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The Advantages and Disadvantages of Renewable Energy

The Advantages of Renewable Energy

One major advantage with the use of renewable energy is that as it is renewable it is therefore sustainable and
so will never run out.
Renewable energy facilities generally require less maintenance than traditional generators. Their fuel being
derived from natural and available resources reduces the costs of operation.
Even more importantly, renewable energy produces little or no waste products such as carbon dioxide or other
chemical pollutants, so has minimal impact on the environment.
Renewable energy projects can also bring economic benefits to many regional areas, as most projects are
located away from large urban centers and suburbs of the capital cities. These economic benefits may be from
the increased use of local services as well as tourism.

The Disadvantages of Renewable Energy

It is easy to recognize the environmental advantages of utilizing the alternative and renewable forms of energy
but we must also be aware of the disadvantages.
One disadvantage with renewable energy is that it is difficult to generate the quantities of electricity that are as
large as those produced by traditional fossil fuel generators. This may mean that we need to reduce the
amount of energy we use or simply build more energy facilities. It also indicates that the best solution to our
energy problems may be to have a balance of many different power sources.
Another disadvantage of renewable energy sources is the reliability of supply. Renewable energy often relies
on the weather for its source of power. Hydro generators need rain to fill dams to supply flowing water. Wind
turbines need wind to turn the blades, and solar collectors need clear skies and sunshine to collect heat and
make electricity. When these resources are unavailable so is the capacity to make energy from them. This can
be unpredictable and inconsistent. The current cost of renewable energy technology is also far in excess of
traditional fossil fuel generation. This is because it is a new technology and as such has extremely large capital


1. It Cannot Possibly Be Depleted
The sources for renewable energy may consist of wind, hydro, ocean, biomass, geothermal and
solar. Each of them offers a big advantage as they are not depleted and are renewable. They
provide clean energy because they are non-pollutant and non-contributor to greenhouse effects
and global warming.
2. Reduced Cost of Operations
As the sources are known to be natural, the operations and costs are reduced. This only means
that even the government and private sector can save more from using renewable sources.
They also need less maintenance.
3. Only Uses the Energy from the Sun
This is proven to be advantageous because even the systems may fit on already existing
buildings. The systems are not mainly affecting the use of lands; however, it may still require

4. With Renewable Energy Comes the Creation of Jobs

Among regions that already have turned to renewable energy, there is a change and economic
growth is even seen. As for people, they can be employed and enjoy the most from their
5. Facilities Need Less Maintenance and Renewable Energy Has Little Waste Products
The facilities to be used on renewable energy need less maintenance. The fuel that is derived
from available and natural resources limits the overall costs, prior to operations.
More importantly, renewable energy only has no or little waste products. These waste products
may include of chemical pollutants or carbon dioxide. They are only less and may have
minimum impact in the environment.
6. The Projects Provide Economic Benefits
The projects related on renewable energy provide economic benefits to people, in the regional
areas. Many of the projects are not situated near suburbs and urban centers. These benefits
may be associated in the tourism and local services.
1. Difficulty in Generating Large Quantity of Electricity
There is a difficulty in generating large quantity of electricity. As compared to the conventional
generators on fossil fuel, the quantity of electricity that is produced is large. This only means
that there is a need to reduce the energy that will be used. Or else, there is a need to create
many energy facilities. It may even indicate that the ultimate solution to the energy problems is
the balance on many various power sources.
2. The Problem on the Supply and its Reliability
Renewable energy mainly relies in the weather, which is the ultimate source of power. In regard
with hydro generators, they need rain in filling dams and supplying a continued flow of water.
Wind turbines also need wind in turning the blades. Clear sunshine and skies are needed for
solar collectors. Once these resources are not found, the capacity in making energy is less. This
may be inconsistent and unpredictable.
Wind is the movement of air from an area of high pressure to an area of low pressure. In fact, wind exists because
the sun unevenly heats the surface of the Earth. As hot air rises, cooler air moves in to fill the void. As long as the sun
shines, the wind will blow. And as long as the wind blows, people will harness it to power their lives.
Ancient mariners used sails to capture the wind and explore the world. Farmers once used windmills to grind their
grains and pump water. Today, more and more people are using wind turbines to wring electricity from the breeze.
Over the past decade, wind turbine use has increased at more than 25 percent a year. Still, it only provides a small
fraction of the world's energy.
Most wind energy comes from turbines that can be as tall as a 20-story building and have three 200-foot-long (60meter-long) blades. These contraptions look like giant airplane propellers on a stick. The wind spins the blades, which
turn a shaft connected to a generator that produces electricity. Other turbines work the same way, but the turbine is
on a vertical axis and the blades look like a giant egg beater.

The biggest wind turbines generate enough electricity to supply about 600 U.S. homes. Wind farms have tens and
sometimes hundreds of these turbines lined up together in particularly windy spots, like along a ridge. Smaller
turbines erected in a backyard can produce enough electricity for a single home or small business.
Wind is a clean source of renewable energy that produces no air or water pollution. And since the wind is free,
operational costs are nearly zero once a turbine is erected. Mass production and technology advances are making
turbines cheaper, and many governments offer tax incentives to spur wind-energy development.
Some people think wind turbines are ugly and complain about the noise the machines make. The slowly rotating
blades can also kill birds and bats, but not nearly as many as cars, power lines, and high-rise buildings do. The wind
is also variable: If it's not blowing, there's no electricity generated.
Nevertheless, the wind energy industry is booming. Globally, generation more than quadrupled between 2000 and
2006. At the end of last year, global capacity was more than 70,000 megawatts. In the energy-hungry United States,
a single megawatt is enough electricity to power about 250 homes. Germany has the most installed wind energy
capacity, followed by Spain, the United States, India, and Denmark. Development is also fast growing in France and
Industry experts predict that if this pace of growth continues, by 2050 the answer to one third of the world's electricity
needs will be found blowing in the wind.

Advantages of Wind Power

Excessive heating of earth due to burning of fossil fuels have forced people across the globe to
generate power through wind. Wind is another form of solar energy and is caused by uneven
heating of the atmosphere by the sun, the irregularities of the earths surface and the rotation of
the earth. Wind energy doesnt generate any toxic emissions like fossil fuels and provide clean
source of power. Wind power is currently being used extensively in countries like USA,
Denmark, Spain, India and Germany.

1. Renewable Energy: Wind energy in itself is a source of renewable energy which means it
can be produced again and again. Unlike fossil fuels that are going to expire in years to come,
wind energy has tremendous potential and can be used to produce free source of power just
like solar and hydro power. It is cleanest form of renewable energy and is currently used many
leading developed and developing nations to fulfill their demand for electricity.

2. Reduces Fossil Fuels Consumption: Dependence on the fossil fuels could be reduced to
much extent if it is adopted on a much wider scale by all the countries across the globe. It could
be an answer to the ever increasing demand for petroleum and gas products and would help us
to reduce our reliance on fossil fuels from other countries. Apart from this, it can also help to
curb harmful greenhouse gas emissions which are the major source of global warming.

3. Less Air and Water Pollution: Wind energy doesnt pollute at all. It is that form of energy
that will exist till the time sun exists. It does not destroy the environment or release toxic
gases. Wind turbines are mostly found in coastal areas, open plain and gaps in mountains
where the wind is reliable, strong and steady. An ideal location would have a near constant flow
of non-turbulent wind throughout the year, with a minimum likelihood of sudden powerful bursts
of wind. Less pollution in the air and water reduces the risk of outbreak of diseases and creates
a healthier environment.

4. Initial Cost: The cost of producing wind energy has come down steadily over the last few
years. The main cost is the installation of wind turbines. Moreover the land used to install wind
turbines can also be used for agriculture purposes. Also, when combine with solar power, it
provides cheap, reliable, steady and great source of energy for the for developed and
developing countries. Wind turbines can be built either on land or at large bodies of water like
oceans and lakes.

5. Extra Savings for Land Owners: Land owners can look for additional cash by installing wind
turbines on land that can even be used for agricultural purposes. The electricity generated by
wind power can be used for your own purpose which will reduce your monthly electricity bill and
the surplus power can be sent back to the local grid which will result in more savings. Moreover,
you can check if your state government offers interest free loans or incentives on installation of
wind turbines that will reduce the extra burden of initial investment on you.

6. Job Creation: Wind energy on the other hand has created many jobs for the local people.
From installation of wind turbines to maintenance of the area where turbines are located, it has
created wide range of opportunities for the people. Since most of the wind turbines are based in
coastal and hilly areas, people living there are often seen in maintenance of wind turbines.

7. Modern Technology: Todays wind turbines are classy, attractive and modern looking. They
dont look like old plain clunky windmills that become an eyesore on your land. Wind turbines
are available in various sizes and vast range of people can use it for their own use or sell power
to local grid to reap some profits.
Working Principle of Wind Energy

Wind is simply defined as moving air. When the earth heats up from sunrays it releases wind, this is a
balanced reaction meant to cool the earth. The sun heat is felt more on dry land than on the sea. The
air expands and easily reaches maximum high altitudes, then cool air drops down and moves as wind.

Wind energy is generated by converting kinetic energy through friction process into useful forms
such as electricity and mechanical energy. These two energy sources are put in to use by humans to
achieve various purposes. In the past, people constructed wind mills to generate energy meant for
grinding rains. They also constructed mechanical wind pumps to be uses to pump large amounts of
water into the farms.

Egyptians also used wind to sail their ships. Wind mills were constructed later with propeller blades for
generating electricity. This was a great development and electricity was even used in remote areas.
Because of the current shortage of oil and its cost today, wind electricity has become the preferred
source of energy in most countries worldwide.

Electricity Generation
Wind turbines use wind energy to produce electricity. The wind turbines are machines that have a
rotor with three propeller blades. These blades are specifically arranged in a horizontal manner to
propel wind for generating electricity. Wind turbines are placed in areas that have high speeds of wind,
to spin the blades much quicker for the rotor to transmit the electricity produced to a generator.
Thereafter the electricity produced is supplied to different stations through the grid. One wind turbine
can generate enough electricity to be used by a single household. A wind energy plant normally
consists of many wind turbines that are 30 to 50m long each. According to the rule, the higher you go,
the cooler it becomes and more air is circulated. This rule is applied by constructing turbines at high
altitudes, to use the increased air circulation at high altitudes to propel the turbines much faster.

How wind turbine works

So how do wind turbines make electricity? Simply stated, a wind turbine works the opposite of a
fan. Instead of using electricity to make wind, like a fan, wind turbines use wind to make
electricity. The wind turns the blades, which spin a shaft, which connects to a generator and
makes electricity.
Wind is a form of solar energy and is a result of the uneven heating of the atmosphere by the
sun, the irregularities of the earth's surface, and the rotation of the earth. Wind flow patterns and
speeds vary greatly across the United States and are modified by bodies of water, vegetation,

and differences in terrain. Humans use this wind flow, or motion energy, for many purposes:
sailing, flying a kite, and even generating electricity.
The terms wind energy or wind power describe the process by which the wind is used to
generate mechanical power or electricity. Wind turbines convert the kinetic energy in the wind
into mechanical power. This mechanical power can be used for specific tasks (such as grinding
grain or pumping water) or a generator can convert this mechanical power into electricity.

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