V. N. Hari: Sudhakar & Kumar Associates

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About the Author :


Sudhakar & Kumar Associates,

Chartered Accountant
# 10-1-12, II Floor,
Krishna Kamal Enclave,
Asilmetta Junction,
Visakhapatnam - 530 003
Ph. (O) : 0891-2755814
(M) : 9866531022

E-mail ID : vnhari.ca@gmail.com

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[ ITR-1 ]
A.Y. 2010-11

For Individual
having Income from
Income from One
House Property
(excluding loss
brought froward
from previous
years) / Income
from Other Sources
Winning from
Lottery and Income
from Race Horses)
Chartered Accountants
CLIENT DATA SHEET - SARAL - II { ITR-1 } - A.Y. 2010-11


1. Name of the Assessee

2. Father's Name

3. Date of Birth 30-Dec-99 Senior Citizen

4. Sex MALE

4. Address Flat/Door No./Block No. 10-1-12, II Floor,

1 Name of premises/Building/Village

Road / Street / Post Office

Area/ Locality
Town / City /Municipality

Pin Code (Please affix { ' } befoe the Number) Search for PIN Cod

e-mail ID sudhakar_kumarasst@yahoo.com

5. PAN

6. Assessment Year 2010-11

7. Financial Year 2009-10

6. Due date of filing 31-Jul-10

7. Month of filing 30-Apr-10

8. Financial Year Ending 31-Mar-10

9. Name of the Employer TAN

10. Type of Employer Govt

10a. Type of Return

Original Revised 10c. STATUS


10b. Residential Status Resident Non Resident Resident but not ordinarily resident

1. Income from Salary

2. Income from House Property

3. Income from Other Sources


11. Gross Salary Received 425,000

Deduction u/s 10

a) HRA u/s 10(13A) -

b) Conveyance Allowance U/10(14) -

c) Any Other Allowance u/s 10 -

Deduction u/s 16

a) Profession Tax -

Income Chargeable under the head salaries 425,000



Income Chargeable under the head salaries 425,000

Income Chargeable under the head House Property -

Income Chargeable Under the head Other Sources -

Gross Total Icnome

16. Deductions under Chapter VIA

Gross Amount Qualifing Amount
a) Deduction U/s 80C
Life Insurance Premium ….. -

Contribution to PF -

Purchase of NSC -

Investment in MF -
Investment in Pension Plan -
Children Tuition Fee -
Registration Fee of Res. House -
Other Savings - -

b) Deduction U/s 80D -

c) Other Deductions (Please Specify) 80U -

Total of Deduction under chapter VIA

16. Taxable Income


19. Tax on Aggrigate Income (Item No.18)

23. Education Cess

24. Total Tax Payable (Item No.21+22+23)

25. Relief U/s 89

26. Relief U/s 90/91

27. Balance Tax Payable

28. Interest Payable U/s 234

a) U/s 234 A -
b) U/s 234 B 319
c) U/s 234 C 1,181

29. Total Tax Payable

30. Taxes Paid

Advance Tax Paid
Sl. Name of Bank & Branch BSR Code Date of Serial No. of Amount
No. Deposit Challan
1 15-Sep-2009
2 15-Dec-2009
3 15-Mar-2010
4 31-Mar-2010

Tax Deducted At Source (As per Form No. 16 issued by the employer)
Sl. TAN of the Name and Income Chargeable Deduction under Chapter Tax Payable Total tax deposited Tax Payable/
No. Employer address of the under the head VI-A (including refundable
Employer surchage)

425,000 - - - -

- -

Tax Deducted At Source (As per Form No. 16A issued by the deductor)
Sl. TAN of the Name and address of the deductor Amount Paid/ Credit Date of Payment/ Total tax deposited Amount
No. Deductor Credit claimed for
this year

- - -

- - -

- - -

- - -

- - -

- - -

- - -

- - -

- - - -


Self Assessment Tax Paid
Sl. Name of Bank & Branch BSR Code Date of Serial No. of Amount
No. Deposit Challan



Total Taxes paid

31. Tax Pyable 0 0 1

32 Refund Receivable


a) Name of the Bank -Select

-Select Bank
Bank Name
Name andand Branch-

b) Name of the Branch - Select the Branch -

c) Account Number

d) MICR Code - MICR -


Annual Information Return Particulars

Code Description Yes/No.
cash deposit aggregating ten lakh rupees or more in a year in any savings account by
you maintained in abankig company to which the Banking Regulations Act, 1949 (10
001 of 1949), applied (including any bank or banking institution referred to in section 51
of that Act)

Payment made by you against bills raised in respect of a credit card aggregating to
002 tow lakh rupees or more in a year

Payment made by you of an amount of two lakh rupees or more for purchase of units
003 of Mutual Fund

Payment by you of an amount of five lakh rupees or more for acquiring bonds or
004 debentures issued by a company or institution.

Payment made by you of an amount of one lakh rupees or more for acquiring shares
005 issued by a compnay

Purchase by you of any immovable property valued at thirty lakh rupees or more

Sale by you of any immovable property valued at thirty lakh rupees or more

Payment made by you of an amount of five lakh rupees or more in a year for
008 investment in bonds issued by Reserve Bank of India
D.No. 10-1-12, II Floor,
Krishna Kamal Enclave,
Asilmetta Juncton,
Visakhapatnam - 530 003 ,
Ph. 0891-2755814
email :


Search for PIN Code


Others PSU










Amount in Rs.

- 0

- 0

- 0

- 0

- 0

- 0

- 0

- 0
DATE OF BIRTH 30-Dec-1899 Sex : MALE
(Not A #VALUE!
(Being a Women Assessee) #VALUE!
PAN Asst. Year 2010-2011
STATUS 1 INDIVIDUAL Prev. Year 2009-2010
Due date of filing 31-Jul-10 Type of return SARAL-II
Month of filing 30-Apr-10 P.Y.ended on 31-Mar-10


(Being a senior citizen) AMOUNT AMOUNT
Since the assessee does not RS. RS.


Gross Salary Received 425,000
Less: Exemptions U/S 10:
(i) HRA -
(ii) Conveyance -
(iii) Any Other Allowance -
Balance 425,000
Less: Deductions U/S 16:

(i) Professional Tax -


c) Pre-construction period interest -


Gross Total Income 425,000

Less: Deduction under chapter VIA : Gross Amount Qfy.Amount
U/s 80 C :
Life Insurance Premium -
Contribution to PF -
Purchase of NSC -
Investment in MF -
Investment in Pension Plan -
Children Tuition Fee -
Registration Fee of Res. House -
Other Savings -
U/s 80 D -
Others -
Taxable Income 425,000
Rounded to 39,690 425,000
Tax on Income returned - 31,000
Add: Education Cess 930
Total Tax Payable 31,930
Less: Relief Claimed (if any)
a) U/s 89 -
b) U/s 90/91 -
Tax Payable after relief claimed 31,930
Less: Pre-Paid Taxes
a) Tax Deducted At Source -
b) Advance Tax
BSR Code Challan No. Date Amount in Rs.
#VALUE! 15-Sep-2009 - -
#VALUE! 15-Dec-2009 -
#VALUE! 15-Mar-2010 -
#VALUE! 31-Mar-2010 -
Balance Tax Payable 31,930
Add: Interest U/s 234
A -3 -
B 1 319
C 1,181 1,500
Total Tax Payable including interest u/s 234ABC 287 575 33,430
319 1,181

Less: Self Assessment Tax Paid -

Refund Receivable (33,430)

Government of India



Received with thanks from #VALUE! a return of income

in Form No. SARAL - II (ITR - 1) for assessment year 2010-11, having the following particulars

Name PAN

Flat/Door/Block No Name of Premises/Building/Village

Road/Street/Post Office Area/Locality

Town/City/District State
Status (fill the
Designation of Assessing Officer (Ward/Circle) Original or Revised

1 Gross Total Income 1 425,000

2 Deductions Under Chapter VI-A 2 -
3 Total Income 3 425,000

3a Current Year loss (if any) 3a -

4 Net tax payable 4 31,930
5 Interest payable 5 1,500
6 Total tax and interest payable 6 33,430
7 Taxes paid
a Advance Tax 7a -
b TDS 7b -
c TCS 7c -
d Self Assessment Tax 7d -
e Total Taxes Paid (7a+7b+7c+7d) 7e -
8 Tax Payable (6-7d) 8 33,430
9 Refund (7e-6) 9 -
Receipt No Seal and Signature of receiving official
0 0 0


[For Individual having Income from Salary/Pension/ Income from One House Property (excluding
SARAL-II loss brought froward from previous years) / Income from Other Sources (Excluding Winning from
(ITR-1) Lottery and Income from Race Horses)]
12 of the Income-tax Rules, 1962) (Also see attached instructions)
(Please see rule 2 0 1 0 - 1 1

First name Middle name Last name PAN

Flat /Door/Block No. Name Of Premises/Building/Village Date of Birth (DD/MM/YYYY)

#VALUE! #VALUE! 30-Dec-1899

Road/Street/Post Office Area/Locality Employer Category (Tick) √

#VALUE! Govt. PSU Others

Town/City/District State Pin code Sex (Tick) √


Email Address #VALUE! (STD Code) - Phone Number ( )

Designation of Assessing Officer (Ward/Circle) Return Filed Under Section- 1 1

[Please see instruction number-9(i)]

Whether original or Revised return? (Tick) √ Original Revised 0

If revised, enter Receipt No and Date of filing original return

Residential Status (Tick) √ 0 Resident 0 Non-Resident 0 Resident but not ordinarily Resident

1 Income chargeable under the head 'Salaries' (Salary/Pension) 1 425,000

2 Income chargeable under the Head 'House Property' (enter -ve sign in case of loss, if any) 2 -

3 Income chargeable under the Head 'Other Sources' (enter -ve sign in case of loss, if any) 3 -

4 Gross Total Income (1+2+3) 4 425,000

5 Deductions under chapter VIA (Section

a 80C - e 80DD - I 80GG -

b 80CCC - f 80DDB - j 80GGA -

c 80CCD - g 80E - k 80GGC -

d 80D - h 80G - l 80U -

6 Deductions (Total of 5a to 5i) 6 -

7 Total Income (4-6) 7 425,000

8 Tax Payable on total Income 8 31,000

9 Secondary & Higher Education cess on 8 9 930


10 Total Tax & Education Cess Payable (8+9) 10 31,930

11 Relief under section 89 11 -

12 Relief under Section 90/91 12 -

13 Balance Tax Payable (10-11-12) 13 31,930

14 Total Interest Payable u/s 234A/234B/234C 14 1,500

15 Total Tax and Interest Payable (13+14) 15 33,430

Do not write or stamp in this area Seal and signature of receiving offi
For office Use only

Receipt No.

16 Taxes Paid

a Advance Tax (from item 25) 16a -

b TDS (column 7 of item23+column 7 of item 24) 16b -

c Self Assessment Tax (from item 25) 16c -

17 Total Taxes paid (16a+16b+16c) 17 -

18 Tax payable(15-17) (enter if 15 is greater than 17, else leave blank) 18 33,430

19 Refund (17-15) (enter if 17 is greater than 15, also give Bank account details below) 19 -

20 Enter your bank account number (mandatory in case of refund)

21 Do you want your refund by Cheque, or deposited directly into your bank account? (tick as applicable √ )

22 In case of direct deposit to your bank account give additional details

MICR Code - MICR - Type of Account (tick as applicable) √ 0 Savings 0 Current

23 Details of Tax Deducted at Source from Salary [As per Form 16 issued by Employer(s)]
Tax Deduction Account Deduction
Namee and address of the chargeable Tax payable (incl. Total tax Tax payable/
Sl No Number(TAN) of the under
Employer under the head surch. And edn. Cess) deposited refundable
Employer Chapter VI-A

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)

#VALUE! , - - - - -

- -

24 Details of Tax Deducted at Source on other than salary

Tax Deduction Account Amount out of
Namee and address of the Date of Payment
Sl No Number(TAN) of the Amount paid/ credited Total tax deposited (6) claim for this
Deductor /Credit
Deductor year
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)
- - -

- - -
- - -
- - -
- - -
- - -
- - -
- - -
- - -
NOTE ► Enter the total of column (7) of 24 in sl.no. 17b of TAXES PAID
25 Details of Advance Tax and Self Assessment Tax Payments
Date of Deposit
Sl No Name of Bank & Branch BSR Code Serial Number of Challan Amount (Rs.)
(i) 0 15-Sep-09 0 -

(ii) 0 15-Dec-09 0 -
(iii) 0 15-Mar-10 0 -
(iv) 0 31-Mar-10 0 -
(v) #VALUE!
NOTE ► Enter the total of Advance tax and Self Assessmen tax in Sl.No.15a and 15c of TAXES PAID
26 Other Information (Transactions reported through Annual Information Return) (Please see instruction number-9(ii) for code)
Sl. Code Amount (Rs.) Sl. Code Amount (Rs.) Sl. Code Amount (Rs.)
a 001 004 007
b 002 005 008
c 003 006

27 Exempt Income only for reporting purpose (from Dividend, Capital gains etc.) 27


I, #VALUE! Son of #VALUE! solemnly

declare that to the best of my knwledge and belief, the information given in the return thereto is correct and complete and that the amount of total income and other particulars shown
therein are truly stated and in accordance with the provisions of the Income Tax Act, 1961, in respect of income chargeable to Income-tax for the previous year relevant to the Assessment
Year 2010-11

Place #VALUE! Date 4-Nov-2021 Sign here

28 If the return has been prepared by a Tax Return Preparer (TRP) give further details as below :
Identification No. of TRP Name of TRP Counter Signature of TRP
29 If TRP is entitled for any reimbursement from the Government, amount thereof (to be filled by TRP) ### 29
Single copy ( to be sent to the ZAO)

Tax Applicable (Tick One) Assessment


Parmenent Account Number

Full Name

Complete Address with City & State


Type of Payment (Tick One)

Advance Tax (100) Surtax (102)
Self Assessment Tax (300) √ Tax on Distributed Profits of Domestic Companies(106)
Tax on Regular Assessment (400) Tax on Distributed Income to Unit Holders (107)


Income Tax - Debit to A/c / Cheque credited on
Education Cess DD MM YY
Total -
Total (in words)

Crores Lacs Thousands Hundreds Tens Units

Zero Zero Zero Zero

Paid in Cash/Debit to A/c/Cheque Dated

Drawn on
Name of the Bank and Branch)
Rs. -
Date 4-Nov-2021 Signature of person making payment

Taxpayers' Counterfoil (To be filled up by tax payer) SPACE FOR BANK SEAL

Received from #VALUE!

Cash/Debit to A/c/Chq. No. For Rs. -

Rs.(in words) Only
Drawn on
(Name of the Bank and Branch)


Type of Payment SELF ASSESSMENT TAX Rs. -
Assesment Year 2009-10
Name of the Bank Name of the Branch MICR
1 - Select the Bank - - Select the Branch - - MICR -
2 State Bank of India Service Branch, Vizag 530002001
3 State Bank of India Main Branch 530002002
4 State Bank of India Main Branch 530002003
5 State Bank of India A.U. Campus 530002004
6 State Bank of India A.U. Engg. College 530002005
7 State Bank of India BHPV Br 530002006
8 State Bank of India Dondaparthi 530002007
9 State Bank of India Dwarakanagar 530002008
10 State Bank of India Gajuwaka 530002009
11 State Bank of India Gopalapatnam 530002010
12 State Bank of India Hindustan Shipyard 530002011
13 State Bank of India Industrial Estate 530002012
14 State Bank of India Kailasapuram 530002013
15 State Bank of India Kirlampudi Layout 530002014
16 State Bank of India Maharani Peta 530002015
17 State Bank of India Malkapuram 530002016
18 State Bank of India Naval Base 530002017
19 State Bank of India Naval Dockyard 530002018
20 State Bank of India Overseas Br. 530002019
21 State Bank of India Seethammadhara 530002020
22 State Bank of India Siripuram Branch 530002021
23 State Bank of India Sriharipuram 530002022
24 State Bank of India SSI Branch 530002023
25 State Bank of India Simhachalam 530002024
26 State Bank of India Steel project 530002025
27 State Bank of India Ukkunagaram Sector-2 530002026
28 State Bank of India Ukkunagaram Sector-6 530002027
29 State Bank of India Venkateswara mitta 530002028
30 State Bank of India Visakhapatnam Port 530002029
31 State Bank of India PBB Branch-M.V.P. 530002030
32 State Bank of India PBB Branch Waltair 530002031
33 State Bank of India Pedagantyada 530002032
34 State Bank of India VEPZ Branch Duvvada 530002033
35 State Bank of India Pendurthi Br. 530002034
36 State bank of Bikaneer & Jaipur VSP Branch 530003001
37 State bank of Hyderabad Service Branch 530004001
38 State bank of Hyderabad Suryabagh Branch 530004002
39 State bank of Hyderabad Dwarakanagar Branch 530004003
40 State bank of Hyderabad Gajuwaka Branch 530004004
41 State bank of Hyderabad Siripuram Branch (FIB) 530004005
42 State bank of Hyderabad Kancharapalem 530004006
43 State bank of Hyderabad Municipal Complex 530004007
44 State bank of Hyderabad Murali Nagar 530004008
45 State bank of Hyderabad MVP Colony 530004009
46 State bank of Hyderabad Sagar Nagar 530004010
47 State bank of Hyderabad Saligrampuram 530004011
48 State bank of Hyderabad SIB Seethammapeta 530004012
49 State bank of Hyderabad Steel Project Branch 530004013
50 State bank of Hyderabad SBH Lawsons Bay 530004014
51 State bank of Hyderabad P&SB Br.Visakhapatnam 530004015
52 State bank of Hyderabad Sriharipuram 530004016
53 State Bank of Indore Visakhapatnam 530005002
54 State bank of Mysore Visakhapatnam 530006001
55 State bank of Patiala Visakhapatnam 530007001
56 State bank of Saurastra Visakhapatnam 530008002
57 State bank of Travancore Visakhapatnam 530009001
58 Allahabad Bank Visakhapatnam 530010001
59 Allahabad Bank AVN College 530010002
60 Andhra bank Service Centre 530011001
61 Andhra bank Akkayyapalem 530011002
62 Andhra bank A.U. Campus 530011003
63 Andhra bank Dabagardens 530011004
64 Andhra bank Dwarakanagar 530011005
65 Andhra bank Gajuwaka 530011006
66 Andhra bank KGH Branch 530011007
67 Andhra bank MVP Colony 530011008
68 Andhra bank Maharanipeta 530011009
69 Andhra bank Pithapuram Colony 530011010
70 Andhra bank Port Branch 530011011
71 Andhra bank RK Mission 530011012
72 Andhra bank Simhachalam 530011013
73 Andhra bank Malkapuram 530011014
74 Andhra bank Seethammadhara 530011015
75 Andhra bank Special SSI Branch 530011016
76 Andhra bank Steel Plant Branch 530011017
77 Andhra bank Special Agricultural Br. 530011018
78 Andhra bank Main Branch VSP 530011019
79 Andhra bank Waltair Br. 530011020
80 Andhra bank L.B. College 530011021
81 Andhra bank VEPZ 530011022
82 Andhra bank SVLNSVP 530011023
83 Andhra bank St. Ann's School Br. 530011024
84 Andhra bank Dock Labor Board Br. 530011025
85 Andhra bank A.R.P. Extn. Counter 530011026
86 Andhra bank A.V. Engg. College 530011027
87 Andhra bank G.C.C. Extn. Counter 530011028
88 Andhra bank INS Virabahu Extn. 530011029
89 Andhra bank M.P.D.O.Pendurthi 530011030
90 Bank of Baroda Dabagardens 530012001
91 Bank of Baroda Ailmetta Junction 530012002
92 Bank of Baroda Steel Project Br. 530012003
93 Bank of Baroda Spec. ISED Agrl. Fin. Br. 530012004
94 Bank of Baroda MVP Colony VMC Mahila College 530012005
95 Bank of Baroda Seethammadhara 530012006
96 Bank of India Main Branch 530013001
97 Bank of India Gajuwaka 530013002
98 Bank of India Harbour Road Br. 530013003
99 Bank of India Over Seas Br. 530013004
100 Bank of India SSI Br. 530013005
101 Bank of India Surya bagh Br. 530013006
102 Bank of Maharastra Visakhapatnam 530014001
103 Canara Bank Dabagardens 530015001
104 Canara Bank Chettivanipalem 530015002
105 Canara Bank Dwarakanagar 530015003
106 Canara Bank Kancharapalem 530015004
107 Canara Bank Overseas Br/ 530015005
108 Canara Bank Ushodaya Center MVP 530015006
109 Canara Bank Steel Plant Br. 530015007
110 Canara Bank Gajuwaka Br. 530015008
111 Canara Bank Service Br. 530015009
112 Central Bank of India Main Br. 530016001
113 Central Bank of India Gandhigram Br. 530016002
114 Central Bank of India Suryabagh 530016003
115 Corporation bank Visakhapatnam Br. 530017001
116 Corporation bank Dwarakanagar Br. 530017002
117 Dena Bank Dabagardens 530018001
118 Indian Bank Dabagardens 530019001
119 Indian Bank Maharanipeta 530019002
120 Indian Bank Seethampeta 530019003
121 Indian Overseas Bank VSP br. 530020001
122 Indian Overseas Bank Jagadamba Centre 530020002
123 Oriental bank of Commerce VSP Branch 530022001
124 Punjab & Sind Bank VSP Branch 530023001
125 Punjab National bank Visakhapatnam Br. 530024001
126 Punjab National bank PNB Nedungadi bank Br. 530024003
127 Syndicate Br. Dabagardens 530025001
128 Syndicate Br. Chinna Waltair 530025002
129 Union Bank of India Kotha Road Br. 530026001
130 Union Bank of India Dwarakanagar 530026002
131 Union Bank of India Gopalapatnam Br. 530026003
132 Union Bank of India MVP Colony Br. 530026004
133 Union Bank of India SSI Finance br. 530026006
134 Union Bank of India Gitam 530026007
135 United Bank of India VSp Br. 530027001
136 UCO bank Main Branch 530028001
137 UCO bank Hindustan Shipyard Br. 530028002
138 UCO bank Hindustan Zinc Smelter 530028003
139 UCO bank Visakhapatnam Town Ship 530028004
140 Vijaya bank 530029000
141 Vijaya bank VSP Br. 530029001
142 HSBC Visakhapatnam 530039001
143 Bharat Overseas Br. Visakhapatnam 530044001
144 Federal Bank Ltd., Visakhapatnam 530049001
145 Karnataka Bank Ltd., Maharanipeta Br. 530052001
146 Karnataka Bank Ltd., CBM Compound 530052002
147 Karur Vysya Bank Ltd., 530053000
148 Karur Vysya Bank Ltd., Dabagardens 530053001
149 Karur Vysya Bank Ltd., Pedawaltair 530053002
150 City Union Bank Ltd., Visakhapatnam 530054001
151 Lakshmi Vilas Bank CBM Compound Br. 530056001
152 Lakshmi Vilas Bank Gajuwaka Br. 530056002
153 Lakshmi Vilas Bank Gopalapatnam Br. 530056003
154 South Indian Bank Ltd., Visakhapatnam 530059001
155 Tamilnadu mercantile Br. Visakhapatnam 530060001
156 ING Vysya bank Regional Collection Centre Br. 530064001
157 ING Vysya bank Suryabagh br. 530064002
158 ING Vysya bank Gajuwaka Br. 530064004
159 ING Vysya bank Lalithanagar 530064005
160 ING Vysya bank Ramnagar Br. 530064006
161 ING Vysya bank Shanthipuram 530064007
162 ING Vysya bank Venkojipalem 530064008
163 ING Vysya bank Dwarakanagar 530064009
164 ING Vysya bank Seethammadhara Br. 530064010
165 ING Vysya bank General Post office 530111001
166 ING Vysya bank Head Post Office 530111002
167 AP Mahesh Coop Urban Br. Visakhapatnam 530142002
168 The maharaja Coop Bank Ltd., Visakhapatnam 530142251
169 UTI Bank Ltd., Dabagardens 530211000
170 UTI Bank Ltd., Visakhapatnam Br. 530211002
171 ICICI Bank VSP Br. 530229001
172 ICICI Bank MVP Colony 530229002
173 Global Trust Bank VSp Br. 530230001
174 Global Trust Bank Gajuwaka Br. 530230002
175 Centurion Bank VSP 530233002
176 Indusind Bank CDR Hospital Extn. Counter 530234001
177 Indusind Bank Gajuwaka Br. 530234002
178 Indusind Bank VJF Extn. Counter 530234003
179 HDFC bank VSP Br. 530240001
180 The Kanakamahalakshmi Coop Bank Ltd Visakhapatnam 530259002
181 IDBI Visakhapatnam 530259002
182 The Visakhapatnam COOP Bank Main Br. Kotha Rd. 530469002
183 The Visakhapatnam COOP Bank Akkayyapalem 530469003
184 The Visakhapatnam COOP Bank Gajuwaka Br. 530469004
185 The Visakhapatnam COOP Bank Nakkavanipalem 530469005
186 The Visakhapatnam COOP Bank Gopalapatnam 530469006
187 The Visakhapatnam COOP Bank Pendurthi 530469007
188 The Visakhapatnam COOP Bank Seethammadhra 530469008
189 The Visakhapatnam COOP Bank Marripalem 530469009
190 Sri Visakha Grameen bank Dabagardens 530515001
191 Sri Visakha Grameen bank Allipuram 530515002
192 Sri Visakha Grameen bank Baji Junction 530515003
193 Sri Visakha Grameen bank Seethammadhara 530515004
194 Sri Visakha Grameen bank Sriharipuram 530515005
195 Sri Visakha Grameen bank Chinagantyada 530515006
196 Sri Visakha Grameen bank Kancharapelm 530515007
197 Dt. Coop Central bank Ltd. 530519001
198 Dt. Coop Central bank Ltd. Srvice Centre 530519002
199 Dt. Coop Central bank Ltd. Visakhapatnam br. 530519003
200 Dt. Coop Central bank Ltd. Dwarakanagar 530519004
201 Dt. Coop Central bank Ltd. Gajuwaka 530519005
202 Dt. Coop Central bank Ltd. Gandhiplace br. 530519006
203 Dt. Coop Central bank Ltd. Kancharapalem 530519007
204 Dt. Coop Central bank Ltd. Maharanipeta 530519008
205 Dt. Coop Central bank Ltd. Marripalem 530519009
206 Dt. Coop Central bank Ltd. MVP Colony Branch 530519010
207 Dt. Coop Central bank Ltd. Railway New Colony 530519011
208 Dt. Coop Central bank Ltd. Seethammadhara 530519012
209 Dt. Coop Central bank Ltd. Sriharipuram 530519013
210 Dt. Coop Central bank Ltd. Visakha Coop Dairy branch 530519014
211 Dt. Coop Central bank Ltd. Visalakshinagar branch 530519015
-Select Bank Name and Branch-
State Bank of India , Service Branch, Vizag
State Bank of India , Main Branch
State Bank of India , Main Branch
State Bank of India , A.U. Campus
State Bank of India , A.U. Engg. College
State Bank of India , BHPV Br
State Bank of India , Dondaparthi
State Bank of India , Dwarakanagar
State Bank of India , Gajuwaka
State Bank of India , Gopalapatnam
State Bank of India , Hindustan Shipyard
State Bank of India , Industrial Estate
State Bank of India , Kailasapuram
State Bank of India , Kirlampudi Layout
State Bank of India , Maharani Peta
State Bank of India , Malkapuram
State Bank of India , Naval Base
State Bank of India , Naval Dockyard
State Bank of India , Overseas Br.
State Bank of India , Seethammadhara
State Bank of India , Siripuram Branch
State Bank of India , Sriharipuram
State Bank of India , SSI Branch
State Bank of India , Simhachalam
State Bank of India , Steel project
State Bank of India , Ukkunagaram Sector-2
State Bank of India , Ukkunagaram Sector-6
State Bank of India , Venkateswara mitta
State Bank of India , Visakhapatnam Port
State Bank of India , PBB Branch-M.V.P.
State Bank of India , PBB Branch Waltair
State Bank of India , Pedagantyada
State Bank of India , VEPZ Branch Duvvada
State Bank of India , Pendurthi Br.
State bank of Bikaneer & Jaipur , VSP Branch
State bank of Hyderabad , Service Branch
State bank of Hyderabad , Suryabagh Branch
State bank of Hyderabad , Dwarakanagar Branch
State bank of Hyderabad , Gajuwaka Branch
State bank of Hyderabad , Siripuram Branch (FIB)
State bank of Hyderabad , Kancharapalem
State bank of Hyderabad , Municipal Complex
State bank of Hyderabad , Murali Nagar
State bank of Hyderabad , MVP Colony
State bank of Hyderabad , Sagar Nagar
State bank of Hyderabad , Saligrampuram
State bank of Hyderabad , SIB Seethammapeta
State bank of Hyderabad , Steel Project Branch
State bank of Hyderabad , SBH Lawsons Bay
State bank of Hyderabad , P&SB Br.Visakhapatnam
State bank of Hyderabad , Sriharipuram
State Bank of Indore , Visakhapatnam
State bank of Mysore , Visakhapatnam
State bank of Patiala , Visakhapatnam
State bank of Saurastra , Visakhapatnam
State bank of Travancore , Visakhapatnam
Allahabad Bank , Visakhapatnam
Allahabad Bank , AVN College
Andhra bank , Service Centre
Andhra bank , Akkayyapalem
Andhra bank , A.U. Campus
Andhra bank , Dabagardens
Andhra bank , Dwarakanagar
Andhra bank , Gajuwaka
Andhra bank , KGH Branch
Andhra bank , MVP Colony
Andhra bank , Maharanipeta
Andhra bank , Pithapuram Colony
Andhra bank , Port Branch
Andhra bank , RK Mission
Andhra bank , Simhachalam
Andhra bank , Malkapuram
Andhra bank , Seethammadhara
Andhra bank , Special SSI Branch
Andhra bank , Steel Plant Branch
Andhra bank , Special Agricultural Br.
Andhra bank , Main Branch VSP
Andhra bank , Waltair Br.
Andhra bank , L.B. College
Andhra bank , VEPZ
Andhra bank , SVLNSVP
Andhra bank , St. Ann's School Br.
Andhra bank , Dock Labor Board Br.
Andhra bank , A.R.P. Extn. Counter
Andhra bank , A.V. Engg. College
Andhra bank , G.C.C. Extn. Counter
Andhra bank , INS Virabahu Extn.
Andhra bank , M.P.D.O.Pendurthi
Bank of Baroda , Dabagardens
Bank of Baroda , Ailmetta Junction
Bank of Baroda , Steel Project Br.
Bank of Baroda , Spec. ISED Agrl. Fin. Br.
Bank of Baroda , MVP Colony VMC Mahila College
Bank of Baroda , Seethammadhara
Bank of India , Main Branch
Bank of India , Gajuwaka
Bank of India , Harbour Road Br.
Bank of India , Over Seas Br.
Bank of India , SSI Br.
Bank of India , Surya bagh Br.
Bank of Maharastra , Visakhapatnam
Canara Bank , Dabagardens
Canara Bank , Chettivanipalem
Canara Bank , Dwarakanagar
Canara Bank , Kancharapalem
Canara Bank , Overseas Br/
Canara Bank , Ushodaya Center MVP
Canara Bank , Steel Plant Br.
Canara Bank , Gajuwaka Br.
Canara Bank , Service Br.
Central Bank of India , Main Br.
Central Bank of India , Gandhigram Br.
Central Bank of India , Suryabagh
Corporation bank , Visakhapatnam Br.
Corporation bank , Dwarakanagar Br.
Dena Bank , Dabagardens
Indian Bank , Dabagardens
Indian Bank , Maharanipeta
Indian Bank , Seethampeta
Indian Overseas Bank , VSP br.
Indian Overseas Bank , Jagadamba Centre
Oriental bank of Commerce , VSP Branch
Punjab & Sind Bank , VSP Branch
Punjab National bank , Visakhapatnam Br.
Punjab National bank , PNB Nedungadi bank Br.
Syndicate Br. , Dabagardens
Syndicate Br. , Chinna Waltair
Union Bank of India , Kotha Road Br.
Union Bank of India , Dwarakanagar
Union Bank of India , Gopalapatnam Br.
Union Bank of India , MVP Colony Br.
Union Bank of India , SSI Finance br.
Union Bank of India , Gitam
United Bank of India , VSp Br.
UCO bank , Main Branch
UCO bank , Hindustan Shipyard Br.
UCO bank , Hindustan Zinc Smelter
UCO bank , Visakhapatnam Town Ship
Vijaya bank ,
Vijaya bank , VSP Br.
HSBC , Visakhapatnam
Bharat Overseas Br. , Visakhapatnam
Federal Bank Ltd., , Visakhapatnam
Karnataka Bank Ltd., , Maharanipeta Br.
Karnataka Bank Ltd., , CBM Compound
Karur Vysya Bank Ltd., ,
Karur Vysya Bank Ltd., , Dabagardens
Karur Vysya Bank Ltd., , Pedawaltair
City Union Bank Ltd., , Visakhapatnam
Lakshmi Vilas Bank , CBM Compound Br.
Lakshmi Vilas Bank , Gajuwaka Br.
Lakshmi Vilas Bank , Gopalapatnam Br.
South Indian Bank Ltd., , Visakhapatnam
Tamilnadu mercantile Br. , Visakhapatnam
ING Vysya bank , Regional Collection Centre Br.
ING Vysya bank , Suryabagh br.
ING Vysya bank , Gajuwaka Br.
ING Vysya bank , Lalithanagar
ING Vysya bank , Ramnagar Br.
ING Vysya bank , Shanthipuram
ING Vysya bank , Venkojipalem
ING Vysya bank , Dwarakanagar
ING Vysya bank , Seethammadhara Br.
ING Vysya bank , General Post office
ING Vysya bank , Head Post Office
AP Mahesh Coop Urban Br. , Visakhapatnam
The maharaja Coop Bank Ltd., , Visakhapatnam
UTI Bank Ltd., , Dabagardens
UTI Bank Ltd., , Visakhapatnam Br.
ICICI Bank , VSP Br.
ICICI Bank , MVP Colony
Global Trust Bank , VSp Br.
Global Trust Bank , Gajuwaka Br.
Centurion Bank , VSP
Indusind Bank , CDR Hospital Extn. Counter
Indusind Bank , Gajuwaka Br.
Indusind Bank , VJF Extn. Counter
HDFC bank , VSP Br.
The Kanakamahalakshmi Coop Bank Ltd , Visakhapatnam
IDBI , Visakhapatnam
The Visakhapatnam COOP Bank , Main Br. Kotha Rd.
The Visakhapatnam COOP Bank , Akkayyapalem
The Visakhapatnam COOP Bank , Gajuwaka Br.
The Visakhapatnam COOP Bank , Nakkavanipalem
The Visakhapatnam COOP Bank , Gopalapatnam
The Visakhapatnam COOP Bank , Pendurthi
The Visakhapatnam COOP Bank , Seethammadhra
The Visakhapatnam COOP Bank , Marripalem
Sri Visakha Grameen bank , Dabagardens
Sri Visakha Grameen bank , Allipuram
Sri Visakha Grameen bank , Baji Junction
Sri Visakha Grameen bank , Seethammadhara
Sri Visakha Grameen bank , Sriharipuram
Sri Visakha Grameen bank , Chinagantyada
Sri Visakha Grameen bank , Kancharapelm
Dt. Coop Central bank Ltd. ,
Dt. Coop Central bank Ltd. , Srvice Centre
Dt. Coop Central bank Ltd. , Visakhapatnam br.
Dt. Coop Central bank Ltd. , Dwarakanagar
Dt. Coop Central bank Ltd. , Gajuwaka
Dt. Coop Central bank Ltd. , Gandhiplace br.
Dt. Coop Central bank Ltd. , Kancharapalem
Dt. Coop Central bank Ltd. , Maharanipeta
Dt. Coop Central bank Ltd. , Marripalem
Dt. Coop Central bank Ltd. , MVP Colony Branch
Dt. Coop Central bank Ltd. , Railway New Colony
Dt. Coop Central bank Ltd. , Seethammadhara
Dt. Coop Central bank Ltd. , Sriharipuram
Dt. Coop Central bank Ltd. , Visakha Coop Dairy branch
Dt. Coop Central bank Ltd. , Visalakshinagar branch


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