then talk to her on the cassette. Listen to her music. Linpa: Hello! How are you? You: LINDA: I've got a new cassette, Do you like music? You: LINDA: [like some types of music. Listen. This is my new cassette, Do you like it? You: LINDA Oh no! It’ the wrong cassette! This is my cassette. Do you like it? You: Linpa: I think it’s really nice. Listen. This is my brother's music. What do you think? . You: Linpa: Well, I don’t mind it. Sometimes it’s nice. He plays a lot of classical music, What's your favourite music? You: Linpa: Oh, yes. I like that too. I must go now. It’s time to eat. Bye! You: Graphs and questions 1 Which graph is correct? Reading Read the text. Which graph is it about? FREE TIME ‘We asked 20 people what they doin the evening. @ Half of them stay athome. @ A quarter of them go out with friends. @ The other people dowdifferent things. | @Some of them play sports and some of them ‘work or do other things. Aas stay at | goout wT other ome “wth things ‘ends 2 20 184 105 _| mm, a oo 0. 0 stay at ' goout work ' play ' other stay at ' goout ' work ' play | read ' other home with sports things home with * sports things triends friends 2 Write a description Write a description of graph C. We sked 20 people 46 Unit 16 Fluency practice 3 Draw a graph Read the text and draw a graph. OUR TOWN We asked 32 people what they think about our town. @ A quarter of the people say they like it allot. © Nine people say they like it alittle bit. @ Four people say they hated it, @ The other people say that they don’t mindit, 16 10 a thet ikea Pater ‘dont alot litle bit ming it ‘What did the biggest number of people say? 4 Write a questionnaire You want to know about life in another country. What can you ask? Some ideas: ‘the games children play the food they eat —_the weather the plants and animals the time people eat __the time people goto work ‘the time children go to school __ when they have their holidays Write some questions with possible answers. For example: How many weeks! holiday do you have, in the, summer? a two—three weeks » four—five weeks c fivesix weeks di more than sir weeks ‘Write some questions without answers. For example: What: sports do most people: ply? You can put your questionnaire in your Parcel of English. Unit16 Fluency practice “ Bes with vocabulary pabeeeesiley 1 Make a word bag 1 Copy some new words onto cards. 2 Write the meaning in your language or draw a picture on the back 3 Put the cards in a bag. 4 Take one out and test yoursett! Now you try it! Make cards with the words from the Language Records in your Student's Book. Put chem in a bag and test yourself, 2 Make a jigsaw 2 Cutout - some words. | Mona: Hello. Whaf's[ ~~ ]name? SoPHie: Sophie. WhaFS your name? Mona: Mona, Do you[] a sweet? Sopaie: Thanks. > 4 Mena : Do you want to play volleyball?’ Sopmie - I dont knowf—} to play: — MoNA : It's easy. I can} you. — Somme : Ok. Let's go. MoNA: Wheref—] you live Soruie: In eee Street. Mona: That's —] my house.Do you want to come Ea my house tomorrow? Sopaie: I don't know. Tcan{—Imy dad. MONA :All right f—] your telephone number? Sorie: We [~~ } got a telephone. Ican — [ask him [J school. | Mona: OK Latina GA Now you try it! Copy a text from Units 1-17 of your Student's Book 4 Copy atext from your book. 4 Put the words in the right place! ‘Check your answers and do it again. 8 Unit 17 Hole yourself i ife on Earth Food; ecology; revision of Units 14-17 Read about life on Earth. Complete the exercises. LIFE ON EARTH Every day, the population of Earth gets bigger. In 1950, the population was about three thousand million (3,000,000,000). Now, it is about six thousand million (6,000,000,000) and it is growing faster. It is important that we look after the Earth. We need it! The Earth gives us a lot of things. We also give the Earth a lot, but some of the things are not good. minerals stone and clay & In nature, when something dies, other animals and plants get food from it. Every animal or plant gives food for other animals or plants. Unfortunately, animals can't get food from many of the things that we ‘give’ the Earth. Animals, insects and plants can't eat metal, plastic and glass. These things will stay in the ground for many, many, many years. Unit 18 Revision Food: question forms 1 Find out! What is the population of your country? Now: 10 years ago? 20 years ago? 2 Write down three things near you now that come from minerals: 3 Write down three foods that you eat that come from nature Look after the environment... Y 4 Ifthe grass dies, what happens to the fox? Some rubbish is very dangerous. It can poison plants and animals. Some animals eat plants. Some animals eat other animals. Ifone plant or anihal dies, many animals can die. Rabbits eat grass. Foxes eat rabbits. What happens if the grass is poisonous? In some places, many animals live together. One animal makes food for many more animals. If we put ~: i] 5 lf the fish dies, what happens? What can you do? Don’t leave any rubbish in the countryside! Don’t make so much rubbish! 6 Ifthe plankton dies, what happens? 0 Unit 18 Revision Apicture dictionary (3) Label the picture What's the verb? Aicture dtinary (3) 51 Space and the planets; pronunciation feu. 1 Star sentences 4.1 Follow the numbers Follow the numbers to make the sentences, 4, planets Write the sentences here. One word is missing in each sentence. What is it? Words 1-8: .. Words 9-13: seweren 7 Words 14-18: sci si Words 19-26: 1.2 Make a star puzzle Find some short sentences in Unit 19 in your Student’ Book. Make a star puzzle for a friend or for your Exercise Box. 2 Right or wrong? Reading and writing If the sentence is wrong, putit right. 1 Gravity is weaker on the moon than on Earth. Trve! 2 Plutois the hottest planet. Wrong! It is the cololest plone. 3 There isn’t any air on the moon 4 Ittakes millions of years for light to come from our nearest star. 5 The Earth is 75% water. 6 The sun and the moon are the same size, 82 Unit 19 Topic 3 It’s competition time! Speaking You are on television. Listen to the cassette and. answer the questions Man: Welcome to Star Quiz! I have six questions for you. Number 1. How many planets are there? You: MaN: OK. And my next question is: Can anything live on the moon? ‘You: Man: Excellent. Question 3. Why not? You: Man: Yes. Because there isn't any air. Question 4. Why is the moon important for ships? You! Man: That’sa difficult question! The moon makes the tides in the sea. ‘Two more questions. What is happening to the universe? You: - = MAN: That’ difficult to understand. The universe is expanding. The stars are moving, And now my last question. Question 6. Who were the first people on the moon? You: Man: Wonderful! Congratulations! Your prize is a trip to Planet Nevus for two people! 4 Read Anne Brown’s postcard Reading Anne Brown isan astronaut. Dear Everyone, ; Read her postcard. Is she on (ne orrived hare yest, tis a Planet Monz or Planet Kalip? very beautiful There are mountains 5 << | Wacker ar sill clouds i the shy, We can walk outside and S| ‘breathe the air. There, axe Somme ott ermals Ut lve here Tay Traut eit lags and thre eyes ave very nice. At this moment UUnit19 Topic = 5 Write a postcard Writing ‘You are with Anne Brown. You are on Planet Nevus. Write a postcard to your friends on Earth. Tell them what you can see and what you are doing, 6 Say it clearly! fer/ | Listen. Say the words and the sentences. Open your mouth! take make date late plato hate pancake Light takes a long time to come from the stars. ‘The moon makes tides. Thate pancakes! 7 Sing a song! Space ° [3] See page 155 in the Student's Book for the words to ‘Space’. Py Unit 19 Topic Reading; Present continuous; comparatives ‘and superiatives; asking for travelinformation 1) The moon and tides a : Reading Match the texts to the correct pictures. HOW DOES THE MOON MAKE TIDES? ‘A The moon helps to make tides. This is because the moon's gravity pulls the water. B Atthe same time, the Earth is going around and around, Because of this the water moves out on. the other side of the Earth. C Because the Earth is going around, we also have two high tides every day. D The moon also goes around the Earth. ‘Sometimes the sun and the moon are pulling in the same direction. The sun also pulls the water. This means we have very high tides in some parts of the world and very low tides in other parts of the world. 2 What is she doing? Present continuous 2.1 On the moon Write a sentence for each picture. Unit20 Language focus 8s 2.2 What are they doing? Write a sentence about each picture. ‘Your teacher has the answers, Ask him or her next lesson. | thinke he's cleaning someting or openiig a drink. 3 Bigger or smaller? 1 COLD Sweden is colder than France. Finlund is the coldest. 2 TALL, David is = Jane, Susan is the: 3 STRONG ‘Susan is David, June: is the 4 GOOD David is ane. Susan is the. 5 BAD ‘Susan is David. Jane is the 58 Unit20 Language focus Comparatives and superlatives 4@ In the bus station Asking for travel information ‘You want to take a bus to Minton Town Centre tomorrow afternoon. You want to know: the number of the bus —what time the bus goes what time the bus comes back how much the ticket costs [2] You go to the bus station. Listen and talk to the man. Man: You: Man: You: Man: You: Man: You: Man: You: Man: You: Man: You: Man: You: ‘Yes, can I help you? Can you tell ‘Yes. You can take bus 142. In the morning or in the afternoon? In the afternoon. Let me see. You can go at half past one or half past a three. ‘There is a bus back at ten past two and ten past four. How old are you? Ifyou are under 15 it’s £1.60. You're welcome. Bye. 5 Say it clearly! imide (A (Og [3] Listen. Say these words and sentences with ‘ing’, $s opening getting coming putting starting waiting \S CSE, He's opening the door. He’s coming down the ladder. He's putting his foot on the moon. ''m going to Planet Nevus tomorrow! Unit20 Language focus ET 7 Fltienc ee More poems from the a Earth and space Read a poem from space. Writing a poem eae neato 2 J ana eo Rae aaa maa “ Now write another poem from space. You can write about the moon, the sun, the stars, The moon speaks om in space, or imagine that YOU are in space. The sim speaks Lom Flying into space, he stors 5 Here I a 2 moor You can use these ideas. “Wiesel yet ler (08 oes lamhot. 1am cold. Iam millions of miles away. I can see you. I give you life. I give you light. lam history! Itis very dark. There is nothing here. | am travelling very fast. Itis very quiet. lamalone. tis very beautiful. Idon'tikeithere. Ilikeithere. There are Icansee... Icanhear... Ifeel... lamthinking... Ican't... 58 Unit 21 Fluency practice y If with spelling (2) More ways to help yourself with spelling 1 Where are your mistakes? 1.4 Your mistakes Look at your writing in English. Make a list of your spelling mistakes. 41.2 Spelling groups Put your spelling mistakes into groups: thing eng z L [callécting —_,__eriving | Ge) |tckecting rocks. He's diweing — moon car. He's going up the | ladder losing =| CPfadet. They're clossing the door | Se) | 4.3 practice Now try it with these spelling mistakes. 4.4 Your writing Now try it with your writing. hey Lamiaeg the morn. Unit 22. Help yourself 2 Letter patterns 2.1 Letter pattern: English Here are some letter patterns in English with ‘e’ ea—near,sea _—_ei protein, their ee-see, street eo-people Here are some more letter patterns with ‘h': ‘ch— chocolate, watch, gh—high, neighbour ph—geography, elephant —_sh-shop, sheep th=this, north wh = which, who Now look at a text in the Student's Book, for example Unit 19, Exercise 4. Choose four letter patterns from the list below. Try to find words for each pattern. Look at other texts ifnecessary. es ea th ff fr ere ai ay gh ol ng ge ch ot ak ar is om no 2.2 Some more letter patterns Look at the Wordlist/Index in the Student’s Book. Choose four more words for each letter pattern. ‘Write the words on pieces of paper. 2.3 Play a game ‘You can play a game by yourself. 4 Tum the pieces of 2 Look at a word. 3 Test your memory. paper over. Find a pair of words with the same letter pattern. 60 Unit 22 Help yourset &s Révisiof The continents are moving! Vocabulary; reading ‘about the continents; superlatives 1 What's the word? Here are some words from Units 19 and 20 in the Student's Book. Put the letters in the right order and join them to the correct picture 1 DXPNAE espa) — PSHI GLFA LPNETA Noom YKS ee a Vocabulary 2 The continents are moving! 2.1 A quiz about the continents How many questions can you answer? 1 How many continents are there? 2 What are their names? 3 Something is happening to the continents. What? 4 Why are there mountains in the Himalayas? 5 What are earthquakes? Why do we have them? 2.2 Check your answers Now read the text and check your answers. — THE CONTINENTS ARE MOVING! — ‘Today, there are seven continents in the world but 200 million years ago there was only onet Asia, Africa, Europe, Antarctica, North America, South ‘America and Australia were all part of ‘one continent called “Pangaea.” You ‘can see on the map how the pieces go together. 200 million years ago Reading Millions of years ago, ‘India’ was not part of “Asia’. India slowly moved north and then it hit Asia. This made the Himalayan Mountains. 135 million years ago Today, the continents are still moving! Australia is moving north, Africa is moving east and part of North ‘America is moving west. Present day Millions of years from now, the world wil be very different! In many parts of the world today, there are earthquakes. This is because the land is moving. Unit 23 Revision eo 2.3 Check your reading Tick (V/) the box to show if the sentences are right, wrong or if there is no answer in the text. Right Wrong Noanswer in the text 1 Two million years ago, there was only one continent. 2 Europe is not moving now. 8 There are nine continents. 4 You can visit ‘Pangaea’ today. 5 The Himalayas are in Europe. 6 Millions of years from now, there will be 20 continents. SEE THE HIMALAYAS RISE! Take two pieces of paper _Press the balls flat. Push them together. See the Himalayas rise! and make two balls. 3 A quiz about the continents today How many of these questions can you answer? 1 The biggest continent is 2 The coldest continent is 3. More people lve in Europe than in Asia. Right or wrong? 4 The highest mountain in the world is in im The biggest rainforest in the world is in Your country is in 7 The driest continent is 8 Thesmallest continentis 9 The biggest city in the world is in 40 The only continent without towns is. Look in your other schoolbooks ot ask your friends and family for the answers. os Unit 28 Revision A piles dictionary ss 4} years for light from star to come to Earth.’ - is very weak here,’ Apictu The weather; pronunciation: /9/ weather 1 The months ), Names of months Find the names of 10 months. NOVAMZEAGJH OFWTGHIPNAM © DECEMBERZNA ABWMAYVIYUP QREXRJULYAW QUJOCTOBERV ‘wo months are missing. GAILLHUPFSYY ‘What are they? QRBYKJUNETE 7 and DYOUAUGUSTS 2 Read and write about the weather Reading, writing and frequency adverbs 2.1 The south of England Read about the weather in the south of England. In the south of England, they usually have very cold weather in January and February. The nights are very long and the days are short. Sometimes they have snow, but not very often. In May, June, July and August the temperature is usually warmer. They never have very, very hot summers. The maximum temperature is normally 25°C, but usually it's about 18-20°C. Itoften rains a lot in the summer! In March, the evenings become lighterand the temperature rises. They almost always have very strong winds in " i ye 2.2. Your country September is sometimes very nice but in October it becomes colder. November and December are usually windy and very cold - about 5-10°C. Write about the weather in your country. tn Jonory 64 Unit 28 Topic 3 What type of day is it? Adjectives [= Listen. Write down what type of day itis. sunny windy chilly foggy rainy a H's a sumy olay Compare your answers next lesson. 4 Right or wrong? Reading and writing Ifthe sentence is wrong, put it right. Ifyou don’t know, find out! 1 When cold cloud meets a warm cloud, it makes rain. Right! 2 Coldairrises. Wrong! Cold air fall 8 Lightning comes from static electricity in the clouds, 7 i 4 Ifyou go.up a mountain, you are nearer the sun. It becomes hotter... — vo 5 Warm air falls. : 6 Snowis very cold water. 7 Water is heavier than ice. i i 5 Fillin the words Vocabulary Fill in the words. What do they spell? 1 H’snothot. It's very ‘ 1 2 We breathe it. e 3 June, July, , September. . + 4 4 The sun alah | 5 5 Inacloud, there is vapour. a 6 In Switzeriand, they have a lot of neni yl 7 When a warm cloud meets a cold cloud, 8 WE RAVE sn oT LI : 8 The blows the clouds. 9 Thereisavery wind today. Unit24 Topic e 6 Talk to David Writing aud speaking Write your answers to David’s questions. Davin: Hello, How are you? You: — . - — Davip: I’m fine. Its very cold here today. What's the weather jike with you? You: “5 al ni Davin: Is italways like that at this time of the year? \ You: ss Davi: Oh, really. Our winter is nearly the same as our summer, Are winter and summer very different in your country? You: oo _— Davip: Tell me more. You: .... snc Davip: ‘That's interesting. I must go now. I'l talk to you again soon, Bye. You: _ _ Cs Now talk to David on the telephone. 7 Say it clearly! fof [)) Listen to how you often say “er” in English. Say the words and sentences, Ka \, September October November December CC Qe colder hotter drier warmer 2 Itis warmer in September than in October! © Itis always colder in November. itis never hotter in December. [Sy We have the same sound in other words. Listen and say the words. Ihave adog at home. How are you? Linda is a gir. 8 Sing a song! Singing inthe rain , See page 155 in your Student's Book for the words to ‘Singing in the rain’. 6 EEE un 2s tonic ‘much’, many’ and ‘alot of; comparatives and ‘superiatives; making plans; in! and Jost 1 The seasons Reading Do you know why they have the ‘Midnight Sun’ in some countries? Do you know why we have seasons? Read and find out! Way Do We Have Seasons? In many countries, there are seasons ~ spring, summer, autumn and winter When it is summer in the north, it is winter in the south. When it is summer in the south, it is winter in the north. Why? The answer is very simple! cath ~ =) | i ‘The Earth tums around in 23 hours 56 minutes and e ro 4 seconds. This makes our day. The Barth also goes 2008 0 around the sun in 3654 days. This makes our year. ee 965 4 days But the Barth is not straight! Ithas an angle of 23°, ‘This means that only part of the Earth gets a lot of heat from the sun. This is the part nearest to the sun. When it is summer in the north itis winter in the south. N summer vite} Inthe winter, the places in the north and south get very little sun. It is night time almost all the time. In the summer, they get ight all the time. They get the Midnight Sun! ‘When it is summer in the south, it is winter in the north. The countries near the Equator have the same weather all the time. Ask your family and friends if they know why we have seasons. Tell them if they don't know! Unit 25 Language focus How dogs has he got? 2 What's the word? ‘much’, ‘many’, ‘a lot’ and ‘a lot of Put ‘much’, ‘many’, ‘alot’ or ‘a lot of” in each space. sp ‘This has got Iaven't got ‘money, Tong comp 3 What do you think? : and superlatives 3.1 Two cars Look at these two cars, What do you think about them? Write some sentences with these words. exciting expensive long comfortable beautiful difficult todrive fast big inside For example: | think the Sporty is more exciting than the Tuscan. 3.2 Three cars Look at the Sporty and Tuscan again. Here’ another car, the ‘Adventurer’. What do you think about the three cars? Use the words in 3.1 and write a few sentences. For example: | think. the Adventurer is the mast exciting Next lesson, compare your answers with the other people in your class. 6 Unit 25 Language focus 4 What are you doing next week? Making plans ‘Write down what you are doing next week. Write something on five days. Monday. . _.. Thursday. os | UGC cic, AERP | Wednesday... - . ‘Saturday. - Co ‘Sunday. _ [=] Now talk to Linda on the telephone. She wants to go to the cinema on two days. dp Linpa: Hi! How are you? You: . ce Linpa: I'm fine. Listen, There's a new film called ‘Adventures in Space 1’. Do you want to see it? YOU: non . cnn Linpa: Wonderful! What are you doing on Monday? You - a cn Lina: Oh. Monday's difficult day for me, now I think about it. What about Tuesday? You: 7 oo se Linpa: OK. There's another part of the film. ‘Adventures in Space 2". ‘We can see that. What are you doing on Wednesday? You: sree 2 . Linpa: Wednesday. Oh no! I'm going to the dentist on Wednesday. Are you free on Thursday? You: Linpa: I'm going shopping on Friday. On Saturday morning I’m going swimming with my sister. After that, I'm free. When can we go to the cinema, then? You: ov nat wna sonoma ie Linpa: Great! Thats fine, We can meet at my house at six o’clock. See you then. Bye! You: 5 Say it clearly ‘of anid F hast! [=] Listen. Say the words and sentences. ‘sunny sunnier the sunniest funny funnier the funniest It's the sunniest day of the year! He's the funniest person | know! happy happier the happiest This is the happiest day of my life! UE Golipeegatoone o ctice ‘The climate and It’s windy, sunny, eooraphy ot trate rainy, foggy, chilly and cloudy in Australia! 1 What do you know about Australia? Axe these sentences true (I) or false (F), do you think? a Sydney is the capital of Australia. is bigger than England, b Australi ¢ Australias in the Southem d They speak English in Australia, ul © Australia has three different time zones. fa Australia is the smallest continent in the world. Hemisphere. [ ] g About 17 million people live in Australia. ia h There are more sheep than people in Australia! Your teacher has the correct answers. Ask him or her. 2 Read about Australia Answer some more questions about Australia. Australia is a very big country. Itisalso the world’s smallest continent, Look at the map and use your ruler. How far isitfrom Perth to Brishane? How far is it from Darwin to Adelaide? kms Australia has everything, Ithas mountains, lakes, deserts, forests and rivers. How many rivers can you find on the Mp one rivers Which river isthe longest? Most ofthe people live in the parts where it often rains and where food can grow: This isin the south west and the south cast ;— AROUND AUSTRALIA Key Scala 19 250 5u0 780 10pm Australia has snow, rain, strong winds and a lot of sun, Some parts don’t getany rain or they get very little. In Darwin (Can you find it on the map?) the normal temperature is about 26°C in Julyand about 31" January. They get about 386mm of rain in January butthey don’t get any rain in July q Is July in the winter or inthe summer in Australia’... 10 Unit 26 Fluency practice In Melbourne, the weather is Other parts of Australia are very different. (Can youfind very hot during the day and Melbourne on the map?) They _ very cold during the night. In getabout 50 mm ofrain every _ the deserts, there aren't any month, The temperatures are clouds to stop the sun and ‘usually about 10°C (InJuly or temperatures rise to 52°C. The January?) and 24°C (inJuly or picture shows the Pinnacles January?). Desert in Western Australia. Post CARD ee Hil Ths i a fatstic place. The sea ; is very beautiful. There are. some ; E | lnredible fishes with lats of different colours. There are also some | 3 A postcard from David Read this postcard from David. He is on holiday in Australia. Can you answer these questions? dangereus snakes and spiders too! & very bi a vn ahe Gackt mo) | Tey wy, A ten, b What month do youthinkitis: | ier, The only problem is that its a o January or July? | long way from everywhere! Adelaide | is over 2000 km a : Its ot very hot mow butts ining ae all the time. so See you soon. i ‘David 4 Write a postcard Choose a place on the map and write a postcard. Ask another student next lesson to guess where POST CARD | Unit 26 Fluency practice n a ve with pronunciation vronunaten ont scoee LA 1 Listen, look and repeat Using a mirror [©] You uy it! Listen. Look in a mirror and say the words and phrases, 1 He lives in a big house. house, a big house, in a big house; lives, he lives, he lives in: He lives in a big house. 2 Harry comes to school by bus. bus, by bus; to school, to schoo! by bus; comes, Harry comes: Harry comes to school by bus. 2 Bang on the table! Stress in two syllable words 2.4 Words with two syllables London Here are some words with two syllables. erat eae The first syllable is the strongest. Say the words and bang your hand on the table when you say the first syllable. London writing jumping hottest longer kitchen teacher (© Listen and say the words. Don't forget to bang the desk on the first syllable! 2 Unit27 Help yoursoit 2.2 Some more words with two syllables Look in the Wordlist ‘Index in your Student's Book. Find some more two syllable words. Say them and bang your hand on the first syllable. parrot season summer autumn 3 > What are the important words? Stress in a sentence 3.1 Important words In English, we say the important words strongest. Like this: Sopiiz: Oh NO. When ARE you FREE? Mona: Well, FRIDAY is FINE Sore: OK. We can have the party THEN. Can you tell ALI? Listen, Say the dialogue. 3.2 Find a dialogue Sopste: Garbar}) are you ffee)on Friday? After Barpara: (NoyI'mGot)I’mGoingto the dentisd Find a dialogue in your Student's Book. SoPHIE: Oh, that's OK) What Gime? Puta circle around the important words. BARBARA: (Foupo’clock Soprite: Can you€omdto mythouss feed the dentist? Barbara: Great!Wes, SOPHIE: BARBARA: Bye. 8.3 Say the dialogue Say the dialogue. Say the words in the circles stronger. Listen to the dialogue on the cassette. Do they say the words in the same way? Well done! Use the three ways to practise pronunciation in the next units of the Workbook. Unit 27 Help yourselt 8 Here are some things you learned to do in Units 24-27. How well can you do them? Puta tick (/) in the box. Now do this test and see if you are right! Lean doit very well A test of Unite 24-27 1 Talk about the weather 2. Say how often you do something, 3. Compare things 4 Making plans 1) What's the weather like? Adjectives and comparatives Look atthe pictures. ‘What can you say about the weather? 2 How often do you do it? Write a sentence about each picture. ie 1 abweys clean my teeth in the: morning, ™ Unit 28 Test yourself 3 Talk about your country ‘Comparatives Write your answers to Davids questions. Davin: You: Davo: You: Davin: You: Davin: You: Davin: You: Davi: You: Davin: Hello, Can you tell me about your country? Is it bigger than Britain? Oh. That’ interesting. How many people live there? Gosh! Is that more or less than Britain? I can’t remember. ‘You know, my favourite season is summer. | like the long days. Do you know, the sun doesn’t set until nearly ten o'clock! Is the day longer or shorter in your country? Hmm. I don't like the winter very much. It gets dark so early. It dark at about half past three! Is it later or earlier in your country? ‘That's interesting. Its never very warm in Britain. In summer, it’ usually about 18°-20" and in winter it is usually about 5°10". How is it in your country? Listen. I want to play outside before the sun sets. Come on, Let’s go! [= Now talk to David. 4 Complete the puzzle Read the dialogue. Put the missing pieces in the correct place Making plans A Pat: Hi, Annef rday momnss ‘Anne: Hi, Pat. What are you doing? > Pat: Well, ‘There's a new fun park in town, Mey | c t any money! ‘Anne: Yes! But when? {Lnaven’t got any’ Pat: a : = That isn't ay Anne: No. 'm going to my uncle's house. What about Wednesday? —S Att any good] Wednesday?| I've got a music lesson. e a : wera | That's fine. What time? ‘Anne: Let me see. = Do you want to go? opens at 10 o'clock and ... Oh no! z s “nasal h zy! at Anne: It costs £6 to get in! Pat; What! Well, | can't go! Are you free tomorrow afternoon? Unit 28 Test yourself 7 Apicture ene (6) Label the picture. 1% Aplcture cctionary (5) ‘was/were'; regular Past tense cavepeople Re) Vocabulary 1° What’s the word? 1.4 Find the words Read the words and find the opposites. Make an exercise like this for your class. 4.2.A vocabulary puzzle Read the clues. Write the words in the puzzle. ils 1 Cave life was exciting: it wasn’t b 2 Cavepeople went tos. bythe fire. 3 Itwas dangerous to s. in the river. 4 Today wet... by car, train and bus. | 5 Them, .was the biggest animal the cavepeople killed, 6 |wasb, in 1975. 7 Iwast.. 8 I've gota sister but I haven't got ab. ‘ 9 Cavepeople killed animals with as on my first day at school. ‘was/were 2 Write about the pictures ‘Write about Ngoba and her brother Mashan. Use ‘was’ and ‘were’. 4 They looked at the animal a Unit28 Topic 6 twas easy to cut the skin, 8 Ngoba and Mashan warm. Regular past verbs 3 What did David do yesterday? 1 3.1 Write about David Look at the pictures and write some sentences. 1 David cooked his breakfast yesterday Reading, writing and listening Unit 23 Topic {© Listen. The boys are telling a newspaper reporter about their adventure. RePoRTER: Hello boys. Tell me about your adventure yesterday. MarcEL: Well, we went in the cave ... GroRGES: ... suddenly on the walls on the first path there were lots of pictures . SIMON: ... first there were twelve elephants on one wall ... Marcet: ... and two on the opposite wall ... JACQUES: ... then in the next path there were ‘Ps nine clephants on the wall... GeorRGES: ... then three rhinoceroses ... Draw the animals on the map. .. five horses .... and nine buffalo .. and at the end of the path there were eight more elephants and two more horses. Good heavens! How can you remember all that? REPORTER: Jacques: We've got a map. Look. It’s got all the animals on it. ReporTER: Why are there so many animals in the same cave? SIMON: The teacher said ... : CZ. < 2 5 Write the story ‘Write the newspaper story on a separate piece of paper. ‘You can use these sentences: Four boys, Jacques, Simon, Georges and Marcel were friends. In the summer of 1940 the weather was very hot. One day, 6 Sing a song! Caveman rock [See page 155 in the Student’ Book for the words to Caveman rock’. Writing uy, A Ay VC) Unit20 Tope » Past tense: be’, have’, ‘go, ‘make! and some regular past forms. 1) Word puzzles Regular past tense verbs 4.4 Word puzzle LISTENED There are nine Past tense verbs in this puzzle ANTEDCE Can you find them? DEPMUJRC ‘The words go down (), across (+) DEHSAWII and backwards (€-). XDROPPED DEKLAWDE 1.2. Your own puzzle K LIKEDXXD Make a puzzle for your friends. You can use these verbs. walked talked cried watched started passed Add some more of your own. 2 Colin’s story ‘was’ and ‘were zim | BOY WAS LOST "FOR THREE DAYS | Write ‘was’ or ‘were’ / olin Becks, a teenager from in the gaps. Central High School, was alone in the woods for three days. He —" tells his story in his own words, 0 LUnit20 Language focus ‘Last Saturday there... a big football match at the stadium, All my friends at the match. I don’t like football so I went to the woods fon my bicycle. It noua Very hot day. Istopped and had my Junch. Then I saw a hole near a tree. I went in the hole and into a big, cold cave. There two caves. A river went from the first cave to the second one. I decided to go into the second cave in the river. . Suddenly “BANG!” There . a terrible noise. The stones fom the wal ile the hole. They .neun Very big and heavy. I couldn’t get out. After a long time, I went to sleep in the cave. I... very tired. In the moming I decided to swim in the river to find the way out. The water very, very cold! I don’t know hhow long T....... in the river, Dut it nnn a long time! Suddenly, I saw the sun and the trees! I was safe! 2.2. A newspaper reporter interviews Colin Questions with ‘was /were’ What did the interviewer say? Choose the correct question. ° IvreRvisweR: Can you tell me what happened last Saturday? a COLIN: Well, I didn't have any friends to play with. pee INTERVIEWER: Coun: Yes, they were. So I went to the woods. ‘ rieraiacns a _ (wartcow?) COLIN: Yes, it was. I had my lunch and then I saw a hole under a tree. INTERVIEWER: a Coun: Oh very big, It went into a big cave. INTERVIEWER: Coin: Yes. It was difficult to see. But there was river on the left of the cave, INTERVIEWER: s i g Coun: I don’t know! I decided to swim into the next cave. (Waster) INTERVIEWER: Coun: Yes, but when I was in the second cave all the stones came down from the wall! INTERVIEWER: co COLIN: Yes I was! I decided to try and find another hole at the end of the river. INTERVIEWER: Coun: About three hours I think. Suddenly I saw the sun and the trees! I was very happy! [= Listen and check your answers. 3 Say it clearly! AI, /A/ and Ad/ => There are three ways of saying ‘-ed’ in English:a ‘t’ sound (/v), for example: washed SK Na dé a‘d! sound (/d/), for example: lived an ‘id’ sound (/id/), for example: started Listen, Say the verbs. B WW helped liked wanted decided asked stayed visited changed studied looked watched played Put the verbs in the column Washed A Lived /d/ Started /id/ Check your answers with the cassette. — —s Unit30 Language focus a Irregular past verbs: ‘went’, ‘had’, ‘saw’, 4 Some more about cave painting Put the correct form ‘ate? of the verb in the gap. CAVE PAINTING The cavepeople had different methods for painting. They. and white. Sometimes, they ... their hands and fingers. They also .. brushes. They . (make) the brushes from small bones and animal hair. When they..... (go) away from home they painted on stones. The cavepeople usually painted Talking about past 5 Talk to Linda events ‘Write some questions for Linda and some answers for her questions. LINDA: Hi, Did you have a good weekend? I did. I went to the circus! You: — Gy Lina: [twas in my town. It was here for two days. I saw the clowns. You: on G Linpa: Yes, they were. Then there were also some fire-eaters. ¢ You: Es LINDA: Yes! ‘Then we went home and had a barbecue. Tell me about a fun weekend. - You: . Linpa: Oh! Were you with your friends? — ‘You: Lipa: Was there music? You: Linpa: Was there any nice food? You: Lina: That sounds fan. I've got lots of homework now. Talk to you soon. Bye. x You: cnn [=] Now talk to Linda on the cassette. a Unit30 Language foous . a ype Family trees bons olsanteng yong 1 A family tree (© Listen. Fill in the names and dates of birth on the family tree. b.=born Eva “My name is Eva. | was a teacher but | don't work now. I was born in 1947, My husband's name is Thomas. He was a business man but now he likes to grow vegetables. He was born in 1933 in France. His first wife's name was Sally. She died in 1974. They had three children ~Karen, Jane and Rachel. Karen and Jane were born in 1958 and Rachel was born in 1961 in London. In 1984 Karen married John. She works in alibrary and John is a doctor. He ‘comes from Scotland. They have got two children. Charlotte was born in 1986 and Amelia was bor in 1988. Jane works in a dress shop and Rachel is a pilot. She travels all over the world. We have got a daughter. Her name is Tara. She was born in 1985 in Bahrain.” 2 What do they do? [= Listen again. Can you write what each person's job is? 1 Evawas a teacher but she doesn’t work now, 2 Thomas. : 3 Karen . 8 VOR craneaccrances 5 Jane vn 6 Rachel Unitat Fluency practice # elf wi h fluency ‘Three ways to help you with speaking fluency For this unit you need some cards, a cassette recorder and an empty cassette. 1 Phrases in the bag 1 Write these phrases on some cards. INTHE TOWN About two kilometres from here. There are some shops near the station. ‘There's a cafe near here. This is the best cafe near here. ‘THE WEATHER It's hotter than yesterday. t's a nice day today. Iwas born in ...2 Useful phrases WHAT YOU THINK I think so. | don't think so. I don't mind it. Hike it. I hate it. | think it's horrible. 2 Write them in your language on the other side. 3 Find some more phrases in your Student’s Book and make cards for them. 4 Putall the cards ina bag. 5 Take outa card and translate it into English or into your language. Talk to yourself! 1 Record these questions on to your cassette. Asking and answering questions (Wait a few seconds after each question) Hello, what's your name? ‘When were you born? ‘What school do you go to? Where is that? ‘What's your favourite subject at school? When did you start learning English? Did you watch TV yesterday? What did you watch? Hello, what's your name? a 2 Now talk to yourself! Play the cassette and answer your questions. 8 Find some more questions in your ‘Student's Book and record them. Ute Hep yous 3 Have a conversation! Choose one of the situations below and talk to yourself. Change your hat/chair/coat as you talk. THE WEATHER IN YOUR COUNTRY You 1: What's the weather lke in your country? You2: Well it's What's it lke in your country? You: YOUR SCHOOL TIMETABLE You 1: Hi. What do you think of the new school timetable? You2: You 1: What's your 2 You 2: ce sce YOUR TOWN You 1: Hi, where do you live? YOU 2: oe ene nee What about you? You 1: crates ‘THE ANIMALS YOU LIKE AND DON'T LIKE You: I've got a spider. You2: Have you? You 1: WHAT YOU DID YESTERDAY You 1: Hi, went to the cinema yesterday. What did you do? You 2: Use these three ways to help practise your English at home. Conversation Unit 32 Help yourselt KZ oo 4 Words to revise Vocabulary: nouns and adjectives Here are some words from Units 29-32 in the Student's Book. Choose a noun and an adjective for each sentence. 1 The cavepeople lived an exciting le. 5 They painted pictures on the... of the caves. 2 They lived ina... 6 The children had to do some 3 They killed many for food. 7 They collected water from the 4 They liked to eat the first. 8 Sometimes they picked... (=) You can check your answers on the cassette, 2 Talk to Linda Speaking [=] Write your answers to Linda’s questions. Then talk to her. LINDA: What did you learn about in English this month? ‘You: vente c LinpA: Cavepcople! That’ interesting! Did they have music like us? You: en - m _ wninraomecsnn Linpa: That was clever! Did they have fire? YOU! on . Linpa: What did they eat and drink then? You: - tees LINDA: Did the cavepeople live at the same time as dinosaurs? You: eee - soso ws Linpa: You know a lot about cavepeople! I’m doing my maths homework now. Bye! You: ... ss ere 80 Unit 39 Revision 3 When did the dinosaurs live? Dew A dinosaur quiz bea T 210milion years ego 5 millon years ago 115,000 years ago Are these sentences true [T] or false [F]? 1 There were only 20 kinds of dinosaurs. 5 Dinosaurs were mammals. 2 Dinosaurs only lived in America and Africa. 6 Birds come from dinosaurs. 3. Some dinosaurs ate plants. 7 Some dinosaurs were bigger than a car. 8 4 They disappeared 65 million years ago. 8 Alldinosaurs had four legs. Now read the text below to see how many of your answers are correct. ‘Today there aren't any dinosaurs but for 75 million years more than 800 different kinds of dinosaurs lived all over the world. ‘Some dinosaurs had two legs and some had four legs. Most of them were very big; some were 30 metres long (the same size as a football ground) and weighed 30 tons (the same weight as three very big lorries). Some dinosaurs killed and ate other dinosaurs. Many dinosaurs laid eggs in a nest and looked after their babies very well. The big dinosaurs moved very slowly ~ about 8 kilometres per hour ~ but the small ones ran faster. The small ones were the same size as a chicken. Today's birds come from dinosaurs! They have the same kind of bones. 65 milion years ago dinosaurs suddenly disappeared. 4 Make your own dinosaur! Around the pages are different parts of four dinosaurs’ bodies. Choose one of each, part and trace it onto a piece of paper and make your own dinosaur. Give it a name and write about —whatit ate ~where it lived how big it was a Unit33 Revision or A picture dictionary (6) What's the past tense of What's the adjective? Ss ~ — gars J -@. \\ What's the noun’ A Fy a i ‘i me SE ip a @! 1 © ga ye A hag Ye z 2 | is Aictre detonay (6 Language summaries Negatives and questions are easy: Units 1 and 2 "8 OR ‘AN’? ‘You use ‘a’ with most nouns; book atable apen acar ‘You use ‘an’ with nouns that begin with a vowel sound (a, ¢, i, 0, u): an orange an orang-utan an igloo se ‘be’ in lots of ways: —to say where someone is: David is on a train. — to talk about a person’ job: ‘Susan is a teacher. — to say how someone is: lam cold. Are you hungry? ~to say how old someone is: He is 10 years old. Notice the form: T’m not (am not) ‘You aren't (are not) She He isn’t (is not) It We You aren't (are not) hot. They “uave (Gor)’ SABES ‘When you speak, you can say ‘have got’ (You can also say ‘have’ but ‘have got’ is more usual.) F've got a new book. ‘She's got two brothers. ‘They've got short hair. Notice the form: "ye got (have got) He brown eyes. She ’s got (has got) a guitar. Ie Jong hair. we You “ve got (have got) They Language summaries 8 Negatives and questions are easy: “THERE IS / THERE ARE’ ‘You can use “There is‘ and ‘There are’ to say that something exists. The subject usually comes after “There is’ and “There are’: ‘There are a lot of kangaroos in Australia. ‘There is a river in my town. You say “There is’ for singular nouns and things you can't count (see Theme E) There is @ park in my town. There is some sugar on the table You say ‘There are’ for plural nouns: ‘There are a lot of tall buildings in New York, ‘There are 650 students in my school. PLURALS ‘You can make the plural of most nouns with ‘s’: apenmtwopens —adogaetwo dogs Some words are different: Childs» Look at those children! footw He’s got big feet! Words that end in ‘-y’ change to ‘ies’ ‘countrys There are many small countries in Europe. babys» Look at those babies! ‘Words that end in ‘-f” often change to ‘-ves’: leafm-The leaves on the trees are brown. ‘ani You can use ‘can’ in four ways: 1, You can say what you can or can't do: She can play the trumpet very well. | can't play the piano. 2 You can say if something is possible or not: You can buy milk in that shop. You can't eat metal! 3 You can ask if you can do something: ‘Can | open the window? 4 You can ask for something: Can | have a drink of water, please? Notice that ‘can’ is followed by the infinitive without ‘to’ and is the same for everybody: I You (sing) He She football. home now. We 2 Theme A PARTS OF SPEECH: NOUN, VERB, ADJECTIVE A noun is a name of a person, place or thing: agi! aschool table A verb is an action word: run ride eat swim An adjective describes a noun. Notice that the adjective goes in front of the noun: abigflat anewbicycle — shorthair PRESENT SIMPLE: POSITIVE You can use the Present simple to talk about: ~something that happens regularly: Icome to school by bus. — something that happens generally (or always): He lives ina flat. Notice the form. Notice the ‘-s' with ‘he’, ‘she’ and ‘ie! ue lives. ina big house. ae drinks alot of milk. PRESENT SIMPLE: NEGATIVE ‘You can make a negative sentence with ‘don’t’ (do not’) or ‘doesn't’ (‘does not) afer the subject. ‘Have’ and ‘be’ are different! See pages 89 and 90.) ina fiat, yew in the sea, We meat. They He play football in the park. She | doesn't | watch | television at home. Ie sleep _| at night. Itdoesn't sleep at night, Theme B PRESENT SIMPLE: QUESTIONS WITH ‘DO’ OR ‘DOES’ Questions in English often use the verb ‘do’. You can use questions with ‘do’ or ‘does’ when you want to ask about: — something that happens regularly: Do you go to bed before 9 o'clock? Does your mother work on Saturdays? something that happens generally (or always): Do you live in a big town? Do elephants eat meat? Does your brother come to this school? Notice the form. 'Do/Does' is before the subject. The main verb is after the subject: Language summaries 9 Notice when you say ‘do’ and when you say ‘does’: I you we they she have brown eyes? Does | he eat fish? it sleep alot? You can also put a question word at the beginning: When do bats sleep? Why does a giraffe have long legs? How do birds know the way home? How long does an elephant live? What does a shark eat? Where do pandas live? ‘You can give a short answer with ‘do’ or ‘does’: Yes, youdo. or No, you don't. Yes, he does. or No, he doesn't. Do! have brown eyes? Does he eat fish? POSSESSIVE ADJECTIVES: ‘MY, YOUR, HIS, HER’, ETC. Possessive adjectives are words that say who something belongs to. They come before the noun: This is my dog. His horse is very old 1 my Where is my dog? ‘you (sing.) | your ‘What's your name? he his ‘That’ his house. she’ her Her horse is very old. it its The cat sleeps in its basket. we our This is our pet crocodile. you (pl) | your | Where is your mother? ‘they their ‘Cows give milk to their | babies. 92 Language summaries ‘ You can also make possessives with names of people or things by adding ’: This is Pat's house. “That's the dog's food. Theme C ‘SOME’ AND ‘ANY’ You use ‘some’ and ‘any’ when you talk about a quantity of something: Have you got any money? ‘There are some eggs on the table. Usually you use ‘some’ when you say positive sentences: Ihave some water in my cup. They want some butter for the shortbread. ES You also use ‘any’ with negative sentences: You use ‘any’ with questions: Do we need any milk? Have you got any salt? Oh no! We haven't got any sugar! We don't need any butter. OBJECT PRONOUNS: ‘ME, YOU, HIM, HER’, ETC. Object pronouns are words for the object of an action. They come afer the verb: This is my bedroom. I like it. Can you help me? you (sing) Tean see you! he Do you know him? she I can telephone her. it Do you like it? we Good food is important for us, you (pl) “These books are for you. they Vitamins are important. You need them! Theme D PRESENT CONTINUOUS. ‘You can use the Present continuous when you want to talk about something that is happening now. Notice the form: Positive: coming down | the ladder. flying ‘into space. You can also use the Present continuous to talk about plans and definite events. See Plans page 95. COMPARATIVES AND SUPERLATIVES (1) ‘You can compare things by putting ‘-er’ and ‘-est’ at the end of adjectives that have one syllable, such as ‘long, tall, big, near, fast, old, hot, small’: You use ‘than’ after the comparative form (‘longer than ...”), never ‘that’! Mercury is hotter than the Earth. The Sun is the hottest thing in the solar system. Pluto is smaller than Mercury. It is the smallest pianet in the solar system. Notice small —> smaller ——> the smallest BUT — hot —> hotter-———> the hottest Notice some irregular adjectives: worse the worst Maths is good for you. History is better for you. English is the best for you! ‘Adog bite is bad for you. A snake bite is worse’, for you. A shark bite is the worst for you! Theme E COUNTABLES AND UNCOUNTABLES In English, you can count some nouns but you can’t count some other nouns, You can say: Fiveapples. Threetables. Six bags of sugar. ‘These nouns are ‘countabl You can’t say: Siveugar. Foursnew. Seven. water, ‘These nouns are ‘uncountables’. ‘MUCH’, ‘MANY’ AND ‘A LOT OF” ‘You use ‘much’ for uncountables in questions and negative sentences: Do you have much work tonight? How much milk do you have? We don’t have much sugar. “They don’t have much rain in Saudi Arabia. You use ‘many’ for countables in questions and negative sentences: Do you have many brothers and sisters? _ How many eggsdoweneed? | don't have many friends here. ‘She doesn't have many ideas. For positive sentences you can use ‘alot of” for uncountables and uncountables: We have alot of green hills in England. He has alot of money in the bank. Language summaries 93, COMPARATIVES AND SUPERLATIVES (2) You use ‘more ...” and ‘the most’ to compare adjectives with more than one syllable ‘This car is more expensive than that car. This car is the most expensive. | think swimming is more exciting than walking. Windsurfing is the most exciting sport for me! Adjectives that end with ‘-y’ change to ‘ Itis very windy today. t's much windier than yesterday. He looks happy. He's the happiest man | know! Theme F PAST SIMPLE You use the Past simple to talk about something at a definite time. For example, ‘yesterday’, ‘last night’, ‘in 1993" and so on PAST SIMPLE: ‘BE’ The Past simple of ‘be’ is ‘was’ or ‘were’: Where were you last night? Iwas on another planet! 94 Language summaries Notice when you use ‘was’ and when you use ‘were’: Subject |+'be’ | +... ores I at the football match on Saturday. He vas | tt my house yesterday. She ata party last Sunday. Te 10 years old last month. We on holiday last Wednesday. You were | at school last week. They ill yesterday, PAST SIMPLE: REGULAR VERBS. Most verbs are regular. They all have ‘-ed’ on the end: | walked home from school yesterday. We watched a horror film last night. ‘They washed the car yesterday. PAST SIMPLE: IRREGULAR VERBS Some verbs do not use ed’, They are all different: went to bed at 6 o'clock on Sunday. Imade a cake yesterday. | saw Peter last Thursday. I had a lot of homework last night. PAST SIMPLE: QUESTIONS AND NEGATIVES Regular and irregular verbs use ‘did’ to make questions and negatives. Notice the form: ‘Did’ [+ Subject |+ Infinitive Did {he go Seernenelor toa party last week? TV last night? ee that film, to school yesterday. Steam ete Una earsron SHOPPING You can ask for things in shops: MAKING FRIENDS ‘You can talk about yourself and ask someone about themselves: Ilive in... Where do you live? My telephone numberis .... What's your number? Myname’s.... Whats your name? INVITING ‘You can ask someone if they want something or if they want to do something: Do you want a biscuit? Do you want to play football? Do you want to come to my house? ———, Do you want \. biscuit? LIKES AND DISLIKES ‘You can talk about what you like and don't like: Doyoulike...? Yes, do. No, I don't. I think it’s/they're horrible. beautiful. 6 boring. {think i's interesting. horrible, ASKING FOR TRAVEL INFORMATION ‘You can ask about times and ticket prices: Can you tell me which bus goes to the zoo? What time is the bus? What time does the bus come back? How much is a single ticket? How much is arreturn ticket? PLANS You can ask about plans. You can use the Present continuous to talk about plans: Are you free on Saturday? Can you come to my house tomorrow? What are you doing tomorrow? I'm going to the dentist on Monday. She's having a party on Saturday. They're doing their homework tonight. Language summaries 95 ‘TALKING ABOUT PAST EVENTS You can use the Past simple to talk about something in the past: Last summer... Last week... Last night Iwentto... Isaw... Thad... I played Imade ... You can ask questions about the past: Acknowledgements The authors and publishers are grateful to the following illustrators and photographic sources: Illustrators: Sophie Allington: pp. 27, 28b, 301, 33, 34ul, 371, 39, 50; Felicity Roma-Bowers: pp. 291, 32b, 58; Maggie Brand: pp. 40t8&b, 41b, 43b, 51; Robert Calow: pp. 4, 10, 13m, 44; Richard Deverell: pp. 49m, 611, 64b, 79%; Hilary Evans: pp. 15, 17tr&cbr, 206, 22bl, 24mi, 25; Gecko Limited: all DTP illustrations and graphics: pp. 7b, 8, 9 14, 18¢, 21m, 22br, 25, 29trBemr, 30r, 32, 33, 3407, 41, 421, 46, 471, 49, 50, 53, 54, 58, 616, 67, 70, 71, 75, 7t, 80, 82; Peter Kent: pp. 11, 21b, 26, 440, 451, 68b, 74, 76, 89, 90, 91, 93, 94, 95, 96; Steve Lach: pp. 19, 2d4muréeb, 35, 36, 48, 53b, 541, 59, 60, 72, 73, 84, 85; Jan Lewis: pp. 6t, 12m, 146, 16m, 244, 25, 281, 32u7, 96 Language summaries 42m, 43t, 476, 57, 62, 641, 65, 66m, 69b, 801, 81; Colin Mier: pp. 31, 3211, 346, 56b, 82b; John Plumb: pp. 12¢, 13, 25br, 83; John Richardson: p. 23; Debbie Ryder: pp. 6b, 13b, 29b, 42b, 54b, 66, 79b; Chris Ryley: pp. 5, 7m, 12b, 1618b, 17118bl, 18b, 224, 32m, 37b, 381, 40m, 411, 456, 661, 691, 75, 7b, 78, 821, 86, 87, 88; John Storey: pp. 7f, 52, 534, 55, 63, 68, Photographic sources: The J. Allan Cash Photolibrary: pp. 70, 71, 80; Biophoto Associates: p-38; Nigel Luckhurst: pp. 9, 56, 57. t=top m=middle b= bottom r= right e=centre I= left Picture research by Sandie Huskinson-Rolfe of PHOTOSEEKERS.

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