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Nurturing Innovation Through

Brandwitz | the Service Innovation Fund


| Team Alchemists |
Imran Hossain
Syed Ibna Sina
Mohammad Al Amin
Jannatul Ferdous Ima

Table of Content

1. Executive Summary
2. Introduction
3. Background
4. Analysis &
Prioritizations of Issues
5. Recommendation
6. Conclusion


Executive Summary
SIF, an initiative of Access to Information (a2i) is the second venture after the
success of Quick Win project. In one year it has not shown significant response
although its potential is not deniable.
Drawbacks are evident at some places but some inside glitches are present too.
Some correction in structure and action can find more appropriate response make
proper use of behemoth fund. The Ultimate goal of making access to public
services for people is attainable.


Service Innovation Fund is a project under Access to Information (a2i) program.
The main objectives of S.I.F are to ensure innovation in delivering public services
to the the general people & to do so S.I.F Ideate, Incubate, Evaluate, Update &
Replicate potential projects which can serve its objective. The maximum amount
of fund that can be allotted to a singular project is 2.5 million BDT.
Core Problems:

problems that has been faced by S.I.F are as follows

Insufficient number of Proposals:

Only 62 projects met up the parameter & was raised for financing which is
an insignificant number
Reluctancy of Participation from Private Secctors:
Private & individual participation is very poor. Only 22 projects out of 62
awardees list of S.I.F.1
Lack of Understanding the SIFs Aim:
It is observed that participants dont have clear understanding about the
parameters set by S.I.F.2
Failure in reaching the right people:
S.I.F lacks in reaching the right kind of people, with right ideas.
Beneficial projects to provide more fundingand increase fund size:
S.I.F needs a beneficial proposal to invest for maintaining uninterrupted
fund flow in future and reach the goal of increasing the fund size from USD
10 million to USD 50 million.
So, S.I.F mainly needs to disseminate concrete ideas & reach those people
who can provide more ideas which fulfill the parameter set by S.I.F,
especially from the private sector.
1 Complete list of SIF awardees :
2 Director of Access to Information(a2i) program Mr. Kabir Bin Anwar remarked,
Clearly, people have different opinion than that of our own regarding what
innovation in delivering public services mean.


Background Inspection
S.I.F is a great initiative under a2i. But it is turning to a failure as it failed to grab
desired amount of attention from its target group. As a result, its policy makers are
in doubt whether its rational to expand its funding from U.S.D 10 million to U.S.D
50 million or not. And they are re-checking about the lack of strategies they faced
at its initiation stage.

Analysis &

Analysis and Prioritization

The basic problem of the venture of S.I.F. is it could not reach the right kind of
people who can innovate to deliver public service more conveniently. So the
challenge is to reach those target group, inform them properly about the venture of
S.I.F & encouraging them to submit project proposals which fulfills the parameter
of S.I.F. Otherwise, the circumstance would remain as the same , i.e. less number
of proposals, lack of proper knowledge among the participants, very insignificant
private participation & so on.
So, priority needs to be given to ensure the following things

Reaching the right people with right ideas

Informing the potential participants about the parameter of the program
Encouraging more private participation
Steady fund flow on long term basis.
Creative innovation for public services along with maintaining the following
- Low cost
- Few visits
- Less time


1. Re-Defining target group
The first & foremost step we need to take is - re-defining the target group of the
project. In the perspective of Bangladesh, school & college students are less
related to public sector activities. As a result, its less likely for them to come up
with innovative solutions of the problems, they are less familiar with.
The focus group should be the people who are mainly university students &
employed people who are more familiar with the pros & cons of the government
office activities & similar things. Along with that provisions can be kept for school
& college students so that no ideas are missed.

2. Re-structuring promotional strategies

a. Catchy tag line is to be set like

1. Come up with your ideas, make your life easier
2. Your idea can bring solution for many
3. Think it! Make it! Share it!
4. Service can be a call away
b. A developed promotional campaign is to be under taken with the inclusion
of print, electronic & social media.
As our target group is mainly employed people & university students
they use social media like Facebook, twitter.
They read newspaper to stay updated about the current affairs &
watch television for news & entertainment purpose
So these mediums must be used to reach our target group.

c. Parameter thats set for selection of the projects must be clarified in every
promotional activity.
d. Investment in these promotional activities is to be made with a long term
vision. At least 10% of 1million U.S.D is to be invested to reach the right
people having the right ideas via the mentioned mediums.

3. Clarification of the SIF objectives:

Making the objectives of SIF clear. The motto of Delivering public services less
time, fewer costs, and fewer visits needs more highlight
4. Ensuring project financing on long term basis:
The policy makers should make an approach to the government to provide a
specific fund from a specific source with a view to investing on long term basis.
Along with that successful projects should be replicated or implemented by
ensuring further financing on small or medium scale.


The timeliness of the S.I.F venture is undeniable. Just a change in promotion &
some other activities will facilitate its success. The vision must be a long term one.
Every man has some ideas; we just need the right way to grab it! Sometimes the
closer we are, the lesser we see.
So, the inclusion of mass people is very important. Its the mass people- who are
stake holders of the system but cannot directly influence the system. They suffer
from the system, they know the problems & even have the ideas to solve & make
the system a better or convenient one. We need to bring up their ideas, their
thoughts just in the right format.

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