Anna Harvey Letter

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From: Fisher, Britnee A Sent: Friday, November 04, 2036 235 PM To: Fisher, Britaee A Subject: FW: eter of ee wm: Harvey, Anne Sent: Tuesday, September 27,2016 2:17 PM. To: Fisher, Britnee A Subject letter ofree ‘This note is meant to serve as an acknowledgment and gratitude of Brittnee Fisher's many efforts on behalf of myself, SIR Students and the College itself. Brittnee i a true staple of SUR State Library Team and I commend her for her endless efforts to ensure a rewarding, and enriching college experience where studeats enjoy learning and meet all learning outcomes, with the least amount of frustration as possible. She is patient with our students, and is very knowledgeable ofthe resources available atthe library. Brittnee always strives to assist ‘whenever, and wherever she can. This dedication is truly appreciated, and very visible in her many effort, especially toward the end ofthe semester when all my classes need her individual attention as the students in @ very often panicked state, are searching for information for their esearch papers. The library information sessions are integral in my courses a they are highly informative and very valuable to my students, as many students are unaware ofthe resources SIR State has available to them, or do not have the skills needed to locate Accurate and reliable research fr their research papers. Moreover, Britinee efforts in uploading various documents, worksheets and instructional guidelines every semester in te library site which is designated for my courses is also appreciated, as each semester numerous students access that information to review the instructions forthe research papers Britieeis also a very valuable asset in my online courses. The extra effort that Brittnee extend such as ‘customizing instructional research videos forall my online courses are also greatly appreciated by my online students who have given me very positive feedback on helpfulness ofthe instructional videos in ther research. ‘Online students, in particular, need assistance in leaming how to find reliable and scientific research, as they are ‘not on campus where the linrary, desk assistance and resources are located, thus the video's instructing them how to maneuver within the library system and access research databases is essential in order forthe to achieve assolid grade on their research paper. Britnee has proven herself tobe a true asset tothe faculty, students and SIR State, Her assistance has made a dlference tothe lve of our students and tothe faculty that serves them. Weare very /happy that she son the Library staff and greatly appreciate the assistance ‘Ana Harvey Faculty St. Johns River State College

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