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(EF Look at the names of the TV prugrammes below. Match cree off them wich the pleures, EE) Wt You are going to hear » guide giving some students a tour of the television studios. 1 Which studio lo they visi frst, secs and third? 2 Whodo the stadents mcer on their tour? —___ EE Bi usten again and complete these sentences, 1 We may moet same ether people — you can talk 40. @ The news team choose the Mories ___ ell be fin the ews, 3 Here's a man face you'll reenynise, 4 Thav's the soap opera ____ you ean see every evening at seven oa TRC This is the room —____ Mark asked Jill wo marry him. 6 We report on all the sports events — take place around the world. 7 For iniranee, people like Sally Raverma —__ were stars 5 Jacks the man ald boots were sold recently for 10,000 FE Look at the words you have writen, 1 Can yoru take out anty of the words and keep the same meaning? 2 Which of the words can you replce with hme? (El Relative clausos 5 ‘We cam give informaion about somone, someshing or somewhere by adding a relative cause We use a relative vwho, which, whan, where oe thus: ching or Here's a photo, Te shown dh their sin Here's phote whack sews chem their ‘Wea wen har aici CE one ae Here's pow Had vherer there cy shart seein ay Wie lave differs presenters aha are experts fo Ne relative pronoun ‘Sometimes she verb in the relative clause has » new subject: You cin see the café which Musk ours (lie café i aot the suhjort of mens) ‘We don’t need to mse wite or rhar in the sentence above: eehichthar) the neweredder wall reel First (new wubsect: the ewnneader} Tihey afinene hae sn SAM be in-ohy raw (no mew subject) | Here's a foorballer (ihe) wel recognise (ew wubfeet;. yas) He's efor ane Bord ie ‘Frgland. (oa ew subject) fl ee aemnree Kc rocams want which. be casino be beft out or Ho's the dink ashore the newsrracder view [leet sabire the eesreer ste {= Henc' ihe dete The newarrader sits at tt esi) We use whine with a mun to mead hixvherirheiriks, It cannot be left out or replaced 5 Jack's she mat whese ald bouts were sole, (* Jocks the man. * re eee cee) Join these pairs of semiences with wito or which, 1. Dive go a ring. ft hekonyged ea en jrandmsinlier Foe oe a riogg ice Delimatt fey crane 2 My sister has 9 beausiful learher jacket. It coat £200, My sister has ws henotiful leather jackie —— = 3 [have a penfriend He Bites in Aisstradia. Vhewea ponfelend 0 4 This is the computes. Ie decent work. This the commpister 5 Those are the singer They won o music competition on television last might, “This are bt shtpers My Ibrucher told me abut his friend. She worked for a film company. My farodluer tal me abeaus bis Friend — Read these sentences. Decide which ones don't aced who, which or shar apa cross it aut, 1. Standira ia the tesicher adhe we invived ta wos 2 Here's the book whieh I proniaed te lend yas 3 Why did you ebange dhe plow than we made? 4 Thar's the hotel which bas 0 swinensing pou! aa the roof. 3. Where's he bunch of flowers chat you bought yesterday? 6 Elaine wrote 10 the university that had offered her jplace 7 This ts the lorter thar carwsed all our problems, 8 Lemsailed all dhe peuple wha my Hoss wanted iv sec. > Andrew is the man who-won the scierce price 10 When will you finish the white which [asked you tm do? Complete these sentences with wha, shiek, whose or where, 1 Dimes aman sh plays football for Germany. 2 This ip the titrary —__ fF tasually stadt, 3 That's the wornan ____._ddamnghrer wean tht chess prize. 4 Thae’s the gird my brother is going ta masry. 5 We faut che map —__ yeu dew fer ms. 6 Please show me the cupbosn! you keep your cleandsg materials, 7 Mungo opened the present — hhis friends gave him. 8 Can you tell me dhe name of the san car you horrawed? 9 Gabelelle painted the picture hangs in our sitting- wom. 10 | have a friemad lives in Barcelona, Looks at sentences 1-10 again. In which sentences can you cross omit the relative pronoun? Read this conversation beeween Emily and her father. Pill in the gaps in the conversation with relative elawses using che information in the bor. Emily: Dud, | ume to go aeeay with same frlemds for Herman's birthday party. Dad: Who are these frieds” Emily: May, Alec, Bernard, Ailsa anc Herman. The party's at the Bench Hosase, Dade But [don’t know these people. Who's May? Enmily: She's o girl 1 oho Plays 1 ry swhoybeal team Dad: And who's Alnc? Emily: Dad. you know Aloe. He's the bay 2 — Dad: Oa, yes Well, who's Bernard? I-don’t mow him Emily: No, bus, Mum knows fim. Hex the boy 3 — Tink: fee, Andi Ailsa, who's Ailsa” Emily: She's the girl 4 —____ We're sharing a ream at Sunny Willa Sunny Villa's the guesthouse Set A Dud: And wham’s this Beack House? Eeuily: The Beach House is the club & Doc What's that parcel? Emily: I's the present 7 Dud: And who's Herman? Tenily: Oh Dad! He's the beoy 8 ; Bid: Gh. 1 see. I suppose ite all right if your mother agrees. 1 They wet to gp to wrestiuranit lich they can drive in, 2 ‘Thoy need a restaurnot serves a range of dishes wo suit everyuce, 3 Martin's is very popular with people —_ work: in thr foc ofices. 4 Te served pizza amd pasta the family make themselves, 3 There i 9 terrace —_. ovnrlooks the river, 66 The Toj Mahl oan ehcellens tdi vewtaurant be ior 2 he ron the fom sere 7 The Ralinbow has a very nice werrace —— yum can wit, i |B Theey vein the sashes bw ehin eter: rcsnnatealin mnejafeon, epithe Bo ewewerrindies iTrirnin aie a Geeta (faery Aa ee Dhow Ad 1 pes ia Sy atendaoenecpabmeaeet mencod asl 1 Nope et ae ym nn Lae aul} wich to, set cet maar competion res urbane basi taht ‘ ete woe’ bat 4 TU romped Se en ct re fh at pon ne? (Viera 11) oe ee ee Alva 12, WE, 84) Woes erty terme anette far A, wenn ie ntl tenet bes 7 asd hayes bevel pee hart stem | wee ened Tins a igre teria a eupear

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