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Cellulolytic and fermentative guilds in eutrophic soils of the

Florida Everglades
Ilker Uz1 & Andrew V. Ogram1,2
Soil and Water Science Department, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, USA and 2Microbiology and Cell Science Department, University of Florida,
Gainesville, FL, USA

Correspondence: Andrew Ogram, Soil and Abstract

Water Science Department, PO Box 110290,
2169 McCarty Hall, University of Florida,
The northern Florida Everglades has been subject to eutrophication in recent years,
Gainesville, FL 32611-0290, USA. Tel.: resulting in well-documented changes in microbial ecology and a shift in the
11 352 3921951, ext. 211; fax: 11 352 dominant plant species. This study investigated effects of plant quality and
3923902; e-mail: eutrophication on activities and composition of cellulolytic and fermentative
guilds in soils. Most probable numbers of cellulolytic bacteria in eutrophic (F1)
Present address: Ilker Uz, Gaziosmanpasa and transition (F4) soils were 10-fold higher than in oligotrophic soils (U3).
University, Tasliciftlik Kampusu, Tokat, Turkey. Higher potential methanogenesis was observed from cellulose in microcosms with
soils from F1 and F4, compared to U3 soils. Nutrient status of soil, rather than
Received 25 August 2005; revised 13 January
plant type, was the major factor controlling methanogenesis rates, although
2005; accepted 23 January 2006.
First published online 24 March 2006.
numbers of fermentative bacteria were higher in microcosms supplemented with
ground cattail (dominant in F1 and F4) than with sawgrass (dominant component
DOI:10.1111/j.1574-6941.2006.00120.x of soil in U3), regardless of soil origin. DNA sequence analysis indicated
Clostridium assemblage composition correlates with soil nutrient status.
Editor: Gary King

fermentation; wetlands; Clostridium

Introduction phosphorus in the eutrophic regions of the gradient resulted

in increased rates of microbial activity, including microbial
The Florida Everglades is one of the largest freshwater respiration, methanogenesis, and sulfate reduction (Castro
marshes in North America and was historically a low- et al., 2002, 2004, 2005; Chauhan et al., 2004).
nutrient system. For over 35 years, the northern Everglades Previous work in our laboratory demonstrated that the
has been subject to nutrient loading and eutrophication compositions and activities of assemblages of sulfate-redu-
associated with runoff from the nearby Everglades Agricul- cing prokaryotes, methanogens, and syntrophs differ be-
tural Area. Agricultural runoff into the marsh formed a tween eutrophic and oligotrophic regions of the marsh
gradient in phosphorus concentrations ranging from (Castro et al., 2002, 2004, 2005; Chauhan et al., 2004).
1500 mg total P kg1 soil adjacent to the Everglades Agricul- Methanogenic and sulfate-reducing guilds depend in large
tural Area to approximately 500 mg total P kg1 soil in the part on decomposition of plant material by other micro-
relatively oligotrophic regions of the marsh. Prior to eu- organisms, particularly cellulolytic and fermentative species.
trophication, the Everglades was adapted to very low phos- Fermentation products formed from cellulose decomposi-
phorus concentrations (water column concentrations of less tion products are utilized by other anaerobes, including
than 10 ppb), and phosphorus was the limiting nutrient for those mentioned above. The amount and type of fermenta-
plant growth. tion products can control the activities and composition of
A number of significant changes in the ecology of the guilds of these prokaryotes, such that changes in the
Everglades occurred as a result of eutrophication, and are activities of cellulolytic and fermentative bacteria would
evident along the nutrient gradient. Among the most likely affect the activities and compositions of sulfate-redu-
significant of these changes is replacement of the dominant cing and methanogenic guilds. Previous work on these sites
vegetation, sawgrass (Cladium jamaicense) in ridges and suggested a greater diversity of available fermentation pro-
spike rush (Eleocharis cellulosa) in sloughs, by dense stands ducts in F1 and F4 than U3 soils, which affected the
of cattail (Typha domingensis). Increased plant biomass and composition of sulfate-reducing guilds (Castro et al., 2002,

c 2006 Federation of European Microbiological Societies FEMS Microbiol Ecol 57 (2006) 396408
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Cellulolytic and fermentative guilds in eutrophic soils 397

2005). The compositions of methanogenic guilds also differ redox potential of 110 to 200 mV), plus the appropriate
in these sites, possibly a result of differing H2 concentrations carbon substrate. Glucose (20 mM) and cellulose powder
produced from fermentation (Castro et al., 2002, 2005). (0.3% weight in volume; Avicel PH-101 microcrystalline
Considerable information is available on the roles of cellulose; FMC Biopolymer, Philadelphia, PA) were added to
cellulolytic and fermentative bacteria in the decomposition separate most probable number tubes for enumeration of
of plant material in human and animal intestines (Franks fermentation bacteria and cellulolytic bacteria, respectively.
et al., 1998; Hayashi et al., 2002) and rice paddies (Hengst- For fermentative most probable number, a color change
mann et al., 1999; Weber et al., 2001); however, little is from purple to yellow due to acidity was counted as positive.
known of the ecology of these guilds in natural wetlands or For cellulose most probable number, tubes showing visual
of the possible effects of plant quality or eutrophication on change in conformation of cellulose were counted as posi-
their activities and composition. tive. The visual change included a shift from a dispersible
The primary objective of this study was to utilize a powder to a more dense opaque form. This observed shift in
combination of culture- and nonculture-based approaches form was confirmed as degradation by incubation of the
to characterize the activities, numbers, and composition of powder as sole carbon source for cellulose degrading organ-
assemblages of cellulolytic and fermentative species in isms (data not shown).
eutrophic and oligotrophic regions of the Everglades to gain
a more complete picture of nutrient impacts on carbon Laboratory microcosm studies
cycling in this marsh.
Composite soil samples (2 g, wet weight) were mixed with
50 mL basal carbonate yeast extract trypticase (BCYT)
Materials and methods medium (Touzel & Albagnac, 1983) in 100 mL serum tubes.
In each microcosm experiment, three or five replicates were
Site characteristics, sampling and used for each composite sample from F1, F4, and U3 soils.
biogeochemical characterization BCYT also included resazurin (1%), cysteine-sodium sulfide
Soil samples were collected from eutrophic, transition, and (2%), and a carbon source. Material used as a carbon source
oligotrophic regions of the Florida Everglades Water Con- includes cellulose (0.162 g), or dried and crushed dead
servation Area 2A (WCA-2A) under flooded conditions in standing cattail or sawgrass plants (0.5 g). Phosphorus was
Spring 2002. Eutrophic regions (F1) are dominated by not added to microcosms with plant material. All media,
cattail and transition regions (F4) by mixtures of cattail stock solutions, and microcosms were prepared under
and sawgrass. Oligotrophic regions (U3) are dominated by nitrogen gas stream to provide anaerobic conditions. Vials
sawgrass on ridges and by spike rush in sloughs. Soil cores were closed with rubber stoppers and aluminum seals, and
were collected in triplicate from each site and transferred on incubated at 28 1C. Liquid samples (1 mL) were collected
ice to the laboratory. After removal of the detrital layer, cores weekly from microcosms. These samples were centrifuged,
were sectioned and soils corresponding to 010 cm depth filtered through 0.2 mm filters, and stored at 20 1C until
were separated, and replicate soil samples manually mixed analysis. Fatty acids were measured with a high-pressure
to create a composite sample for each site. Subsamples to be liquid chromatograph (HPLC) (Waters Corp., Milford, MA)
used for microcosm experiments and enumeration were equipped with a UV detector set at 210 nm. Aminex HP
stored at 4 1C until analysis (within 27 days after sam- 87 H column (300  7.5 mm) was used with sulfuric acid
pling). Subsamples intended for DNA analysis were frozen (0.5 mM) as mobile phase at the flow rate of 0.6 mL min1.
at 70 1C. Total nitrogen, extractable ammonium-N, total Methane formation in the headspace was determined by a
phosphorus, total inorganic phosphorus, extractable organ- Shimadzu 8A gas chromatograph equipped with a Carboxen
ic carbon, and microbial biomass carbon were determined 1000 column (Supelco, Bellefonte, PA) and a flame ioniza-
by the Wetland Biogeochemistry Lab at the University of tion detector set at 110 1C. Nitrogen was used as carrier gas
Florida, as described previously (Wright & Reddy, 2001a; and the oven temperature was 160 1C. The pressure in the
Castro et al., 2002; Chauhan et al., 2004). headspace was measured with a digital pressure device (DPI
705; Druck, New Fairfield, CT).
Microbial enumeration
Nucleic acid extraction and PCR
The most probable number technique with five replicates
per dilution was used for enumeration studies. The most
probable number medium for both fermentative and cellu- DNA was extracted from soil samples using Ultra Clean Soil
lolytic most probable numbers contained peptone DNA kit (MoBio, Solana Beach, CA) according to manufac-
(10 g L1), NaCl (5 g L1) and bromocresol purple turers instructions. DNA was extracted from the micro-
(0.0085 g L1), cysteine-sodium sulfide (2%, to provide final cosms using this kit with the following modifications:

FEMS Microbiol Ecol 57 (2006) 396408 

c 2006 Federation of European Microbiological Societies
Published by Blackwell Publishing Ltd. All rights reserved
398 I. Uz & A.V. Ogram

approximately 1.5 mL supernatant from the microcosms 1990). The sequences obtained in this study were ini-
were centrifuged at high speed in a microfuge, the super- tially aligned with closely matched sequences from the NCBI
natant discarded, and pellets resuspended in the kits bead database using the Pileup function of GCG Package (Ac-
solution. The remainder of the purification followed the celrys Inc., San Diego, CA) and adjusted manually with
manufacturers instructions. After extraction, DNA was CLUSTALX version 1.8 (Thompson et al., 1997). Phylogenetic
analyzed by electrophoresis through between 0.7% and 1% trees were generated with TREECON (Van de Peer & De
agarose in Tris-Acetate-EDTA buffer. Wachter, 1994, 1997) using a neighbor-joining method.
Primer names, sequences, annealing temperatures, and Bootstrap analysis was performed with 100 resamplings of
target groups for amplification by PCR are presented in the DNA sequences to estimate the confidence of tree
Table 1 (Lane, 1991; Franks et al., 1998; Van Dyke & topology.
McCarthy, 2002). PCR reaction mixtures contained 10 mL
of HotStarTaq master mix (Qiagen, Valencia, CA), 7 mL of
Nucleic acid accession numbers
distilled H2O, 1 mL of each primer (10 pmol mL1) and 1 mL
of diluted DNA solution. PCR cycling was performed at The GenBank accession numbers obtained in this study
94 1C for 1 min for denaturation and at 72 1C for 1 min for for Clostridium 16S rRNA gene sequences are AY650400
chain extension. Annealing was performed for 1 min for AY650408 and DQ168144DQ168309.
Clostridium-specific primers at temperatures shown in Table 1.
Reaction mixtures were subjected to 40 cycles for Clostri-
Terminal RFLP analysis
dium-specific primers in a Perkin-Elmer Model 2400 Ther-
mal Cycler (Perkin-Elmer, Norwalk, CT). An initial Terminal RFLP (T-RFLP) analysis was conducted on 136
activation step of 95 1C for 15 min was required for Hot- soil samples collected from F1, F4, and U3 regions of WCA-
StarTaq master mix. An additional 7 min were added for 2A between April 2001 and August 2002. Three replicate
chain extension at the end of reactions. cores from each site were collected on an approximately
monthly basis for over 1 year (Castro et al., 2005). DNA was
Cloning of 16S rRNA genes and restriction extracted from soil samples by using Ultra Clean Soil DNA
fragment length polymorphism analysis kit (MoBio) according to manufacturers instruction. For
PCR, primers Erec-0482-a-S-19 and Ccoc-1112-a-A-19
Fresh PCR products were ligated into a pCRII-TOPO
(Table 1) targeting 16S rRNA gene of Clostridium Cluster
cloning vector (Invitrogen, Carlsbad, CA) and transformed
XIV species were used. The forward primer Erec-0482-a-S-
into chemically competent Escherichia coli cells (TOP10F)
19 was labeled with 6-FAM (6-carboxyfluorescein) by the
according to the vendors instructions. Individual colonies
vendor (Invitrogen). The same PCR cycling conditions,
were screened by direct PCR amplification and restriction
except annealing temperature, were used as described in
fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) analysis was per-
previous sections. The annealing temperature was set to be
formed using digestion enzymes HhaI1EcoRV for Cluster I,
53 1C instead 55 1C. The PCR reaction mixture contained
AluI for Cluster III, and MspI for Clusters IV and XIVab
25 mL of HotStarTaq master mix (Qiagen, Valencia, CA),
clones. Selection of digestion enzymes for RFLP was based
17.5 mL of distilled H2O, 2.5 mL of each primer (10 pmol mL1)
on in silico analysis of previously identified 16S rRNA genes
and 2.5 mL of diluted DNA solution. After confirming the
of Clostridium species in the National Center Biotechnology
expected PCR product size by electrophoresis through 0.7%
Information (NCBI) database using CLONEMAP software (ver-
agarose gels, products were cleaned and concentrated with
sion 2.11, CGC Scientific Inc, Ballwin, MO). Digestion
QIAquick PCR purification kits (Qiagen) to 30 mL.
reactions were analyzed in 2% agarose gels. Clone libraries
Between 100 and 150 ng of amplification product were
were analyzed by analytical rarefaction with software ARARE-
digested with HincII according to vendors instruction
FACTWIN [version 1.3, S Holland, Stratigraphy Lab, University
(Promega, Madison, WI). Selection of digestion enzyme for
of Georgia, Athens (]
T-RFLP was based on in silico analysis of Clostridium
to confirm that sufficient numbers of RFLP groups were
sequences cloned from soil samples by using CLONEMAP
selected to represent the clone libraries.
software (version 2.11, CGC Scientific Inc.). From digestion
reactions, between 1 and 1.5 mL aliquots were processed by
Sequencing and phylogenetic analysis
the University of Floridas Interdisciplinary Center for
Selected clones representing different RFLP patterns were Biotechnology Research core sequencing facility. T-RFLP
sequenced by the University of Floridas Interdisciplinary analysis was conducted manually by scoring presence and
Center for Biotechnology Research core sequencing facility. absence of the peak corresponding to expected fragment
Sequences were compared with previously identified se- size. A general linear model was applied using PROC GLM
quences in the NCBI database using BLAST (Altschul et al., (SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC). Duncans Multiple Range

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Cellulolytic and fermentative guilds in eutrophic soils 399

Table 1. Primers and annealing temperatures used in this study

Primer (sequence 5 0 -3 0 ) Target genew temperature ( 1C) References
27F (AGAGTTTGATCMTGGCTCAG) Universal 16S rRNA gene 58 Lane, (1991)
1492R (TACGGYTACCTTGTTACGACTT) Universal 16S rRNA gene Lane, (1991)
Chis-0150-a-S-23 (AAAGGRAGATTAATACCGCATAA) Clostridium Cluster I 16S rRNA gene 58z Franks et al. (1998)
Cbot-0983-a-A-21 (CARGRGATGTCAAGYCYAGGT) Clostridium Cluster I 16S rRNA gene Van Dyke & McCarthy, (2002)
Cther-0650-a-S-23 (TCTTGAGTGYYGGAGAGGAAAGC) Clostridium Cluster III 16S rRNA gene 60 Van Dyke & McCarthy, (2002)
Cther-1352-a-A-19 (GRCAGTATDCTGACCTRCC) Clostridium Cluster III 16S rRNA gene Van Dyke & McCarthy, (2002)
Clos-0561-a-S-17 (TTACTGGGTGTAAAGGG) Clostridium Cluster IV 16S rRNA gene 60 Van Dyke & McCarthy, (2002)
Clept-1129-a-A-17 (TAGAGTGCTCTTGCGTA) Clostridium Cluster IV 16S rRNA gene Van Dyke & McCarthy, (2002)
Erec-0482-a-S-19 (CGGTACYTGACTAAGAAGC) Clostridium Cluster XIVab 16S rRNA gene 55 Franks et al. (1998)
Ccoc-1112-a-A-19 (TGGCTACTRDRVAYARGGG) Clostridium Cluster XIVab 16S rRNA gene Van Dyke & McCarthy, (2002)
Y, T/C; V, G/C/A; R, A/G.
Based on clustering system described by Collins et al. (1994).
Originally reported as 65 1C.

Table 2. Selected biogeochemical parameters for soils from eutrophic (F1), transition (F4), and oligotrophic (U3) regions of WCA-2A during Spring
Sampling Moisture TP TPi TC MBC Extractable TOC TN NH4-N
site content (%) (mg kg1) (mg kg1) (g kg1) (mg kg1) (mg kg1) (g kg1) (mg kg1)
F1 92 (1) 1110 (352) 366 (128) 446 (24) 7705 (1534) 2404 (204) 28.8 (2.1) 90 (13)
F4 93 (1) 767 (49) 310 (72) 357 (10) 8933 (1529) 2436 (284) 25.3 (2.6) 107 (16)
U3 93 (2) 449 (161) 221 (131) 230 (42) 2627 (128) 1973 (450) 32.8 (2.8) 103 (33)
Standard deviations based on three replicates are presented in parentheses. Concentrations are expressed per kg (dry weight) soil.
TP, total phosphorus; TPi, total inorganic phosphorus; TC, total carbon; MBC, microbial biomass carbon; TOC, total organic carbon; TN, total nitrogen;
NH4-N, extractable ammonium.

Test was used to determine significance of differences in Table 3. Most probable numbers of cellulolytic and fermentative bac-
T-RFLP data between soil samples. teria in Everglades soils
Soil Cellulose Fermentation
F1 2.39  105 (0.767.60) 5.42  106 (1.7914.19)
F4 3.47  105 (1.1710.16) 9.17  106 (2.6722.01)
Results and discussion
U3 2.43  104 (0.787.40) 1.72  106 (0.434.97)
Confidence levels (95%) are presented in parentheses.
Biogeochemical characterization
Biogeochemical parameters for phosphorus, carbon, and
nitrogen at the study sites are presented in Table 2. In
Enumeration of cellulolytic and fermentative
general, soils from the eutrophic area contain higher levels
of nutrients than soils from the oligotrophic area. Total
phosphorus and total inorganic phosphorus were higher in Most probable numbers of cellulolytic bacteria were 10-fold
soil from the eutrophic area (F1), followed by soils from the higher in F1 and F4, than in U3 (Table 3). No significant
transition (F4) and oligotrophic (U3) zones. Similarly, total differences in most probable numbers of fermentative
carbon was higher in F1 soils, followed by F4 and U3 soils. bacteria were observed between F1, F4, and U3 soils. Higher
Extractable organic carbon was similar in F1 and F4 soils, numbers of cellulolytic bacteria are expected in F1 and F4
which were higher than in U3 soil. Microbial biomass than in U3 due to the greater input of plant material to those
carbon was highest in F4 soils followed by F1, and U3 soil soils. Numbers of fermenters are also likely higher in F1 and
has the lowest microbial biomass carbon. These data are in F4 than in U3 soils, although the large confidence intervals
agreement with previously published reports (Wright & Red- associated with the most probable number method do not
dy, 2001a, b; Castro et al., 2002, 2004; Chauhan et al., 2004). allow this conclusion to be made with confidence. Analyses

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c2006 Federation of European Microbiological Societies
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400 I. Uz & A.V. Ogram

using this method are estimates of true numbers at best, and trophic methanogens during the first stage, and by aceto-
may significantly underestimate the true numbers of organ- trophs during the second stage. Similar trends have also been
isms that grow on substrates such as cellulose. observed in microcosms containing rice roots (Lehmann-
Richter et al., 1999). Drake and co-workers (Drake et al.,
1996) reported similar results for Everglades soils, and
Microcosm studies attributed the lag to inhibition of acetotrophs by accumula-
tion of H2. Acetotrophic methanogens are inhibited by H2;
Cellulose microcosms when CO2 was added to microcosms in their studies, H2 was
The production of fermentation products and methane from consumed with CO2 by homacetogens to form acetate, and
cellulose provides an indication of rates and potential path- acetotrophic methanogenesis increased significantly.
ways for carbon decomposition for the different regions. Production of propionate and butyrate may be related to
Methane production in the soil microcosms with added relatively high fermentation rates (Schink, 1997), as one
cellulose (Fig. 1) occurred in two stages. In the first stage, might expect in soils with greater activities of fermentative
methane was produced in small amounts and gradually bacteria, such as those observed in F1 and F4. Propionate was
increased beginning the first week of the experiment. Sharp detected in all microcosms, and F1 and F4 cellulose micro-
increases in methane production corresponding with sharp cosms accumulated more propionate than butyrate. A similar
declines in acetate concentrations were observed for the F1 trend was reported for rice paddies (Conrad & Klose, 1999).
microcosm in the third week, and for the F4 microcosm in Consumption of propionate and butyrate leading to
the fifth week. Methane was likely produced by hydrogeno- methane production requires the cooperation of secondary




0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Time (day)



0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Time (day)


Fig. 1. Effect of cellulose on fermentation
products and methane production in eutrophic
and transition soils of the Everglades. Error bars
represent standard errors based on three
0 replicates. (a) F1-cellulose microcosms.
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 (b) F4-cellulose microcosms. (c) U3-cellulose
Time (day) microcosms. Control values (no carbon added
other than BCYT) were subtracted from values
Methane Acetate Butyrate Propionate
reported here.

c 2006 Federation of European Microbiological Societies FEMS Microbiol Ecol 57 (2006) 396408
Published by Blackwell Publishing Ltd. All rights reserved
Cellulolytic and fermentative guilds in eutrophic soils 401

fermenters (syntrophs) and methanogens (Schink, 1997). were observed in cattail microcosms compared to sawgrass
Chauhan et al. (2004) reported higher rates of propionate- microcosms, regardless of the origin of soil samples.
and butyrate-induced methanogenesis in F1 and F4 than in It is not clear why similar differences were not observed in
U3 soils. They also found that the composition of syntrophic methane production (Fig. 2). It is possible that the addi-
consortia in F1 and F4 differed significantly from those tional numbers of fermenters were not large enough to
found in U3 soils. In the present study, propionate con- produce a measurable difference by the methods used here,
sumption was only observed in F1 cellulose microcosms or that some products were processed through pathways
(Fig. 1), and only after long incubation times. This may be that did not lead to acetate formation or methanogenesis.
due to disruption of syntrophmethanogen consortia dur- Sulfate reduction provides an alternative route for a limited
ing mixing, which require close physical proximity to amount of carbon in these soils (Castro et al., 2005).
function (Schink, 1997). An alternate explanation was
provided by Fukuzaki et al. (1990), who demonstrated that Phylogenetic analysis of cloned Clostridium 16S
acetate has an inhibitory effect on propionate degradation. rRNA gene sequences
Previous studies (Franks et al., 1998; Schwarz, 2001; Weber
Effect of plant type as carbon source on et al., 2001; Van Dyke & McCarthy, 2002) conducted in
carbon cycling various anaerobic environments emphasized the importance
Much of the readily decomposable material in plants is of Clostridium species for cellulose degradation and fermen-
cellulose, but the relative degradation rates of cellulose and tation, particularly those species belonging to Clusters I, III,
other decomposable compounds may depend on the type of IV and XIV (Weber et al., 2001; Van Dyke & McCarthy,
plant. The dominant plants in F1 and F4 are cattail, and 2002). The highest positive-scoring cellulose-degrader most
most of U3 is dominated by sawgrass. To test the relative probable number tubes in this study were dominated by
impact of plant type on decomposition and methanogen- sequences clustering with Clostridium species, such that this
esis, microcosms with ground cattail and sawgrass were genus formed the basis for molecular studies on the dis-
established and products monitored. Table 4 presents che- tribution of cellulose degraders in WCA-2A soils. The genus
mical parameters for plant material used in these experi- Clostridium is a phylogenetically diverse group, such that no
ments (Rowland & Roberts, 1994; Inglett, 2005). The single PCR primer set has been designed to target all
cellulose and lignin contents of plant material were similar, Clostridium species. PCR primers specific to the individual
and the hemicellulose content of sawgrass was c. 6% higher clusters proposed by Collins et al. (1994) for the genus
than that of cattail. The primary difference between plant Clostridium were used to investigate the diversity of
materials was their total nitrogen and total phosphorus Clostridium in F1, F4, and U3 soils (Table 1). Sequences
contents. Cattails contain twice more total nitrogen and six from plant microcosms were also analyzed to investigate
times more total phosphorus than sawgrass used in this whether the type of plant material influences Clostridium
study. assemblage composition.
Acetate production and consumption trends and
methane formation in plant microcosm experiments are
Cluster I
presented in Fig. 2, and most probable number enumeration
for fermentative and cellulolytic bacteria at the end of the Cluster I is one of the largest of the Clostridium clusters, and
experiments are presented in Table 5. No significant differ- is considered to be the core cluster for the genus (Collins
ences were noted with regard to acetate formation and et al., 1994). Members of this group are metabolically
methanogenesis for the different plant sources. Soil was the diverse, and include cellulolytic, saccharolytic, and proteo-
major determinant in this experiment, and not plant type. lytic members. In a recent study (Weber et al., 2001), Cluster
Most probable number enumeration indicated that fer- I species were shown to be the dominant Clostridium species
mentative bacteria were stimulated, not inhibited, by cattail active in rice straw decomposition, accounting for 24% of all
(Table 5); 100-fold higher fermentative bacterial numbers bacterial cells in the study, strongly suggesting that Cluster I

Table 4. Biochemical parameters for plant material used in microcosm experiments

Plant material Cellulose (%DW) Hemicellulose (%DW) Lignin (%) Ash (%DW) ND soluble (%DW) TN (%DW) TP (%DW)
Cattail 40.3 13.8 15.3 1.5 29.3 0.75 0.035
Sawgrass 41.8 19.3 15.2 3.7 20.1 0.40 0.006
Neutral detergent soluble fraction.
DW, dry weight.

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402 I. Uz & A.V. Ogram



0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Time (day)


Fig. 2. Effect of plant materials on fermenta

tion products and methane production in
Everglades soils in the absence of phosphorus
in the media. Error bars represent standard
0 errors based on five replicates. (a) F1-plant
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 microcosm. (b) U3-plant microcosm (C, cattail;
Time (day) S, sawgrass). Control values (no carbon added
other than BCYT) were subtracted from
Methane-C Methane-S Acetate-C Acetate-S values reported here.

Table 5. Most probable numbers of cellulolytic and fermentative bac- and U107 grouped with Clostridium tunisiense and Clostri-
teria in plant microcosms containing soils from F1 and U3 regions of the dium argentinense, which can ferment proteins but not
Everglades sugars (Suen et al., 1988; Thabet et al., 2004).
Microcosm Cellulose Fermentation
F1-Cattail 2.40  108 (0.489.65) 2.14  1011 (0.349.00)
F1-Sawgrass 4.27  107 (1.0313.80) 3.05  109 (0.501.00) Cluster III
U3-Cattail 9.33  107 (2.0627.10) 4.62  1011 (1.165.00) Cluster III is the only cluster that consists solely of cellulo-
U3-Sawgrass 9.33  107 (2.0627.10) 3.05  109 (0.5011.00)
lytic species. No specific grouping was observed for indivi-
Confidence levels (95%) are presented in parentheses. dual sites within Cluster III (Fig. 4).

species are responsible for fermentation of rice straw hydro- Cluster IV

lysis products in rice paddy environments.
Cluster I sequences obtained from WCA-2A soils in- Significant clustering on the basis of site was observed for
cluded a novel branch (Fig. 3) composed exclusively of Cluster IV sequences (Fig. 5). Clones U2, U3, and U24 (from
sequences from F1 and U3 soils; all sequences from F4 the oligotrophic soil, U3) grouped with Clostridium cellulosi,
clustered separately with known Cluster I species. Clones a thermophilic cellulolytic species, in a branch containing
from F1, F4, and U3 clustering in the branch with known other cellulolytic species, such as Ruminococcus flavefaciens
Cluster I species were distributed relatively evenly. Sequence and Ruminococcus albus (Rainey & Janssen, 1995). The
similarity of clones to known species in this branch ranges presence of U3 sequences in a branch dominated by
from 95% to 99%. Clones grouped with species such as cellulolytic species may not necessarily be indicative of their
Clostridium quinii, Clostridium butyricum, Clostridium acet- cellulolytic capability. Clostridium cellulosi, the closest rela-
obutyricum, and Clostridium saccharobutyricum are likely to tive to these clones, ferments a greater range of carbohy-
play an important role in fermentation of various carbohy- drates than do other Cluster IV Clostridium species (He
drates released from cellulose or other polymeric carbon et al., 1991). Clones U2, U3, and U24 may exhibit similar
sources in these soils. Clone T26 and T24 sequences shared features which may provide great advantage to these species
99% sequence similarity with Clostridium magnum, which in nutrient-limited environments such as U3 soils. Clones
can perform both homoacetogenesis and carbohydrate F11, T1, T18, and U1 grouped with noncellulolytic species,
fermentation (Karnholz et al., 2002). Clones U111, U105, including Ruminococcus bromii, Clostridium leptum,

c 2006 Federation of European Microbiological Societies FEMS Microbiol Ecol 57 (2006) 396408
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Cellulolytic and fermentative guilds in eutrophic soils 403

0.1 substitutions/site

90 T10
Clostridium quinii
81 83 T6
7 4 T5
Clostridium disporicum
97 T30
Clostridium paraputrificum
91 T14 2
F1 5
Clostridium butyricum
U1 30
Clostridium chromoreductans
Clostridium favososporum
U2 8
Clostridium acetobutylicum
86 Clostridium saccharobutylicum
Clostridium saccharoperbutylacetonic
86 Clostridium fallax
F1 8
100 Sarcina ventriculi
Sarcina maxima
Clostridium cellulovorans
75 Clostridium magnum
Clostridium carboxidivorans
Clostridium ragsdalei
U4 4 Cluster
100 Clostridium pasteurianum
Clostridium acidisoli I
Clostridium tetanomorphum
72 Clostridium tunisiense
U1 11
U1 05
Clostridium argentinense
U1 07
100 T2
72 Clostridium bowmanii
T14 3
95 T14 7
T14 8
T12 6
100 F1 04
88 F1 39
F1 21
F1 24
100 T12
F1 7
97 U3 -9
100 F1 -19
F1 -13
100 F1 -8
F1 -26
F1 -2
U3 -33
U3 -22
100 U3 -1
100 U15
99 U3-7
94 U3-30
100 F3
100 F1-25
81 F1-20
100 Clostridium thermocellum
100 Clostridium cellulolyticum Cluster
100 100 III
Clostridium termitidis
Clostridium papyrosolvens
T10 7
100 T146
T13 9
Rhodococcus opacus

Fig. 3. Phylogenetic tree of Clostridium Cluster I 16S rRNA gene clone sequences obtained from Everglades soils (F1, F; F4, T; U3, U). Numbers at branch
points refer to bootstrap analysis based on 100 resamplings.

Clostridium sporosphaeroides, and Clostridium methylpento- Cluster XIV

sum. Other clones from F1 and F4 soils clustered with
Clostridium orbiscindens, an asaccharolytic species (Winter Cluster XIV is the second largest Clostridium cluster and
et al., 1991; Schoefer et al., 2003). contains species belonging to genera such as Ruminococcus,

FEMS Microbiol Ecol 57 (2006) 396408 

c2006 Federation of European Microbiological Societies
Published by Blackwell Publishing Ltd. All rights reserved
404 I. Uz & A.V. Ogram

0.1 substitutions/site

100 Clostridium termitidis

77 Clostridium cellobioparum
Clostridium papyrosolvens
99 U3
10 0 Clostridium cellulolyticum
Clostridium josui
1 00
72 U19
99 T14
F14 Cluster III
Bacteroides cellulosolvens
100 Acetivibrio cellulolyticus
100 Acetivibrio cellulolyticus
Clostridium aldrichii
71 U2
Clostridium stercorarium
92 U11
Clostridium thermocellum
100 T11
100 Clostridium acetobutylicum
Cluster I
100 Clostridium butyricum
Clostridium tetanomorphum
Clostridium glycolicum Fig. 4. Phylogenetic tree of Clostridium Cluster
100 III 16S rRNA gene clone sequences obtained
Clostridium bifermentans
100 Cluster XI
86 Clostridium ghonii from Everglades soils (F1, F; F4, T; U3, U).
Clostridium sordellii Numbers at branch points refer to bootstrap
Rhodococcus opacus analysis based on 100 resamplings.

Eubacteria, Syntrophococcus, Roseburia, and Epulopiscium. cellulosolvens, which can utilize cellulose but not xylan (Van
This large cluster is divided into two deep branches, Clusters Gylswyk & Van der Toorn, 1986). In our libraries, Cluster
XIVa and XIVb (Fig. 6). Cluster XIVa species are versatile in XIVa contained a mixture of sequences from all three sites,
their ability to utilize various carbohydrates, including and included some deeply branching clades.
polymeric carbon sources such as cellulose and xylan. Cluster XIVb was dominated by sequences from F1 and
Xylans, like cellulose, constitute a major part of plant F4, with no U3 sequences clustering in this group (Fig. 6).
material and, unlike cellulose, form the complex polymers Cluster XIVb contains species from various environments
classified as hemicelluloses (Uffen, 1997). Cluster XIVa that exhibit an array of characteristics regarding their ability
contains strains exhibiting diverse abilities with regard to to attack and utilize plant polymers. Clostridium lentocel-
degradation of plant polymers. Clostridium populeti can lum, isolated from a river sediment containing paper-mill
degrade xylan, cellulose, and glucose (Sleat & Mah, 1985). waste, has the ability to utilize cellulose, xylan and glucose
Its close relative Clostridium xylanovorans can utilize xylan (Murray et al., 1986). Others, such as Clostridium colinum
but not cellulose (Mechichi et al., 1999; Warnick et al., and Clostridium piliformi, are pathogens (Berkhoff, 1985).
2002). Eubacterium xylanophilum can ferment xylan and Sequences from plant microcosms clustered with se-
cellobiose, but cannot grow on glucose or cellulose (Van quences from the appropriate soil samples, indicating that
Gylswyk & Van der Toorn, 1985), in contrast to Eubacterium the type of plant material is not the main factor controlling

c 2006 Federation of European Microbiological Societies FEMS Microbiol Ecol 57 (2006) 396408
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Cellulolytic and fermentative guilds in eutrophic soils 405

0.1 substitutions/site

80 F28
Clostridium orbiscindens
80 94 T12
94 F46
Clostridium methylpentosum Cluster IV
Clostridium sporosphaeroides
87 Clostridium leptum
83 Ruminococcus bromii
100 T1
100 Ruminococcus flavefaciens
Ruminococcus albus
Clostridium cellulosi
100 U24
Clostridium stercorarium
94 96 Clostridium aldrichii
Clostridium josui
Clostridium cellobioparum
Cluster III
100 Clostridium papyrosolvens
Clostridium tetanomorphum
Fig. 5. Phylogenetic tree of Clostridium Cluster 100 Clostridium acetobutylicum
Clostridium butyricum Cluster I
IV 16S rRNA gene clone sequences obtained
from Everglades soil (F1, F; F4, T; U3, U). 100
100 U9
Numbers at branch points refer to bootstrap U14
analysis based on 100 resamplings. Rhodococcus opacus

distribution of Cluster XIV phylotypes in these soils. All found in Cluster XIVb, such that this T-RFLP system might
sequences, with the exception of clone FS2, were 96% or less distinguish U3 samples from F1 and F4.
similar to known Cluster XIV sequences, indicating that the The results of T-RFLP analysis are presented in Table 6. A
Everglades soils harbor novel Clostridium species. significant difference (P o 0.05) was observed between sites
based on the presence or absence of the peak corresponding
to the 379 bp fragment. In all, 32, 23, and 18 soil samples
T-RFLP analysis of Clostridium Cluster XIV from eutrophic, transition, and oligotrophic regions, respec-
species tively, that yielded positive PCR amplification were included
in the statistical analysis. All soil samples from eutrophic
The greatest separation between F1, F4, and U3 sequences and transition regions showed the presence of the expected
was observed for Clusters I and XIV, suggesting that strains peak, whereas 39% of the soil samples from the oligotrophic
belonging to these clusters may be selected by the nutrient region were counted as positive.
status of the soil. To confirm this, a T-RFLP method was The inability of this T-RFLP system to completely resolve
developed and evaluated for screening samples taken Clostridium phylotypes in oligotrophic soils from those in
monthly from F1, F4, and U3 over the course of over 1 year. eutrophic soils is not surprising. The degree of resolution for
None of the 40 enzymes tested in silico distinguished Cluster most of the sequences in all Clostridium clusters, including
I sequences on the basis of soil nutrient status; however, Cluster XIV, was very poor, suggesting little selection for
digestion with HincII provided clear separation between particular Clostridium phylotypes on the basis of the nu-
Clusters XIVa and XIVb. When digested with HincII, Cluster trient status of the soil. This is in contrast with a previous
XIVb sequences produced a fragment of approximately study (Castro et al., 2005) on the distribution of methano-
379 bp, whereas no digestion sites for this enzyme were gens and sulfate-reducing prokaryotes in these samples,
identified for Cluster XIVa sequences. No U3 sequences were which showed a robust separation of genotypes on the basis

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406 I. Uz & A.V. Ogram

0.1 substitutions/site



Cluster I


Fig. 6. Phylogenetic tree of Clostridium Cluster XIV 16S rRNA gene clone sequences obtained from Everglades soils and plant microcosms (F1, F; F4, T;
U3, U; cattail, C; sawgrass, S). Numbers at branch points refer to bootstrap analysis based on 100 resamplings.

of nutrient status. That study employed functional genes rRNA genes and provide greater resolution between phylo-
characteristic of methanogens (mcrA) and sulfate-reducing types than would be likely for a system based on the highly
prokaryotes (dsrAB), which are more variable than 16S conserved 16S rRNA gene. In addition, sulfate-reducing

c 2006 Federation of European Microbiological Societies FEMS Microbiol Ecol 57 (2006) 396408
Published by Blackwell Publishing Ltd. All rights reserved
Cellulolytic and fermentative guilds in eutrophic soils 407

Table 6. Result of terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism Berkhoff HA (1985) Clostridium colinum sp. nov., nom. rev., the
application for soil samples from the Everglades causative agent of ulcerative enteritis (quail disease) in quail,
F1 F4 U3 chickens, and pheasants. Int J Syst Bacteriol 35: 155159.
Castro H, Reddy KR & Ogram A (2002) Composition and
No. of samples 32 23 18
Positive terminal restriction fragments (%) 100 100 39
function of sulfate-reducing prokaryotes in eutrophic and
Negative terminal restriction fragments (%) 61 pristine areas of the Florida Everglades. Appl Environ Microbiol
Duncan classification A A B 68: 61296137.
Soils in the same Duncan classification group are not significantly
Castro H, Ogram A & Reddy KR (2004) Phylogenetic
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different (P o 0.05).
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and stability of sulfate-reducing prokaryotic and
variety of factors that differ with nutrient status, including
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these soils, although other plant associated carbon, such as
Van Dyke MI & McCarthy AJ (2002) Molecular biological
root exudates, may be responsible for the selection observed.
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This study contributed to a greater understanding of carbon municipal landfill sites. Appl Environ Microbiol 68: 20492053.
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Acknowledgements Fukuzaki S, Nishio N, Shobayashi M & Nagai S (1990) Inhibition
of the fermentation of propionate to methane by hydrogen,
This study was supported by grant DEB-0078368 from the acetate, and propionate. Appl Environ Microbiol 56: 719723.
National Science Foundation. We are grateful to Dr Sue Van Gylswyk NO & Van der Toorn JJTK (1985) Eubacterium
Newman, South Florida Water Management District, for uniforme sp. nov. and Eubacterium xylanophilum sp. nov.,
assistance with sampling. We also acknowledge Drs Ashvini fiber-digesting bacteria from the rumina of sheep fed corn
Chauhan and Hector Castro for helpful discussions during stover. Int J Syst Bacteriol 35: 323326.
the study. We thank Dr Patrick Inglett for information Van Gylswyk NO & Van der Toorn JJTK (1986) Description and
regarding the plant material used in this study. designation of a neotype strain of Eubacterium cellulosolvens
(Cillobacterium cellulosolvens Bryant, Small, Bouma and
Robinson) Holdeman and Moore. Int J Syst Bacteriol 36:
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