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Once upon a time there was old man who lives in cornor of village full of filthy

rich people. He was simple but crook of all. He was innocent but cruel of all.
His love respect all what you requried in this life. Question of theeself and p
ersons surrounding us. We live in world that has negatives and positives. Positi
ve part is we enjoy and negative part we desisit but we have to live in this wor
ld. How ? We have to balance between negative and postitive and understand the l
ogics of happy living and being lies in us. We create the world surrond us and w
e give prespective to it. We have to made efforts to correct past mistakes of pr
evious generation. Thats it.
Positive part is we enjoy and negative part we desisit but we have to live in th
is village. How ? We have to balance between negative and postitive and understa
nd the logics of happy living and being lies in us. We create the world surrond
us and we give prespective to it. We have to made efforts to correct past mistak
es of previous generation. Thats it.
Positive part is we enjoy and negative part we desisit but we have to live in th
is village. How ? We have to balance between negative and postitive and understa
nd the logics of happy living and being lies in us. We create the world surrond
us and we give prespective to it. We have to made efforts to correct past mistak
es of previous generation. Thats it.
Positive part is we enjoy and Happy part we smile but we have to live in this vi
llage How ? We have to balance between negative and postitive and understand the
logics of happy living and being lies in us. We create the world surrond us and
we give prespective to it. We have to made efforts to correct past mistakes of
previous generation. Thats it.
Not everypart part is we enjoy and negative part we desisit but we have to live
in this village.How ? We have to balance between negative and postitive and unde
rstand the logics of happy living and being lies in us. We create the world surr
ond us and we give prespective to it. We have to made efforts to correct past mi
stakes of previous generation. Thats it.
Positive part is we enjoy and negative part we love but we have to live in this
world. How ? Simple he should be hanged but villagers there wanted to serve them
and serve them for life. Order was executed and postitive and understand the lo
gics of happy living and being lies in us. We create the world surrond us and we
give prespective to it. We have to made efforts to correct past mistakes of pre
vious generation. Thats it.
neutral part is we sorrow and Gamble part we hope but we live in this village?
This is how this simple story starts. We upload the next chapter shortly.

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