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Chapter 1

March 30, 2016 / albertkenoreijou

Suddenly, Mary Albert recalled everything.
In the midst of the school opening ceremony, whilst the principal was ending his incessant
speeches with a bow, of which, his bald head was perfectly reflecting the daylight.
At that moment it occurred to her that this world is an Otome-game she had played in her
previous life, it was so sudden, and those memories were over-flowing.
The content of the game was indeed simple.
A transfer student named Alicia, was enrolled to St. Karelia, an aristocracy school; while having
an everyday school life she would encounter splendid gentlemen to fall in love to. more or
Of course, all of the capture targets were high-specs ones, with the theme of the game as love of
different status, they naturally were bunches of high-pedigrees nobles. Moreover, the heroine
Alicia turned out to be the missing princess and as the story progress it revealed some Cinderella
elements had been added into it.
An ordinary templates, in a very safe line for promoting sales.
In addition of the recycled royalty story, the illustration and systems were well done, as I
remembered back there were even a fan-disk and a sequel which doubling its popularity sales
on the released day.

By the way, Mary Albert was a villainous character. Her family background was only second in
power from the Royal Families, a spoil-rotten and arrogant to boot that had been harassing the
heroine in every opportunity, undeniably a villainous girl.
In the games climax, as the tied heroine Alicia was saved by the hero, for all the bad things she
had done, her entire family was met with destructionirrefutably, an utmost miserable
end of Mary in the game.
The so-called villainous girls downfall route- a development which incurred the player to
spontaneously say serve you right.
As abundance of recollections had entered her head in an instant, Marys inner mind was
swirling in confusion.

The bald principal long-winded speeches went from her right ear to left without being registered.

Unmistakably, I am the villainous girl from that game.

Blessed with beauty, an intelligent, rolled silvery haired, egoistic Ojou-sama.

A natural image of no matter how she wished to have a straight-perm, yet as soon as her hairdresser proclaimed they had finished; poof the end product would be those rolled haired again.
Of course, it would baffle the charismatic beautician to the point they were tempted to use their
scissors for the sake of ruining these perfect rolls.

Thinking about it was already a painful thing, furthermore when I tilt even a little, these curls
would sway from both side, truly infuriating.
That was due of the restraining power from the game, regardless for me to become that
villainous Mary there must be essential reasons I could agree upon.. Indeed I had several

Above all, there was preceding urgent matter than this drill-shaped hair, which would be
Marys predetermined end.
If she let things continued on, her miserable end would be set in stone. If she placed herself on
the charismatic beauticians shoes, changing the wheel of fate seemed to be a not so easy task.
Henceforth, her only path was to proceed as the villainous girl, waiting for the prearranged

If it likes that, its better if I positively march forward to the destruction end!

Why you can arrive on such conclusion!?

Without a tint of hesitation on her clear orbs, in result her attendant, Addie, was reduced to
tsukkomi* role.
Amber-colored hair and eyes, a tall build with lean muscular tone, giving an impression and
resemblance of a manly streaked, that however was lost as he heaved a sigh in amazement.

His family for several generations had served the Albert House, and he who was five years older,
by right couldnt be allowed to enroll in St. Karelia.
Even wearing the boys uniforms was all thanks to Marys order.
Enrolled as a High School student and worship me! was what she declared, strictly speaking,
abusing her power Adi became an exception to be her attendant at school.
Well, this evidently showed the might of Albert Houses authority.
Inside the desolated area of the dining hall, these two, Addie and Mary both put a business-like
face. The topic of their conversation was obviously pertaining Marys sudden remembrance a
few hours ago.

Nevertheless Ojou-sama, for this world to be a game in your previous life.

What Addie, you, a mere attendant, are doubting me?
Yes, I truly cant bring myself to believe it.
You affirmed it without any reservation, huh. Well, thats alright, it cant be helped if you
dont believe it. However, indisputably, this world is the exact replica of an Otome game.

Under the pressure of Marys serious gaze, Adi nodded.

Yet, for instances that Adi was able to trust her words, a significant question remained.
Leaving aside the matter of whether this world is an Otome game or not..

Hypothetically speaking, if what Ojou-sama said was true, knowing the consequence of your
deeds, why are you still persisting to take a villainous role?

Well, thats the main issue. From the second Mary was born into Albert House, her downfall
route was already put into motion, right? Therefore I should just jump to that bottomless pit!
..Err; I see I have no say in it**. So, if this world is really a game, what type of
game is it?
Since Adi was asking for the title, Mary racked her brain. What is it again? I think its acronym is
Dora-gaku, the official title is

Ah I remember! Its Doki-doki Love Gakuen ~ Koisuru Otome to Omoide no Ouji!

Uwaa, what an extreme onehow could they come up with such title?
Its way better than youre popular Big-busted 2, an after-school private lesson with your lewd
Ojou!! Why do you know my erotic books title! Dont just enter other peoples room as you
Who would enter your room?! Youre the one who mistakenly returned the wrong book!
Please forgive me~!
Whilst savoring a cup of Black Tea and holding a book in one of my hand; thence I opened that
book and jumped in shock before accidentally spilled the tea and wetting myself in return, can
you imagine my suffering! Give my 4 oclock afternoon tea time back!
Im reflecting!

The duo bickered until they lost their breaths.

And after inhaling a mouthful of air, the pair quickly agreed to return to the previous subject.
Rather than the big-busted School, St. Karelia problem came first.

And so according to the game scenario, Ojou will play as a villainous character, right?
Thats right. Cornering the heroine, Ill head onward to destruction end!
Why are you that determined to lung yourself so recklessly***hah, very well, Ill
accompany you.

Heaving a sigh, Addie stood up.

Seeing that, Mary also stood up, bracing herself with a determination akin to unsheathing**** a

Now, to downfall route! The one who will have the last laugh is me!!

Fight! Or so she proclaimed, the exhausted Addie who couldnt mutter any strength to respond
back, raised both his hands.
*Tsukkomi: the clever one in duo comedy Tsukkomi Boke
**He actually said, I havent said anything but hinting that no matter what his opinion is, Mary
wont take it into consideration
***In Japanese, why are you so eager to run backwards? but it doesnt make sense in English
**** It should be wielding instead of unsheathing, however its more correct to say her
determination is equal to wielding a sword for a war. Yeah, its more or less an idiom, but
unsheathing sounds more legit(cooler), right?

Chapter 2
April 1, 2016 / albertkenoreijou
So, first and foremost we must locate the heroine ?

Whispered Addie in a low voice, Mary who was below him nodded.
They were in a passageway which interconnected the dining hall and students dormitory. At the
intersection, hiding behind the wall, to perceive the situation, those two were doing an
As of today school agenda ended with the opening ceremony; almost the entire students have
already gone back. Including the students who stayed at dormitory, they were either resting for
morrow first lesson or going outside to play.
Since theres nothing interesting to look upon here and its still early for them to go back. Hence,
for a while, none will cross this path. Lets wait and take a peek until the heroine passes.

..Thus, two weirdo were nuzzling themselves, peering behind an intersection wall.

If my memories serves right, in the anime opening the heroine would go through this path. I had
always skipped it, so Im not sure.
You should watch it. The creator gonna cry.
Well, its repetitive! Err, forget it, look, shes coming!
To avoid being discovered, they silently perked their ears, huddling snugly on the wall.
On their sights, a girl sporting St. Karelia uniform was plodding while pulling a brown case.
Apprehensively looking at a map in one hand, unquestionably she was a portrayal of a lost
Finding everything scattered in aristocrats school as astounding phenomenon, the girl let out a
long breath.

According to Marys memories, in the anime opening as the heroine treaded the passageway
she muttered Its amazing and Did I really come to this place?

Is that her?
Yes. Shes the heroine, Alicia.
I see. That girlhuhshe

As Addie was staring at Alicia, their gaze eventually met.

Realizing that*, Mary replied with an understanding look and nodded.

She is cute.
As expected of the heroine, shes incredibly cute.
Her straight chest-long golden lock was strikingly bathed in the sunlight, and her slender body
that seemed so dainty was unequivocally endearing. A girl with golden hair and purplish eyes,
speaking enthusiastically for a refreshing school lives truly made an ephemeral image.
The so-called beautiful mademoiselle Even the game depicted her as an average girl, it
was but a falsehood.
Anyway, Alicia is cute, I can fathom why the boys in school fall in love with her, and its a no

An extraordinarily cute girl, huh.Plus she has got golden hair and purplishpurplish eyes!
A proof of Royalties!
Hey, dont just drop a huge bombshell in the early stage of the anime opening. Its supposed to
be a spoiler in the end!
Theyre exactly the same with the Queens, its way pass the point of bizarre to not realize it
Dont tell me such a thing. Ah, shes coming. Yosh, Lets us greet her!

Its villains arrival time! The enthusiastic Mary popped from around the corner.
Startled by it, Alicia nervously asked with wide-eyes, Who are you?
Her frightened mien and slight tilt of her head was simply cute. Against the appeal belong solely
to a heroines character, Here, May we show her the greatness of the villain roles! Mary
We must settle it at this juncture. Now, for Alicia whos going to experience a lovey-dovey school
lives, its a necessity to imprint who eventually be her adversary.

Um, are you perhaps a student of this school?

Me? My name is Mary, Mary from the Albert Household.
Albert House Oh my, please forgive my blunder for speaking informally! I had no qualm
that youre an Albert!
Well, it cant be helped for a commoner like you to be ignorant. And, your name?
Ah, its Alicia. From today on Im going to attend this school, please to meet you**!
Oh my, do you think a commoner can have the leisure of becoming close to me?

Cease me from your humor, Mary purposefully scoffed at Alicia. Her gestures and cold gaze
thoroughly eluded a villainous vibe.
Seeing Marys demeanor, Alicia inhaled a bit of air and sullenly murmured with an apologetic
expression I see thats to be expected

R-right, Im sorry to let my intention out.. Um, at the very least, please tell me one thing.
Oh my, whats it?
Yes, uhm.. I dont know where the dormitory receptionist

Where should I go? Alicia added in small voice. Mary and Addie looked at each other.

Dormitory receptionist. Uhm, Alicia-chan, its on the complete opposite direction.

Eh!? Is that so?
Are you perchance having no sense of direction? To saunter along a place you cant recognize,
theres a limit in being shallow. Each dormitory has its own receptionist, isnt it a common
Thats too much.. There are countless buildings; I dont know where to go.
Dormitory receptionist for external students should be on the second building. Ojou, do you
know the shortcut to go there?
Cut straight to that building in front of us and pass the school building after it, you can go there
through the hallway. However, the teachers are most likely to go home early today, can the stupid
you arrive on time?
I, I understand, Ill promptly go! Thank you very much!

Bowing, Alicia hastily went to the opposite direction.

Her golden hair fluttered as she ran, her trunk case making a loud sound.
Thats spitting image of clumsy girl. Right, in my recollections, Dora-gaku described Alicia as
a little clumsy girl. Of course, it was promoted as her strong point rather than a minus in her
Watching Alicias fleeing form; Mary thus placed her eyes on Adi.

Did I behave like a Villain?

Yet, his response

No, youre a sincere person in every aspect.

Was a heartless one

*Hearing what Addie said
** it has double meaning with, let us get along or lets work together or
please guide me

Chapter 3
April 5, 2016 / albertkenoreijou
Doki-doki Love Gakuen ~ Koisuru Otome to Omoide no Ouji, shorten as Dora-gaku; set
Mary Alberts Household as the second power holder subsequent to the Royal Families.
She had always dressed in expensive garments; as might be expected her school uniform was
haute couture.
Affluent with fortune she tended to be in charge of everything and did whatsoever she wants.
She had relentlessly taunted the heroines commoner sense into realizing their immense disparity
in financial weight. Hence, Marys flaunting event scenes were termed the archetypal

Heh~, The Ojou in game has such lavish expenditures, huh?

Thats right. After bragging about something, shed shot Oh my, isnt it stinks of plebeian
here? at Alicias personal belongings.
Again with the typical..

Theres nothing unexpected about it Addie equivocated and Mary nodded in consent. Even both
were nobles, even having an identical name Mary Albert; that Mary has poor intrapersonal
But alas, this worlds reality is almost all of the nobles are accumulation of prides.
A princess imprisoned by the cage of Albert House, for Mary, spending her parents wealth to
obtain anything she desires was a matter of fact. For instance getting numerous horse-carriages
or had a villa built as her birthday present. Since her favorite foods were foe gras and caviar,
shed invite first-class patisseries to create them in her parties.
The games Mary was possibly pompous in this fashion; likewise shed boast her affluence by
proclaiming Im the winner. A girl born from Albert House, withal how prestigious her
opponents lineage is they are compelled to admit defeat* and listen on her tall talk.

Howbeit, the real Mary has infinitesimal self-importance, everything new unfolding before her
has constantly generated her ebullient reactions. One house-carriage is plenty; the archaic villa
hasnt posed any problem in accommodating her stay by far either**.
But, I have to be arrogant henceforth.
Speaking of arrogant, I havent yet seen you bragging Ojou. Also, youd never buy anything
expensive. Whys that?
Even you ask why, I did buy things I want and I ate whatever I wish.
By the way, nowadays what do you want the most?
Someones dismissal
..Ojous favorite food?
A dismissal letter is pretty hard to get, well I did get it but it disappeared when its still halfcompleted. Hey Addie, are you aware where your dismissal letter has gone?
No, I havent the slightest idea. Perhaps, a dwarf living inside your room has stolen it.
What a fantastical answer.
That wasnt me, leaving aside a dismissal letter which has no correlation to me, Ojous
favorite food is?

To Addie who faked a cough to change the topic back, Mary muffled, My favorite food and
her face soon brightened.

Is Croquette!
Ojou, with that kind of level please dont be so proud***

Blowing a deep breath, Addie directed his sight on the menu.

Incidentally, they were in the third building dining hall. Given that it was lunch break, it was
Among them, Mary and Addie were looking at the lunch menu lists while lining up for their turn.

If it was Dora-gaku Mary, once she entered, shed take a seat and adjure Hurry up Addie!
unfortunately, Mary didnt do such eye-catching endeavors.
On the contrary, observing the compact dining hall, she nonchalantly uttered We should have
taken a seat first. Unlike from Dora-gaku one, Mary would never force others to give her their
seat either.

At any rate, the foods here are pretty pricey.

Well its a nobles academic institution after all.
Like foe gras and caviar, Im surprised they can serve these.

For Mary who still bemused, Addie nodded Thats to be expected.

Certainly as Mary mentioned, St. Karelia foods were profusely exorbitant, even a single dessert
costs more than general houses nourishment expenses.
The design layout was grandiose, equaling a first-class restaurant interior.
Moreover, chefs gathered from around the world plated their foods; its already surpassed the
definition of dining hall.
Nonetheless, their customer-services were indeed lacking, as evidence of the lengthy lines. Its a
predictable outcome considering they put an extra care in each dishes.
Its precisely an inefficient system, someone cannot help it forasmuch as the nobles being the
cause. For commoners fast, cheap and delicious are their priorities. Meanwhile, for people who
have a leeway in time and pouch, leisurely, high-priced, delicious and valuable are their
approaches in selecting meals.

But they sure are dilly-dallying. Shouldnt they construct another one?
Ojou, again with the nobles whimsical remarkwe can eat wonderful foods, so lets be an
adult and wait patiently.
Geez, Im Mary Albert, yknow? Any foods listed here, I can eat them whenever I wish at
home. If Addie doesnt need to come, who wants to go to this boisterous place?
Well, if I wasnt enrolled here, I probably would never eat something so pricey either.

Mary heaved a sigh noticing Addie joyful expression as he grabbed a tray.

Where in the world you can find a lady accompanying her servant buying his lunch.well,
shes here, okay.
Spotting someone, Addie abruptly tapped Marys shoulder who was engrossed in her thought.

Ojou, please look over there. Isnt she Alicia?

Eh, where!?

Indeed on the spot Addie appointed, Mary figure could be seen.

She sat in the corner of dining hall as to hide herself, edgily paying attention to her environs.
Held in her hand was a tiny box, plausibly her lunch, nearby it was a single platter which was
improbable to be a handmade gourmet.
Inspecting the whole situations, Mary grinned.

Addie, this is a chance.

A chance?
In the game, that girl didnt have enough money and brought a lunchbox. The one who
appeared before her.
I see, the villainous Mary-sama would then boast her meals.
Yes. Presenting her luxurious meal, she poked fun at her meager lunch. Then Addie let us show
her the vast difference between a commoner and a noble! With the high-grade seafood

Ojou, theres no such thing.

Ah, really?

High-grade seafood bowl is no good, huh.. Mary thence dropped her lunch ticket from
her vision.
Written in bold font there was [High-grade seafood bowl] as expected its an unfitting food for
an Ojou-sama to brag about. Well, its certainly appetizing but..
While Mary was still contemplating, Addie swiftly removed her ticket and exchange it with the
one he had.

I have a sudden urge to eat high-grade seafood bowl. Ojou, would you mind?

Giving no chance to riposte, Addie ushered Mary to walk ahead; ensuing Mary to unintentionally
Geez, what an awkward servant he is. But If I point that out, hell surely answer Im just acting
in accordance to my masters wish.

It cant be helped then. Ill reluctantly eat this

Mary naturally read the ticket.

Analogous to her high-grade seafood bowl, written in bold font was..

[Fillet-lamb steak with foe gras]

.Addie, you sure can sap Albert Houses generosities to the utmost.
I just dont want the Lords benevolence to be put into a waste.

Fine, anyway today Ill show Alicia the difference between our standings.

Taking a tray, the driven Mary continued queuing.

None so far had volunteered to sit beside Alicia, a commoner transfer student, as though they
deliberately distancing themselves, the seat encircling her were left vacant.
I dont want to eat beside a commoner. Was ostensibly what the blue-blooded thinking
Some whose curiosity took over them, jarringly eyeing at her and parts of them were palpably
tattling her.
Of course, the one in the core of swirling attentions realized it herself; Alicias posture became
smaller and she pulled a rueful face which induced sympathy.
For Addie who was in the same rank as her, he couldnt ignore it as somebody else problem.
Nevertheless, Mary aloofly strode and seized a seat across Alicia like she owned the place.

Is it unoccupied?

She enquired so in a menacing manner.

Both Alicia and Addie were dumbstruck, then Alicia accented .yes and offered a chair
whereas Addie still astounded watching Mary seated.

Oh my, you brought your own lunchbox, huh? Why you wont eat that one?

Glancing at the plate untouched by Alicia, Mary expressly queried.

Alicia looked down in shame, and gently confided I dont know.

I, Ive never learned about table manner. And Im afraid if I screw up.

As she was an uncultured bumpkin, she sat in the corner to hide. Her usual effervescent
atmosphere was absent as Alicia admitted.
Nonetheless, as expected from a nobility school, everyone in the dining hall has a perfect table
manner. Even the girls displayed sophisticated conducts whilst eating and chatting.
Here they didnt teach table manner but as a matter of course to do it. Therefore Alicia who
wasnt taught could merely reflect on herself in front of the polished silverware.

Humph, its natural for a peasant girl to never learn table manner.

Shooting a comment laced with sarcasm, Mary raised a fork and a knife. Thenceforth she
gracefully put an ideal cut-size piece of steak to her mouth, everyone who has seen it ought to
praise her faultless manner. That was to be expected, Mary was Albert House lady, she could
execute table manner as natural as breathing.
Alicia was entranced by Marys elegance, and when she had broken free from her spellbound
state, hurriedly lifted her silverwares.
She silently observed Mary, ineptly correcting her technique of handling knife and fork.
Imitating Mary, she sliced a small portion and happily took a bite.

.Ojou, let alone a villain, you became her role model.

Eating his high-grade seafood bowl in front of these two, Addie swallowed his opinion.
*They become her subordinates.
**In the Japanese text, Mary doesnt understand the notion of staying at the old-fashioned villa
unless shes tired, however the underlining thing is that villa is functioning.
***Theres an idiom inserted here, like bragging your son to your neighbor

****Sanchi chokus kaisendonburi

Chapter 4
April 9, 2016 / albertkenoreijou
I frequently overlooked it but Dora-gaku was indeed an Otome game. In other words, its
filled with love interactions.
Right, you did say that was how Otome game works.
The heroine Alicia was surrounded by good-looking boys, shed get close with one of them and
then fell in love..and whosoever hindered them was called the villainous rival.

Disregarding Marys explanation, Addie kept immersing himself in his book and nodded halfheartedly While his gaze was still glued on the book
This damn attendant, he finally dares to ignore his employer!

By the way, these two were presently in the schools library.

During the absence of the library committee who went out to do some errands, they were
partaking in an evil conference.

So, Im thinking to impede in her love-life. Addie, hows your impression?

In my viewpoint, its an acceptable idea.
.If you dont hurry up and close that book, Ill report this to dear father.
Alright~ Ojou, lets work hard! First, deciding what our next step is!!
Hey, isnt the hierarchy inside your head completely off!? Isnt my rank and dear father
disproportionately unequal!?
Even like this, Im an Albert House daughter!? Mary roared and Addie feigned a laugh.

So Ojou, how do you plan to hinder Alicia-chans love-life?

You marvelously sidetrack the topic, huh.. Well, Ill let it away, for now Alicias love-life is
my main concern, that girl has been triggering some flags behind our back.

Currently, Alicia has been associating with three love candidates.

Amongst them theres one in the lead, regardless of St. Karelia long history records he was
rumored to be the best school president, Patrick Dice.
A handsome athletic guy, plus his family was a prodigious one; even hes an Otome game
capture target he was overly high-spec. Sapphire haired and eyes, he resembled a true prince.
In Dora-gaku he was a difficult character to be taken down, and amidst all the characters he has
the least initial affection level. His attitude toward the peculiar commoner heroine when they first
met was Dont casually talk to me.
But behind his cold demeanor lay a tsundere, and this fact appealed lots of woman players
causing him to be the foremost popular character. Ive heard his merchandises were selling like
The actual Patrick was equivalent in nature; fellow gentleman respected him the most out of
Student Councils members. Not only that, his fame didnt stop at school, it wasnt an
exaggeration to say all girls of marriageable age yearned to steal him.

The Student Council President, secretary and physical education teacher

These three people were characters that have mingled with Alicia nowadays.
At any rate, only Patrick seemed to have the highest initial affection, a far cry from the game,
hed sincerely treat others no matter how low their statuses are. Truthfully, he had a friendly
disposition without any prejudice.
Substantially, the secretary had great interest to the commoner Alicia and the sympathetic
physical education instructor has been keeping tabs on her predicaments as she was shunned*;
they respectively were relieving her in regular.

Marking her growth rate, she was presumptively in the development stage.

Searching for anybody she could affiliate thru, friends or a lover, and had no inclination toward a
designated route.
She may get acquainted to new capture targets; depending on the raise of her love perimeter she
could pick a particular route. Her branching-point option** was supposedly in distant future.

I abstain from praising my own ego, but things are doing really great now. If it continues like
this, there wont be any problem in the foreseeable future.

Mary who reported in detailed Alicias encouraging love status growth rate earned Addies
reverence nod.

As expected of Ojou, but I wonder how could you do such meticulous investigation of Aliciachan.
..That girl has recently came into contact with me. Shed jubilantly ask a lot of things

Because of it I guess.Mary averted her gaze as she professed so, Addie molded an incoherent
countenance in response.
Youre completely referred as her friend. well, Addie couldnt exactly narrate it out loud.
Howbeit, Mary has vaguely realized it herself, regardless as she was dead set for the destruction
end, affirming this would equivalent to breaking her own heart.

A-anyway, now that Alicia has met those three people, we need to disrupt their relationship!

Dora-gaku Mary had often upset Alicias love life, calculatedly making a move on Alicias love
interest and vaunting herself as a more befitting candidate. When Albert House held a ball, she
would explicitly choose the most adept escort.
It didnt stop at that, in particular route shed go as far as getting engaged with the capture target.
Although discerning the capture targets sentiment toward Alicia, no, itd more correct to say
since she had known she did the deed.

At the end, counting that to all her atrocious feats had led her to ruin, and whilst Mary still in
pursuit of such denouement theres no guarantee she wont do the same action.

Today, shes intending to visit the downtown. Well, her definite goal is to greet various
individuals shes indebted to.
Did you hear this as well from her?
Forget hearing, she invited me to go together.
Stop it, dont pull me, I want to cry! Anyhow, obstructing her is our priority! I recalled theres
going to be an important event in the downtown.

What is it again? Mary dug her own memories.

There are numerous pictures of the downtown scenes and Mary was involved in one of them.
Based on her recollection, its Patricks. On that picture, he was riding on Marys horse-drawn

I remembered! I and Patrick were riding on a horse-cart then we coincidentally encountered

the heroine!

In the game, Alicia also went to the downtown.

On the way, Mary and Patrick inside a horse-cart ran across her. Sighting the two conversed
familiarly; Alicia deemed those two were an item by mistake.
Although, thru undergoing Patricks route, it was plainly an overthinking on her part.
Mary had schemed to bump into her and half-threatened him to board her horse-carriage.
Theres no further information told, Mary sort of used her family as a shield in confronting
Patrick. Your house or mine which one is superior? along these lines, Patrick was coerced to
bottle up.

I see, thats certainly an obstruction.

Right? So Ill invite Patrick to the downtown.

Fortunately, Mary and Patrick are an acquaintance. Both came from aristocrat upbringing, before
they met at school the two had greeted each other at socializing parties.
Actually, sometimes on a party he was requested to escort her. Its not unheard of, inasmuch as
Albert and Dice House has been a good friend. Additionally, Mary and Patrick have enviable
gorgeous visages.

We have known each other for years. If I say Ive something to discuss, so get on to the horsecart. He wont refuse.
.horse-cart, huh? By the way, Ojou

We go to school via bicycle.


Thats right.!

*Crash* Mary knees wobbled and she fell.

It was an unflattering act for a lady, but the sense of despair was eating her.

Who the hell compelled an aristocrat lady to commute to school with a bicycle
Ill be frank, its you Ojou.
Thats because it takes 50 minutes by a horse-cart? But it takes only 15 minutes by bicycle!
What ineffectiveness!
Thats true; there are lots of narrow streets a horse-cart cant pass through around this area.
Inefficient! Its a non-sense***!

Mary yelled lamentably, Addie concurred with a sigh.

When Mary once tried to travel from her mansion to school with a huge horse-cart, she must
bypassed numerous shortcuts which arent wide enough.
Furthermore, a long line of students horse-carts were brimming in front of the school main gate,
waiting each of them to get off wasted an aeon.
On the contrary, with a bicycle, getting out from Albert Houses back entrance and cutting
straight to a small alley, they can park their bicycle in the schools vacant land. It takes
approximately 15 minutes. Which one is more efficient? Its evidently the latter.
Nonetheless bicycle is for commoners. The meager commoners used practical bicycle to travel
around, the prosperous nobles used horse-cartsthats the initial idea. Its unthinkable for a
noble lady to cycle her own bike.

I messed up. No matter how ludicrous the villainous lady is she wont ride a bike right.
Ojou, you did commute to school with a bike for 3 years, but typically no lady would do it.
I see, thats why theres no parking lot at school. I finally can fathom the reason.
So, whatre you going to do with Patrick-sama? Should I bring a horse-cart from Alberts
..No you wont make it!

Youre going to invite him!? With a bicycle no less!?

Ill wager!

Even though hes positively going to decline, turning your back from your enemies is
Declared Mary, Addie held his tongue in return.
Were talking about Patrick the Student Council President here. If its by a horse-cart we can
keep the discussion on, but he definitely wont ride a bike like commoners.
In other word, its a suicidal mission, lets pick her bone latter**** and stay quietAddie
thought so while Mary solemnly stood up, from the hallway the sound of brisk footsteps could be
*Shes an outcast, they look down on her because of her low status.
**Okay, theyre probably many who ??? with the terms I used(Theres no universal
term/translation for them). Its been a long time for me since I last played an Otome game, the
latest one probably diabolik or amnesia crowd? I dont think theres a huge change in their
systems so Ill note the basic ones:
1. Capture targets: bishounen characters you can grab
2. Otome goal is to increase a capture targets love-perimeter so hell becomes your bae.
But every characters sometimes has different initial affection, so for example one can
start from 0% or 20%.Patrick possibly has 0% initial affection or worse minus n%
3. Depending on the goal and the story, this love-perimeter will decide your fate: dead end,
good end, harem end etc.
4. Branching-point option, or turning-point event and option which determine your route,
bae and final end.
***She said non-sense in English
****An idiom, often said for someone who wants to do risky thing and then the other say
alright no matter what the result is, Ill be responsible to take care/ comforting you latter.

Chapter 4-2
April 16, 2016 / albertkenoreijou
Things happened.

I never guessed he will approve

Addie blurted out as he took a peek at his back.

Behind him was the Student Council President, Patrick. His hairs fluttered in the wind, his form
seating on a bike passenger bench was mystically elegant.

Why this development? Rewinding time for few minutes, the resolute Mary had ushered Patrick;
the place they arrived to is the schools vacant land. Aka, bicycle parking lot.
Patrick was curious with the bikes parked in the corner and asked Mary and Addie for some
By right of the original plan, Patrick and Mary should ride the bicycle together. Although in the
game without getting off from the grandiose carriage, Alicia would recognize his figure as she
journeyed back. *
But a bona fide highborn Patrick was, he clearly had zero experience pedaling a bike. And it was
intolerable for Mary to offer a ride.
In consequence, Addie, Marys attendant, was entrusted to do it instead, howbeit whether this
was a correct choice or not.. No, essentially her preference to commute using bicycle was
at fault.

By the way, to give Patrick-sama a ride, I possibly have done something irreversible What
do I do if Dice House sues me
No need to worry. Just answer I permit it. Thereto I have wanted to try riding a bike for once.
Thats surprising. Are you interested in bike?

Ah, a certain person has indulged me that the wind felt spectacular.
Ha, ha, a certain person I see.

Being mindful for Patrick who feigned a cough, Addie played along.
Adjacent to them, Mary likewise adopted a lackadaisical stance listening on their conversation,
but within her innermost mind she credited Alicia for the astonishing change in Patrick.
Its beyond her prediction; this Student Council President could develop a curiosity over
commoners object I bet the pure and obtuse Alicia wouldnt envisage it eitherIt
seems Alicia has slowly grown into a large existence for Patrick.
The game textbook system was player maneuvers Alicia as she undergoes her school-lives. We
only perceived Alicias mentality, what the opposite person perception of us could solely be
gauged from the intercourses and auxiliary discernment was based on numerical value; turns
out, in reality Patrick falls in love deeply than his impression let on.
A solid composure, the scene he calmly and coolly whispering amorous poetries was actually a
sheer craftiness, this is way interesting than I deduced, Mary spouted so inadvertently.

Then she suddenly caught a figure at far front, a back she has frequently seen.
Her golden mop ruffled in the wind, a girl with graceful steps. Donning St. Karelia nobilitys
uniform yet blithely roaming alone was without a doubt Alicias figure.
Other students would never go home by foot and on no occasion wander unaccompanied.
Fixated on Alicias back, Mary began to put some powers on her grips unto the bikes handles.
According to the games event were going to blow past her. Espying our pleasant repartee, she
guessed wrong and henceforth evaded Patrick.

Its going to work.

..Its going, to work.

Is it going to work?

As theres a subtle alteration to the games setup, she felt insecure.

Right now, while observing the situation, Mary and Patrick should be cuddling inside the horsecart. It spurted a misconception on Alicias part, which I can understand.
But now? Patrick was riding with Addie; Mary was cycling her own bike.
Alicia in game was what an engaging bond they have, dont tell me they.. misinterpreting
things, but like this its not Mary and Patrick who would be misunderstood rather

No, lets stop it at that, Mary.I ought to believe in myself.

Sensing a shiver washed over her, Mary scolded her own self.
What to do losing my confidence now. The plan was already in cue, rolling oneself to her
limitation thats what it means to be Albert Houses offspring.
Yes, its going to work. This scene will successfully transmit a misunderstanding to Alicia.

..Well, even though its a different kind of delusion.

In order to dishearten Alicia and Patricks relationship, sacrificing Addie is a sound argument.
Hell become the ultimate sacrificial pawn.
Whilst Mary was riveted on her thoughts, they passed Alicia.

Oh, Patrick-sama
Hm Alicia? Sorry Addie, please stop

*screech* with such sound, the bike came to a halt, reflexively Mary clenched the brake.

Good day everyone

Alicia bowed.
Her curtsy was somewhat awkward and unnatural; nevertheless from their perspectives whore
similar with her makings it incited their smiles.
In fact, Patrick generally wouldve scolded anyone doing such chaotic curtsy; still he only
nodded in reply. Not only that, his gaze on her was somehow tinged with compassion, his
default emotionless and compose deportment melted unto a sublime tenderness.
Detecting his stare on Alicia, the three tilted their heads in confusion.

To ride a bike, did something happen today?

Her question wasnt in the least bit strange.

At last, therere two upper-cruster students of the renowned St. Karelia, riding commoners
Receiving Alicias query, Patrick signaled a light cough as if it was aimed at Mary so she may
solve it. Ostensibly, he couldnt reveal Because of Alicias story, I became interested in it.
Marys eyes unconsciously widened towards Patricks palpable conducts (intents). In the game
hed have spewed fulsome sugary utterances which charmed the woman players, howbeit now,
in a dilemma between being sweet and his pride this image of him befuddled me as well**.

Its not the time to be in trance!

So Mary elucidated (lied) We just wanted some exercises and sophisticatedly laughed whilst
withdrawing herself from them.
Ohohoho, excuse me, I need to talk with Addie, she grabbed her personal attendants hand and
dragged him away. She acted like a match-maker saying later, youngsters.

They steered clear of those two hearing distance, thereafter she stomped on Addies feet who
uncomfortably was looking elsewhere.

Oh dear, what a perfect couple they are..right Ojou, please stop stepping on my feet,
look at them.
Ive one question. Why did you stop? Knowing my plan, why did you stop?
Hahaha, Ojou look at Patrick, hes rubicund red. Well, well, Alicia is a rustic cutie, its an
unprecedented type.
.It seems we need to discuss this further. With dear father
I apologize! Although its Ojous plan, I cant possibly disregard Patrick-samas order.

I sincerely apologize! Addie deeply bowed in a smooth motion; Mary touched her forehead to
restrain her headache.
Certainly, Addie, a servant cant neglect the highborn Patricks order. She understood. Yet, as
long as its by Marys instructions, whats going on inside his head, I wonder.
And as I thought his hierarchy order is a complete mess. Its sensible for Marys father, the elder
of Albert House to be in the top, then again for his daughter to be inferior than Patrick..

Being glared skeptically by Mary, Addie realized hes standing in a thin ice and forged a laugh.

Come on Ojou, those two are calling for us. Fix your mood and lets go back.

Ok? Addie simpered.

Against that humorless smile, Mary lost her impulse to be bitter and concluded their parley with
an exhale Alright,
Soon after, Mary and Patrick went back.

Underway Addie pondered; I had defied my master, in worst case a punishment. or

hopefully none. Somehow it solicited him to straighten his spine; nonetheless its not the time to
think of it hence, by postponing his rumination again and again, they attained this kind of
predicaments or so he suspected.

I apologize to keep you waiting.

Two smiles overlapped, Addie and Mary greeted Alicia.

Allegedly, their raillery had gone abroad, as at the moment Mary called them they immediately
reverted to their usual selfs, Alicia in her cheeriness and Patrick in his embarrassment meeting
Marys gaze.

Then Patrick-sama let us go back. Good day, Alicia-san, see you tomorrow at school
Ah, about that..

Mary was intercepted by Patrick when she was about to bid Alicia goodbye.
Naturally, Mary was shaken and sent him a puzzled gawk. Patrick coughed once.

Thereupon it transpired to this.

I see, it really feels different when you pedal it by yourself. Its not wrong to say this as an
Patrick-sama is amazing, to able to learn it in one go. Plus even giving me a ride

Youre jumping into conclusion; its easier compared to mounting a horse.

To them whore outwardly frolicking while opposing the wind, Mary let out an audible breath.
Parenthetically, she elbowed Addies hip who squeaked in riposte next to her.

Lost in a competition, lost in a match, and lost in a bet, it describes my whole emotional
I emphathize with you, but Ojou, please properly hold unto me.
Right, if I were to fall being miserable probably wont cut it.***

Ha.with a sigh, May encircled her hands on Addies waist.

By the by, Mary was perching on the bicycle passenger bench Addie pedaled. ****
Adjacent to them, Patrick and Alicia standoffishly rode a bike together to the point that
bystanders will think of them as a family or depict it as a youthful spectacle.
In reality Patrick and Alicia were truly exultant, and every so often the bike shook Alicia would
cling to Patrick..Such bitter-sweet scenery.
On other hand in Mary and Addies case, Marys eyes exactly imitated a dead-fish and she
unceasingly bemoaned her defeat, Addie smiled stiffly sensing a dark aura looming behind him.
A different unnoticeable on first glance, yet when ones scrutinize deeper, its heaven and earth.
After all, a concentration of tremendous black aura was drifting from the aforementioned.

After shortly crossing the downtown; they reached their destination and stopped their bikes.

Thank you for sending me, Patrick-sama. Mary-sama and Addie-san also, thank you very

Since Alicia profoundly lowered her head, Dont worry about it Mary assured so with a smile.
Relishing herself within the zephyr, repeatedly jabbing her elbow to Addies waist, threatened
him with dear father blackmail material, and receiving a defeat smile, at first glance was
exceptionally refinenotwithstanding with further inspection, her eyes were lifeless.
Anyway, not realizing Marys quandary, Alicia grinned heartily and seeing that Patrick looked
fairly contented.
An innocent girl and a protective prince, its the accurate portrayal. Lest Marys poisonous
emotion be discovered, she heaved a small sigh. I lost, no I feel like I lost before the competition

What the hell Im thinking me not only sending Alicia to her destination I was
told off by Patrick From here on, its fine.
Far from meddling, its like were accompanying them having a jolly date. Rather than a loss, we
resemble cheerleaders encouraging him.
Thenceforth, Mary sent off the jovially-conversing pair with blank eyes.

What Ive done, me.

Mary mourned, feeling partially responsible for it, Addie placed a troubled face.
*Its an out of blue line, yes I realized it as I reread it again and again, the previous paragraph
and the next sentence, but not recognizing the connection between the two. Is it just a thought
line Mary threw abruptly? Or does it intended by the author? Anyone that has better suggestions,
please tell me.
**This chapter, I say it was hell to translate it! Why? Since its longer? That counts too but, the
main problem is the author really, really, extremely fond to change the POV, from first
perspective to third POV, and I was tempted to change the whole chapter to first person POV but
itll destroy some humours on it. In japanese its pose no problem, they hardly use a subject to
describe the situation however thats not the case in English. Urgh, sorry Im rambling so much.
Anyway, can you comprehend this chapters shifts in POV?

***Theres an idiom inserted here youll meet an eye or it cost your eye, err, it doesnt make
sense in English, Basically speaking it means youll meet a miserable fate.
****I omitted a sentence here:
The so-called two-seater.
Two-seater, err, whut? Yeah, its common word to describe a couple riding a bike together in

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