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Research Design

Research Methodology
The study is based on a field research of on a sample of 250 respondents that have
been introduced to MFS as a service. These respondents belong to people below the
poverty line and qualify for Zakat Support by the government. The objective is to
study if their adoption of Mobile Financial Services helps in financial inclusion of the
lower income groups. The research is based on collection on primary data attained
from questionnaires.

Theoretical Framework
Mobile Financial Services Adoption
Research discussed in the literature review has multiple factors than can influence
adoption of Mobile Financial services. The research borrows influence heavily from
Das (2012), Mago (2012) and Talukder, Majharul; Quazi, Ali; and Sathye, Milind
(2014). Multiple antecedents are clubbed together and formed four main
contentions which are as follows.
Accessibility of Service/Ease of Use
Mobile Financial Services are available geographically with in accessible
areas, at accessible times that are convenient to the customers.
The usage of services is easy and can be used with relative ease from
platform provider.
Affordability of Service
The financial Services are financially viable. Target market can afford to pay
for these services and feels that such payments made in lieu of service are
Over pricing of financial services especially credits and transfer of money
have encouraged people to adopt informal methods that are often illegal and
dangerous and ad no value to formal economies or the GDP.
Reliability of Service
These financial services are available without fail. Since they provided over
the internet mostly. Issues like connectivity and technology can sometimes be
irritating for consumers in the market. Imagine your ATM being out of service.
If this happens to often you would be discouraged to use the service and
much rather carry cash to save the hassle.

Trust & Security on Service

Customers need to trust that service providers are safe as they handle
money and financial assets of the market. Not in terms of just their money
being safe but also as no exploitation business.




H1: Hypothesis Services factors has a significant positive effect on Financial

Methods and Tools

A questionnaire set on the Likert scale has been developed keeping in mind the
Technology Acceptance Model developed by Davis (1989) which has been tailored to
suit MFS while the Financial Inclusion can be measured by Findex variables provided
by World Back as a global guideline for measuring Financial inclusion.
Each Variable has 4 Questions and sample of 250 people has been taken that are
beneficiaries of MFS but were unbanked before 2012. A regression model can be run

on the test the hypothesis and results can be sorted in three degrees of

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