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NC Graduation Project Summary

Research Topic

Project Overview

Mentor Contacts


Product, Visual, or

For my project I created a new recycling system at North Buncombe and have tracked
its progress.
Recycling materials has always impacted the environment in a positive way and when
evaluating which material has impacted the earth more, one must look at the process that
lies behind each material. Materials like glass and metal make the best impact over
paper and plastics because of the weaker material deterioration after only a few times
being recycled.
Plastic and paper are inferior to metal and glass because of the overall process of
recycling the materials. Paper and plastic have long processes whether that be for
additional separation or additional cleansing. Paper and plastic also deteriorated over
time which makes then unable to be continuously recycled. Metal and glass are the
superior materials to recycle because of the short and easy process it takes to recycle
them. Both metal and glass can be continuously recycled without losing the quality.
My Mentor is Kimberly Sprouse, a teacher at North Buncombe High School
For my project me and Mrs. Sprouse created a new system of recycling at the school
Met with Mrs. Sprouse after school to discuss recycling
Learned about the materials needed to bring back recycling
Planned a survey to hand out to all the teachers
Get volunteers to help pickup recycling after school
Begin recycling pickups every Friday
Meet with Captain Sullivan about new volunteers
Revise system with JROTC students and begin with them
Have a complete system created before graduation
I met with my mentor for a total of 6 hours and 30 minutes
March 9th Discussed about bringing back recycling and creating new system.
March 14th Double check with mentor about talking to environmental club.
March 15th Show Mentor plans for speaking at club meeting.
April 15th First day of recycling pick up with mentor and volunteers.
April 22nd Second time recycling pick up with mentor and volunteers.
April 28th -Third time Recycling with mentor and volunteers.
May 6th- Forth time Recycling with mentor and volunteers.
May 13th-Fifth time Recycling with mentor and volunteers.
May 20th- Sixth time Recycling with mentor and volunteers.
May 27th Seventh time Recycling with mentor and volunteers.
June 3rd Eighth time Recycling with mentor and volunteers last time recycling 2015-2016
August 15th Met with mentor and Captain Sullivan to talk about volunteers from ROTC
Overall I have spent 11 hours and 30 minutes on my project so far.
This time includes meeting with my mentor to create the recycling system. But
also time spent by myself planning emails to send out to the teachers, and
evolving the system itself.
I also spent many additional hours distributing bins and managing bins, these
hours are not logged.
For my visual I will be showing the system that was created throughout the school. In
addition, I will be showing the final product of grinded up plastic, which is a part of my
Explain how the system has evolved over months of trial and error
Show the final color coded system and breaking down step by step deliveries

What You Learned

from teachers and pickups from the ROTC volunteers in my power point
Show the materials used for recycling every Friday
Overall I have learned about how many components are needed to recycle at a school; I
have also learned:
People can use recycling as a way to get community service hours
How much paper the school goes through at a week at a time
The multiple ways you can recycle in a community to help the environment
How much respect is needed for the custodians
How much man power is needed to recycle?
How much money a place can save by recycling instead of throwing all materials

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Teacher Verification ________________________________________________________________________

(By signing here, English teacher indicates approval/verification of all information on this overview.)

Mentor Verification _________________________________________________________________________

(By signing here, the mentor verifies that all information on this sheet is true and accurate.)

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