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JOURNAL OF THE GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING DIVISION New Desicn PROCEDURE FOR STABILITY or Sort Ciays By Charles C, Ladd," M. ASCE and Roger Faott,! A. M. ASCE y fe vesearh imo te rest degn process. Acoust mtd for iting te ued seth fy funtion spend Ths etd ter utilizes the present understanding of clay behavior and allows a more sorough and reliable evaluation of the important design parameters. Ienooucron usovr Desi Pracce With the exception of very stiff, highly overconsolidated clay deposits, the i= 0 method of analysis is used to investigate the stability of saturated clay andations. With drainage, the foundation becomes stronger and so this analysis sasders the most critical condition of no drainage. In the case of very stiff esits, the foundation strength can be reduced by drainage and so long-term, bined, effective stress analyses should be performed The theoretical basis for the = 0 method of analysis was presented by empton (34). It is assumed that no drainage occurs during the loading period sé that the undrained strength (s,) of a clay remains constant irrespective ihe applied stresses, Thus, the usual limiting equilibrium methods of stability iasis are used with = 0 and c= s,;.n which € = the cohesion intercept; éd = the friction angle. At that time the value of s, for a soil was considered ite more or less a unique function of its water content. Therefore it could Tae.—Dincussian open wail December 1, 1974 To extend the closing date one pont, ten request must be fk with the Editor of Technical Publications, ASCE. This fet is part. of the chpytighted Jounal of the Geotechnical Engineerlig Division, eedings of the American Society of Civ Engineers, Vol. 100, No, G17, July, 1974 crpt was submited for review for poxsiNe publication on August 22, 1973 fof Civ, Engrg. Massachusetts tnt. of Tech,, Cambridge, Mass Swi, of Civ, Engeg , Massachusetts Inst of Tech., Cambridge, Mass. 763 768 suey 1974 eu bbe accurately determined by any shear test which was performed at the in Siwy water content, Bishop and Bjerrum (2) analyzed and reviewed) numerous End-of-construction failures involving foundation clays. They concluded that + could be reliably determined from field vane (FV) tests or from the widely ied laboratory unconsolidated-undrained (riaxial compression or unconfined Compression tests (designated UU and U, respectively), Most present day practice in the United States uses the b = 0 method of analysis in conjunction with s, date from FV. UU, or U tests. or all of these. Usually this results in a safe design. However, during the last decade much basic research has been performed which collectively allows a more thorough appraisal of the undpained strength characteristics of clay soils. Facer Research Four of the most important results of recent research into the undrained strength and deformation characteristics of clay soils are the findines relating to sample disturbance, strength and stress-strain anisotropy. strainate effects, fand normalized behavior. These findings ate described briefly in the following sections and in more detail in Ref. 21 Sample Disturbance.——This represents the inevitable disturbance of the soil structure (26) during the sampling process. It can be minimized by good sampling techniques but not totally prevented. Sample disturbance has been examined in detail in Refs. 12, 24, 29, 32. 35, and 36. ‘A major source of sample disturbance is the stress relief involved in taking a sample from deep in the ground. Since swelling is prevented. negative pore pressures are developed in the sample. Ladd and Lambe (24) suggested an Pralvation of the degree of sample disturbance by comparing the negative pore pressure in the sample with that which would occur in a perfectly undisturbed ample. For tube samples taken from depths of more than several meters. (hey found the measured values to be typically 20 + 2006 of the “perfect sample” ues. Thus sample disturbance equses a major reduction in the effective stress the sample compared to that in situ. ‘This in turn results in a decrease in 3. the reduction typically ranging from 20%-507% of the “perfect sample strength, ‘Strength and Stress-Strain Anisotropy.—The assumption that s, is = unique ‘u#@tioH of water content has been disproved by the measurement of significant Strength anisotropy in clay deposits. Strength anisotropy was predicted from theoretical considerations by Hansen and Gibson (16). However, it was the Nerul of attempts to relate s, values {rom different types of shear tests and the development of sophisticated testing equipment that led to a realization Of its practical significance. The majority of this work was performed in the 1960's with the development of plane strain devices (13.18), the ditect-simele thear device [A cylindrical sample with a nominal height of 2 em and an area a0 cm?, enclosed in a wire reinforced rubber membrane which prevents fateral deformation during consolidation, which is sheared by moving the top tap laterally while Keeping the sample height, and thus volume, constant by ujusting the vertical load (S)], the Cambridge simple shear apparatus (I, ea SOFT CLAYS 785 first inherent anisotropy. isthe result of major differences in soil structure pet se which occurred during Formation the Somnate layers "sit" clay. hve igh degre of hee aera The second component is a stress induced of principal stresses during she a high degree of inherent anisotropy anisotropy thet results from rotation sues: Fo rt! purposes the effect ofthese components cone ere alec by ming these sysem a sate entation hat wl in situ. This is demonstrated in Fig. 1, where the str pices Tahensoad Spb stone ra are saces ae shown fr sever tal satan ie direction of the major principal stress at failure (u- yi iho town 1p) is also shown, TABLE 1.—Undrained Stren ‘an ‘th Anisotropy of Normally Consolidated Boston Blue tality percent 8) oe 6 T Plane strain passive (PSPI] 0.19 as CRU Twiavit extension (TE) | a.iss Is K FIG. 1.—Stress Syster it IG. 1.—Stress Systems for Typical In Situ Modes of Falure For homogeneous non! fs us monyered clays sheared under conditions a som in FT tcl ound tnt 9 tom pane stn sete (SA) ft reer shan ea fom eta sth CD) es en in {TO stengths are generally very close to PSA values, whl inte dts spac that triaxial extension (YE) strengt a ia ) strengths will be 10%5-25% lower than those from send ps of "tue" atl devices (1333) Table T presents the results ob ——— 768 ee ‘The undrained strengths are all Crow: at rest) consolidated, undrained tests wit fand they are presented as a ratio of th ‘A sigoificant decrease in s, can be sect ‘of principal planes (DSS, PSP, and T fn the strain at failure. These effects eal K, (coelficient of Tateral earth pressute inpore pressure measurements (CK,,U)» re vertical consolidation stress (@,.) ior the three tests involving rotation This is accompanied by an increase ve more significant with lean sensitive (er ORAL COMPRESSON TEST OMIA FOR toy wommauzeo PLOT OF TRINA TEST OHTA sng, 2--Exampleof Normalized Behavior Using deuized Tvional Compression Tek Homogeneous Clay ormatzad Direct Simple Show Test Data for Normally Consolidated Maint clays than with highly plastic clys of low sensitivity, but Ret of 15-25 the various tests is not uncommon. fn the range of , values obtained from the range felt. e-Previous work (€.6.. Reps: 3+ 6. 7, § 3, and 2) Mt scape the strength obtained frm Yaboratary tests varies with 2°20 Show i nanal compression tests, each Tog cycle decrease in sid Ct rate used Patccompanied by a 10 = 2% decrease in sy, the exact variation being a function of the plasti cr : detonate sine ngs Preece sexe deed eg Rese the yin Tec he giant pci comsltton, Fer hgh dni acess ye te Teh coined tom counted Sls av ant of el fp Vand Ue) (1G. 4.—Normalized © ined CK_U Dies Simple We 4 Normaeed CRU Diet inl Shen ex at for Omcnotd cmoatd ests with poe pues m moked ey ithe ee mn [Bin sri sgn to sed on fl seme EV ter dt "cca na fs bed mparison of measured strength values with those rec ized to give a factor Sato 10 for she ves 1 ame ta he deepen sured values is primarily duc to strain rat eee Normalized Bebias ior. cf tm x Galege ne tests in. whieh In work at Imperial College, London, England, using remolded clays (17,28) and work at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Cambridge, Mass., on a wide range of clays, it has been observed that the results of laboratory tests on clay samples with the same overconsolidation ratio (OCR), but different consolidation stresses and therefore different maximum past pressures (@,,,), exhibit very similar strength and stress-strain characteristics Sihen normalized with respect {0 the consolidation stress. This is demonstrated by the plot in Fig. 2, which shows idealized stress-strain curves for isotropically consolidated TC tests on a normally consolidated clay with consolidation stresses {_) of 200 KN/m? and 400 KN/m?, When replotted using (0, ~ 031/04 the two curves plot on the same line. ‘This normalized plot can then be used to represent the behavior of other normally consolidated samples with different ‘Consolidation stresse$ when sheared in the same type of test. Similar normalized ‘behavior is observed in pore pressure data from laboratory tests. In practice, normalized behavior is not as perfect as that shown in Fig. 2 ‘There is usually some divergence in the normalized plots obtained for different consolidation stresses and also some due to heterogeneity in the soil deposit. ‘The inevitable minor variations in procedure from one test to another can also cause divergence. Fig. 3 shows, by means of three CK.,U DSS tests on normally Consolidated Maine organic clay, the divergence associated with variation ia rratural water content and consolidation stress. Fig. 4 shows normalized stress- Strain and strength data for overconsclidated resedimented Boston Blue Clay Obtained by four persons over a period of 3 yr. The variation in the results is indicative of scatter due to testing procedures, The normalized method of plotting data has been used extensively at MIT uring the past 10 yr. Normalized plots of data from cohesive soils representing at wide range of properties have shown similar or only slightly more divergence than that shown in Figs. 3 and 4, These divergences are quite small and the rhormalized strengths, for example, are generally found to be within 1076 of the mean, For practical purposes, therefore, normalized behavior has been found to apply to a wide range of cohesive soils. However, tests on quick clays and on naturally cemented clays, which have a high degree of structure, will not exhibit normalized behavior because the Structure is significantly altered during consolidation to higher stresses. ‘Avauyas of Presewr Design Pracnce ano Nexo ron New Arononch ‘The results of recent research, detailed in the preceding. have shown that major variations in strength can be caused by sample disturbance, strength anisotropy, and strain-rate effeets. None of these effects is explicitly included in the prevent design practice. The reason that the present method generally Works "is that the variations frequently tend to be self-compensating. The Commonly used U and UU strength data tend to give high values of, due to the triaxial compression stress system and the high strain rate used (60% /n. ‘Sample disturbance, on the other hand, tends to give low values of s, provided that drying of the sample is avoided. These effects may compensate each other and yield a reasonable average design strength. However, the method is highly emprical and these compensating factors are inno way controlled or controllable. Teg therefore quite possible for the resulting design to be either unsafe or highly overconservative, particularly in view of the large scatter often found in Uand UU data, The ststion is unt ct i further confsed by the tendency for sample disturbance effects to increase with depth and to obscur = ee: bscre strength variations The se of Vr data can avoid some ofthe aificuesasaitedwl use of Uand UU dat for te test mich es atfected by sale istrbarce However interprctation of the tet shighy uncertain and itu very emp Aiko, agremen between PV and U and UU data i very poor for Some Sls Deru i) preemed cretion factors for use wih EV dt However ess presented Tater ths paper il show Int FW daa can overstinae ein Shu sengh by upto 40M, wich vs considers more than indatd by rc cor jf ea 7 py comace | AG, Clays Variation of Normalized T - UDSS Strength Parameter with OCR for Five ts teat fos. Theta ue of FV dat is med snow npoqat corso rs been enpeely ied fom ates of fafa, For such depot i va ery sable hau Tut preset pice ehh od an sto dial nthe anscr ate Secured to the pola where tht can We ai ‘ut colecvey. the metind usa works Ocesionaly the combination of compensaing inaccuracies and sfty factors aren an nn gn Its nor an cedure is esenl, one whlch ines the dtaed characters tthe flwihin the framework of amore rational apron to design, Sicha method oO weet soe ould be equaly valuable for use with more straightforward desis, By avoiding "Nowauizto Sox Panaweren (NSP) Concert il touch Yam of the present method, the engineer will have ie tverconservatiam. In this area of is posible to in laboratory est a1 various OCR values and develop normalized || if TABLE 2—Computation of In Situs, from 5,/3., Versus OCR Using DSS Strength alts foreach OCR, The NSP foreach ean then be obiined from uhete ets) 4 rameters for Maine Organic Clay and applied to a wide range of in situ stress conditions. sc a The most frequently used NSP and the one used for stability analyses is . == a 5,/8,,: in which &,, = the in situ vertical effective stress. This is equivalent bam | deni {0 the e/p ratio so often quoted in the soil mechanis literature. It is modeled on | Pont | pune as 5,/i, in laboratory tests. Fig. $ shows the variation in s,/6,, with OCR Seton | squad | square : gua from CK,UDSS tests on five cohesive soils (messured data points almost feet foot foot cn | sles always plotted within S%-107 of the mean curve, Shear strain rate equaled ) a @) | — $%/hr for most tests). As can be seen, the trend with increasing OCR is very <0 185 7.000 3a 1a x0 Similar for each soll. The index properties of the five soils cover a wide range a5 us ao | 28s | 08s = of values and it is consiered that CK,UDSS data for other clay deposits ho “0 70 ves | 94s ae ‘would probably follow the same pattern’ These same trends are observed in os 30 740 128 os ate the results of other types of shear test on the soils, but the values of 0 70, 765 |_4.05_ ry are changed due t the strength anisotropy of the soils. Other NSP ‘ala ave from Portland, Me, tes section, (Fig. 9) and 54/3, used in soil mechanics are E,/s,. K,. and pore pressure parameters ‘A large variation in s,/¢,_ with change in OCR can be seen in Fig. 5. Therefore, in evaluating the normalized strength. it is extremely important to know the precise OCR of the sample. This calls for special laboratory testing techniques considered subsequently. Vigin compression ne | Lasonarony Tesnme Tecreaaues voID RATIO back to the virgin compression line, Since the changes in void ratio associated ATGAL EFFECTIVE STRESS with sol swelling are much smaller than those associated with virgin compression, Eee A 06 SCALE] overconsolidated soils will always plot below the virgin compression line. Now an "undisturbed" sample will typically suffer « dectease in effective stress FIG. 6.—Mdeafized Plot Showing Effect af Sample Disturbance during simpling even though the water content may be kept virtually constant ‘Ths an insite povmally consolidated sample at point 1 in Fig. 6 wight plot i method is needed to bring practice upto die A point after sampling an! he sia to an overebasolidated sample. With of practice, A new design method nest otloped in the mi-1960's from] reconsofdaton it wil fofow same path back tthe vigin compression fine, The design procedure describes Nore Tptatthassincebeen used successtlly] €.8..theone shown, it fllows that a test performed at conditions corresponding the Normalized Soi Parametes (MS) meal techniques for the application of Y 0 any point on this Fine rior to its reaching the virgin compression ine has a ee becn le Sh oer OCR. Therefore meaningful NSP values ennot fe eae Kom ‘Reimer have heen dvelone m uuy 19/4 it. A sample which has been consolidated back to the Fe are clearly known OCR of one. This sample will give NSP vsluch owe yer ing the concept holds forthe soi, are equally apliable 10 38 wich assumgotdated samples. IC NSP values for overconsfidated samries sorry cede these can be oblained al known OCR values by conscreatng ae eae back tothe virgin compression fine and then reducing the effective are eaeigive the required OCR. This is shown in Fig 6 as consolidating ort sree dt point 3, followed by unloading to point 4 t0 give sample of known OCR. CR che testing procedure developed to yield NSP values requires that the samples be consolidated back (0 the virgin compression fine before testing saietamtion to, levels greater than 15 times-2 times the in sta 6 8 conta tjed, To standardize the effects of secondary compression he 9 aaa erat rement should generally be Teft on for about one log. yee conse ety compression. The procedure commonly followed at MIT is es follows: gin compression line, 1, Consolidate samples to approx 1.5 times, 2.5 times, and 4 times the it sind cand measure 5,76,» clay exhibiting normalized behaviy Wit yield Sy Gor value of ,/ apr least at the two higher stresses, If sa/@ ae Vanes 2 tetently with stess, the NSP concept dors not apply to the lay. ite obiain 3,/3,, versus OCR, use the minimum value of # + Se chanaesd behavior as the Inboratory 3 and perform tests at OCR eves reas ef and 622. Compare the results with those plotted in Fe, ty The data points should form a smooth concave upward In follows that use of this method requires a knowledge ofthe in sity stresses and valves, and high quality oedometer tests are essential. Mt Wis been an ering the test resulls a stain (rather than void rato) versus og Pam ihe end of primary enncfiatin, instead of at the end of the 2 Baad oad increment period, yiels more reliable vals of #.n, Cond sar egbed samples are, of course, @ major requirement, Fortunately: Power, oaiteteg tents do not seem to be £0 bighiy sensitive co sample dsturbonce as are U and UU tests. SHANSEP—Memoo or Desicn suress history and normalized sil engineering properties (SHANSEP) is he bane oF the new method of design. It consis of evaluating the stress hist err e ei oapcan ey [evalinien he 0 Mion mPa oe ci ion trough the deposit, and then sping the aporoncate VSP OCR var ive the representation ofthe Foundation properties required for design "The basie steps are as follows: oivide the soil profile into component deposits on the ‘visual classifications, ete samples and investigate the stress history of pressure, and 5 1. Examine and su basis of boring logs, FV data, 2. Obtain good "undisturbed" ee senetdi. etna» neneram of total unit weight, Pore cA pee recommended in the preceding tection. prtics tothe sol using give the distribution of strength through the foundation, ” ee tela Hg type of analysis to be made. ‘The procedure which should be Sn aes a et ee mad ae (eet from masse fia te asian hs, et tt v4, on the undiained bearing enpacity of anisotropic sells) Alternatively, similar to, or slightly lower than, the: we of DSS Gethin mre ch ef ein ce of the a strength profile which can be analyzed. This is re simple process. From step 2 the values of ,, and @,,, are knows n throughou typical calculations of 5, for a soil profile lo Miia erase ae i profile using the DSS strength parameters iaving obtained a siength model of inthis of analysis are wed to scl aaubieesign (se Sruses Invouuna Use or SHANSEP ‘The SHANSEP method has been used successfully for designs invel lesigns involving a variety of different soils over the past 6 yr. These cases have provided the ercigal applications and the opportunity 10 check the method tht is essential Pratihe development of virtually all new methods of design in soil mechanics, a wh as providing a comparison with the present day practice, The results of tour of these case studies are summarized in the following. Ensankment on Sensitive Marine Clay.—This ease study savolved the rapid construction to failure of a long 20-(t (6.1m) high sandfill test embankment ‘Strovide data forthe design of approach embankments or » new interchange t Pos in Portsmouth, N.H. It is described in detail by Ladd (22). The foundation ations are shown in Fig. 7. Beneath a weathered drying crust of severa) foots the marine illde clay, which had been leached, had a natural water content (wo) of $0. 3%, liquid limit (w) of 38 = 37, and plastic Timi (we) of % aes. Fig. 7 shows the 7, and 6, stress profiles, unconfined compression ate, and the strength profies obtained {rom FV tests (eee Geonor field vane tarts Medea values of 5, within 10 psf t0 40 psf (0.48 KN/m? co 1.9 KN/m!) ERTL EFFECTIVE STRESS co Si al ger FIG, 7.—Soil Conditions at Portsmouth, NAM, Test Embankment of the average line shown in Fig. 7) and from SHANSEP using CK aes ne CCHESUDSS test results equaled the average of the CK UTSA and sae itaess ‘The SHANSEP strength profile is presented as a band of values corresponding tothe range of i, data. re eeare iiustrates the significant change in @,, values that is obtained ee case il plotting the oedometer data atthe end of primary eonsoidation wath some rahe end of the foad increment period. Nove the goes! agreement rene OSHANSEP and FV data over much of the deposit and also the lite aero U data and their general tendency 10 be considerably lover thin the SHANSEP and FV values ‘the failure section of the embankment sas analyzed using the d wee cited The resulting critical ares showed excellent agreement with Ie are tuilure surface, ‘The factors of safety equaled 0.83-1 08 forthe bank a HANSED strengths, with a value close to 1,0 being obtained for the average FG. 8— IG. 8.~Soil Conditions at the MIT-MOPW Test Section 0 circular 76 2000 VERTICAL EFFECTIVE STRESS. pst 200, LUNORAINED SHEAR STRENGTH. psf 0 #00 om © 0 sin 4 NOUSNST FIG. 9.—Soil Conditions at the Portiand, Me., Test Section suengihs. The factor of safety oblained with PV strengths was 0.88 and that for U data was in the region of 0.7 As a resull of this fest section, the 195 embankments were designed using jetted sand drains and stage construction on the basis of CK,UDSS data using SHANSEP. They performed well (28). Had present practice been used, a conservative design would have been obtained, especialy based on the average ‘unconfined strengths MIT-MDPW Emsskment Test Section on Boston Blue Clay.—This study also involved 1-95 embankments, this time a few miles orth of Boston, Mass, A 44 (12-m) high test section was constiucted for the Massachussetts Department of Public Works (MDPW), but not to failure. The project is described in Ref. 9, from which paper Fig. 8 has been taken to show the soil profile, stress history, and s, data. The 3. data were obtained from oedometer test results plotted at the"end of each “consolidation increment, but the values obtained by plotting these results at the end uf primiry consolidation show litte change with this soi Fig. 8 shows U, UU, FV, and SHANSEP strength data, ‘Two SHANSEP strength profiles ate shown, one based on CK,U PSA data and the other based on CK,UPSP data. The FV date ave similar to the PSP strength while the Vand UU dats are consilerably tower Stability analyses using the & = 10 circular ate method yielded a minimum footer of safety of 0.73 for the average of the U and UU. strength data, 1.18 for the average FV dats, and 1,80 for the average of CK, UPSA and PSP data. The test section behaved well, and 80 ils actil factor of safety is not known, However. the small deformations and overall good performance strongly suggest that the SHANSEEP factor of safety isthe most suitable. The extent of local yield ben ith the embankment was evaluated using pore pressure observations and the procedure of detecting a break in the pore pressure-embankment height relationship suggested by Hieg, et al, (19). With a knowledge of the yielded area, an estimate of the in situ strength can be ‘made. A significant area of local yield beneath the embankment center line was detected aint very good agreement was found between the corresponding insitu strength and that calculated using SHANSEP with CK, UPSA strengths This is appropriate because PSA stress conditions should apply beneath the center line ‘An overconservative design would have resulted from the use of present design practice for this embankment Embankment Test Organic Clay.—This experimental test section was built in a tidal mud flat area of Fore River in Portland, Me., to provide data for the design of 1-295 embankments, Ut is described in detail in Ref B Fig. 9 shows the typicil soil profile at the site along with stress history and stcength data. The @,,, values wete obtained by plotting aedometer test data al the end of primary consolidation, The average strength of the deposit was fairly uniform at all elevations due 10 the almost constant &,,, with depth, but considerable scatter in the FV data was observed. ‘This was’ probably due tothe inclusion of shells, organic matter, and sand lenses in the deposit, Scatter is also noticeable in the U data, but it is not so extreme. The FV data are seen to be very much higher than the SHANSEP strength data based on ‘TABLE 3.—Summary of Factors of Safety from Co studies Factors of Safety 7 fee [0 suavsee [tome jane fo care sudy | Aauat | Os, ; it @ | ao | — a “Em ent fail- | 1.00 101 tange int sae neon ene cosiston 5 Kode See uN in on clay aos | osu) [uv tester coe | aad 1.10 (UU) | after failure oc- xeon oo set ony Gaines 1 - Large lateral de- tat [ro | vo | oe apo vee re a |aee ne de reennat| or | Lo | wee 2s jentantment MIT-MDPW test | >I 1.90 Lig |. mbankment tcable Cy Slee | i =e 9 comer et , | eee is — a ‘seo FIG. 10.—Atchafslaya Test Section Dota Ms SOFT clays a “CRT DSS tests, whoreas the U data agree with the SHANSEP profile. Aiter an unexpected failure of the test section, ¢> = 0 circular are analyses were used to cilewlate an average in situs, of 285 + 20 psf (122 + 0.96 KN/m?), ‘The average strengths from the data of Fig. 9 were 525 psf (25.2 EN/m?) for the field vane, 210 psf (10 KN/m?) for U tests, and 210 psf (10 KN/m?) for the SHANSEP profile, The UU tests run on samples taken after the failure yielded an average s, of 280 psf (13.8 KN/m:). Thus the FV date were much toohigh. UU strengths were slightly too high, and the Uand SHANSEP strengths were slightly too lov. ‘The embankment failure provided a calibration factor for the field vane of 285/525 = 0485. Several miles of embankment were designed using average Field vane strengths times 0.488. Strength increases during stage construction were then computed using the SHANSEP approach. Stress-strain data from CK,UDSS tests were also used to predict lateral deformation during construe- tion."The embankments performed sell Levee Test Sections on Atchafalaya Mackswamp Deposits, —In 1964-1965 the United States Army Corps of Engineers built three levee test sections on highly Plastic, creep-susceptible hackswamp deposits in the Atchafalaya Basin, La The performance of these test sections is described in Ref. 2 and the behavior during construction of the two main test sections, numbers I and Ul, has been extensively studied at MIT using SHANSEP (14). Fig. t0(a) shows test section III and the original foundation cross section. Test section II had the same foundation and was very similar to test seetion II, but with slightly smaller berms These test sections were built over an existing levee and adjacent to an existing excavated waterway, Therefors, unlike the previous case stulies, the soll profile as not constant throughout the site, having been affected by previous construc. tion. The site was extensively investigated by means of a grid of borings at the levee center fine and at 10S-ft and 180-[ (32-m and 5S-m) offsets to each side of the center line. The U. UU. and PV strength determinations were made at conventional strain rates at each of these offsets. In audition, the stress Nistory (ee Ref. 4 for an examination of the determination of the maximum past pressure profiles) at each offset was evaluated and a SHANSEP strength profile was calculated using CK, U DSS data, Fig, 1(b) shows a comparison of the resulting sirength profiks from three of these offsets. As can be seen, both the average of U and UL data and the average FV data tend to be higher than the SHANSEP profile. Note. however, that although the FV profiles have such higher values than the SHANSEP profiles, they exhibit very similar vatiations with depth. Thisis net the case with the Uand UU data, demonstrating thetendency with these tests for sample disturbance to obscure strength variations inthe profile. However. with FV tests the disturbance is less and the variations are sill apparent Circular are d= 0 analyses of test section IN] gave approximate factors af safety forthe floodway side slope of 1.1 for the SHANSEP strength profiles, 14 for average U and UU strength values, and 2.0 for the BV average values, Mer application of Bjerranr’s (4) correction factor, the FV factor of safety became 1.4. The observed behavior of the test section was marked by excessive lateral deformations and resultant crest settlement, and the SHANSEP factor af safety is considered the most appropriate 780 ue ‘Cireular are = 0 analyses were also made for test section I. but ony forks SHANSEP and FV strength profiles. The approximate floodsay-sde for the STiaafety were 1.0 for the SHANSED strengths and 1.8 for the FY ceeseeths, becoming 13 with application of Bjerrum’s correction factor, A few aeearvatier the end of construction, the floodway side of this test seeton he verge of failure, as indicated by excessive [ateal was considered to be on th st, Therefore, Metosmations and the presence of cracks in the embankment c ea tasto of safely from the SHANSEP profile again seems most suitable. Sacre case, design using SHANSEP strengths oblained from CK,U DSS terweuld seem to give good to slightly conservative results. The use of average Teg UU data appears to overestimate the in situ strength. as does the bse ULV data, Application of Bjerrum's correction factor silleads to overestinstiot orrhe in site strength, However, the use of a correction factor of O85 or pea une FV data would have given reasonable agreement with the SHAN'SEY a iene possible that such a value could be empirically developed for tse with these soil deposits, [SHANSEP 1 Pracnce “the case studies described in the preceding and summarized in Table § Fe sass, many of the soil behavior and testing procedure factors examine Sao cases the SHANSEP appronch provided a good or sVighty carter ative indication of stability, whereas the present practice was seen 1 carrie inite prediction of stability and frequently would have led to inadeae aera either an unsafe o overconservaive nature, The SHANSEP apnioaet Sevan lly apoled inaesearch context but confidence inthe method develope aaa eenatber of successful applications increased. 1 is mow consioeee 2 dently wel proven to be use in general practice for most situations involng serve ttment or foundation loadings of a clay deposit. Except when an svn crating fare will clearly be cial. the procedure detailed previo of Mheeverage of TC and TE or PSA and PSP. or direct (box) sheat ine parameters Is recommended. The resulting srengtin should Pe wel 1 methaxds of analysis. jn conjunetion with the present Soe ih parameters obtained (om the testing program should be Compared to pcieters obtained for other cohesive soils, 8. those shown in Fi & Taiermey the regularity of the trends shown in this figure, no more ta Ie view ot gnod “CK-UDSS tests should be required to confidently define f similar curve for a new soil exhibiting the same trend rotons itis recommended that a comprchensive series of FV tess Se ima i the program. ‘These will indicate pockets of weak material Wh iE ANSED method would probably not deteet. The esuing data can 36> te rbrated againt the SHANSED strength profile, Axincated inthe Foland Mictand Atchafalaya, La., cae studies, this can lead othe empirical devefopmet Me at aston factor for the deposit, which can be applied to FV date and the resulting strengths used for design. eee NANSEP method does not work well near the rop of a highly, desieaes sdring crust" (ee Fig. 7) due to weathering and the dificlty imyoined “aing ie the OCR ie that region. The use of FY data corrected on Me determining rt ign between SHANSEP and FV values from lower in the profit using DSS. is recommended in such situations. Alter = scone nich natively. use of U and UU data which erly affected hy sample disturbance Gr Bern's 8) FF oman factors, muy he adequntes depending onthe importance of the crust to the overall stability. Bee eines go ocd bir of hep Ts ig ee an ieveate inthe numberof test cai othe ash hg hs nd eg depos tis sd te ow snowledge of the geology of the site can be ry pl ag this program and in interpreting the results. . Comments on SHANSEP Menino Ih it asin sf SHANSED i tht se NSP concept canbe apg iil. This assumption can be checked fairly easil es Beyond ht th meta he scent developments in unestno clay behavior and uses a scries ined steps to give » lee cy Peo ann ey of ge ate er a ‘cleat infetion of he aie a s framework for sy Asupons sel be eu it ofthese ep, te te ae phy ane stone nc th be pct ote dev The neti i in addition to undrained ‘artis for use ia oD clement analyses (10), {ests moll varaons for ase in ite SUANSEP eid es ied vl. he id co ctr of ew ie by paving criti his ory strength variations with depth. When the preset vice is used, SHANSED sold te eno at hone vel to crane the eon fuer obtained in Figh of published data and the ikely stress hislory, In addition, itis a reasor sues hey iis a reasonably well developed practical method _ Ait adastie of SHANSEP ie hat he NSP component of he metod ole ere ae produce more and more data, These can be used in pon 5 10 provide a check om the paranetere busied for new sol tnd expected 10 reinforce itself with use. feu seated. The method can bs the metho is wets i te aplication of SHANSEP: ficuien may be pry ie ty ier ano be ote The method i toa ssn Ao, the Inborstory testing in general rates en wo billed techniques than are commonly used in practice. ‘more sophistated tow and complex and ihecire shuld be used wth care _ a nay empirical methods of design to more theoreticall ound and cngtenve mts had he aeriaen Cot, every spect vio fot yet understood andthe highly empiel methods may 782 gunn soe fa aucinaie smselves highly empirical a ee ee ad pe os ihe elationship i ‘on braced excavations (Ref. 39, Article Teer cine ws of ete pat he eto of as ot esi se em ee a le se egy sre auch cy and witha cere pos iat the recommended procedure to be acceptably accurate. Therefore. it seems that th Procedure of econsoidating samples with onclog cycle of secondary compression | i ray eh ta for sal 1 peu are prefrae. For Tet jobs. involving gee and oa ee aed engnering effort, SHANSEP could wel be compete wejce tam the pent too ry ana NSP wl Bre Mached and as the required testing procedures be ivaible, ‘Summany ano ConcLusions 1 research the presen dsien on evaluated in ight ofthe resus of recent research, dei ree ey aed to determine the say nf recy posts fom MeESS gy empl and of indeterminate and varying accra. USN the seal hana oeved wih many ly 9 eb method of dv § Preeted, cael SHANSEP. Ths ceding vats nomatae_ ren re Gor the sll ay 4 fonction of OCR and ses syste Thee ae Pate srs Mtory of the foundation to give aeength prot oie SHAN of the present method Se SITANSEP method avoids much ofthe empiricism ofthe present ourt wuars 703 and gives the engineer a far greater control over his design, The procedure has been successfully applied with a wide range of cohesive soils and practical methods for its use have been developed. For the more complex engineering designs, its cost is considered to be no more, and potentially considerably less, than the present practice Acaomsoamens Much of the original development of SHANSEP was supported by the MIT Research in Earth Physics, sponsored by the United States Army Corps of Engineers, Waterways Experiment Station. is appliestion to practical problems fequired the cooperation and support of several orginizations, most notably the Massachussetts Department of Public Works. the New Orleans District of the Corps of Engineers, and Haley and Aldrich, Inc., who acted as design consultants to the New Hampshire Depactment of Public Works and the Maine State Highway Commission. ‘The writers thank the many present and former MIT students who performed the tests requited to develop the normalized strength parameters, R. B. Bovee, D. H. Connell, L. Edgers, E. B. Kinner, RS. Ladd, J. J. Rixner. and C. E. Williams deserve special credit. Reviews of a draft of the paper by A. A. Gass, D. S. Geuney, D. I. Goldberg. T. W. Lambe, T.K. Liu, and R. V. Whitman are also greatly appreciated, ArrevoneI.—Firenences 1. Berre.T.. and Wjerum, L.. Shear Siena of Now Procedings. ih International Conference neering. Vl. 1. Moscow, USS 1978, Bishop. A. W.. and Bherrum. L., “The Relevance ofthe riaxil Tet tothe Solution of Stabity Problems, Proceedings, ASCE Research Conference om Shere Senate af Cohesive Suis. University of Color, Boulder, Ca June 11) Ise a Syssor Bjerrm, L.. Recent Research on the Comofiation Bosal tye Febmry In, 191 Bjerrum. 1. “Fmtankneats on Soft Gunn. Procens, ASCE Specialy Confer. ence on Performince of Fath and Eth Suppated Siaciess” Wels Hy, Teed University. West ayete, In. Sane tteté, BID pp eS Bjerrum, Lan Lava, ‘A., “Dice Simple Shear Tess on a Norwegian Quick Clay,” Geotectmique. London, England, Vol. 16, No. 1, 1966, pp. 1-20. cane 6 Bier. 1 Sins. Nia Tora... "Fhe Effect of Tim te Shear Strength of Soft Maine Cy." Proecdinge.Brgssls Conference on Earth Presstee Pion Vote Bact Helin, 188 pp 11S Casagrande. A. and Wilson, S.Etfest of Rate of Loading on Strength of Clays aad Shales ot Cnsant Water Content,” Gentechniaue. Landon, Engen Vole Noo isionp 2a) ae 8 Crawford, C7R. te Influcce of Rae of Surin on Bective Suesses in Sensitive hay." Special cchneat Publication Ne. 28h Americin Society for Testy ed Maier 1989, pp eth 9. D'Appotoni DB. Lambe, 7 W.. Plos HG. Evauaton of Pore Pressures Beneith am Eintanient. Jew of the Soll Mechinies und Faudlions Dission ASCE, Vel. 97, SMB, Proc. Paper NSIS anes T9TT py Ml 898 10 D’Appotania. D... Poulos, H- Guat Lada, ©, “Inn Seiement of Structures on Cay," Journal’ of the ‘Soil Aiechanies and Foundations Division, ASCE, Wel 57, No. SMO. roc. Paper BK, Ost 971 pp. 19-1 tally Consolidated Clays," om Soll Mechanics and Foundations Engi- nl Shear Behavior of Normally NGF Internal Report $0303, Impesl College, London, England, ea uur ter a 11. Davis, £. H., and Christan, J.T, “Bearing Capacity of Anisutronie Cohesive Soi.” Fae of tie Soll Mechanics dnd Foundations Division, ASCE, Vol, 97, No. SMB, Proc. Paper 8146, May. 1971, pp. 793-770. 12, Dosis EH and Poulos, THe G., “Laboratory Investigations of the Effects of Saving." Gill Engineering Transactions, The Insitute of Engineers, Vol. CES. No.1, Australia, 1967, pp. 86-94 13, Duncan J Maz and Seed, HB, “Anisotropy and Stress Reorientation in Clay, aneat of the Soll Mechanics and Foundations Disision, ASCE. Vol. 92, No. SM3, roc, Paper 4903, Sept, 1965, pp. 2-50. 14, Foot, Revand Ladd, ©. C.,""The lichavior of Atchafalaya Test Emfankaents During Coekictions" Deportmen’ of Civil Engineering Research Report R73-27, Massachusets Insitute of Technology. Cambridge. Mass., 1973 1s, Hamby, E. C.,"@ New Trve Triaxial Apparatus: Technical Note Condon, England, Wal. 19, No.2, 1969. pp. 307-30. 16, Hansen, J Bar and Gibson, R. E., "Undrained Shear Strengths of Anivoteopicaly Cersetiated Clays,” Geotechniaque, London, England, Vol. 1, No.3. 1948, pp. 189-204 17, Henkel, D. J. “The Shear Strengih of Saturated Remolded Clays.” Proceedinas RECA specnty Conference on Shear Stength of Cahesive Soils, University of Colorado, Boulder, Colo. June 13-17, 1960, pp. 33-854 18. Hemkel De Juv and Wade, N. Hi. "Plane Strain Tests on a Saturated Remolded CE soumal of the Soil Mechanics and Finndations Disision, ASCE, Vel. 2 No’ SMé, Proc. Paper 4970, Nov.. 1966. pp. 67-R0 Ne Amiersiand. ©. Th, and Rolfsen, FN. “Undrained Behavior of Quik ier Load Tests at Aston.” Geotechnique, London, Fgland. Vol. 19, Ne Me 1969, pp. 101115, 20, Koulsian, Rei and Weaver, P. J, “Stability of Atchafalaya Levees.” Journal of rattm ceuice and Foundations Division, ASCE. Vol. 98, No. SMA, Proc. Paper S312, Iuly, 1962, pp. 157-176 21, Ladi OCs 'Sineagth Parameters and Siess-Strain Nehavior of Saturated Clays Revove 71-3, Sole Putiation 278, Department of Civil Engineering, Massachsets Institute of Technology, Cambrilge, Mass. 1971 22, Ladd GC. "Test Embankment on Sersitive Clay.” Proceedings, ASCE Speci Caatergice on Earth and Earth Supported Sirctures. Vol. Pact 1, Purdue Universiy, West Lafayette, Ind. June 11-18, 1972, pp. 101-128 23, Mad CG Aldneh, HP. and Johnion, E. G,. “Embankment Failure on Org Ga Proceedings, Teh International Conference on Sot Mecharies and Foundataa Engineering, Vol. 2, Mexico City. Mexico, 1909 pp. 627-634 aa, Enbineering: Vor 7 abe. W., "the Strength of Untisiusbed Clay Determind Teun Unarained Tests,” Special Technical Publication No. 361, National Research tory et canada American Society of Testing and Materials Symposium on Labora tory Shear Testing of Sails, 1968, pp. 32-171 25 ee ce Rinter, F Land Gilford, D.G., “Performance of Embankments with rate rains on Semiive Clay.” Proceedings, ASCE Specialty Conference on Peo sand ect Earth and Eaith-Supported Sttuctures, Vol. t. Part 1, Purdue Universiy, West Lafayette, Ind, une 11-18, 1972, pp, 211-242 2 eee Ge Te Structure of Compacted Cly."* diurnal of the Soil Mecha tal Feundations Division, ASCE, Vol. 84, No, SM2, Proc. Paper 1654, May, 188 Pp, 1654-1-168434 27 BNE HM “birect Shear Test for Bffective Strength Parameters" Journal of SNS Mchics and Foundations Division, ASCE, Vol. 88, No. SM, Proc. Pape: 3282, Aug, 1962, pp 108-157, ee Se: Ph axial Compression and Extension Tests on Remolled Situated aNGeeiechnique, London, England, Vol. 10. No. 4, 1960. pp 166-180. 29, "Quality in Soll Sarmpling.” Proceedings of Specaity Sesion, ah Asian Reon Cauteence on: Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering. Vol. 2, Internation Group on Soil Sampling, Bangkok, Thailand, 1974 3 eee aoe A. Me and Whitmas, R. V., “Effect of Strain-Rate Upon Undine Shear Resistance of Saturated Remolded Fat Clay,” Geotechnique, London, England Vol. 13, No. 4, 1963, pp. 310-324 Geotechniaue, sn in Sui Meecanios: Toth Rankine Lect SUFI CLAYS Geotech Geotehique. Loon, Engh, Va. 20, No. 2.197, pp 12 32, Seeds 1 Be Nowrany: tea Sn, te “Elects ot Ss en the Strength of Sate Clay a Cure i . Repu! TE€4 I. Univesity ol Cahn, Berkeley 38, Shibata, T- and Karute, B., “Iflyence of the Varition ofthe Intermediate Principal Steen Macon Het Realy oan Ce eee Sigmon tines Bhcaoe Sayan colin” eli reg Caen enn oan tp Ie hn Nl Ret sy fara fees 2 Tp eS Toth Bo Cok Se a ublication No. 131, American Society for Testing and Mate 8 sium on Dieeet Base be ac tne repo io Waterays Experimenta Satin, So Iretute of Technakgy: Camtrips, Mawes 1358 rar? Mosmehuete 39, Terrighi. Kd Peck, RB Jatin Wiley and Soe Ie 26, ‘Soil Mechanics. in Engincering Pract New Vek, NIV. 1967 eee ‘Arrenow.ll.—Noranion The following symbols are used in this paper: it pore eres Giccsingle shear teste EES ol fet vane test liquidity index; ° | ta im active shear test: ie straim passive shear test: ress history and normalized soil engineering proper tundtained shear strength: ‘viaxial compression shear test: Iviawial extension shear tests unconfined compression shea test snconsteendsned ax Compression te Fiquid limit: " “ ter contents wel = plastic imi shear strain at failure; a isotropic effective renew menreves JULY 1974 ov vertical effective consolidation stress (laboratory); maximum past pressure; in situ vertical effective stress; ‘major principal total stress; | oy at failure: minor principal total stress: horizontal shear stress in DS friction angle in terms of total stress. test; and 10807 JULY 1974 JOURNAL OF THE GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING DIVISION 1N Limestone AND CLay SHALES im D. Ashton! and Paul H. Schwartz,? Members, ASCE H-BEARING PILE: By Wil t. Paul, and Pacific Railroad main fine between Chicago snd Omaha crosses the Des Moines River ona double track viaduct about 130 ft (40m) above the flood plain, some 1S miles (24 km) upstream from Saylorville Dam and approx 3 miles (8.8 km) west of Madrid, lows. The viaduct was replaced with a new single track bridge 70 ft (21 m) downstream by the Comps of Engineers under a relocation agreement in conjunction with the Saylorville project. Construction began in the fall of 1971 and was completed in October, 1973, Fig. 1 shows a general view of the construction in January, 1973. Pig. 2 shows a plan-profile of the structures. The new sircture and approach embankments were designed by the Rock {sland District of the Corps of Engineers. The Jensen Construction Company. Des Moines. lowa, was the prime contractor constructing the bridge under the supervision of the Rock Island District The majority of the piers lie within the Des Moines River flood plain. The subsurface profile across the valley consists of about 20 ft-40 ft (6 m-12 m) of alluvium and glaciofluvium un bedrock of the Des Moines series ef the Pennsylvanian system. The west abutment is a glacial clay till bluff, and the «east abutment is » compacted clay tll embankment on a glacial terrace The basic pile design was end bearing steel H-piles driven through the alluvial clays and sands and ghiciofluvial gravelly sands to bedrock, ‘The maxmum design pile load was 11%) kips (450 kN). A pile load test program was initiated for the following purposes: {. To finalize the pile tip elevations and to determine pile driving criteria, 2, To determine the load capacity of a pile driven into the various weathered Note.—Discussion open unl December 1. 1974, To extend the closing date one moath, ‘writen request must be filed with the Editor of Technical Poblientions, ASCE the parer is part of the copyrighted Journal of the Geotechaieal Engincesing Diviowe Froceedings of the American Society of Civil Engineers. Vol. IW0, Ne GT? duly Mapuscript was submitted for eeview for posible publication on February 1, 1998 ‘Simuct, Ener, Design Branch, Rock Island Dist. Corps of Engrs, Roek island, 2Soils Ener.. Foundations & Materials Branch, Rock Island Dist. Corps of Engrs. Rock Island ti

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