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Torched and restored

By Matt B

The Setup:
First take a card and put a piece of wax on the back in the corner.
Then take another card and stick it to the first. So it looks like one
card. Now place this card on the bottom of the deck.

The Routine:
1. Do a Hindu Force and force the gimmicked card.
2. Now place the forced card face up on top of the deck and
have it signed.

3. Place the deck on the table

4. Take the gimmicked card and give it a spin in the air and
catch with other hand.

5. Fold the card (actually 2) short ways and then long ways.

6. Now secretly fold the signed card into a packet but leave the
other card in the same position (unfolded).

7. Now tear the other card.

8. Then go to look for a lighter in your pocket and ditch the fake
torn pieces. Now your left with the real card just folded up.

9. Take the lighter and burn it for 1 second then blew it out.
While blowing it out flip the card open (this adds nice effect).

Watch the demo to get the patter and anything you dont

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