Sloot - FBI Affidavit in Plain English

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PEG_Sloot Affidavit-Complete 061010
Copyright 2009 UNLOCKDOCS.COM. All rights reserved. Patent Pending
* Sloot/FBI AFFIDAVIT attached to criminal complaint* Action

I am William K. Bryan, and I swear and believe the following is true:

Ive been an FBI Special Agent for 20 years, currently assigned to Birmingham, Alabama.

This document supports the criminal complaint against Sloot, a Netherlands citizen who
sometimes lives in Aruba. Its based on information I got from:

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PEG_Sloot Affidavit-Complete 061010
Copyright 2009 UNLOCKDOCS.COM. All rights reserved. Patent Pending
* Sloot/FBI AFFIDAVIT attached to criminal complaint* Action

1. FBI Special Agents

2. Aruba police officers
3. Witness interviews
4. Recorded conversations between Joran van der Sloot and Beth Holloway-Twittys

Twittys representative is a cooperating witness.

I believe all the information here proves Sloot committed:

1. EXTORTION - Title 18, USC Section 1951(a)

[Using illegal schemes or intimidation to pressure someone to act]

2. WIRE FRAUD - Title 18, USC Section 1344.

[This code is actually Bank Fraud - Scheming to defraud a financial institution]
[Note: Attached criminal complaint cites USC Section 1343, Wire Fraud using wire, radio or
television to commit fraud. Because wire fraud can carry up to 30 years if the crime involved a
bank, the codes are similar.]

MAY 30, 2005: Natalee Holloway never came back to Birmingham from her graduation
trip in Aruba. She was last seen in a vehicle in front of a Caribbean nightclub, Carlos n
Charlies. Sloot and two brothers, Deepak and Satish Kalpoe were with her.
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PEG_Sloot Affidavit-Complete 061010
Copyright 2009 UNLOCKDOCS.COM. All rights reserved. Patent Pending
* Sloot/FBI AFFIDAVIT attached to criminal complaint* Action

Natalee didnt return home. Her parents and friends flew to Aruba to try and find her,
and immediately gave Sloots name and address to the police.

JUNE 2, 2005: Sloot told authorities he drove Holloway to Arashi Beach to see sharks,
then dropped her off at the Holiday Inn where she was staying around 2:00 am. He has
contradicted himself several times since.

There were extensive searches in Aruba and surrounding waters for Natalee, with no
success. $1 Million has been offered for her return, and $250,000 has been offered for
information leading to her remains.

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PEG_Sloot Affidavit-Complete 061010
Copyright 2009 UNLOCKDOCS.COM. All rights reserved. Patent Pending
* Sloot/FBI AFFIDAVIT attached to criminal complaint* Action

MARCH 29, 2010: Sloot sent emails to the cooperating witness stating that, for $250,000
he would:

1. Take him to Natalees remains

2. Provide details about how she died
3. Tell him who was involved

Sloot said he wouldnt give up this information without the money. After several
emails, he agreed to accept an initial payment of $25,000 in exchange for taking the
witness to the site of the body. Once the remains were confirmed to be Natalee
Holloways, the balance would be paid.

Sloot emailed his Netherlands bank information to the witness for the deposit.

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PEG_Sloot Affidavit-Complete 061010
Copyright 2009 UNLOCKDOCS.COM. All rights reserved. Patent Pending
* Sloot/FBI AFFIDAVIT attached to criminal complaint* Action

Sloot insisted they sign a contract. The witness prepared it, and Twitty signed it.

APRIL 15, 2010: Twitty wired $100 to Sloots account to confirm the account was good.

MAY 10, 2010: Twitty wired $10,000 into the witness bank account so he could cash it
out and take it with him to Aruba that day. Once he arrived, he called Sloot, who came
to the witness hotel room to sign the agreement. They both took pictures of each other
signing. Sloot received his $10,000 in cash. The meeting was recorded.

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PEG_Sloot Affidavit-Complete 061010
Copyright 2009 UNLOCKDOCS.COM. All rights reserved. Patent Pending
* Sloot/FBI AFFIDAVIT attached to criminal complaint* Action

The witness then called Twitty, who wired $15,000 to complete the initial payment.

Sloot then rode with the witness to a house where Sloot claimed Natalees body was
buried in the foundation.

The witness took pictures of the house. Sloot said his father buried her remains in the
gravel under the foundation. Sloot then explained that he threw Natalee to the ground
after she tried to stop him from leaving her, and she hit her head on a rock and died.

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PEG_Sloot Affidavit-Complete 061010
Copyright 2009 UNLOCKDOCS.COM. All rights reserved. Patent Pending
* Sloot/FBI AFFIDAVIT attached to criminal complaint* Action

Sloot said he hid her body, then went home and told his father what happened. His
father went back to the location with him and further hid the body while Sloot waited in
the car. Sloot said his father later buried her body under the house. Sloot said he didnt
actually see him bury her, but his father did show him where he did it.

A building permit for the house pointed out by Sloot shows no foundation or structure
existed at the time of Natalees disappearance on May 30, 2005.

1. MAY 23, 2005: Building permit requested

2. MAY 25, 2005: Building permit approved
3. MAY 29, 2005: Aerial photos show no construction
4. JUNE 5, 2005: Aerial photos still show no construction
5. JUNE 15, 2005: Inspection
6. OCTOBER 18, 2010 [error, likely 2005]: Building permit finally issued

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Copyright 2009 UNLOCKDOCS.COM. All rights reserved. Patent Pending
* Sloot/FBI AFFIDAVIT attached to criminal complaint* Action

The two exchanged emails after the witness returned to the States.

MAY 17, 2010: Sloot admits in an email that he lied about the location of Natalees

Based on these things I believe Sloot committed extortion and wire fraud.


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PEG_Sloot Affidavit-Complete 061010
Copyright 2009 UNLOCKDOCS.COM. All rights reserved. Patent Pending

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