Rules For Students School Rules and Regulations: A. General Conduct

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Rules for students

School Rules and Regulations

The school rules have been established in partnership with the community over a long period of
time. They reflect the school communitys expectations in terms of acceptable standards of
behaviour, dress and personal presentation in the widest sense. Students are expected to follow
the school rules at all times when on the school grounds, representing the school, attending a
school activity or when clearly associated with the school i.e. when wearing school uniform.
Students have the responsibility:

To attend school regularly

To respect the right of others to learn
To respect their peers and teachers regardless of ethnicity, religion or gender
To respect the property and equipment of the school and others
To carry out reasonable instructions to the best of their ability
To conduct themselves in a courteous and appropriate manner in school and in public
To keep the school environment and the local community free from litter
To observe the uniform code of the school
To read all school notices and bring them to their parents/guardians attention
Students are representatives of our school from leaving home until they return and are thus
expected to set themselves a high standard of behaviour both inside and outside the school.
should be worn tidily and correctly both at school and between home and school. The full school
uniform must be worn at all times. Shirts are to be tucked in; socks are to be pulled up; heel
straps in place. Where a situation arises concerning a students uniform, written requests for
temporary wearing of non-regulation items must be referred to a Dean or Deputy Headmaster.
Students are to be clean-shaven at all times while representing the school.
No visible jewellery is to be worn. Jewellery of religious or cultural significance may be worn
but must be covered at all times.
No piercings are allowed. In particular, clear plastic studs, or otherwise, used to maintain the
piercing, are not allowed.
A students hair must be kept clean and tidy at all times. The length of the hair should not be
shorter than a number 2 razor cut. Hair should not be touching the shirt collar and should be
off the face. The fringe when straightened /combed down must not hang in the eyes. The style of
the hair should not be extreme including but not limited to mohawk, afro, shaved styles and/or
patterns, hair tied up and braided. The colour must be the students own natural colour; no dye
nor highlights are allowed.
Make-up must not be worn. Students are not permitted to have visible tattoos.
C. The following are not to be brought on to the school grounds:
Alcohol or drugs in any form
Cigarettes or tobacco
Knives or other weapons, including BB guns

Matches/lighters/explosive or dangerous material

Pornographic or any other offensive material
Skateboards or scooters or similar
Expensive bicycles or bicycle accessories or other costly equipment
Mobile Phones
Mobile phones will be permitted in school.
Students will be able to use them on the way to and from school.
Students will be able to use them in class as learning devices with the express permission
of the teacher. Such permission must be sought and received before their use.
Students will not be permitted to use mobile phones in the school grounds, or during
Form Period.
If a student uses a mobile phone inappropriately, or in contravention of the schools policy, he
will be sanctioned accordingly. Mobile phones will not be confiscated except in circumstances
where a member of staff considers the device to be a harmful or disruptive influence.
Devices (Laptops / Notebooks / Tablets)
Devices will be permitted in school.
Students will be able to use them in class as learning devices with the express permission
of the teacher.
Students will not be permitted to use devices in the school grounds during Interval and
If a student uses a device inappropriately, or in contravention of the schools policy, he will be
sanctioned accordingly. Devices will not be confiscated except in circumstances where a member
of staff considers the device to be a harmful or disruptive influence.
The security and protection, within reason, of the device will be the responsibility of the student.
D. The following are strictly forbidden on school property when students are under school
discipline or attending a school function:
smoking and the use of alcohol or other drugs, or being in the company of those who are
smoking or using alcohol or drugs.
distributing of literature or any form of written matter (without the prior permission of the
Headmaster or Deputy Headmasters).
E. Cyber Safety
There are times when inappropriate use of social media is brought to our attention. Students are
expected to read the Schools Cyber Safety Agreement and abide by the conditions contained in
the Agreement.
F. BULLYING. Any form, verbal or physical, or any means of bullying or victimisation is
strictly forbidden.
G. LITTER. It is the responsibility of every student in the school to ensure that the school is free
from litter. Students are also encouraged to take the responsibility for litter in their immediate
vicinity and place any litter in the many bins placed around the school.
H. EXEAT PASSES. Students are required to attend all classes and remain in the school
grounds. No student may leave the school grounds during interval or lunch without prior
permission. This includes collecting books/gear from cars.
When leaving school during the day to attend dental/medical or similar appointments, the boys
must sign in and out at the Attendance Office or to see a Dean.

I. LEAVE APPLICATIONS. Parents, please consider carefully the effect on learning and the
consequences of asking for leave during school time. The process of applying for leave is for
parents/guardians to write to the Headmaster well in advance, notifying dates and the reason for
absence. Each application is considered fully by the students teachers and Deans, before being
granted or otherwise by the Headmaster.
K. ABSENCES. If you know your daughter is going to be absent for any reason please call the
Attendance Office and leave a message with students name, form class, contact number and
reason for the absence. After an absence from school a boy must bring, on the day of return, a
note signed by his parents/guardian, stating the reason for the absence and take it to the
Attendance Officer. In the event of the absence exceeding 2 days, the school should be informed
whilst the student is absent from school.
O. DAMAGE of any kind must be reported immediately to a Deputy Headmaster or Dean. In
the case of wilful damage or negligence, girls will be expected to contribute part or all of the cost
of repair.
School rules must be respected by the whole school. In this way, we can benefit from a school
with an excellent atmosphere in which to study and enjoy ourselves.
Respect for others, adults, and students.
Respect for oneself.
Respect for the property of others, that of the school, and also, ones own personal
Listen to others and the teacher.
Do not speak at the same time as others.
Raise ones hand and wait ones turn to speak.
Be kind, do not hurt, do not mock, do not fight.
Be polite.
Do not use bad or insulting language.Respect the property of others and that of the
I keep my belongings tidy, for example: my schoolbooks, my school backpack, and my
I ask permission before using someone elses belongings and I return them promptly.
I only bring to school that which is necessary : no toys nor money, except for a small
amount (i.e. on croissant day or for a field trip).
I take care of school materials, especially books and furniture.
In the Classroom
I do not copy and I do not cheat. I do not disturb my friends.
I agree to share or to lend.
I never run in the classroom.
I raise my hand and wait for my turn to speak.
I speak in French during French classes, and in English during English classes.
I keep the classroom and my belongings clean and tidy.In the Rest Rooms
I keep them clean and I flush the toilet.
I do not play there and stay there as short a time as possible.In Common Areas: library,
corridors, picnic area, gymnasium

In the library I am silent, I do not eat, I take care of the books, I do not disarrange them,
and I return them promptly.
In the corridors, I do not run, Im quiet and stay in line.
In the picnic area, I eat properly and I do not waste food. I do not throw anything on the
ground and I pick up anything that I have dropped.
In the music room and in the gymnasium, I respect the equipment and I follow the
instructions of my teachers.On the Playground and Recreation Area
I stay in the authorized areas.
I ask for permission to go out.
I am friendly and polite with everyone. I use proper language (no swearing or namecalling). I invite others to join in my games.
I do not disturb the recess or the games of others. I never fight. I share the equipment
with others.
I pay great attention neither to hurt myself nor to hurt someone else. (For example: I do
not throw rocks, I am very careful close to the swings and on the climbing frames, I do
not play soccer).
As soon as recess is over, I collect up all my belongings and I get in line.During
Movement in Groups
I do not trail behind. I keep orderly and I make as little noise as possible.During
I never go far from the group without asking permission from an adult.
I am polite with everyone I meet and I respect the rules of the places I visit.
I pay particular attention to the instructions given by adults, for my own safety and that of

How to make requests and offers in English

When you ask someone to do something for you, or ask if you can do something, it's important
to sound polite. Here are some of the common ways that you can do this.

Asking someone to do something for you

"Could you open the door for me, please?"
"Would you mind opening the door for me, please?"
"Can you open the door for me, please?'
Speaking tip: could and can are followed by the verb without to. (See our page on modal
auxiliary verbs for more grammar information.)
Would you mind is followed by the verb and -ing.

Asking if you can do something

"Can I use your computer, please?"
"Could I borrow some money from you, please?"
"Do you mind if I turn up the heating?"
"Would you mind if I turned up the heating?"
Speaking tip: Could is more polite that can.
Do you mind if" is followed by the verb in the present tense, but would you mind if is
followed by the verb in the past tense.
When you're using these two sentences, don't use please. It's already polite enough!

Offering to do something for another person

You can make an offer using a phrase like Can I ?, Shall I ?, Would you like me to ?
For example:
"Can I help you?"
"Shall I open the window for you?"
"Would you like another coffee?"
"Would you like me to answer the phone?"
"I'll do the photocopying, if you like."
Shall, can and will are followed by the verb without to.
Shall is particularly British English and is more formal than can. Would you like is followed
either by a noun, or by an object pronoun and the verb with to.

Responding to offers
These English dialogues show you ways to accept or reject offers made to you.
"Can I help you?"
"Yes please. I'd like to know what time the train leaves."

"Can I help you?"

"No thanks, I'm just looking." (In a shop.)
"Shall I open the window for you?"
"Yes please. That would be very kind of you."
"Would you like another coffee?"
"No thanks." Or, "No thank you."
"Would you like another coffee?"
"Yes please, that would be lovely." Or, "Yes please, I'd love one."
"Would you like me to answer the phone?"
"If you wouldn't mind." Or, "If you could."
(Don't answer "Yes, I would", as this sounds like you expect someone to do it for you.)
"I'll do the photocopying, if you like."
"It's OK, I can do it." Or, "Don't worry, I'll do it.
"Or, "Thank you, that would be great."

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