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(+1 Agility) Unquestioned masters of the battlefield. Akodo tend to
be calm and analytical.

(+1 Intelligence) Traditional and conservative shugenja. Possess
several bloodlines with strange, otherworldly abilities, such as the
ability to walk between the mortal and spirit worlds.

Akodo Bushi School

Kitsu Shugenja School

(+1 Perception) Core Book, pg. 116

(+1 Perception) Core Book, pg. 117

The Akodo teach a basic form of kenjutsu: if you strike as you intend every
time, there is no need for anything more complicated as part of your studies.
Akodo Bushi are true warriors.
Skills: Battle (Mass Combat), Defense, Kenjutsu, Kyujutsu, Lore: History,
Sincerity, any one Bugei or High Skill
Honor: 6.5
Outfit: Light Armor, Sturdy Clothing, Daisho, any 1 weapon, Traveling Pack, 5

Kitsu Shugenja possess the unique ability to interfere with links others have to
other realms. Special insight into the relationship between this realm and the
realms beyond is used to the Clans advantage.
Skills: Battle, Calligraphy (Cipher), Etiquette, Lore: History, Lore: Theology,
Spellcraft, any one High or Bugei Skill
Honor: 6.5
Outfit: Robes, Wakizashi, Knife, Scroll Satchel, Traveling Pack, 5 koku
Affinity/Deficiency: Water/Fire
Spells: Sense, Commune, Summon, 3 Water, 2 Air, 1 Earth

(+1 Awareness) The Ikoma speak on behalf of the Lion in court.
Holds history and storytelling as very important.

Ikoma Bard School [Courtier]

(+1 Intelligence) Core Book, pg. 118
Ikoma Bards are amazing storytellers who use historical precedence to win
their arguments. They are known as able to resist temptation and inspire
Skills: Courtier, Etiquette, Lore: History (Lion Clan), Perform: Storytelling,
Sincerity (Honesty), any one High Skill, any one Bugei Skill
Honor: 6.5
Outfit: Traditional Clothing, Wakizashi, Knife Calligraphy Set, Traveling Pack,
5 koku

The Ikoma Lions Shadow [Bushi]

(+1 Awareness) Emerald Empire, pg. 109
A small and secretive group within the Ikoma family, The Lions Shadow
willingly sacrifice honor without regret for the good of the clan. Enemies of
the Scorpion and other unsavory individuals, they work outside the
knowledge of most of the Lion Clan.
Skills: Courtier, Etiquette, Kenjutsu, Investigation (Notice), Sincerity, Stealth,
any one High or Low skill
Honor: 3.5
Outfit: Traditional Clothing, Daisho, any one weapon, Calligraphy set,
Traveling Pack, 5 koku

(+1 Strength) Largest family in the Empire. Fiery in nature, quick to
anger, and eager for battle at all times.

Matsu Berserker School [Bushi]

(+1 Strength) Core Book, pg. 119
The Berserker School teaches all-out attack with no fear of death and an
absolute, unwavering dedication to battle.
Skills: Battle, Jiujutsu, Kenjutsu (Katana), Kyujutsu, Lore: History, and two
Bugei Skills
Honor: 6.5
Outfit: Light or Heavy Armor, Sturdy Clothing, Daisho, Heavy Weapon or
Polearm, Traveling Pack, 5 koku

Matsu Beastmasters [Bushi]

(+1 Agility) Great Clans, pg. 136
These students are taught a bond with one of the legendary Lion warcats. The
lion becomes an extension of the Bushi, protecting him and attacking his
Skills: Animal Handling 2, Battle, Defense, Iaijutsu, Kenjutsu, any one Bugei
Honor: 5.5
Outfit: Light Armor, Sturdy Clothing, Daisho, any 1 weapon, Traveling Pack, 4

Akodo Tactical Master (Bushi) Great Clans, pg. 138
The Tactical Master learns to adapt, react, and change his battle plans to
meet every eventuality by having studied every notable battle in Rokugans
Rings/Traits: Water 4, Intelligence 5
Skills: Battle (Mass Combat) 5, Games: Shogi or Games: Go 4

The Lions Pride (Bushi) Core Book, pg. 248

The Lions Pride is a highly-respected, female-only group of Matsu samurai
that live and fight together as a unit at all times. The Pride is known to seek
out enemy generals in battle.
Rings/Traits: Agility 5, Strength 5
Skills: Battle 5, four Weapon Skills at Rank 3
Other: Honor Rank 6. Additionally, must be a female from the Matsu family.

Sodan-Senzo (Shugenja) Imperial Histories, pg. 241

Taught secret techniques that evoke the hidden powers of true-blooded Kitsu,
Sodan-Senzo are able to project their souls into spirit realms into interact with
the souls of the dead.
Rings/Traits: Water 4, Awareness 3
Skills: Lore: Spirit Realms 4, Meditation 5
Other: Must be a true-blooded Kitsu with the ability to cast Water spells of
Mastery Level 4 or higher


Kitsu Spirit Legions (Shugenja) Book of Air, pg. 180

The Spirit Legions are capable of reaching across the boundaries of the spirit
realms to summon spirits to serve them.
Requirements: Must be born with the spiritual gifts to serve in the Spirit
Replaces: Kitsu Shugenja 4

Lioness Legion (Bushi) Strongholds of the Empire, pg. 135

Combining the speed of cavalry with the unbridled ferocity of the Matsu, the
Lioness Legion is composed of very young warriors, women in the prime of
their physical condition. Chosen for their natural athleticism, they are feared
for their fleetness.
Requirements: Athletics 3
Replaces: Matsu Berserker 2, Akodo Bushi 2, or Matsu Beastmaster 2

Lion Paragon (Bushi) Great Clans, pg. 140

Lion Paragons live with a strict adherence to the Code of Bushido, persevering
through the obstacles that come with living with such dedication.
Requirements: Void 4, Kenjutsu 5, Honor Rank 7
Replaces: any Lion Bushi 3

Lion Scout (Bushi) Great Clans, pg. 140

Lion Scouts help to determine the result of a battle before it even begins. They
are adept at avoiding the enemy (swallowing their Lion pride) and surveying
the terrain.
Requirements: Battle 2, Hunting 3
Replaces: any Lion Bushi 2

Akodo Kensai (Bushi) Great Clans, pg. 139


The Akodo Kensai pours hours of practice in kata, kenjutsu, and iaijutsu,
making the katana his main focus of martial training. When he is ready, the
Akodo Kensai moves as if the katana was an extension of his body, striking
with a beautiful, almost supernatural ease.
Requirements: Iaijutsu 4, Kenjutsu 5, Prodigy Advantage
Replaces: Any Lion Bushi 4
Others: You may ignore the Prodigy Advantage requirement, but if you do so
you must increase all other requirements by 1.

Akodo (12 points) Core Book, pg. 242

Akodo Siege Strategist (Bushi) Book of Earth, pg. 193

The Strategists are trained in the art of defeating enemy castles as quickly
and efficiently as possible.
Requirements: Battle (Mass Battle) 6, Engineering (Siege) 4
Replaces: Akodo Bushi 4 or Akodo Tactical Master 2

Bishamons Chosen (Shugenja) Core Book, pg. 253

Bishamons Chosen learn to wield weapons and march into battle beside their
bushi brethren. Their fervor and dedication to the Celestial Order remains
pure, whether in a temple or the chaos of battle.
Requirements: Battle 3
Replaces: Kitsu Shugenja 3

De Bellis Legionnaire (Bushi)

Second City: The People, pg. 99
Legionnaires are students of the De Bellis Yoditorum, an ancient treatise on
tactics used by the Yodotai of the Ivory Kingdoms. They fight very strongly as
a unit and are believed to be able to use their knowledge to counter gaijin
Requirements: Battle 3, Lore: Gaijin (Yodotai) 1
Replaces: Akodo Bushi 4, Matsu Bushi 4

Deathseeker (Bushi) Core Book, pg. 253

Instead of committing seppuku for dishonorable conduct, the Lion offer an
alternate path Deathseeker. They are a lightly-armored unit that fights on
the front lines, charging into battle without hesitation.
Requirements: Honor Rank 5, Dishonored Disadvantage
Replaces: Any Lion Bushi School 1

Ikoma Warden (Bushi) Strongholds of the Empire, pg. 135

The most capable horsemen in the Lion Clan., Wardens are cavalry units
relegated to ensuring the security and lawfulness of the Lion provinces.
Requirements: Horsemanship 3
Replaces: Akodo Bushi 2, Ikoma Lions Shadow 2

A general beyond compare, Akodo is the founder of the Lion Clan and one of
the greatest tacticians to ever walk the face of the Empire. He is known to
have gained strength just from being in the presence of his comrades.
Benefits: Bonus to all Bugei Skill rolls made on the Mass Battle Table. Bonus
when fighting alongside Lion Clan allies
Demands: Akodo taught steadfast courage if you ever leave a battle or
skirmish that involves another Lion, Akodo will abandon you. He will also
abandon you if your Honor drops below 5.0

Ikoma (9 points) Core Book, pg. 243

Ikoma was a cheerful rogue who chased women and brawled without
hesitation or fear.
Benefits: Bonus to Intelligence rolls and when fighting unarmed
Demands: You cannot refuse a drink, run from a fight, or insult an attractive
or compelling woman

Kitsu (6 points) Great Clans, pg. 140

Kitsu was a spirit that took human form to found the Kitsu Family and bravely
died in defense of the Lion Clan.
Benefits: Able to sense spirits and spirit portals and bonus to all Lore: Spirit
Realms rolls.
Demands: If you ever willingly harm a non-corrupted member of the five
ancient races or cooperate with a Tsuno, Kitsu will abandon you.

Matsu Hitomi (7 points) Great Clans, pg. 140

A woman of faultless honor and courage, Matsu Hitomi was one of the
greatest heroes of the Lion Clan.
Benefits: Bonuses to all rolls to resist Temptation, Intimidation, and Fear
Demands: You must stay loyal to daimyo and clan

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