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To become DP Application will forwarded within 30 days and applicant

have to pay fees to SEBI.. True/False

Resident in a country i.e. signatory to IOSCOS MMOU or a signatory of a
bilateral MOU with SEBI also qualifies the criteria as QFI.. True/False
Which of the following is not a part of primary market.
Every depository have to maintain pledgee and hypothecation document of
minimum how many years.
The application form should have provision for investors to furnish their
dmat account number alon with the following A. DP ID B. Depository C. DP
name D. A and C.
Debt instruments are issued only by state and central government ..
What is the period of treasury bills A. up to one year B. up to 2 years C. up
to 3 months D. more than one year .
Stock broker can become a depository .. True/False
If the application for renewal is not received at SEBI by expiry date what
will happen.
_____ has the powers to register and market intermediarys in the
securities market and to finalize them
Market where new securities are sold A. Primary Secondary C. Both D.
For the closure of pledge who makes the request first A. Pledger B. Pledgee
C. Both D. None
Nil balance is agreed at the time of rematerlisation State Yes/ No
At the time off-market is there a need of depository.
Corporate actions are A. Bonus Shares B. Dividend.
To determine the eligible BOs as on a particular date A. record date B. Book
closure start date/end date.
FI or corporate bodies issue bonds, debentures, commercial papers,
government securities and Treasury Bills are issued by ______
Debentures certificate are issued in lieu of the _____
How many digits in a ISIN number
An active secondary market promotes the growth of the primary market and
capital formation, True/False

Which act aims at streamling settlement process by transfer of ownership of

securities electronically by book entry without making the securities from
person to person.
Inter depository for ware-house is presently not permitted.(T)

Clearing Member is for Trade purpose.(T)

Debt instrument has a limited life. (T)
ICIN for same commodity differ from exchange to exchange.
Depository acts as the R & T Agent for G-SEC. (T)
Treasury Bills have a maturity period of up to 1 year.
Dated securities have a maturity period of more than 1 year.
Securities are marked as pledge once pledge creation request is given.
If the investor has not given standing instruction in the opening of the
account, What he should give? (Receipt Instruction)
If the securities are under re-materialization can the account holder use it for
trading. (No)
The nominee has to give signature in case of which depositories a) CDSN b)
NSDL c)both
Who will be a karta in HUF a)older man b)older woman c)educated person
d)any one of the above
The certificate of registration will get by the DP then he should apply for
certificate of commencement. True/False
The organized money market & unorganized money market comes under
a)money market b)capital market c)money & capital market
The SEBI gives the DP a)business of commencement b)certificate of
incorporation c)certificate of registration
Which is different from others a)Debentures b)Bonds c)Mutual funds
d)commercial papers
The securities transferring from Clearing corporation to clearing member it
is a)Pay in b)Pay out c)Settlement

The procedure of allowance is similar to a)IPO procedure b)Batch process

c)None of the above
The deletion rejection modification of ware house receipts are also similar to
a)IPO b)allowances c)clearing houses
Minor can be a nominee but he cant open depository account by own.

How many bank a/c statements dispatch to customer in case of basic service
Demat account?
Dps shall have net worth of Rs.50 Crore-True or False
According to PMLA Act 2002, for how many years the DP has to keep
documents with them?
What is the eligibility criteria for open BSDA account?
Within how many days the DP forward the DRF to depository for approval.
Procedure of change of signature of an individual.
Who grant the permission to R & TA for operation?
Which of the following entity provide the option of gold receipt? Ans: RBI
How many days are there for early pay-in for the request of payment?
Who is qualified for FII in depository?
Public ltd co. are required to make the public offer only in dematerlised form
in case the offer is more than crore.
Status of securities are pledged or hypothecated.
Inter depository securities transfer possible but not inter depository pledge or
hypothecation & ware house receipts is not possible.
Guardian responsible for minor?
Beneficiary account questions

Broker and clearing member can open beneficiary account to hold their own
shares. But R & T cannot open beneficiary account
Issuer- record date
New company, new securities primary market.
Client & DP agreement is under SEBI act
Depository verifies the eligibility like technical, operational functional
procedures before issuing commencement of business
Pay-in & pay-out questions
Minimum value of certificate of deposit 1 lakh, commercial paper 5 lakhs
Introduction of depositories, increased transferability, security .
PMLA record for 10 years.
Rs. 25 charged for physical statement if u require more than two.

Who is the main a/c holder Karta/HUF in case of NSDL and CDSL :[ Karta-NSDL, HUF-CDSL]
What is the minimum net worth for a depository :- 100CR
In case of pledged securities corporate benefits goes to :- Pledgers account
ISIN first two digit represents for :- Country code
ICIN full form :- International Commodity Identification Number
Depository can make their own guidelines for DPs :- True
When securities converted from physical to in dematerialized form they
have same distinctive number as on physical form :- False
Inter Depository transfer is not possible in WR- Receipt :- True
From where depository get the registration certificate :- SEBI

For renewal of registration certificate DP have to give application to SEBI :3 month before the expiry.
How many delivery instructions are provided by the DP to the client free :- 2
Hypothecation is invoked by the :- Pledgee
Who make the pledge closure request when the agreement is completed :By pledgor
During which period RBI does register the securities :- SHUT period
Which form is required for Dematerialization:- DRF form
HUF can nominate a nominee:- No
SGL-1 a/c is the a/c which is directly opened with the RBI :- TRUE
Form required for rematerialization of securities :- RRF form
An active secondary market restrict the growth of the primary market and
capital formation?
_____________deals with issue, allotment,& transfer of security?
SEBI act & depository act is administered by SEBI?
Primary market and secondary are interdependent on each other?
_____________helps in free transferability of securities with speed,
accuracy & security?
There is only one depository who provide all the depository service?
___________has full autonomy and authority to regulate & develop an
orderly securities market?
__________also regulate underwriting ,the use of premium & discounts on
issue ,rights & bonus issues ,payment of interest, supply of annual report and
other information?
In NSDL the net worth ______& in CSDL net worth _______.
PDRF full form ________________

The RBI _______ the SGL2 a/c of the depository & ________ its current
a/c for funds.
A/c opening procedure for warehouse the same as applicable for a/c opening
of BOs.?
Pledger gives a pledge closure request to his DP?
What are the condition is their for opening a BSDA A/C ?
State true or False :Rajiv Gandhi Equity Scheme customer can get a tax
benefit upto Rs.25000 under section 80CCG
State true or False: Voter ID is a valid address proof
State true or False: BO is a ownership holder of Demat account
Say true or False: Minor can open a Demat account
Transfer of securities person to person without involving clearing house
called as.
Depositary minimum net worth is
In HUF Account if Karta dies. Who will be the next Karta?
State true or False: Partnership firm cannot be a member of a company so
can be open demat account.
How many digit account number is their in Demat Account ?
How many digit account number is their in ISIN?
State true or False: In participant of the depositary can hold the maximum
net worth of 100cr
State true or False :R&T want to start the D.P account minimum net worth
of 10cr
State true or False :Termination of D.P turn around time in SEBI in 7 days
The securities in dematerialized form are identified by distinctive numbers
and certificate numbers. This is called " Fungibility"?

Select odd one outscheme

commercial paper, bond, debenture, equity savings

No foreign entity, ---------------------- can hold more than 20% of the equity
capital of the depository.
Depositories should obtain a certificate of ----------- How many digits are there in ISIN?
If there is any inconvenience caused to the beneficiary owner depository
should inform that is due to------------------------- Standing instruction is given during the DMAT account opening procedure
Each DP -------------their own procedure of calculating net profit worth.
SOT stands for?
What kind of corporate action resides in INDIA?
What is Cash corporate action
What is Non- cash corporate action
What is the full form of PDRF ?
Depository Act 1996 relates to:
Who creates the pledge initiative ?
Can a Guardian sign on behalf of minor ?
For the pledge, pledgor confirmation is required called..
CDSL stands for...
ICIN stands for...
Is it possible to Credit freeze of Demat account ?
How many business history is required to be DP ?
What process called? If trade runs without support of clearing corporation or
clearing house.

How many digits are there in a Demat account ID?

Expand ISIN, DRF, DIS.
ICIN- Is it different for same commodity different depository?
Major differences between NSDL & CDSL .functioning and requirements.
Only individuals can be nominated ?
What is the full form of PDRF?
Who regulates the security market?
Who gives registration to DP?
Only father can be the real guardian for minor who can operate the account
of the minor? Yes or No?
Minor cannot be nominated? True or False?
In HUF minor cannot be a joint holder. True or False?
What is the net worth of depository?
If there is mismatch I clients details, who has to look after it?
Which is the place where transactions take place?
The depository act and SEBI act is governed by SEBI only. True or False?
The procedure of certification of deposit is same as equity of share?
Fungible means_______________ ?
PAN card is mandatory to open NRI account. True or False?
Triparty agreement is between the issuer & RTA Depository.
Net worth criteria for becoming DP 3 cr. For NSDL and 2 cr. for CDSL.
The process of changing the order of joint holder name and in security
certificate is transposition.
Client id is 16 digit.

PDRF physical delivery request form.

Commodities are identified by ICIN in warehouse receipts.
Commercial paper an investor can subscribe to minimum of Rs 5,00,000 or
Pledge and hypothecation securities under depository act 1996.
For different debt security there is different ISIN.
As per PMLA act 2002 record of service for 10 year.
DP has to be registered with _____.
have powers to register & regulate all market intermediaries
in the security market & also penalize them. (SEBI)
Can either of the account holders sign in case of a depository account as is
the case with a bank account?
After depository receives an application for registering as a DP, it evaluates
and forwards the application to SEBI within .. .
Client-participation agreement is a standard agreement approved by
Can nomination be made by individuals for beneficiary accounts held jointly
or singly? (YES)
Within .. Days of request for remat of securities should the client
receive the physical securities.
For pledging & hypothecation of securities the pledgee and pledger can have
their account with DPs under different depository.
DP receives pledge closure request from .
. Is a cash corporate action.



Issuer shall be required to enter into agreement with all the .. before
coming out with a public offer.

Unilateral pledge means ?

Corporate benefits are distributed by R & T to BOs. (True/False)
List of BOs are given by ?
ISIN has____digits.
DRN (full form)
DRF request is made by
In CDSL , on whose name the HUF account is made ?
How many days are taken to rematerialize the securities ?
On closure of pledge , the pledged balance is transferred from pledgers
account to pledgees account as free balance. (True/False)
Section 12 , Depositaries Act 1996 tells about pledge/hypothecation.
Streamlining of settlements comes under which act ?
In pledged balance , the corporate benefits flow to pledgers account.
Commodities are identified by ICIN in warehouse receipts.
Commercial paper an investor can subscribe to minimum of Rs. 5,00,000 or
Any trade that is cleared and settled without the participation of clearing
corporation- off trade market.
Rematerialisation of G sec in the form of RRF - G-sec.
As per PMLA act 2002 record of service for 10 year.
Triparty agreement is between the issuer & RTA Depository.
The process of changing the order of joint holder name and in security
certificate is transposition.

Pledge and hypothecation securities under depository act 1996.

For different debt security there is different ISIN.
How many bank a/c statements dispatch to customer in case of basic service
demat account?
Under which act there is a provision of nominee?
According to PMLA Act 2002, for how many years the DP has to keep
documents with them?
What is transmission?
Within how many days the DP forward the DRF to depository for approval.
Procedure of change of signature of an individual.
Who grant the permission to R & TA for operation?
Which of the following entity provide the option of gold receipt?
How many days are there for early pay-in for the request of payment?
Who is qualified for FII in depository?
Which of the following organizations deals in the trade of Gold?
Who can purchase government securities?
Primary market and secondary market are interdependent.(True/False)
Who can invoke pledge/hypothecation?
Which of the following acts provides the facility of nomination in D-mat
What is the minimum value of a certificate of deposit?
Depositories also provide the facility of trading in warehouse receipts.
ISIN numbers should be different for two different types of shares.

An institution who registers itself for depository should have a minimum

revenue of .crores.
An institution gives application to be registered as DP to.
After Depostory received an application for registering as a DP it evaluates
and towards the application to SEBI within______?
Who can open depository account for the minor?
In the event of the joint holder the balance lying in the account can be
transferred on request of surviving holder to a new account to be opend by
the surviving holders..True/ False
The beneficial owners name in the account can even be changed after the
account has been opened.True/ False
Who is required to give the inter settlement instructions to the participants
for securities lying within a same CM account but in different settlement
For pledging and hypothecation of securities the pledgee can have their
account with DPs under different depositories.True/ False
An investor in government securities holding electronic balances in the
depository SGL-1 account certificates by the process of
rematerilisation.True/ False
Who has the power to register and regulate and penalize violations in all
DP should send the statement to the client in what intervals?
Registration certificate is valid for?
Foreign sponsor can hold a maximum of 20 % equity capital.True/ False
How many persons can be nominated in a Demat Account?
Minimum balance should be maintained in a Demat account.True/ False
Transfer can be done in off market person to person.True/ False
RBI does not register transfer of securities during?

Issuer shall be required to enter into agreement with all the depositories
before coming out with a public offer.True/ False
Depository announces record date for a corporate action.True/ False
From who does the DP receive the pledge closure request?
It is possible for investors to transpose names of joint holders along with the
process of dematerialization through their DPs.True/ False
In case of death of death of one account joint holder the other person need to
open a new account.True/ False
When can change in address, phone etc happen?
How many depositories in India?
PAN card is mandatory for NRI to open a Demat account.True/ False
First two digits in the ISIN number represent?
Minimum net worth for a depository is?
Who generates request for invocation of pledge?
Process for dematerialization is completed in how many days?
ISIN number has how many characters?
In case of appointing new Karta, the death certificate of the deceased Karta,
court appointed Karts(New Karta) order the address of the new Karta
notarized are required.True/ False
For renewal of depository registration they have to submit application
Can a partnership firm open a Demat account?
A minor without a guardian can open a Demat account.True/ False
What are non cash/cash corporate benefits?
Who is the beneficiary Owner?

Who is the registered owner of securities?

Can Government securities rematerialized?
Can multiple accounts be held by a single BO?
Who announces the release of corporate benefits?

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