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€ Bama vincs : a laa P| fe) teams =O 13 mee vatl Geass i INDIAN INSTITUTE OF BANKING & FINANCE I Seaton BL soneteeniog + ins eases ij nsTTaTE or tame eeannce Introduction movin ne pray nent 9 ap eon tom ‘tomes These are nly seve and use emmancs. Lets eam mre aout nese anche sies, Learng Onectves 1 oven este pst ter ily of aks \isieme “AVNAEH ANOOP CHARS fo HBF e-Learning December 02,2973 Spa dae BI soneteening + if me osTTTE Or tame ermance ‘ge te vrour neo strnane e Gesars Chua oc) eran raf) tat Fae ‘Teagiagne Vara (Trower Cheque (1) Nuns econ Funes arse (EFT) a fea The ‘umnee Tenis or ua ae aoe were hare tegausessof me Sense Des Chocssn ng seat tenage en mare a ening te P| fe) teams =O 1B seve etna snes ste we sca) INDIAN INSTITUTE OF BANKING & FINANCE Spa dae BI soneteening + ins aga if me osTTTE Or tame ermance Remitance enttance tne rnsteret nas om oe trang tata) SC a OD arenes paper based nso mace ate to a of bere. The ada pcs 20 zeicmeawihine Sc he eceprsbarg aly ed anderen eaten rN wb reson: Howe, teach enon onthepociaers ten eet + Thesnanma eres snsaciaon ony te ar tas way anes a ee ‘estate pacers erty «+ Apucton cat sop ments 8 thas een a INDIAN INSTITUTE OF BANKING & FINANCE [EE Spee beats BI sonsteeniog + ins aga Remitance Ben earn Chores ned sea teagan mare {+ Apuchasrcamatstp raymente 3 BC Fithas been ‘aced ote payee However be ark nero ‘asinine pce eats er sine hee ard pret rte mag + Tretsueangpaymert ofa mcach cess th cau |S supelo ncaa Tax Porson se Rus. Pacha ory SC 5.00 a ahve, ‘sou retbe mage cash ksh be mage reegh ‘rg chr However, tee are extern Sv 25 ‘Covermensecauts whet ints seri ope “he sale pats for 300 P| fe) rams ~ i INDIAN INSTITUTE OF BANKING & FINANCE : Tein Remitance Sat teeee ocean Series eee SED SRR O toe Ot Dirt A ee IO \isieme “AVNAEH ANOOP CHARS fo HBF e-Learning December 02,2973 ‘eset ncae Tax reasons ae Rules Puchase or ayant of Cer Re .000 nd above, ‘Souda be made neath kaha be mage veg ‘rg cannes However, tee are exces seh a5 ‘Gevrment sau, whers ts rr apse ‘hese pat fr aD + ADD jalcfor skorts Roan bereaiatedony oe ‘wt on er Fem he date fies » eraarfpucice ean cnc es arment sec cages a R= A toc P| fe) teamce = O (Ey BER RRRA_O Dorion 1 ves Poptart tmrormen ae — a= i INDIAN INSTITUTE OF BANKING & FINANCE \isieme “AVNAEH ANOOP CHARS fo HBF e-Learning December 02,2973 Spa dae BI soneteening + i TE aang FAN Remitance enttaceetnetrnstact nas romcne rine tata) ATC ay boisued any nil Those rr pred ‘age te vrmur meter sermon Geass Che) geomnans ane puchce as io sgn one Ts 0 ‘eens Vase 7 rors See e) Nat penencecttont eas ae neat phase ‘inne erance tobe mane anata fe ermy TH Set es of TO ae: Wi rang be praca ech Se tananes peseocimeae mans Ton teresence of ranch ofa The paynet made fie rue those ne ares resorton a \isieme “AVNAEH ANOOP CHARS fo HBF e-Learning December 02,2973 Spa dae BI soneteening + if me osTTTE Or tame ermance snares tt tf SES oc Sea Ctra iw ee a cretamnetonanenenenre |SaSeeaceeee aea ur nas lean when te renrg ace ecg Sanches tebe nde cre arog clon ia \sleme "AVNAEH ANOOP CHHABRA" to HBF e-Learning becember G2, 2073 [EE Spee beats Remitance (Thomphcransters RE) fansite tice a tt TT dey SSes cee ae emer ‘iunine reriance eto be mae and dela ofc renany, Orewee branches can crete TT o a customer's account “ce orien aan nena sae cecctapapenranepecerien | Seta ae tame ae Se aca esi 2R et 7 wes [Qs nen soe P| fe) teams =O 2 seve "erased snes se SD SRR O toe Ot Orr te A eI i INDIAN INSTITUTE OF BANKING & FINANCE \isieme “AVNAEH ANOOP CHARS fo HBF e-Learning December 02,2973 Spa dae BI soneteening + Tein NOUN ESTTUE OF ann 8 FRANCE Remitance sama nition er ine eee Soe eee eens eee ne Sebgictaeee cece ete] pmmetpaameylt ora eciceemcarac tn ts mn eosaon “ne me areas a ‘A structured financial messagng solsion (SFMS) message's eeeetenanneeeen teeta eee ea Tier ewereers meio toe eens (ec orca passng ene ttrks parkpatrg ne aa eninge (234 2g no ead us gre : P| fe) eames =O INDIAN INSTITUTE OF BANKING & FINANCE \isieme “AVNAEH ANOOP CHARS fo HBF e-Learning December 02,2973 Spa dae BI soneteening + ins aga if me osTTTE Or tame ermance Remitance enttance ete insect tna rom ne trang t ta) Stuer francis messapha soliton (SFiS) mossa96 epared ye remain banch ands snto a cervco cone Ferner te tanaatons are snedbarkcae by heat theca eae ten prepares he acountg ees ret (tt or critter patang envetibake panera nt Sem “weaning of NEFT ae + tenaes neice ecu, economia eee andes Sytem emance + Eireves the seer ante oscng paper based snoces evento 7 ica eninge INDIAN INSTITUTE OF BANKING & FINANCE P| fe) rams Spa dae 1B sotetoening 7 ica ins aga Remitance Chocssn ng seat tenage en mare ¥ \isieme “AVNAEH ANOOP CHARS fo HBF e-Learning December 02,2973 RTGS & anebchonepametemarent tis warmer. [= SE ness and sted on 9 GROSS o nat bass Ts discerns of The mers 0 eens ‘teat antrerecatie’ Sees cove rte eso he ler Eh atc pea es “Toe abartanes ef he RTGS asm ate: 1 Boncinomers arden cantansertinsthe some | i INDIAN INSTITUTE OF BANKING & FINANCE Spa dae BI sonsteeniog + Tein Remitance St teeee ocean Saari ened (se Fe eee eee ee SY) P| fe) ames ~ \isieme “AVNAEH ANOOP CHARS fo HBF e-Learning December 02,2973 {TWE’ boos nd eee ona GROSS ori base Thus [+ ‘tetra andes’ Sete Gave me tots he Centar Eoengoteet kms oer 3 ade ‘Soman seeomorts ios oarans ‘Theater he IGS system te: alos ntoaneous rrr ons ross banks [psn reaucestna eres nse fay as compared wh ches whch rma eure 3 5) ower cearace a 1 nenvettGemgsones sone) Nesey i INDIAN INSTITUTE OF BANKING & FINANCE 1 Spa one BI sonetsening + ins eases Issuance of a Duplicate DDIBC Ita bo orbs bet me comers ete toa xi Se eeeereeariaacs - Bicomemmmccraraegeeers Eeare mosses - Repo gegen sewn Qe 7 ES OS ER 9 wes [sens P| fe) team =O (BRIE. O non ves Poa SW tore be IO i INDIAN INSTITUTE OF BANKING & FINANCE \sleme "AVNAEH ANOOP CHHABRA" to HBF e-Learning becember G2, 2073 BD Sieateae check Your Knowledge Nate aren mses eemace tn a dserotens. Nate us by agar fons othe Sos nak sum (cain rege ceo (TT nmr enn wo cas nom cost onde (GRID cor rtd ety once ti a year tite ois Ce) Pamentinsuctons proceed on rete bas Guy. toe (SST EW yess oer sne Rn A nS e[R-an0 2) roma) (eid ig Sd gen Sey INDIAN INSTITUTE OF BANKING & FINANCE Wor eLearning December 62 2018 situ bee BI Soteteenig + ie soe Bf morse or eamanc err ‘check Your Knowledge tn ne avr moe ence wine ets ‘tn nouns by 2n3h9 es hss ai Some Isudin re prcenoiatns RD 2 cere to sys tom seat cnc SERRE corte ens ony coun aoe rm cate oe Poet ros pacer eine Te caret tens agen bow TE boveainpre pnd dearasors {rsa rested hn wo ye Pome le ot eps oe eats ny ence tn ea em ase fe INDIAN INSTITUTE OF BANKING & FINANCE \isieme “AVNAEH ANOOP CHARS fo HBF e-Learning December 02,2973 Spa dae isa anv tn cpt chy They can ae ha uses snk Goins on pao treed eremmpslsuiaiaiidemsmunian “Te bark We 3 ce on popes node eens Te vas egos a Raves ee a eae °" igen ts ee compas tes mers ance OAR + etn peed: Te nnn pred erg ace on es. 5 entana Poco tf oni msc Te tar on acetates Fare fen ee eee + Unga Rent ince apa Reba ges ace pers ues fe ets pao ste ot hry tote, ans have theo beak pen ee an cove charges, + Lenser ner mcezor sorte ie cstame’msmesi te tan a INDIAN INSTITUTE OF BANKING & FINANCE Spa dae BI sonsteeniog + Sate Deposit Lockers. isa anv tn cpt chy They can ae ha uses snk Goins on pao treed _ Reawtatore | [MemInatony | BL GuseRNe® | “Trent fas vr Seton ote Btn Regn ek Tes pnd On Po ki Wien ed bya seer Ac er ofa lkr em orn ona 1 Amn hie oy ste wisn ero vas te ott ly, cn nomi oe {rrre re ours eres charg a enor ‘Suoshwezine sauosfs ete erst nero scrum erseoer ozo ao nhy con Oe / ES 4Ooy=-" -oo INDIAN INSTITUTE OF BANKING & FINANCE \isieme “AVNAEH ANOOP CHARS fo HBF e-Learning December 02,2973 Spa dae wa Sate Deposit Lockers. isa anv tn cpt chy They can ae ha uses snk Goins on pao treed | Resuatens —Neminaton, Rowowenes) “Thonan shoul contu to Kron You Cstner YE sss teen eg snes dig sae epost betes hve stesso shou be ate teats e ves pes er ean Sk ore ek acpees SAS orton coon Footer ‘Tre prot when aca ane ren eprom 3g cg more Man oe yea we he or 3 met ‘Bneuiguy tor tan ercayess tS irs tre evaned ome spersteal ans shaal nay he ores pre orsurenact even fhe ets bang pa equa incase beter sl al opts ans sr aoe ere ‘Meiers shoud conser pening cas wn hep fe pole. Bar shat ee 3 ply rn apcpite choni anes whether area pd con Oe / ES 4Ooy=-" -oo 1 nenvettGemgsones sone) Nesey i INDIAN INSTITUTE OF BANKING & FINANCE Sec dee 7 BI sonetsening + ins eases Access to Locker “Te aries cickersin ne cacti con tener sant omnsn and ne contactors sewn Qe 7 ES OS ER 9 P| fe) teamee- O (ES BREE 0 downs yes Pope ste Enero Bg — a= 2 seve "erased snes se i INDIAN INSTITUTE OF BANKING & FINANCE Spa dae 1 soneteet , ints toga Access to Locker “Te aries cickrsin ne cae ct econ tne hari unto he omnson and necator rawenasees oe lsteran sbmesen ote deh ithe nes aes, he rane maybe gue pr access sithte suger Ton coeur gure are the ceanconfirte a eitetion the ronnie ‘eaey oboe or alte lt hier: ent of te hres do romnees maybe gen cess tothe ck ot Gu y--- oe - P| fe) eames =O 2 seve "erases snp We secae (ES BREE 0 downs yes Pope ste Enero Bg — a= i INDIAN INSTITUTE OF BANKING & FINANCE Spa dae . ints toga sure Access to Locker “Te aries cickrsin ne cae ct econ tne hari unto he omnson and necator + beat of bow orate jontier: inn ote ate (+ hrrs de romnees maybe qe cess toh cr on ‘eat fein hrer when lockers nt operates {poy Whenthrs tart cer ees ona eee ere ree Trey accesste heer maybe gen envio sure Gu y--- oe P| fe) eames =O € Bl manincn : a An 1B seve "eras snes ste we sca) (ES BREE 0 downs yes Pope ste Enero Bg — a= i INDIAN INSTITUTE OF BANKING & FINANCE Spa dae 1 sonteteeni , ints toga NOUN MST OF tga FHANCE Access to Locker “Te aries cickrsin ne cae ct econ tne hari unto he omnson and necator ‘a anf resell he sxe sammie thay begenaccessto lace he cases, access ‘rah begrente helegltpeceise the deceased “he cores equed ae deat cenfiate a pot ot Iepalepesetten ‘Deatn af one ofthe jit ocersivers: nen neat De ers offi ocr ers es arte ake ey (pera accessto he ce’ ay be en othe saree ty nth ngs ppd ecto Simmer ote cseesne Tre cure ered ‘Sede cent ae a rot tpl presents Gu y--- oe P| fe) eames =O € Bl manincn 1 eevee) cetgsone (ES BREE 0 downs yes Pope ste Enero Bg — a= i INDIAN INSTITUTE OF BANKING & FINANCE Spa dae 1 soneteet , ints toga Access to Locker “Te aries cickrsin ne cae ct econ tne hari unto he omnson and necator ‘ea of one ofthe jit oeeraiers wth eter of = ‘urvivor claue! hen ne ofthe: fo lecheres rave acaiot of eck hire wtha ether ‘Death of 2 he on ockr rr: he nt ck rose sceezte the neers geen ote eg ers ortho sponte exec or rns of le ees aa pot egal ease, Gu y--- oe a Ain 2) fe) eames =O 1 ee vetl Gagne Sones) Neeley RRR O Davin TD ir vsos onan 5 toon Dae i INDIAN INSTITUTE OF BANKING & FINANCE Spa dae BL suneteo , ints toga NOUN MST OF tga FHANCE check Your Knowledge Icomtyno stent etn espe» he sae depotekers TD A Acer may tee ny ya cet TB Asse rer ofa may eer can nt one ei Tl ¢ Anasancoren nasi be past rater ao optene Bana Cette caret aove ‘soln oa sty ctr an smn ty one navi Guo. oe 2) fe) eames =| OD i INDIAN INSTITUTE OF BANKING & FINANCE Spa dae BI sonsteeniog + i Principles of Portfolio Management Soeeonte guest sees hpe eam sete otto management oath management cambratin ct ‘Scumes to pte mow ecentpen Tha prces& powaio ‘anoenert ones paging. mpxmeran are enon APN Bupecnsst Scalp Scones mins evans Sous of nop en be Les ea ame preps portato managenent + Ponta ve nso Ses {ar Tg often ‘Taira a Pototo Gye ae i INDIAN INSTITUTE OF BANKING & FINANCE Spa dae 1 sonteteeni . i NOUN ESTTUE OF ann 8 FRANCE Principles of Portfolio Management Soeeonte guest sees hpe eam sete ‘Scumes to pte mow ecentpen Tha prces& powaio ‘anoenert ones paging. mpxmeran are enon APN (Mtpeas to mea piss cangles aw and ee ara ‘Shows of nou an Les ea ame preps portato managenent Pontos vs. ingguaL ABRAM. age RetuTs {sar Tg often ‘Taira a Pototo ‘Te port gran an nt he wana sacs Th ek a secury sel be essesea based on We conten a2 ‘stun othe ceri fetta potas rem Gye ae ° P| fe) eames =O i INDIAN INSTITUTE OF BANKING & FINANCE Spa dae 1B sonetsening ints toga NOUN ESTTUE OF ann 8 FRANCE Principles of Portfolio Management Soeeonte guest sees hpe eam sete ‘Scumes to pte mow ecentpen Tha prces& powaio ‘anoenert ones paging. mpxmeran are enon APN (Mtpeas to mea piss cangles aw and ee ara ‘Shows of nou an Les ea ame preps portato managenent + Ponta nso Ses * esner is. Larger Renn {kar Trg futon ‘Taira a Pototo Large patois ame ony i age pita ek Sat enkst ee he acetal cour Gye ae i INDIAN INSTITUTE OF BANKING & FINANCE Spa dae 1B sonetsening ints toga NOUN ESTTUE OF ann 8 FRANCE Principles of Portfolio Management Soeeonte guest sees hpe eam sete ‘Scumes to pte mow ecentpen Tha prces& powaio ‘anoenert ones paging. mpxmeran are enon APN (Mtpeas to mea piss cangles aw and ee ara ‘Shows of nou an Les ea ame preps portato managenent + Ponta ve nso Ses “+ funkans ning eigucaten ‘Taira a Pototo asi wn ype scraps an te pve Ina seeuly Soler secites MP por ebse toast ation fe gree edces re Gye ae i INDIAN INSTITUTE OF BANKING & FINANCE Spa dae 1B sonetsening ints toga NOUN ESTTUE OF ann 8 FRANCE Principles of Portfolio Management Soeeonte guest sees hpe eam sete ‘Scumes to pte mow ecentpen Tha prces& powaio ‘anoenert ones paging. mpxmeran are enon APN (Mtpeas to mea piss cangles aw and ee ara ‘Shows of nou an Les ea ame preps portato managenent + Ponta ve nso Ses {arg ofuuaton + pvessineaton| ‘Taira 1 Potato fesutsin an pce pr ean ef alonrhan desea rk Gye ae INDIAN INSTITUTE OF BANKING & FINANCE \isieme “AVNAEH ANOOP CHARS fo HBF e-Learning December 02,2973 Spa dae BI sonsteeniog + Principles of Portfolio Management Soeontegumest ses pe eam snes otto management oath management cambratin ct ‘Scumes to pte mow ecentpen Tha prces& powaio ‘anoenert ones paging. mpxmeran are enon APN Bupecnsst Scalp Scones mins evans Sous of nop en be Les eu enue prep portto management + Ponta rou Seay {ar Tg often ing Panta Gye ae INDIAN INSTITUTE OF BANKING & FINANCE \isieme “AVNAEH ANOOP CHARS fo HBF e-Learning December 02,2973 Spa dae BI sonsteeniog + Principles of Portfolio Management Soeontegumest ses pe eam snes otto management oath management cambratin ct ‘Scumes to pte mow ecentpen Tha prces& powaio ‘anoenert ones paging. mpxmeran are enon APN Bupecnsst Scalp Scones mins evans Sous of nop en be Lets ea ante pcs ore margenet + ee nan sc {tend rg oon me Tin rae angi tomers are ‘tn sets ay ee ser pres a ‘mn von Gye ae INDIAN INSTITUTE OF BANKING & FINANCE Spa dae 1B sotetoening \isieme “AVNAEH ANOOP CHARS fo HBF e-Learning December 02,2973 Gio if me osTTTE Or tame ermance Portfolio Management Scheme ‘Tre Poon managenere Serie (PMS) mts ageing ans depeing sup tinss ronsae mara orate (Ghocnds bs we cxfanea a ows ance a peclemne + RRS tc Tete ae ekanetonsaninannet ton = [xletenng: on ene ere € Bl smmznines et ven setae J ees we Oey as a ree orcs nse srr z i INDIAN INSTITUTE OF BANKING & FINANCE 2) fe) eames =O Spa dae 1B sonetsening ints toga NOUN MST OF tga FHANCE Portfolio Management Scheme ‘Foot aagonerSenceS) mes Sang ne ia 1 Tne serves re ones pres respect oe es + Theclems raves ple metus ora mmm face Gyo. tae Spa dae 1B sotetoening Portfolio Management Scheme ‘Tre Poon managenere Serie (PMS) mts ageing ans depeing sup tinss ronsae mara orate (Shoda we cfaned as iors ert rcor ae mets € Bl ampavincs Z 2) fe) eames =O INDIAN INSTITUTE OF BANKING & FINANCE I Seaton BL soneteani . Bue eins NAN MST OF te Portfolio Management Scheme ‘Tre Poon managenert Sec (PS) mts ageing ans dEpepng ups tins ms rsae marae ora * Tarsctos on beta ta pert coat mustbe ry Hetust oie peste + Thee mi ve pope acount aa eccanetten “he anc tn fo ecient ong est Ie portte marae as ode pepe reseed MEE ised acne eA Ann och P| fe) eames =O INDIAN INSTITUTE OF BANKING & FINANCE \isieme “AVNAEH ANOOP CHARS fo HBF e-Learning December 02,2973 [EE Spee beats BI soneteening + ins aga if me osTTTE Or tame ermance Portfolio Management Scheme ‘Tre Poon managenere Serie (PMS) mts ageing ans depeing sup tinss ronsae mara orate (Ghocnds bs we cxfanea a ows + Fun accepes pute management sl ‘rons ea obn eres dares. eds San mane cesaeoeererceg proses + Theuncopovea tins ate vests sie Doroings [near Gas Reve Rao ORR) Stuy Resewe Pb Gt) us se manned on cha 5 P| fe) eames =O 1B seve erases) snes se we seca ee (EE lee eT) a INDIAN INSTITUTE OF BANKING & FINANCE Spa dae 1B sonetsening oS if me osTTTE Or tame ermance check Your Knowledge Icomsy no stent ar re wth espe!» he RB UCN Fr PS Fuss accep can beens toaster unk or management 5. cRRand SLR muntbenartaned nine unseen
1B seve census) speed se We sae i INDIAN INSTITUTE OF BANKING & FINANCE Spa dae 1 sonteteeni , ints toga NOUN ESTTUE OF ann 8 FRANCE check Your Knowledge Icomsy no stent ar re wth espe!» he RB UCN Fr PS optene © ant ae core roves Tree carga morpndet ote eta cee te let (he a StF mate martshed one unos
Te RRR toe ss Dnt terme as =O INDIAN INSTITUTE OF BANKING & FINANCE /AWNAEH ANOOP CHNABRIA" oR eLearning December 2, 2012 [Bi Seaton BI sonetsening + ins eases NDA MST OF tag @ THANE ‘Summary ete eap me key poms ct me ean “re ony sevees roms) tors rece enor ae tat np agen ese ‘fet cpt ora ay Thy an xp er saae on ‘apne dahon a oii of cies {iontre mst emer por. Treats rae ‘oregon ees eng noenorsen one remioms + Theva apes gvemng mn a epost oer ‘Fennmartnen ones area the

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