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What if in this world

Our Doppelganger exists, and their existence

Is fond of our hidden feelings

The snow is crying hard. Fire, no matter how strong they cant sweep away the coldness.
Theres a man standing in front of the fireplace. His black hair it seems so familiar.
Why isnt he drinking his coffee? Why isnt he listening to the knocking sound?
Why cant my voice get through this door?

Colonel Roy Mustang closed his eyes as the warmth of the fire covered his skin. It was storming this hard
too, he thought, when he said that.
Hey colonel, Im going through the portal. Im sorry for all the stuffs.
Oy, dont you know..
I know, I cant go back here if I go there.
He knew, Mustang whispered slowly, anger gushing from his voice, but he still went there
The sound of the door being opened surprised him. From the opening door, a man came in. his golden
hair, covered with a red hood Mustang knows, he never forgets them. Even to the smallest smell of his
long-burned nape, he never even once forgets.
Edward Mustang can feel his hands trembling from shock. How did you get back?
The boy stops. Sorry for the sudden intrusion, colonel. Strange. How did I know his name, even his
Mustang sat on the couch, trying to calm his emotion. How did you get back? Ed, didnt you went to
the portal? his eyes blink for a few second, before he really believes its Ed. didnt you say you were
going to the ne t parallel world? idnt you his words stopped when Ed threw himself towards him,
trying to get a hug. Colonel, it was cold outside. It was really cold

Mustang lets his fingers trace down Eds back. He got much skinnier.
Colonel, Im here, arent I.
Mustang buried his face to Eds shoulder. I can smell it. His hair, the same as it used to be his
peppermint like smell never changes
Ed Mustang called out the name of the man on his lap. Ed I his voice got weaker as each word
is spoken, yet the trembling didnt stop.
Ed looks at the colonel as if he understands. I, too, colonel, have been longing to see you again. He
said. I want to feel you again.
Ed stood back, pulling Mustangs hand. Come on, he said slowly, its been too long.
Its not like you to give up so easily, mustang whispered while kissing Eds back.
Shut up, answer Ed, guh, not there!
Ed, are you really here?
Edward didnt answer. Mustang stopped licking. Im here, colonel. Im right in front of you, arent I?
I dont know, Mustang said honestly. Edward sat back, e haled much. What if Im not here? I
wouldnt be here, would I? ont you wanna meet me again? I do.
Colonel, do you think Im not me?
Its not like that, he replied. Mustang, without realizing, has gotten all tangled up by his own thoughts.
I just want to make sure
Ed grabbed his hand, placing it by his cheek. Then feel me.
Strange. Why do I feel so much attraction this man, whom I never met before?
Being drowned in pleasure, Mustang tires himself out and slept. Ed woke up just to find the colonels
sleeping face, somehow, sleep and sound and in the same time, desperate looking.
He chuckled. Were you that desperate to see Edward? his eyes rolled; and then, he caught a glimpse
of an important thing. This photo I dont remember taking it.
Ed and I

+ Alphonse, Scar, Liza and Winry, 12/10

Has my name always written like that?
He raised up his right arm, which is an automail, and read the words on it. Eduard, 12/12
Ed opened his mouth, trying to talk some sense into his mind. I got this automail on 12th ecember, he
whispered, so how can I be having it by October
So you are not Ed.
Ed turned his head backwards and found Mustang sitting on the bedside, his hands clasped tight.
Colonel, I Ed spoke up. Mustang shuts his eyes, holding up his tears.
You are not Ed, he said again, Youre just his doppelganger, arent you?
Ed can feel his heart stops beating. Every people who pass through the portal, without knowing nor
sensing they create a doppelganger of their self. An e act copy of them. Ed can hear the shaking
voice of the Colonel. Even his though, pretty muscular body is shaking.
I dont know if Im a doppelganger or not, Ed whispered. He feels like being choked as more words
he hears, more words he says the greater the pain.
The moment I saw you, I know something feels off. Mustang raised up his head again. Edward never
gives up his body so easily. He never tries to hug me. He would never say such sweet words.
Ed staggered. And whys that?
The colonel smiled weakly. Because I know Ed so well.
Falling on the floor, Ed suddenly realized he knew nothing of the man in front of him. Just blurry
memories of happiness and dreams that too, includes the nightmare of bloods. And why why does it
feel like Ive been in love with him so much?
But colonel, Im here, Ed twitched his ears. And I- I know that I-
oppelganger shares the same feeling of the person the moment it was created, cuts Mustang. You,
too- share the same feelings with Edward when he passed through the portal.
Colonel, call my name, he begged. Slowly shrugging towards Mustang, Ed lets his tears down bit by bit.
Colonel, say my name.
And from the way you act, I guess he still had something when he left me, Mustang said it bitterly.
Its doubtful if youre not lying in order to trick me.
Colonel, I beg you, call my name

I knew it already, but I still let myself to devour you, the oppelganger! I let myself being drown in pain
again a er I nally recovered

Colonel, Ed grabbed Mustangs feet. Im here.

Why should it be you? I keep asking myself that question over a year.
Colonel, Im here! screamed Ed. He feels frightened, a new kind of scared feelings of losing hes
afraid of losing this man. Colonel, please
Edward, where are you e actly?
Ed reached Mustangs hands and grabbed them. Im here, he whispered. Edward or Eduard, Im as
one Im Edward too.
Mustang swallowed up his remaining words and gritted his teeth. o not leave me.
Colonel, I swear, I wont. he kissed the back of Mustangs right hand. I will never
o not leave me again.
Ed looked upon the colonels eyes. Sadness is there, together with frustration but in a way, his eyes
look beautiful. Pain in which it covers, the deeper it is the more Ed can understand him.
Colonel, I will not leave you.
Mustang left speechless, his energy all dried out.
I will always be here, waiting for you Ed smiled a little. for you to love this me.

A world full of vibrant colors, but without you

Is a snow storm, covering the dimension with nothingness

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