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Who Am I?

Speech Outline

Name: Giavanna Kristine Cota


Begin with an attention getting devicesomething that will spark the curiosity of your judges, making them want
to pay close attention to the rest of your presentation. This must relate and connect to your presentation. Some
possibilities include a quote with an explanation, questions that interest or provoke thought, and props that relate
to the presentation.

Who am I?
I am constructive, optimistic and above all, determined.
As once said, Take advantage of the opportunities you have today because you may not have the chance for them
I am a student of perfecting, finishing, and most importantly starting.- sometimes I find myself at procrastinating points,
but i overcome them and work to the best of my ability to complete what was started.
I use strength as an advantage daily to stay on top and ensure my future success.
I am a person who sometimes lacks the motivation to get things done, but never fails to complete.

Who Am I?

Tell what kind of person, student and/or employee you are. More specifically, explain how your characteristics and
experiences qualify you for future success in the world of work. Some topics to consider:

What are your primary character traits? Provide examples of situations in your life where those traits
were evident.

I am in ways an artist. I am skilled in capturing memories and ensuring positivity in others.

Ive constructed my future successes to be based off who I am today, not just another number, but another individual, one
whose sculpting their characteristics and past experience into their future.
I am a person who made a choice to providing happiness and laughter to special ed kids and I stuck to it.
I am a person who dedicated my spare time to capturing memories for ones who will never know my name and thats okay.

What are your strengths and weaknesses as a student? How have you used your strengths to your
advantage? How have you tried to overcome your weaknesses?

Yes, Ill admit procrastination has sometimes taken its toll on me, but its never kept me away for too long. I am a person
of worrying- worrying if Ill get something done on time. Its a bad habit, but its not one that stops me from earning what
Ive worked for all these years. I push, I pull, and I strive and I take advantage of the time that is given. I take a break or
two at points, but I always get right back to what I intended to complete.

What extracurricular activities have you been involved in (both in and out of school)? What interests you
about those activities? How have you benefited from your involvement in those activities?

As a creative individual, I always wanted to join Yearbook to see what it was like to be apart of something so big, but only
little knew all the dedication it took behind closed doors.
I locked down a spot as part of the Yearbook staff when I got into High School, it really was a lot more than I expected
aside from just taking pictures, it was so much more, but I fell in love with it. I dedicated what time I had to showing up to
events and ensuring I would captivate the beauty of the view I had in front of me.
I established my knowledge and love for photography as one yearbook came to an end and another one started another
The more I worked, I benefited, not only to my grade, but my skill. Outside of school I still found myself with a camera
whether itd be just for practice or for a non-schooling event. I made others happy and sometimes myself.
What makes me happier than capturing memories though isnt really considered an extracurricular activity, its more of
a hobby you could say.
I use the art of word and action to my convenience. I always seem to find others who are in need of not only a pick-me-up,
but heart-to-heart advice. Im no therapist, but Ive picked up a method or two to making sure others are happy, if not

happier than they were before I spread some light onto the topic. I dont know if I have truly benefited from helping others,
I just knew if others benefited from my help, everything was okay for the both of us.

Describe and comment on any volunteer or employment experiences you have had. Be sure to include
reflections on the contribution these experiences have made to your growth as a person, student and/or

While I do not hold much work experience up my sleeve, I have had many encounters. Ive been given the opportunity to
amaze others around me with a camera and a lens. While I do not receive the credit I believe I deserve, I am overall happy
to be given as many chances as Ive been given to make others proud of my work.
Although, I am not a licensed therapist, I find comfort in being able to make others realize their worth. I find knowledge of
anything can come to anyone at anytime, not just with age. From a young age I grasped onto situations I shouldnt have
learned until I was older, but I gained experience of it with what little vocabulary I had at the time. I know much of my
past has many to do with the words I;ve pieced together for others.

What have you accomplished personally and/or academically that you are proud of?

Personally, over the years I have accomplished more than I can compensate for. Ive broken down barriers and confided in
others I never thought Id be able to trust as much as I do. I never thought I would ever tear down the wall of shyness I
hid myself behind, but somehow I managed that too and let new beings in. Academically, Ive excelled moderately,
likewise I am not the perfect student, but I do work hard. I am proud of being able to speak in front of others, although I
still do get rather nervous, I can do it- thats what matters. Ive never received many awards while in high school, no more
than participation, but its not a big deal to me as long as I know the little things I do are what makes me proud.

What motivates you or what is important to you as a person, student and/or employee?

As a student, I find deadlines to be a personal motivation because they are serious business when it comes down to meeting
I find others around me to be encouragement as well- seeing how hard they work or how hard they dont work makes me
want to achieve just slightly more than they can and keep working towards being two-steps ahead.
My future more than anything motivates me as twelve years of free education is coming to an end. The reality of having to
provide for myself has to be taking the biggest toll on me to ensure my grades are perfect and I understand each concept

Identify your preferred career pathway(s) and specific career(s) of interest. Explain why you have chosen this
pathway based on how it fits your interests and personal characteristics.

As stated before, I intend to spend my future career helping people in the line of Social Work because I feel it is my duty to
be sure that others know it is possible to turn their life around make positive changes whether it be due to abuse or lack of
nutrition. I need to ensure others can make those changes and continue long after their recovery. I know this fits my
personal traits because Ive always been a helpful person, Ive always reached out to others because if I didnt, who else
would? I dont feel right unless Im helping someone and making sure theyre okay. I hold the patience and stress level to
fulfill and interpret the goals of others. I am of friendly nature and only hold good intentions for those I cross paths with.

Where Am I Going?
**Use SMART goal Criteria (S=Specific, M=Measurable, A=Action-Oriented, R=Realistic, T=Timely)

Identify your personal goals.

o Short term SMART goal(s)what you expect to accomplish in your personal life this school or calendar

Graduate with a GPA higher than 3.33.

Receive the best grades Ive ever gotten
Leave a legacy on campus
Receive the diploma I spent 12 years in school for

Achieve happiness and maintain a decent social life

Make others around me happy
Keep a positive attitude
Maintain a neutral mood even when things get bad

Long term SMART goal(s)what you expect to have accomplished in your personal life post high school

A happy and healthier lifestyle

Good mental health

Taking responsibility for myself

(i.e. go to class and study, get a job, etc0

Make new friends

Graduate from college with my Masters Degree

Look out for family and others the way they did when I was growing up

Identify your career goals.


Short term SMART goal(s)what you expect to accomplish this school or calendar year regarding your
future education, training and/or employment in your chosen career pathway(s)

Ensure I study more than I have before

Learn more from action rather than textbooks

Learn that Im not always gonna be the best at what I love to do, but still try my best to be

Become more fluent in asking better questions

Be a role model for others when they need one

Long term SMART goal(s)what you expect to have accomplished post high school graduation
regarding your education, training and/or employment in your chosen career pathway(s)

101 knowledge based off my major
Learn more about the brain and how it works for others
Create bonds with future professors to ensure I am not afraid to ask questions
Get a job that is similar to my future career
Make my own money to be able to help pay for my future living as a college student
Experience the world for myself and let reality kick in

How Will I Get There?

What have you done in the past to prepare you for pursuit of your personal and career goals?

Consider classes you have taken, activities you have been involved in, career planning and preparation
experiences, etc.

Taken part in PALs (peer assisted learning) in which specializes in interacting with special ed
kids, while it may not exactly pertain to my future major it does give me more experience on
helping others and making sure they entertained as well as happy.

Gone to a therapist's office to learn what to ask and when to speak to people as we gain more
knowledge of the person

Gone out of my own way to have others confide in me for help when they had no one else to turn

Put my feelings aside for the sake of others

Learned how to maintain a neutral stress level

Understand I need to be calm and collect even if I dont want to be doing a certain thing

What are you doing presently that is contributing to your growth as a person, student and/or employee?

While I have put many ahead of me before myself, I have currently been learning to take my own feelings
into consideration for my own mental health purposes

I am teaching myself how to maintain a friendly and mature personality to lock in others who need help or
just a friend to talk to

I am maintaining a healthy lifestyle to ensure I am happy with myself to keep positivity up for others


Reflect on your personal and educational preparation for the future. How prepared are you to begin pursuit of your
o Although I still find myself to be on edge of pursuing my goals, I am more than definitely ready to pursue
my future goals in the classroom and in the comfort of my own living quarters. While I am still young and
growing I am learning that Im not supposed to know everything step by step yet because things can
change that will affect my future. No one can exactly have a full plan without something going differently
because things werent all meant to go to plan, they were meant to happen by surprise and astonish those
it took a toll on.

End with an interesting final comment that wraps up the content of your presentation. Some possibilities include
revisiting your attention getting device, recapping or summarizing the presentation, and reflecting on the
knowledge gained through this process.

Some may believe 17 or 18 is still too young to understand the way we're supposed to live.
Some believe youth will never understand how difficult it can be to take responsibility for
yourself and the others that will later come into play. No, were not going to know
EVERYTHING we need to know at a certain point. Life is all about learning and accepting
the things around you for what they are. If you dont like something, it is simply up to you
to change it in hopes of making the right decision. While not all youth are ready to take on
the world, other are willing to accept the challenge and pursue something better than the
ones who raised them to ensure they are forever taken care of the way their elders cared for
them through 18+ years of individual change.

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