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THE MOORISH NATIONAL REPUBLIC THE MOORISH DIVINE AND NATIONAL MOVEMENT OF THE WORLD Northwest Amexem / Northwest Africa / North America “The North Gate’ Societas Republicae Ea Al Maurikanos Aboriginal and Indigenous Natural Peoples of the Land The true and de jure Al Moroccans / Americans Affidavit of Fact Writ of Mandamus Notice to the Agent is Notice to the Principal — Notice to the Principal is notice to the Agent. 3" of November 1436 M.C. (2016 C.C.Y.) Amruakey Guamanaco El, Authorized Representative Natural Person, In Propria Persona, Sui Juris Ex Relatione: ROCH LABOSSIERE Alll Rights Reserved: U.C.C. 1-207/ 1-308; U.C.C. 1-103 Not a Corporate Entity or Legal Person, Misrepresented by Fraudulent Construct of ALL CAPITAL LETTERS c/o 253 Goyette Near Longueuil, Quebec [145 2X1] Kebek Territory Non-Domestic / Non-Resident ‘Northwest Amexem (Al Maroc) v. THE MUNICIPAL COURT OF LONGUEUIL et al. Judge Jean Herbert et al. Patrick Savard, Director General of Administr etal. COMES NOW, Amruakey Guamanaco El, Natural Person, In Propria Persona Sui Juris (not to be confused with, nor substituted by, Pro Se by unauthorized hand of another). I am Aboriginal Indigenous Moorish-American; by Jus Sanguinis (Ancient Arahuaco, Ancient Xi, Ancient Moabite) via the boundary landmass known as Kiskeya [HAITI / HISPANIOLA / ST- DOMINGUE] and Americana (the Atlantis Islands) (Caribbean Islands] possessing Free-hold by Inheritance and Primogeniture Status; standing squarely Affirmed, aligned and bound to the Zodiac Constitution, with all due respect and honors given to the American Constitution 1791 adopted for the Union States of America, Republic, North America. Being a descendant of ‘Moroccans and born in America, with the blood of the Ancient Moabites from the Land of Moab, who received permission from the Pharaohs of Egypt to settle and inhabit North-West Africa / North Gate, The Moors are the founders and are the true possessors of the present Moroccan Empire; with our Canaanite, Hittite and Amorite brethren, who sojoumed from the land of Canaan, seeking new homes. Our dominion and inhabitation extended from Northeast and Southwest Africa, across the Great Atlantis, even unto the present North, South and Central ‘America and the Adjoining Islands-bound squarely affirmed to THE TREATY OF PEACE AND FRIENDSHIP OF SEVENTEEN HUNDRED AND EIGHTY-SEVEN (1787) A.D. superseded ‘THE TREATY OF PEACE ANI NDSHIP OF 1836 A.D. ‘Between Morocco and the United States Article 20 “LE. any of the Citizens of the United States, or any Persons under their Protection, shall have any disputes with each other, the Consul shall decide between the Parties, and whenever the Consul shall require any ‘Aid or Assistance from our Government, to enforce his decisions, it shall be immediately granted to him.” Article 21. “If any Citizen of the United States should kill or wound a Moor, or, on the contrary, ifa Moor shall kill or ‘wound a Citizen of the United States, the Law of the Country shall take place, and equal Justice shall be rendered, the Consul assisti ‘Trial; and if any Delinquent shall sul shall not be answerable for him in any manner whatever.” “Canada acceding to this confederation, and adjoining in the measures of the United States, shall be admitted into, and entitled to all the advantages of this Union; but no ‘other colony shall be admitted into the same, unless such admission be agreed to by nine States.” Article XI, The Articles of Confederation, 1781 This information has been set out as this Writ of Mandamus to order Judge Jean Herbert, Patrick Savard et al. of the MUNICIPAL COURT OF LONGUEUIL (municipal ministerial tribunal) to vacate and to void the ticket/suit/(misrepresented) Bill of Exchange #12834021 as the Special ‘Appearance made and Affidavit of fact/Writ or Error - Evidence Information Discovery and Disclosure submitted were not answered and were not honored. In support of this demand I state for the record the following: 1. A ticket/suit/(misrepresented) Bill of Exchange #12 834 021 dated March 13", 2016 was issued from a public servant (name in ALL CAPITAL LETTERS) in regards to a claim made by THE CITY OF LONGUEUIL, Judge Jean Herbert, Patrick Savard et al. The ticket mentioned that an infraction was committed; for parking on a concrete sidewalk, “The right to Park or Travel is part of the Liberty of which the Natural Person and citizen cannot be deprived without “due process’ under the Fifth Amendment of the United States Constitution.” Kent v. Dulles 357 US 116, 125 “The use of the highways for the purpose of travel and transportation is not a mere privilege, but a common and fundamental right of which the public and Natural ‘Beings cannot be deprived." Chicago Motor Coach v. Chicago 337 Ilinois 200, 169, NE 22, ALR, Ligare v. Chicago 139 ILL, 46, 28 HE 934, Boone v. Clark 214 ‘SW 607, 25 AM jur (I"), Highways, sec. 163 “A highway includes all public ways which the public generally has right to use for passage and traffic, and included streets in cities sidewalks, turnpikes and bridges.” Central Il, Coal Mining Co. v Illinois Power Co., 249 Ill. App. 199. 2. On April 12, 2016, I made a Special Appearance to clear up this matter as a Natural Person in Propria Persona, Sui Juris (article 959, Quebec Code of Civil Procedure) at THE MUNICIPAL COURT OF LONGUEUIL, Judge Jean Herbert, Patrick Savard et al. 1 carefully indicate on the ticket “No Plea, Lawful Excuse” by referring to Criminal Code #15, #126, #794 and articles #24 and #53 of the Canadian Constitution Act, 1982. I contested the MUNICIPAL COURT OF LONGUEUIL, Judge Jean Herbert, Patrick Savard et al. by producing a proof of claim: was public servant working at the time the ticket was issued? It was further stated to provide the information within ten (10) days of receipt. 3. Following the Special Appearance 1 made on April 12", 2016, a correspondence dated April 13", 2016 was issued from THE MUNICIPAL COURT of LONGUEUIL, Judge Jean Herbert, Patrick Savard et al. The correspondence was not honoring the Special ‘Appearance I made for the Record as a Natural Person in Propria Persona. An act of an improper service committed by THE MUNICIPAL COURT OF LONGUEUIL, Judge Jean Herbert, Patrick Savard et al. 10. M. 12, ‘The context of the content [Maritime Law] used in the correspondence dated April 13", 2016 violated my ienable rights by forcing the Natural Person, Amruakey Guamanaco: El, to mark on the ticket #12 834 021 “I PLEAD guilty” or “I PLEAD not guilty”. This violation committed by THE MUNICIPAL COURT OF LONGUEUIL, Judge Jean Herbert, Patrick Savard et al. was an act of duress and threat in order to gain. jurisdiction ‘over the Natural Person Amruakey Guamanaco El, In Propria Persona Sui Juris. ‘The Notice of Judgment dated August 29" 2016 issued from THE MUNICIPAL COURT OF LONGUEUIL, Judge Jean Herbert, Patrick Savard et al. was addressed to the corporate entity, ROCH LABOSSIERE. THE MUNICIPAL COURT OF LONGUEUIL, Judge Jean Herbert, Patrick Savard et al. assumed jurisdiction over the Natural Person (Attempt to gain of Personam Jurisdiction). The Notice of Judgment dated August 29" 2016 issued from THE MUNICIPAL COURT OF LONGUEUIL, Judge Jean Herbert, Patrick Savard et al. contained an unlawful claim. This was a second violation and an act of duress and threat committed by THE MUNICIPAL COURT OF LONGUEUIL, Judge Jean Herbert, Patrick Savard et al. I clearly stated for the Record on April 122016, during my Special Appearance that I, Amruakey Guamanaco El, a Natural Person, am not a corporate entity. “When acting to enforce a statute and its subsequent amendments to the present date, the judge of the municipal court is acting as an administrative officer and not in a judicial capacity: court in administering or enforcing statutes do not act ‘judicially, but merely ministerially.” Thompson v. Smith, 154 Se 583 “Ministerial officers are incompetent to receive grants of judicial power from the legislature, their acts in attempting to exercises such powers are necessarily ‘ullities.” Burns v Sup Ct. SF, 140 Cal 1. On September 21", 2016, a Affidavit of fact/Writ or Error - Evidence Information Discovery and Disclosure was sent certified mail, to Patrick Savard, Director General of Administration, et. al., to vacate and to void the ticket/suiv(misrepresented) Bill of Exchange #12834021, which is @ violation of the Substantive Rights of the Natural People and Citizens; and affirmatively ruled as unconstitutional by the Supreme Court of ‘the United States of North America. This was a Lawful Demand, under the rule of Discovery. It was further stated to respond within ten (10) days of receipt of this Notice of Discovery. On September 23", 2016, Patrick Savard, Director General of Administration of THE CITY OF LONGUEUIL, et al. received the Affidavit of fact/Writ or Error - Evidence Information Discovery and Disclosure. On October 13" 2016, THE MUNICIPAL COURT OF LONGUEUIL, Judge Jean Herbert, Patrick Savard et al. issued a ‘Final Notice’ and addressed it to the corporate entity, ROCH LABOSSIERE. This is evidence of an act of improper service committed by THE MUNICIPAL COURT OF LONGUEUIL, Judge Jean Herbert, Patrick Savard et al. The correspondence dated October 13", 2016 made by THE MUNICIPAL COURT OF LONGUEUIL, Judge Jean Herbert, Patrick Savard et al. was issued fifteen days (15) after the reception of the Affidavit of fact/Writ or Error - Evidence Information Discovery and Disclosure. This is evidence of an act of dishonor committed by The MUNICIPAL COURT OF LONGUEUIL Judge Jean Herbert, Patrick Savard et al. The correspondence dated October 13, 2016 issued from THE MUNICIPAL COURT OF LONGUEUIL, Judge Jean Herbert, Patrick Savard et al. persisted with the unlawful claim to be paid without due process of Law. This act as shown in the enclosure represents an evidence of dishonor, extortion and grand larceny. “Courts in administrative issues are prohibited from even listening 10 or hearing arguments, presentation, or rational.” ASIS v. US, $68 F2d 284 13. The correspondence dated October 13", 2016 issued from THE MUNICIPAL COURT OF LONGUEUIL, Judge Jean Herbert, Patrick Savard et al. mentioned that it will issue a ‘mandate of seizure and that additional fees will be added to the file. This act as shown in the enclosure represents an evidence of duress, threat, coercion, extortion, grand larceny and act of war against the Aboriginal and Indigenous Natural People of the Land (Moors, ] Mu'urs). THE MUNICIPAL COURT OF LONGUEUIL, Judge Jean Herbert, Patrick Savard et al. clearly demonstrate an unlawful behavior to act against the Supreme Law of Canada: Everyone has the right to be secure against unreasonable search or seizure. Canadian Constitution Act of 1982, article 8 I state for the Record that a contract has to be disclosed as this is the premise for a claim and without it there can be no claims ~ All Law is Contract. Arguments in Support of Writ of Mandamus All Law is contract therefore in order for any claim to be made the contract must be produced. For a Magistrate to imply that my Special Appearance as a Natural Person does not have to be honored is a violation of my Constitutionally Secured Rights to Due Process of Law. “No avenue of resolve is available domestically, all court are courts of commerce, not of law.” David Butterfield, Edueator and Defender of Universally Recognized Human Rights and Fundamental Freedom The $* Amendment required that ll persons within the United States must be given due process ofthe law and equal protection ofthe lr. “The Constitution for the United States of America binds all judicial officers at Article 6, wherein it does say, “This Constitution and the Laws of the United States which shall be made in pursuance thereof, and all Treaties made, or which shall be made under the authority of the United States, shall be the Supreme Law of the Land, and the Judges of every State shall be bound thereby, anything in the Constitution or laws ‘of any state to the Contrary, not withstanding,” see Clause 2.” “The parties to the Compact of the United States Constitution further agreed that the enumeration in the Constitution of certain Rights shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the People (Article 9 of the Bill of Rights to the Constitution for the United States)” As a public servant who should be well versed in law, all magistrates knowingly committed treason and Jraud as they knowingly have been administering in a capacity which they do not have jurisdiction, delegation of authority, or judicial powers delegated from Congress pursuant to the American Constitution 1791. “Ministerial officers are incompetent to receive grants of judicial power from the legislature, their acts in attempting to exercise such powers re necessarily nullities”. Burns v. Supp. Ct, SF. 140 Cal. 1. “Traffic infractions are not a crime.” People v. Battle, 50 Cal-App. 3, step 1, Super, 123 Cal.Rptr. 636, 639 “A court cannot acquire jurisdiction to try a person for an act made criminal only by an unconstitutional Jaw, and thus, an offense created by an unconstitutional statute, is no ionger a crime and a conviction under such stature cannot be a legal cause for imprisonment.” State v. Benzel, 583 N.W.2d 434, 220 Wis.2d 588 (1998) “The law requires proof of jurisdiction to appear on the record of the administrative agency and all administrative proceedings.” Hagans v, Lavine, 415 U.S. $33 “Once challenged, jurisdiction cannot be ‘assumed’ it must proved to exist.” Stuck v. Medical Eaminers, 94 Ca.2d 751, 211 P. 25 389 “a void judgment, order or decree may be attacked at any time in any court, either directly or collaterally.” Soak Park Nat. Bank v Peoples Gas Light & Coke Col, 46 Il. Ano.2d 385. 197 NF 2d 72. Nature of Relief action seeks the Court to, [As the Special Appearance and Writ or Error Disclosure were not honored, the ticket/sui Sought - Evidence Information Discovery and iv(misrepresented) Bill of Exchange #1283402 must be dismissed and expunged from the Record. order that they may no longer injure the People. ‘That all magistrates having unclean hands be removed and charges be brought against in 1 Respectfully, with “Good Faith’ and with Honor, by right to unhindered Due ~ Process, submit this ‘Writ of Mandamus’. I ‘Affirm’ that all statements, facts and information presented in this ‘Affidavit / Writ are correct and true; and are presented as Evidence for the Record. 1Am: Affiant: Amruakey @uamanaco El, ‘Natural Person, In Propria Persona, Sui Juris Authorized Representati ROCH LABOSSIERE Ee ive, Ex Relatione: All Rights Reserved: U.C.C. 1-207/ 1-308; U.C.C. 1-103; Witness: United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights Prince Zeid Ra’ad Al-Hussein Universal Postal Union Director General Bishar Abdirahman Hussein Great Seal National Association of Moorish Affairs (G.S.N.AM.A) Minister: Taj Tarik Bey “The Moorish Science Temple of America Canaanland Consul StatesSeoretary: Amaury Sisw"El Bey The Governor General of Canada ‘The Honorable David Johnston Ministry of Justice ‘Atomey General of Quebec Stéphanie Vallée International Criminal Court President Silvia Fernandez de Gurmendi International Court of Justice Peace Palace The Hague Netherland ‘The Moorish Science Temple of America Canaanland Consul Grand Sheik: Kudjo Adwo El INTERPOL. Lyon, France Canada Justice Department Attomey General of Canada Jody Wilson-Raybould Court of Appeal af Quebec Supreme Court of Canada WSFBWEuil eauimanitrae sg tongueun DERNIER AVIS. ongueuil (Québec) Jak SHS. Renseignements — Information (450) 463-7006 Telécopieur : (450) 646-8444 pas tacos {OVA EA [ aore-00-13 | 2ote-to-13 122.008 LABOSSIERE, ROCH 253 RUE GOYETTE Ny LONGUEUIL, ac 4d 2x1 Vous n'avez pas payé dans les délais prévus l'amende et les frais de la cause mentionnée cay Votre paiement doit nous parvenir dans les quinze(15) jours, sans quoi : 1-La Société de l'assurance automobile du Québec peut appliquer les sanctions AN ® Votre permis de conduire sera suspendu ; © Vous ne pourrez immatriculer un véhicule a votre nom ; . © Vous ne pourrez mettre en circulation, transférer limmatriculation ou mettre au rancart un véhicule déja immatriculé & votre nom 2- Un mandat de saisie sera remis 4 nos huissiers. En conséquence, des frais additionnels s'ajouteront a votre dossier. pyS EG Wise 2150 se NUS aes) Saisie WL presse Ndr DERNIER AVIS} IGngUeuil Cour municioal fy ongu ‘ix DERNIER AVIS {AO 0 ¥ a ‘assa021 ore-oo-1a | zore-t0-18 A ‘Montant 40 LABOSSIERE, ROCH 4 122.008 253 RUE GOYETTE CS, LONGUEUIL, ac 4, S45 2X1 Ye PS: Ignorez cet avis si le paiement a déja été fait, Inscrire le montant du paiement : Veulllez retourner cette partie avec votre paiement

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