Chapter 1

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LETS REA... LETS READ... wae, nae: aAss: dAss: AROUND THE WORLD IN BICHTY DATs, JULES VERNE ADAPTED. CHAPTER 1 GB JOURNEY BAGIS This amazing story starts over 1872, in London. Would you Itke to travel there? Let’s gol 1m... Phileas Fogg lives tn London, he leads a very quiet Ife. He spends every day at hts club Reform Club , rich men go there to meer thet frends, He Ives alone, tn a house placed tn Saville Steer. He hasn’t gor wife or sons, Every morning, Phileas leaves his house at exactly 11.88 and walks 526 steps to his club, Then, he eats lunch, After lunch, Fogg reads three newspopers from cover to cover. After reading the newspapers, he plays cards with his fotends, They play whist, He has dinner tm the club everyday. Fogg ts a methodical and punctual person, maybe obsessive, iP Gn the stroke of midnight (68.88 h), he ‘hein! goes home to bed. Next day, he gets up and does exactly the same He leaves his house at exactly 17.88 and walks 5H steps to his club, Then, he eats lunch. After that, reads three newspapers” He does the exactly the same every day tn the week, It doesn’t mind tf tr ts Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Fridey and even during the weekend, Saturday and Sunday, he doesn’ t change his rourtne, Bur one Wednesday everything changes! Phileas Fogg reads some amazing news tn his newspopon. “Listen to this" he announces to hts frfends. "Lr says 1t’s posstble to travel around the world Im only etghry days! “Z don’r belteve trl Thar ts nor possible!" Hrs fotend says. You'd jump trom tain to ship to train ‘again non-stop. "You should jump from train ro ship, then jump from ship to train again non- stopt' Another frond says. Despite his fotand’ s laughter, Fogg ts convinced he can do tr. "L can do tr. I am going to travel around the world tn etghty days" Fogg says. Then, a frtend bets that Fogg can’t travel around the By world tn only $8 days. 3 When Foggs listens thts he replays: ‘I bet twenty thousand pounds ( 28,888 $) that I can go around the world in etghty days or less’! Everyone thinks he ts crazy bur Fogg 1s decided, “L wll be back on Decenber 1, see you tn eighty days" he says. We're leaving on round-the-world ‘rip. Tonight! 3 Passepartout ts the Phileas Fogg BUTLER, As soon as he arewves hone, Fogg asks Possepartout, his butler, to pack a small bag. He soys Passepartout that they are going to travel -~-‘Passepanrour, we have ro hurry up becouse Treend| slater hey oly taster dante wie are leaving on a round- the- world trip. ‘ght! do that on he will lose the ber. tonight! Fogg tay = Totontontght®? Passepartour asked. Passepartout 1s a funny man, he was an acrobat Ta lees than tvo hours, thay ware on their en teaetaterec vay to the starton...and at #45 hours exactly a 40 the train leaves. Passeparrour stants thete great adventure! ae : ai) They go to the coast, and there, they carch a ae thar they ore going to be soon tn troublen. boat to France ~ They don’t know Ja

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