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Robot sensors

Jacob Burleson STEM Page 1

12 point Times New Roman 6.5x 11in double spaces
Robot sensing is a subpart of robots that allows them to become more human like. It
gives them senses such at sight, touch, hearing, and movement based on feedback from sensors.
The sensors use complex algorithams to give feedback and process that. The touch sensory
signals can be generated by the robots own movements and how it interacts with its environment.
Traditional robots were programed with a predetermined path and set rout. The problems
became clear early on when the robots encountered circumstances different than what the
program expected. The robot then couldnt handle the task. The algorythim was then implemented
to robots to help them give rapid Touch patterns enable robots to interpret human emotions in
interactive applications. Four measurable featuresforce, contact time, repetition, and contact
area changecan effectively categorize touch patterns through the temporal decision tree
classifier to account for the time delay and associate them to human emotions with up to 83%
accuracy. Accurate audio sensor requires low internal noise contribution. Traditionally, audio
sensors combine acoustical arrays and microphones to reduce internal noise level. Recent
solutions combine also piezoelectric devices. Humans usually turn to their partners when
conducting conversations, the VAD system with dual microphones that allow the robot to find
the instructional words by comparing the signal strengths of the two microphones. This current
system is able to deal with background noise generated by the enviornment and other systems in
the robot.
The results from attemps to instal accelorometers have been poor. In an informal study at
the univerity of Michigan it was found that there is a very poor signal-to-noise ratio at lower

accelerations (i.e., during low-speed turns). Accelerometersare also unable to compensate for
distance drift, and they are enable to handle uneven ground because any disturbance from a
perfect horizontal setting will make the sensor detect a part of the gravitational acceleration.

Wiki. "Robot Sensors." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 27 Jan. 2015. Web. 11 Oct. 2016.
Wang, Lei. "Sensors for Robotics 2015." Sensors for Robotics 2015. Hindawi Publishing
Corporation, 6 July 2015. Web. 11 Oct. 2016. <https://www.hindawi.com/journals/js/2015/412626/>.

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