EAAE. Proceedings Volume 2. Results and Reflections

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Proceedings Volume 2 Results and Reflections Doctorates in Design and Architecture Proceedings Volume 2 Results and Reflections Sponsored by Architectural Research Centers Consortium, Inc. = Arkitekskolen i Aarhus. ~ Department of Building Technology, Faculty of Architecture, Technical University of Delft. - Department of History, Theory, Media & Computer Science, Faculty of Architec- ture, Technical University of Delft. = Department of Housing & Urban Renewal, Faculty of Architecture, Technical Uni- versity of Delft. - Department of Real Estate & Project Managment, Faculty of Architecture, Techni- cal University of Delft. - European Association for Architectural Education. - Ecole d’Architecture de Paris-Villemin - Faculty of Architecture, Technical University of Delft = Universiteitsfonds Delf. Published by The Organising Committee in cooperation with: Publikatieburo Bouwkunde Berlageweg 1, 2628 CR Delft, the Netherlands telephone (0)15 2784737 Printed by Universiteitsdrukkerij Delft CIP-data Koninklijke Bibliotheek, Den Haag, ISBN 90-5269-201-7 4 Copyright© 1996 : by Department of Architecture of the Delft University of Technology Alll rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form, by print, pho- toprint, microfilm or by any other means without written permission from the publisher EAAE / AEEA - Conference Doctorates in Design and Architecture 8 - 10 February 1996 Proceedings Volume 2 Results and Reflections Delft University of Technology, Faculty of Architecture Delft 1996 : Organising Committee Mrs Annemieke Bal-Sanders Prof ir Leen van Duin Prof ir arch Richard Foqué Drs Herbert van Hoogdalem Miss Floor Moormann Dr ir Theo van der Voordt Dr Herman van Wegen The organising committee is assisted by Prof Conall 6 Cathdin Dr Sabine Chardonnet Darmaillacq Dr Kasper Nefer Olsen Scientific Committee Prof ir Jan Brouwer Prof Conall 6 Cathdin Dr Sabine Chardonnet Darmaillacq Prof ir Leen van Duin Prof ir Dirk Frieling Prof ir Hans de Jonge Prof Nils-Ole Lund Prof dr Alexander Tzonis Conference Secretariat Delft University of Technology Faculty of Architecture Berlageweg 1, Room 3.09 2628 CR Delft, The Netherlands Telephone (31)(0)15 278 1296 Telefax (31)(0)15 278 10 28 The EAAE is an international, non-profitmaking organisation, committed to promot- ing the exchange of ideas and people within the field of architectural education and research, and to encouraging the development of the subject throughout Europe. The Association respects the pedagogical and administrative approaches of the different schools and countries. It has two official languages: French and English. Table of Contents Preface: An Outline of Issues Theo J.M. van der Voordt, Herman B.R. van Wegen, Delft, The Netherlands Research in Architecture and Other Disciplines The Construction of a New 'Ism' - The Rhetorical Context of Architecture, Thordis Arrhenius, Stockholm, Sweden The Boundaries of Architectural Research Edwin S. Brierley, Leicester, UK The Specific Role of the Doctorate in the History of Architecture within an Architecture School Martin Kubelik, Wien, Austria Doctorates in Design? Why we need a research culture in design Geoff Matthews, Humberside, UK Proposal for a National Academy of Architectural Science Murray Milne, California USA Doctorates in Architecture - Architeciure in Doctorates Herman Neuckermans, Heverlee, Belgium Art Theory and Cultural Studies as a Bridge Between Architectural and Urban Research Terttu Pakarinen, Tampere, Finland Confronting the Barrier between Qualitative and Quantitative Research Randy Swanson, Charlotte, North Carolina, USA Education in Research and Design De influence de l'idée de Technique sur 'enseignement de architecture Phillipe Boudon, Paris, France Savoir & Action: les ‘nouveaus outils' sont-ils ‘urbainement corrects’ pour les relations enseignement/recherche? Elenilde Cardoso, André Del & Christian Nidriche, Paris, France 13 21 27 30 36 43, 47 58 “ai 75 Method without Theory is Empty - Theory without Philosophy is Blind Frances Downing & Robert Warden, Texas, U.S.A. Architectural Education and Reality Nelly Marda, Greenwich, England Research in Teaching Architectural Design between Empiricism and Science Florinel Radu, Bucarest, Romania Epistemological maximalism vs. professional minimalism Necdet Teymur, Ankara, Turkey Generating Design Concepts Méthodologies de la Conception et Connaissance de la Conception Philippe Deshayes, Paris, France Making Vision Visible: Design Thought and Design Process Yvon Gijsbers & Paul Hekkert, Delft, The Netherlands Visual Communication in Architectural Design Andreas Luescher, Pennsylvania, USA Architecture of Instruction and Pleasure Pieter van Wesemael, Amsterdam, The Netherlands Design Theory and Methodology The New Output of Traditional Design Methods Aleksander Asanowicz, Bialystok, Poland A Virtual Office Support System for Concurrent Design in Architecture John Linke Heintz, Delft, The Netherlands The Designer as a 'Hox-gene': The Origin and. Impact of Vision in the Evolution of Design Paul Hekkert, Delft, The Netherlands Architectural Framework Bernard Leupen, Delfi, The Netherlands 83 90 101 109 116 122 130 143 148 158 166, Materialisation and Production of Design Developing a View on the Communication of Building Product Innovations to Architects . Stephen Emmitt, Northampton, England How Buildings can be Tailor-Made Mieke Oostra, Delft, The Netherlands House of the Mechanical Muses Carlo Ostorero, Torino, Italy Connections between Components - A Design Method Victor Théne, Delft, The Netherlands Analysis of Oeuvres Theory and Practice of Artistic Creation in the Early 17th Century: The Poetic Model of W. Salomon de Caus. Katja Grillner, Stockholm, Sweden ‘Continuita’ and crises; The Theoretical and Design Approach of Ernesto Nathan Rogers in the Architectural Post-war Debate Luca Molinari, Milano, Haly ‘The Process of Stratification in the Work of Carlo Scarpa Anne-C. Schultz, Stuttgart, Germany The country houses of H. Th. Wijdeveld Mariétte van Straten, Eindhoven, The Netherlands Speculations on the Morphology of the Plans of Seven Ando Houses Emmanuel-George Vakalé, Michigan, U.S.A.& Shuenn-Ren Liou, Taichung, Taiwan Urban Design and Architecture Studies in Morphology of Place Milos Bobic, Amsterdam, The Netherlands 179 187 191 197 205 216 223 238 260 a Territory city: Congestion and Dilution of the ‘Full Country" Marc Glaudemans, Eindhoven, The Netherlands Modern Ways of Urban Space Refurbishment Wojciech Korbel, Krakow, Poland Designing Greenstructures and the Development of Nature in Dutch metropolitan areas | JHA. Meeus, Arnhem, The Netherlands 1 Public Urban Open Space Sigrun Prahl, Berlijn, The Netherlands ‘Sustainability Re-conception en Conservation/Restauration du Patrimoine Gilles Barbey & Michel Clivaz, Lausanne, France Integration of Energy ’Saving Measures in the Restoration and Renovation of Historic Buildings Alexandra Guimaraes; Delft, The Netherlands \ Problems from Heavy Polluted Industrial Areas in Poland facing the growing Needs of Conservation Beata Kuc-Sluszeniak, Gliwice, Poland Research in Technical, Economical and Cultural Effects of Sustainable Building : Christoph Maria Ravesloot, Delfi, The Netherlands i Index of. Authors’ 285 295 303 316 oe 338 346 353 364 Preface Doctorates in Design and Architecture: An Outline of Issues ‘Theo JM van der Voordt & Herman BR van Wegen Delfi University of Technology, Faculty of Architecture. Berlageweg I, 2628 CR Delft, The Netherlands. Phone (15) 278 4192. Fax (15)278 1028. E-mail DJ.M.vander Voordi@bk.tudelft.n! Introduction In February 1996, colleagues from 23 different countries spent two days talking about Doctorates in Design and Architecture. A summary of about 80 papers is included in the Conference Book. Volume 1 of the Proceedings covers 15 full length papers giving an impression of the State of the Art. The way in. which doctoral research in design is organised in different countries, the way it is financed, leading themes, criteria for selection of candidates and so on are here the main issues. Volume 2 of the Proceed- ings before you contains nearly 40 papers reflecting on doctorates in Design and Architecture, What is the essence of (research in) Architecture? What is its relation- ship with other disciplines? What are the relevant focal points for education in design and research? Volume 2 also includes the papers on the approach, progress and (provisional) results of current or recently concluded doctoral research done in this area. Design concepts, designer's strategies and methods, oeuvres of well-known architects and so on are described and discussed. The papers are grouped into cight themes. Here and there we have deviated from the sequence used during the conference to make it more coherent For each theme, the papers have been listed in alphabetical order by author's name. Research in Architecture and Other Disciplines Architecture has much in common with other disciplines: social sciences, manage- ment, operational research, history of architecture, philosophy, etc. We may well ask what the essence of architecture itself is. Brierly, Matthews and Heynen too (Volume 1) make a scrious attempt to get to the essence of architecture and architectural research. Brierly discusses the thesis, that the essence of architectural research can to an extent be identified by a process of disclaiming research which is primarily founded in dis- ciplines and methodologies other than those of architecture. Yet, that argument implies that the subject of architecture has definable values which are exclusive to the subject In reality it is often difficult to distinguish those values which are due to the nature of the discipline of architecture. The features which distinguish architecture from other disciplines tend to have indistinct boundaries. Similar statements can be found in the papers of Heynen en Neuckermans. Heynen too, argues that the essence of architecture is not easily identifiable. She believes that the study of architecture requires an initi- ation in so many different fields and disciplines that the exact focus on an autonomous reality called architecture anyhow becomes blurred. Neuckermans believes architecture can be quite easily researched provided it is approached from various angles: social, epistemological, phenomenological, technical, semantic and morphologic. So it may well be impossible to provide a definition of the precise content of

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