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Don Bosco Institute of Biosciences and Management Studies

Mysore Road, Kumbalagodu, Bangalore 560 074
BBM IV Semester
I Internal Test






General Instructions:

The paper is divided into Four sections A,B, C & D. All the sections are compulsory.
Separate instructions are given with each section and question, wherever necessary. Read these
instructions carefully and follow them accordingly.
In your answer sheet write your Roll No., Name & Section correctly.
Please write down the serial number of the question in the answer script before attempting it.
Mobiles are not allowed in the examination hall.

Answer all question each carries one mark

1.Who is the father of Indian Consitution?

Dr. Bhim Rao Ambedkar.

Dr. Rajendra Prasad.
Mahatma Gandhi.
Alladi Krishnaswamy Iyer.Thursday, July 19, 2012

2. Indian Constitution contains

a. 448 articles in 24 parts, 12 schedules and 97 Amendments.
b. 444 articles in 24 parts, 12 schedules and 97 Amendments.
c. 548 articles in 34 parts, 12 schedules and 97 Amendments.

d. 448 articles in 24 parts, 22 schedules and 97 Amendments.

3. Who was the President of the Constituent Assembly?
a.Dr. Bhim Rao Ambedkar.
b.Dr. Rajendra Prasad.
c Both (a) & (b).
d .None.
4. The Constitution was enacted by the Constituent Assembly on
a. 26 November 1949.
b. 26 October 1949.
c. 26 January 1950.
d. 15 August 1947.
5.Consitution came into effect on
a. 26 November 1949.
b. 15 August 1947.
c. 26 January 1949.
d. 26 January 1950.
6. Indian Constitution is Sometimes called as

a. Box of barrowings.
b. barrowings.
c. Bag of Barrowings.
d. Copy of other country.

7. The Directive Principle of state Policy is introduced from

a. Irish Constitution.
b. Canadian Constitution.
c. Australian Constitution.
d. Germany.
8. The Constitution begins with _________ with specifies the nature of Indian Sate.
a. Introduction.
b. Preamble.
c. Objectives.
d. Aim.
9. When was the first session of the Constituent Assembly held ?
a. 6 December, 1946.
b. 7 December, 1946.
c. 8 December, 1946.
d.9 December, 1946.
10. Who was the first Prime Minister of the Indian Union?
a. Dr. Bhim Rao Ambedkar.

b. Dr. Rajendra Prasad.

c. Mahatma Gandhi.
d.Jawaharla Nehru.
11. How many Fundamental Rights have been guaranteed by the Indian Constitution ?
a. 6



d. 9

12. How many Fundamental Duties have been assigned to the citizens of India?
a. 10

b. 11

c. 12

d. 13

13. What is the name of the Upper House of the Indian Parliament?
a. Rajya Sabha.
b. Lok Sabha.
c. Parliament.
d. Assembly.
14. What is the name of the Lower House of the Indian Parliament?
a. Rajya Sabha.
b. Lok Sabha.
c. Parliament.
d. Assembly.

15. How many members constitute the Rajya Sabha and Lok Sabha?

a. 250 & 545 respectively.

b. 545 & 250 respectively.
c. 245 & 550 respectively.
d. 238 & 545 respectively.
16. A citizen of how many years of age can cast vote?
a. 18 years.
b. 19 years
c. 21 years
d. None.
17. How many Indian Territories are there in the Indian Union?
a. Seven
b. Eight
c. Six
d. Five.
18. Indian Republic is not the product of
(A) Political Revolution
(B) Discussion
(C) Made by a body of eminent representatives of the people
(D) All the above
19. In the Govt. of India Act 1935, provincial list included which kind of subjects
(A) Police
(B) Provincial Public Service
(C) Education
(D) All the above
20. In the Govt. of India Act 1935, which subjects are included in the concurrent list
(A) Criminal Law & Procedure, Civil Procedure
(B) Marriage
(C) Divorce, Arbitration
(D) All the above
21. Demand for a constitution, framed by a consitutent assembly was made by:
a. M K Gandhi.
b. B R Ambedkar.
c. RadhaKrishnan
d Jawaharlal Nehru.

22. The Indian constitution is

a. Fully Written.
b. Partially Written.
c. Wholly Written.
d. None of the above.
23. Who was the Lega advisor to constitutent assembly ?
a. Narayan Rao.
b. B. N Rao.
c. M N Rao.
d. Dr Ambedkar.
24. The procedure of amendment to the constitution is taken from the constitution of

a. India
b. Ireland
c. Germany
d. USA
25. India has been described under article 1 of the constitution as
a. Parliament
b. Union of States
c. Intersection of States
d. Both (a) & (b)
26. Indian constitution came in to force on 26.01.1950, this day is celebrated as
a. Public Day
b. Freedom day.
c. Independence Day.
d. Republic Day.
27. The right to equality has been provided in articles
a. 14 to 18.
b. 16 to 18.
c. 18.
d. 18 -20.
28. The right to exploitation prohibits
a. Traffic in Human beings.
b. Traffic in Animals.
c. Both (a) & (b)
d. None.
29. The freedom of speech and expression does not include
a. Freedom.
b. Conscience.
c. Calling for Bundh.
d. None.
30. A person can move to supreme court directly for protection of Fundamental rights under the article

b. 32

c. 22


31. Right to education guaranteed under the article 21-A applied to the age group of
a. 6- 18 years.
b. 3- 14 years.
c. 0- 14 years.
d. 6- 14 Years.
32. Which is described as Knowledge House ?
a. Rajya Sabha.
b. Lok Sabha.
c. Rajya Sabha & Lok Sabha
33. Which budget is placed first in the parliament house?
a. Public.
b. General.
c. Railways.
d. Both (b) & (c).

34. Memebership of legislative assembly are

a. varies between 50 and 500
b. varies between 60 and 500
c. varies between 60 and 545
d. varies between 600 and 500
35. Bicameral means
a. Two Cameras in state legislature.
b. Two Parliaments.
c. Two houses.
d. Two houses in the state legislature.
36. Impeachment proceedings against the president can be initiated in
a. Either houses of the parliament.
b. Only in lok sabha.
c. Only in Rajya Sabha.
d. Impeachement proceedings against the president cannot be initiated.
37. How many members are nominated to the Rajyasabha by the President?
a. 545

b. 20

c. 238

d. 12

38. The vice-president is ex-officio chairman of

a. lok sabha.
b. Rajya Sabha.
c. Parliament.
d. Assembly.
39. The president of india is similar to
a. King of Ireland.
b. Queen o USA.
c. Queen of England.
d. King of Germany.
40. Usually the prime minster of india is:
a. The leader of majority party in Rajya Sabha.
b. The leader of majority party in Assembly.
c. The leader of majority party in Parliament.
d. The leader of majority party in the lok Sabha.
41. Lok Sabha enjoys Superiority over Rajya Sabha in
a. Financial matters.
b. Control the Executive.
c. Only Financial Matters.
d. Both (a) & (b).
42. The Main Function of Parliament is
a. To create Rights
b. Law making.
c. To Create Duties.
d. None of above.
43. Match the following.
A.Public Bill
B. Private Bill
C. Government Bill
D. Private member Bill

1. Council of Ministers.
2. Member of parliament other than a minister.
3. Universal Nature/Majority
4. Impose, Reduce or Repealing of Taxes.

E. Money Bill

5. Particular Section.

a. A-3 B-5 C-2 D-1 E-4

b. A-3 B-5 C-1 D-4 E-2
c. A-3 B-5 C-1 D-2 E-4
d. A-3 B-4 C-1 D-2 E-5
44. The State Legislative Council is called as
a. Vidhan Sabha.
b. Vidhan Parishad.
c. Rajya Sabha.
d. Lok Sabha.
45. The Lower house is also called as
a. State Legislative Council.
b. Rajya Sabha.
c. Vidhan Sabha.
d. State Legislative Assembly.
46. Who is the presiding officer of Rajya Sabha?
a. Vice President.
b. Prime Minister.
c. Speaker.
d. None of the above.
47. Who is the presiding officer of Lok Sabha?
a. Vice President.
b. Deputy Chairman.
c. Speaker
d. Deputy Speaker.
48. How many Weeks does Rajya Sabha can delay the bill?
a. 14

b. 10

c. 12

d. 2

49. The Financial year Starts and ends from

a. 31/03 04/01.
b. 01/04 31/03.
c. 04/31 01/31.
d. 01/03 31/04.
50. If the President puts his signature over the bill, it becomes
a. passed.
b. The Rajya Sabha can delay for 14 days.
c. Rule.
d. Law.

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