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Donald Trump Supports Black America

Your Name: Marlon Ramtahal
Date: October 27, 2016
Title: Donald Trump Supports Black America
Host Intro:
Presidential Republican Donald Trump outlined new promises for African Americans,
where he laid out principles like safer communities, quality education, and higher
paying jobs. The candidate expressed great concern on Wednesday afternoon to
prevent police violence and rebuild our country by putting an end to illegal
immigration as a means to restore economic advantages for the black community.
Alec Dailey, a senior at Kean University expresses his stance on the candidate.
Alec Dailey In-Cue:
As an African American student and as an African American citizen in America I feel
like Donald Trump really only cares about us for the moment just so he can get our
votes and I feel like he wont really support us when the time comes and when we
actually need to see change.
Alec Dailey Out-Cue:
Were a part of the middle to lower class as far as he sees us so I doubt that we will
get the support like he gives support to the rich.
Host Transition:
Gillian Cardona, another student at our University, agrees about the nominees
notions on police training, and also believes in alarming the attention of the
minority population.
Gillian Cardona In-Cue:
I do support the statement he made that police need to be trained better.
Absolutely, one hundred percent. However, hes probably only saying that in light of
recent events and to gain the minority vote.
Gillian Cardona Out-Cue:
I dont think he really understands what its like to be a minority. He doesnt
understand the struggles that minorities go through every single day and that they
face every single day because we are not given the same opportunities as someone
who is not of color. That is just unfortunately the way it is and I feel like everyone
should be given the same opportunities but were really not.
Host Close:

While the Trump campaign has caused controversy and concern for some, the
countdown to Election Day is on.
For WKNJ-FM, 90.3, Union, New Jersey, the NEW sound of Kean University, Im
Marlon Ramtahal.
Sound Bites:
Alec Dailey
As an African American student and as an African American citizen in America I feel
like Donald Trump really only cares about us for the moment just so he can get our
votes and I feel like he wont really support us when the time comes and when we
actually need to see change. A lot of people say President Obama didnt really do
too much to push towards change for African Americans but if President Obama
didnt do much, I doubt Trump will twice as much or even the same amount as helpto help benefit African Americans. So I feel like were a part of the middle to lower
class as far as he sees us so I doubt that we will get the support like he gives
support to the rich. I feel like he only cares about seeing the rich get richer and
maintain their riches more than anyone else, which is to maintain their status now
or even get worse.
Gillian Cardona
I do support the statement he made that police need to be trained better.
Absolutely, one hundred percent. However, hes probably only saying that in light of
recent events and to gain the minority vote, because he has lost pretty much.
I dont think he really understands what its like to be a minority. He doesnt
understand what its like to- he doesnt understand the struggles that minorities go
through every single day and that they face every single day because we are not
given the same opportunities as someone who is not of color. That is just
unfortunately the way it is and I feel like everyone should be given the same
opportunities but were really not. At some point we were all immigrants so I dont
really feel like he understands or wants to make a change.
I think officers definitely need to be trained better, however, I think that it also goes
both ways its like if the police officers are trained to ensure safety in the
community and they are not looking to be authoritative, then they are going to win
over the community, versus being authoritative they are not going to win the
community over and the community is going to hate them, and want to rebel
against them, which is what see in numerous occasions so therefore I think police
need to be overall trained on you know dealing with the number of issues and
dealing with a number of different populations and I think that they should really
make them understand that the way they are looking right now is not good. It looks
like they are just attacking all the blacks and thats not- not right.

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