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pS" Pudbledock Press ZW Volume 37 Number 11 The Good News Paper November 2016 FARMINGTON 500 Boys & GIRLS CLUB BASKETBALL PROGRAM STARTING AS SUMMER PROGRAMS WIND DOWN The soccer games had some westher related dificules, bu players enjoyed them nonetheless. The Farmington $00 Boys and Girls Clu i «non-profit organization operated solely by volunters to provide ‘healthy, clean, and exciting environment in athletics for you inthe town of Farmingota and surrounding communities. They have been providing youth activites for aver 60 years, The club began in 1952 asa youth baseball organization ona Sacre parcel of land on Sunner Steet in downtown Farmington. Originally, the ‘lub was only for boys and ony for baseball. The single Geld on that parcel of Ind is now home to four ‘baseball elds. In 2002, the club officially became the Farmington 500 Boys and Girls Club end included softball. Currently, the club sposrs activities in archery, bascbal, basketball, football, futsal, gol, soccer, softball tang soo do, and volleyball. Basketball i almost here! We are proud to announce that the Famingon 300 willbe ming up wih USA basket and adopting hei yout evelopment model ‘Online registration is now open. In person sign-ups wll be November St, 12th, and 19h fom Sars- 12pm at Paulson road. you are interested in coaching pleas email, ‘They ae always ooking for volunteers to help out. Find out more at www:, Girt volleyball players recently got {0 attond and enjoy the Farmington igh Sohoe! Tigers Vllyball oan play at he high schook FARMINGTON CHURCHES GATHER FOR COMMUNITY THANKSGIVING SERVICE NOVEMBER 20TH ‘Three Farmington churches invite the public to an ecumenical Community Thanksgiving Service on ‘Sunday, November 20 a4 pim- atthe First ‘Congregational Church, 400 Main tret in Farmington. The participating churches aze the ‘Community Lighthouse Advent Chistian Church, the First Congregational Church, UCC and St. Peter Catholic Church. People are encouraged to bring ‘canned food tobe donated tothe Interfaith Food Pantry. “This is a wonderful ime ofthe yea for our communities to come together and pve thanks,” ‘comments Pastor Kent of the First Congregational Church, “Is good to begin the holiday season with gratitude forthe many blessings we have received” ‘This year marks the 24th year since the Food Pantry began in 1992 when Father Adrien, Rev. John Foget and Rev, Rollin E Johnson met with interested church members to begin the food distribution fervice. In 1992 they served an average of 32 Tamils a month. This year, the Pantry provides for PePdbleack Press Publishing Good News in Farmington, NH since #579 ‘The Padlock res publabed motiy bya aiveluteer forpublentan, plese sao va emai to, sta21 ay photos or rages to ‘our slong wth yur uname des, pane ube, Srderganaation i appropite, 6037552525, Atle ané photo are printed tthe ucretion ofthe tat Spncepermiting, havering avedbl tt monty, femannua ans year raes We te Ways Toone or {ourteasthep us Formars informatio, lear malo vistas at wi Pudelecocrres og Our Volunteer Staff tan Feeds ‘Managing Etor Joann Dake elton Aaisor fest Dewi ‘Sine evets Calendar Kyle Leach Reviews & Soil Media Dr Thomas Ne Hest & Walrnest Jha Nolan Farmington Corer ‘Debbie Reed Food & Reipes Kimeeri Simmons ie with Animals ‘Magen White community Plauats and Delvery wie, Detibuton Ste Oebvery “The Puddledock Press Farmington, NH nearly 2000 people during the year. On the last, ‘Saturday ofeach month (except in August the Interfaith Food Pantry, which is located inthe Fist ‘Congregational Church, is open from 9:30 to 10:30 fam, During that hour hundreds of people wil receive ‘bags of groceries from a staff of volunteers. Paul [LaPieree and Don Marble organize the work Participant in the pr Community Thanksgiving Service will be Sister Lucie Ducas of St. Peter, Rev. William Downing ofthe Community Lighthouse, Rev. Kent Schneider ofthe Fist Congregational Church, Gordon and Brenda Olver, Choir Director tnd Organist from Sl Peter and a combined choir ‘which sil lead the singing throughout the service The Mustard Seed Caf" will host a special benefit dinner from 3-4 pm for $5 per person with «portion ofthe proceeds going fo the Intrith Food Pantry. ‘The Cafe is open on the first and shi Sundays inthe Vesty ofthe Fitst Congregational Church. For more information cll Pastor Kent at 755-4816 or goto ‘wow Find out mere about the ‘Mustard Seed Cafe at sw TheMustardSeedCafe org. ur, Fai AC se ‘COMPLETE PRINTING SERVICES ‘Ad et Bene Cre Stbtry abe > es Nees Deano Frm NCR Cone ‘ipetng = Can» Bg Frnt the Paddock rest ‘November 2016 mustardseed ; “The Mustard Seed Cafe Community Dinner is open agin for another season. The dinners ar eld onthe fist nd third Sunday of the month, rom October hrouh Apri Dinners are eld tthe Congregational Chureh. The inners open to all anda small donation i roqusted. The Suggested ering $3.00, which help he Mustard Seod Cafe continue to operate, serving wel balanced, healthy ‘meals to our community, [November 6: Port Chops with apple stuffing November 20: Meatloaf ‘Along withthe mis mens, the Mustard Seed Cafe also fers arenes salad bar, bot vegeble and ft, long with coffe ore. Sali ings and rut salad ‘composition may vary with availability Desserts ar also included but are limited wo one per diner Dessert options vary and selections maybe limited. Ite 8 place to come relax, enjoy a bealhy meal and have sme 00d conversation with frends and commulty members, ‘Wie hope to see you thee with your family and fend. To find out when the Cafe wil be pen and what wil be onthe menu that week, visit the Mostrd Seed on the web at ww TheMustadSeedCale org, Motard Seed dates {nd mens are also posted the Puddledock Pres Around the Town Calendar, avaleble caine. Cardinal’s FARMHOUSE SAMPLER 4 203 NH Route 11 Farmington, NH prin 603-335-2252 ITIVES! War ap your home? Cardinal “i, &Glidde n ‘Oil Company, Ine, ‘roe Svea Famington, NH Heating & Ale Conditioning System Installation 24 Hour Oil Burner Service for Our Oil Customers ‘The Puddledock Press Farmington, NH REWARD OFFERED For Lost CaT Lost on August 18,2016 in the vicinity of Peavey Fill Feed and Golf Course L88 Main Steet, Route 153, Farmington. Gray Male Cat with small white spot under chin. Cats solid gray and has no other sarkings, ‘Thanks to the Farmington Fire Department for trying ‘oelp find this very shy frightened cat. There is a ‘reward for safe return Cat escaped from the van the 3 the neutering clini, The sti afraid of eages and will be difficult to catch. Ifyou se the eat, please give him food and water. We will need help {Setting this car. Call Helane in Alton at 875-3842 for more information. FARMINGTON 500 FRIGHTENINGLY Fast 5K The frst annual Farmington 50 Frighteningly Fat § K Kids Run was held his past Gctobe. It was a fun time forall involved, AUTO & RV SERVICE Zt up 603-755-9113 TOWING ux. TOWING & RECOVERY 603-756-9110 Spite sn 8B TowinghndRecovery on 466 NA RT 11 Farmington, NA BBAutoRV@myteirpoint. net ae fIROUND THE TOWN Novernberis Naive American Heriage Monto 8 is commonly refered to, Americas Indian and Alaska Native Heritage Month “The month time to celebrate rch nd diverse cules, ‘rains and stores and o acknowledge the important ‘Sonebutons of Native people Heritage Month i aso an ‘Sppartne time to edoeatethe general public bout bes, torre genenlsvareness about the unigue challenges Nave people ave faced both historically andi he November 2016 NNovesaer &S NATIVE AMERICAN HERITAG EMONTIE prevent and se ways in which bal izes have Worked to congue thee challenges “The National Congres of Amerian Indians meets monthly to inprve commniation between groups and is pinay function has been fo rete amare cohesive ‘pan for Native Hertage Marth and oun the month's schedule of event won.ncal org “Theres alway ots odoin Farmington! Looking for what avalible, vist our Around the Tow Calendar on ie website at wor PudldockPres org, or on ou Facebook page. Click on the event onthe oaline calendar and find out ‘more details about, You or your ogranizatio ean submit evens for ncusion, The links avaible onthe website. "Your organization can easily sare its events alendar with he Around the Town Calendar and they wil be posted on ‘our calendar. Contct the Padedock Press fr more infermation. ARGON BROMHES DEVELOPMENT, mc Fstartal Comarca Sto Wark ark uch + zom + Granite «Stone «Pavers» Wal Black S72NH Roe 1.Farninglon.NH 03885 _603.755.07| The Puddledock Press Farmington, NH PEASLEE FUNERAL HOME & Cremation Service (603) 755-3535 Farmington, Alton, and Wakefield, NH ‘November 2076 Page 4 Town PLAYERS PropucE “DA SHow Must Go On" By Kyle Leach Save the dates Friday, November 18th and Saturday, ‘November 9th ! The Farmington Town Players will be presenting “Thanks,” a play ffom the collection “Da Show Must Go On” by Ken DaShow. In| concert withthe Town Players the Farmington Community Band will bring a small ensemble to provide music and song tothe night. Tickets will be $8.00 andthe house doors wil open at 6:30 and the curtain will ise at 7-00 PM. As always, delicious ‘concessions wil be soldat intermission ‘Opening the evening will be selections from the Great American Songbook, popular hits by top ‘American composers, played by Rick Gladding on So ax and Kent Schneider on trumpet, who performed his summer with the Farmington ‘Community Band. Among thei selections will be Duke Elington's “Satin Dol”, "C Jam Blues” and “Take the A Train”. Other tunes will be “Aun Leaves", "Memories" fom the Brotdway Show "Cats and Judy Garlands hit “Over the Rainbow". ‘Two young and talented musicians, Tessa and Kaitlyn Ballergeon of Farmington wil also perform on “The Gil From Ipanema” “Thanks is play fiting the timing ofthe show. Is a story ofa suburban New England family assembling fora quant, intimate Thanksgiving sinner. The Lester family has much love, but doesnt really know how to show it and is mired in old, comfortable habits and squabbles. One might say they are a dysfunctional family. The play is set inthe Inert ofthe Lester family great room. I is lighthearted, emotional drama, with a lot of raw sting and bite. A note to parents, the Lester family is fond of sing @ few expletives intheit own family warers “Mama Lester ta typial New York matriarch; proud atte Ragn Fama, Ni 03695 Specteng in crore “ey Boe Bese Sects, arn iicReasted net Recting Toy, nd much more. 7 ‘Custom Orders Welcome! ‘The Puddledock Press Farmington, NH cof her family bu detached ffom the realities of her three daughters ives. Carol Young is aa accomplished, connected, comfortable suburbanite ‘who has given up her earlier dreams fr material comfort Successful "Big ack young is Carol's ‘custically honest husband, only bound to the Lester family by marrage and not eager to cut anyone any slack He isthe hardest on Carol. Googie Lester is & ‘right young woman wio is still tying to find her lace inthe femiy and in the world. Her unlimited potentials only limited by her own issues of poor self-worth. She has been dating Arnie a simple, ‘gentle man, witha kind hear, who loves Googie, but oes’ reaily know how to defend ee from her {amily or from hr self-doubt. Rayehelle Lester is a surprise visitor tothe famaly dinner. She let the family eight years ago and they bave not seen het since. She i determined to bing her family together tnd help them repair their ailing relationships before dinner is over, Mary Barron coctinues to be the Farmington Town Players faithful producer and Debra Van Gelder ‘continues to acta a devoted director for this production, Amy Drapeau gracefully tackles the not So delicate par of Mama. Samantha J. G, Goodwin pushes her way into the forceful part of Carol, Stan Freode bludgeon as Big Jeck- Deth Van Gelder ‘emotes e cautouly giddy Googie. Kevin Willey portrays a grounded, gentle giant in Amie. Rounding ‘ut the cast, Rachelle is soufully embodied by hip ‘Anna O’Sultivan The always awesome ses are being made by Fed Pitman. Ligh, sounds, and videography are seing handled by Kyle Leach, For over 30 year, the Farmington Town Players has taken great pridein presenting a wide varity of entertainment for Farmington audiences, Your Support of Town Players shows allows them to ‘contribute back t the community by supporting ‘other Farmingtor programs and needs. Pleas join them fortis performance. OQ. ‘Action. Comunity. Uldiowe AM Tri Town Stee Democrats Farmington www.FarmingtonNHDems org Milton. aww. New Durham Ment Meg te sean day ona wrt rl son ocd te Page 5 November 2016 te yz FARMINGTON WOMAN'S CLUB PIE & CRAFT FAIR SUNDAY NOVEMBER, 20TH HENRY WILSON MEMORIAL SCHOOL 51 SCHOOL FARMINGTON, NH 03835 9AM TO 3PM Over $0 vendors of handcrafted items for all of your holiday shopping needs. Rafiles, and the famous Troop 188 Concession Stand. A variety of homemade holiday pies available for purchase including, Apple, Pumpkin, Peanut Butter, and more. Arrive early for the best selection. Last year we sold over 100 pies. FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT ANY WOMAN'S CLUB MEMBER IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN PARTICIPATING CALL KATHY AT 603-978-5741 Ze ' Farmington Woman's Club SERVING THE COMMUNITY OF FARMINGTON FOR 106 YEARS Seren erect OF Eig nnence to och eed and nae ies ati oteaton sete ake Gxt none? owe ‘googness in the community.” new nonters re pects See tes $180 pero ‘The Puddledock Press Farmington, NHL November 2016 Page 6 &: Fale Ts Fae ine yn “Da Show Must G Go On” Friday, November I8 and Saturday, November I7, 2016 Farmington Town Hall $8.00 Admission Doors open at 6:30 PM. Curtain rises at 7:00 PM at pe The ensemble plays a variety of selections from the Great American Songbook. Heed ie hectic “Thanks” “£22 Ae TL This may be the Thanksgiving from hell, or one where a family may actually be caved, Qirected by Deb Van Gelder Produced by Mary Barron For over 0 year, the Farmington Town Players has akon real pride mn prsening a wie vary of entertainment for our audiences. Your suppor of our performances has allowed us to contribute back to the community by supporting other programs and needs of the Town of Farmington, Act 1 “Farmington Community 1G ‘The Pudiledock Press Farmington, NH ‘November 2016 Page 7 Raley SENIOR CAREGIVING by Dr Thomas Naro Ta the ast aril explained the sandwich generation and its iferent layers. The alt child inthis case may ake on {he roe ofa caregiver forthe der parent. Care giving utes vary depending onthe level of ced fom each individual senior. Ie ranges fom needing @ lite ep doing chores around the house lke cleaning and laundry oregiing 24 hour care or ‘moving toa long ter led musing facility. For the spect of senior at giving scenarios tha exist oday there are several resources aiale to fn che ight St {ortho individ n nee, Fo thas Who ae the caregiver Tamil member or end, you will wan to ‘ow where to find resources to aide your care giving ‘equirements nd how o say bely Wale Being 8 caregiver “Ther are several websites that provide fe information ‘on why poope need eae, how the levels of eae dir, how age relied dress can educe a person's independence and how care giving ean make @ difference, There ae atl, pices, videos and ommeatries that advise you on What professionals recommend bated on research and expert opinion. The Fesoures that provide senior are giving sevies en be found enlineasording to metic! diagnosis or based on the level of care required (ex. Parkinson's disease, ‘Alzheimers disease, homecare, hospice) GBCorrora HYSICAL THERAPY ARMINGTON Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation Tell your doctor you choase to come here 395 NHRoute 11+ (603)839-1034 ‘The Pudledoek Press Farmington, NHL Senior caregiving services may insudeeastodia are ‘whi is for nor medial activities ke preparing x meal, bathing woleting help with mediatins and itansporition. Theresa website ja fo this aed Cre ‘Connection par of AARP Family Caregivers. provides ver inks to infomation for he caregiver. You ean take advantage ofa fre 30 minute phone ell witha care ‘special fom Unite Healthcare answer questions an provide specifi support fr any o your caregiving reeds, At wir carconnection ap org yu wil aso find ‘information on emotional uppor.and sess reli forthe caogiver This is imporiat 1 not because the faily ‘aogier at rik for earegiver burnout “Take for example 238 yeu od daughter steps in to help fer year old mother who reemy hada dein in fumeton. The daughter tarts y cleaning the mother’s home one a wesk, Afra whe he mother's function

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