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The people need to be educated on the causes of climate change, what is happening because of it

and how they can do to make a change, but most importantly safety precautions need to be put into place
to protect what is still left to protect.
There are many processes that can speed up the process of climate change and cause harm to the
environments around them. And though many are known as harmful few are actually not in use. Climate
change can also be caused by human activities, such as the burning of fossil fuels and the conversion of
land for forestry and agriculture.The majority of causes of global warming are either caused or the process
has been sped up but human activity within an area creating a whole mess of problems like deforestation.
These processes such as fracking, mining, and drilling are putting more and more pressure on whats
already a collapsing environment. .Global warming occurs when carbon dioxide (CO2) and other air
pollutants collect in the atmosphere and absorb sunlight and solar radiation that have bounced off the
earths surface. Normally, this radiation would escape into spacebut these pollutants, which can last for
years to centuries in the atmosphere, trap the heat and cause the planet to get hotter.
Recently the effects of climate change have caused many to lose families, homes, and towns.
With major storms such as hurricanes and floods becoming more and more prevalent in coastal regions, it
is necessary that the public be educated so that steps can be taken to prevent or prepare for the
consequences of global warming. The whole process had a domino effect, when climate, or community,
or species topples, one by one their surroundings crumble with them. But its not just our food supply, or
animals and water resources that are being damaged by climate change, there are also serious health risks
that can impact populations of humans. More regions will be hit with drought or floods, or extreme
weather conditions that will ruin homes, towns, communities, and even the economy. All the impacts that
global warming causes are costly and they will continue to have a heavy impact on health issues as well
as cause more money issues for those who experience health problems.
When there is information of a major disaster that will cause a compelling amount of damage to
an area, there are obvious procedures in place to try to protect the people of that area. New plans are being
made for relief and preparation for natural disasters that can really benefit coastal regions and people
living in and around those areas. ...there has been an increasing demand for hazards insurance, what
types of coverage private insurers are willing to offer, and the role of reinsurance and private and
public-sector initiatives at the state and federal levels for providing protection to victims of natural
disasters More and more people are realizing that they need to be prepared for natural disasters, So they
spend more money on insurance to reassure their homes and towns will be saved
Even with all the proven evidence, some people still refuses to accept that climate change is
happening now. And some might argue that putting this bill into action would disrupt the education of
todays children but in the long run it would benefit everyone greatly.
Climate change is real and it is a threat. As a nation we must accept that there are serious
consequences, and that man-made pollution is speeding up natural processes to an immense speed.

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