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1. singer

2. doctor

3. housewife

4. cook

5. cashier

6. farmer

7. carpenter

8. teacher

9. vet

10. scientist

12. electrician

13. fireman

14. pilot

11. bus driver

15. policeman

1) Match the jobs with the people in the pictures.

2) Fill in the blanks with the jobs, then put the hands in the clocks and write
a.m. or p.m. in the small boxes, under the clocks.

a) Im a singer, I must go to the club at 8:00, in the evening.

b) Im a ......................................, I must work at the hospital at 4:30, in the morning.
c) Im a ......................................, I have to get up at 6:30, in the morning and prepare
breakfast for my children before they go to school..
d) Im a ......................................, I must work at the restaurant at 8:35, in the morning.
e) Im a ......................................, I have to work at the supermarket at 1:30, in the afternoon.
f) Im a ......................................, I must feed my cows and horses at 8:00, in the morning.
g) Im a ......................................, I have to make a chair at 3:15, in the afternoon.
h) Im a ......................................, I must teach in school at 9:40, in the morning.
i) Im a ......................................, I have to help sick animals tonight, at 8:45.
j) Im a ......................................, I must do some tests in the lab this evening, at 10:20.
k) Im a ......................................, have to drive children to school every morning, at 7:45.
l) Im a ......................................, I must fix (repair) the lights this afternoon, at 1:30.
m) Im a ......................................, I had to put out a fire last night, at 11:25.
n) Im a ......................................, I must fly a plane tomorrow morning at 11:50.
o) Im a ......................................, I have to investigate a bank robbery at 9:45, this morning.

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