1 3 Nine Elements of Digital Citizenship

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Nine elements of digital citizenship

Element 1: Digital Access

Whilst the Internet, World Wide Web, cell
phones, television and other electronic
information and communication
technologies (ICTs) are opening up ways
for the transformation of the way we live,
learn, work and communicate, it is
important to note that the decisions of
opening, directing or closing of
opportunities is key to bringing social and
economic benefits to people around the
world. Digital access is key and critical to
bringing these social and economic
benefits and should be at the forefront of
all business and government decisionmaking in the context of creating
opportunities. Digital access opportunities
will improve social transformations as a
result of increased use of ICTs.
Element 2: Digital Literacy
Digital Literacy is the ability to use
information and communication
technologies to find, evaluate, create and
communicate information, requiring both
cognitive and technical skills
Element 3: Digital Communication
Digital communication is the electronic
exchange of information. Essentially it is
communication that has been encoded
electronically to facilitate the transmission
for exchange, allowing it to be stored and/
or processed by computers.

Element 4: Digital Etiquette

Digital etiquette, or netiquette as it is
sometimes referred to, is a basic set of
rules pertaining to behavior that needs to
be followed to ensure the Internet is better
for all users. Basically it means the use of
good manners in online communication
such as email, forums, blogs, and social
networking sites (Digital Citizenship,
Auburn University. [s.a.]).
Element 5: Digital Rights & responsibility
Digital rights and responsibilities are the
"privileges and freedom extended to all
digital technology users, and the
behavioral expectations that come with
them" (Ribble & Bailey, 2007).With every
right there is also a responsibility. We may
have the right to freedom of speech, but in
turn it is our duty to use this responsibly.
Element6: Digital law
Digital law is defined as the electronic
responsibility for actions, deeds which is
either ethical or unethical it is important to
understand what ethical vs unethical is.
The Business Dictionary (2014) defines an
ethical issue as A problem or situation that
requires a person or organization to
choose between alternatives that must be
evaluated as right (ethical) or wrong

Element 7: Digital security

Digital security refers to ensuring the ability
to use digital information and information
systems without interference, disruption,
unauthorized access or data collection.
Rabble (2011) defines it as the electronic
precautions to guarantee digital safety
Element 8: Digital health and wellness
Digital Health and Wellness is a Physical
and psychological wellbeing in a digital
technological world. These are the
physiological symptoms and issues that
may arise from the overuse of technology
and the Internet.
Element 9: Digital commerce
Digital commerce as opposed to electronic
commerce (e-commerce), is defined as the
electronic selling and buying of goods and
services through digital channels.However,
it goes further than that, with the
introduction of Electronic Data Interchange
has evolved to include the process of
developing, marketing, selling, buying and
servicing of products.

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